The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Colin123 »

notorial dissent wrote:Is Pears as dim as some of this would suggest? Self defense??? Really???? for what was essentially trespass and breaking and entering. How do these people dress themselves each day?

The main post was removed, here is a snippet from another post

Russell Mcgarry WOW ladys please check out self defence,defending one person ,or defending ones property,,, its unlawful not to defend this, they defended Tom and Sues property because of the orders made by the royal courts of justice, which was ignored though cpr rulings 5.4.1,so as a unlawful order was ignord by the low courts in Nottingham, the 6 had lawful excuse. now claiming self defence, the cps now have to prove it wasn't self defence and what else was they their for ,,,,,,not for financial reward, not for nothing but the unlawful administrated of justice by the low courts,,,fact.
12 August at 22:17 · Like · 8

Mark P Conway of course there are lots of other self defense, when in court and you do not use a solicitor then you self defense
12 August at 22:17 · Like · 1

Andy Pears i understand that law is a minefield but i enjoy accelerated learning as i had to do this when i spent 6 years at uni doing my medical degree. im reading so you dont have to. cheers anyway. #the_solution_is_out_there
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

Colin123 wrote:
Skeleton wrote:
Colin123 wrote:Well, Andy Pears is clearly starting to realize the poop he is in, and has to resort to begging

Marie Reade
5 mins
Hi all I have been speaking to Andy pears as I am a witness to what happened that day he says he has been evicted from the group so can't gather as many witness statements as he can to support his case .
Andy is facing prison and we need to help him he came to support Tom Crawford from the goodness of his heart and we all ought to be supporting him in return .
Please let him back in the group .
Tom was not particularly forthcoming with advice when questioned about Andy Pears recently, why has he been "evicted" from the group?

He was ejected from the group for suggesting over and over, that the roof top 6 should use the defence of self defence at their trials
Self defence? good luck with that one! Im staggered that someone would actually suggest they were on the roof because they had to defend themselves, Does Andy bank with Weird bank per chance?
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by wanglepin »

Colin123 wrote:Well, Andy Pears is clearly starting to realize the poop he is in, and has to resort to begging
Marie Reade
5 min Andy is facing prison and we need to help him he came to support Tom Crawford from the goodness of his heart and we all ought to be supporting him in return .
Please let him back in the group .
Yes all this is very reminiscent of the Stephen (rusty) Aspinall. he was left to rot in prison (attempting to arrest a judge on the command of Roger Hayes, while Hayes enjoyed his Christmas at home with his family.
This is what Stephen 'rusty' had to say about Hayes:
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by zenpassedthetest » Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:52 pm

I would like to wish all of you, my fellow Rebels out there, who are enjoying your FREEDOM – A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2012!!!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you out there, who have NOT FORGOTTEN ME or the reason I am in here, being held in HMP Preston, UNLAWFULLY!

I also want to thank, my dad, girlfriend and all of my friends, from the bottom of my heart, for having made the effort, for taking the time to support me, by way of letters, Postal Orders, and Broadcasts. At least I know that there are a few of you out there who support and appreciate what I have done for ‘The Cause!’

I will never forget these individuals and I look forward to seeing each and everyone of you when I get released – to shake your hand and to give you each a hug.

I am now allowed Legal Visits from anybody I chose to appoint as a member of my Legal Team. We don’t have to have Legal Visits from only Registered Solicitors or Legal Firms anymore – which is a really great achievement. It took me a great deal of time and effort of me fighting and quoting “Equality of Arms” – in order to win and to have the right to be represented by ourselves and whoever else we choose! - If anyone else ends up in the same situation as me – then it means that they will also be able to do the same thing – So this effects us all!

Again, I ask everyone who’s been supporting me to please carry on contributing, the way you have. I thank you.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask all you other people out there to either make an effort to put pen to paper and write to me - to show me your support – or to please contribute £1 to my Appeal Fund which has been organised to help me and my daughter.

I have made a sacrifice for The Cause, which I did cos of my beliefs in what’s Right and what’s Wrong – but really I didn’t think about my Beautiful Darling Daughter, Georgia. She is 11 years old and has now got to spend 8 months minimum, without her daddy being there to support her, mentally, physically and financially.

She is a wonderful girl who is currently the Under 12’s –U.K National & Classical, Sequence, Ballroom Champion. – She is dedicated to her training and is a focused and disciplined, hard worker and athlete.

Here is a quote from the last letter I received from her – about my actions which led to me being parted from her, here in prison. “I am like a piece of paper – You scrunched me up. Then you smooth me out and say sorry, but do you notice there are still scars in the paper that you can’t smooth out! – That’s me!”

The time behind bars which I am doing has not only affected me – I made a conscious decision to “Take those actions and stand up for what I believe is RIGHT! – But my actions have had an effect on my daughter!

So I ask all you people out there who ‘Talk the Talk’ on your computers, to please think about me and my daughter and to please help us through these up-coming months – by any way that you can show your support.

I will leave you with these thoughts and I look forward to a POSITIVE response in the New Year, 2012, - than I have had over the last 4 months since I have been behind bars. OUT OF ALL OF YOU REBELS, OUT THERE, ONLY A FEW OF YOU HAVE MADE SOME KIND OF EFFORT – and there were HUNDREDS of people at Birkenhead in March this year – May I finally add that I haven’t even had any acknowledgement or even so much as a letter of support, from Roger Hayes or the British Constitution Group – The man who ORCHESTRATED the whole event in Birkenhead!!! That to me has shown a complete lack of gratitude or RESPECT! And that is how I feel at this moment! I will love you all and leave you for now – Hugs, Peace, Love and Happiness be with you all – Rusty the man – UP THE REBELLION!!!
Rusty Aspinall
A3513CG Aspinall
HMP Preston
2 Ribbleton lane
I wonder if Ceylon, O`Berk, Eberk and and just a complete berk Taylor will go along to support Andy?
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

Other than one snippet where he makes very little comment about this chaps predicament, Tom seems have said nothing to publicly support this chap. Above anyone else Tom should be at the court offering his support and he should be supporting him publicly now. He may well be in his secret little groups who knows. Having said that his own lies have led to his own son facing trial and Tom did nothing to prevent that so i am guessing he will see no problem leaving Pears to face the trial on his own, that to me is cowardly and callous.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

daveBeeston wrote: Thanks Tom I'm so far having a great weekend and just about to buy a Nightclub(maybe i'll offer you tickets to the opening night as long as you promise not to try and move in :lol: ).
I hope I'm on the guest list!
fat frank
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by fat frank »

Skeleton wrote:Other than one snippet where he makes very little comment about this chaps predicament, Tom seems have said nothing to publicly support this chap. Above anyone else Tom should be at the court offering his support and he should be supporting him publicly now. He may well be in his secret little groups who knows. Having said that his own lies have led to his own son facing trial and Tom did nothing to prevent that so i am guessing he will see no problem leaving Pears to face the trial on his own, that to me is cowardly and callous.
the crawfords are users, once someone is looking at jail time he isn't bothered, as they cant help them,
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Tom Crawford wrote:
Here is my song for the weekend to you and this is the way I live my life
Interesting to hear Craig's contribution at 1.33
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Colin123 »

And here we have the Freeman take on the wrongs of the eviction

Tom Crawford shared Andy Freeman's post.
1 hr

Andy Freeman
Eviction the fraud of the bank- NOT!

Dont know how i got on this page, but its fucking annoying that people can attack a man in such a way. This is what I wrote. The people should not be fighting each other

The Bank have lost nothing, gave nothing but a bit of time for paperwork and they are as corrupt as you can get. I dont see anything here that proves Tom is a lair. Am i supposed to believe that the judicial system is working? cause thats the biggest load of bollocks I have heard in a while. The whole system is corrupt and fucked, not everyone in it, but the system itself and the big wigs who control it. Just look at the world to see this. Tom should have his home that the bank have made shit loads of promissory notes from Toms hard work as well as bonding the mortgage. I dont care who ha said what, the facts speak, Bank gave very very little and have received a serious amount of money from tom and floating or bonding the mortgage to, a very serious amount of profit, even over 25 years, the court and legal teams have made money from it an done fuc all, Tom has worked and paid for 25 years. This is fundamentally wrong and those that think it aint are some screwed up fucs. As for crimes, lets look at the MPs, police and the rest of them, bankers to, pedos all running around for years raping and pillaging from the mass;s, whilst Tom is a wanker to those on here, you diss his family the whole money system, judicial system, political system is a fucking lie! Hypocrites extreme, those who diss Tom and his family.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

Colin123 wrote:I dont see anything here that proves Tom is a lair.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by AndyPandy »

Colin123 wrote:And here we have the Freeman take on the wrongs of the eviction

Tom Crawford shared Andy Freeman's post.
1 hr

Andy Freeman
Eviction the fraud of the bank- NOT!

Dont know how i got on this page, but its fucking annoying that people can attack a man in such a way. This is what I wrote. The people should not be fighting each other

The Bank have lost nothing, gave nothing but a bit of time for paperwork and they are as corrupt as you can get. I dont see anything here that proves Tom is a lair. Am i supposed to believe that the judicial system is working? cause thats the biggest load of bollocks I have heard in a while. The whole system is corrupt and fucked, not everyone in it, but the system itself and the big wigs who control it. Just look at the world to see this. Tom should have his home that the bank have made shit loads of promissory notes from Toms hard work as well as bonding the mortgage. I dont care who ha said what, the facts speak, Bank gave very very little and have received a serious amount of money from tom and floating or bonding the mortgage to, a very serious amount of profit, even over 25 years, the court and legal teams have made money from it an done fuc all, Tom has worked and paid for 25 years. This is fundamentally wrong and those that think it aint are some screwed up fucs. As for crimes, lets look at the MPs, police and the rest of them, bankers to, pedos all running around for years raping and pillaging from the mass;s, whilst Tom is a wanker to those on here, you diss his family the whole money system, judicial system, political system is a fucking lie! Hypocrites extreme, those who diss Tom and his family.
These people are truly moronic, YES Tom might have worked 25 years and paid (most) of the interest on his mortgage BECAUSE hey, that's what he agreed to do. He also agreed to repay the capital at the end of the 25 year period.

No one forced him to make that agreement, he did it of his own free will and volition! Once he signed that agreement he put himself under the Jurisdiction of the Courts of England & Wales to enforce the terms of said agreement should either party fail to meet the conditions and that's exactly what they did ! :beatinghorse:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

Colin123 wrote:And here we have the Freeman take on the wrongs of the eviction

Tom Crawford shared Andy Freeman's post.
1 hr

Andy Freeman
Eviction the fraud of the bank- NOT!

Dont know how i got on this page, but its fucking annoying that people can attack a man in such a way. This is what I wrote. The people should not be fighting each other

The Bank have lost nothing, gave nothing but a bit of time for paperwork and they are as corrupt as you can get. I dont see anything here that proves Tom is a lair. Am i supposed to believe that the judicial system is working? cause thats the biggest load of bollocks I have heard in a while. The whole system is corrupt and fucked, not everyone in it, but the system itself and the big wigs who control it. Just look at the world to see this. Tom should have his home that the bank have made shit loads of promissory notes from Toms hard work as well as bonding the mortgage. I dont care who ha said what, the facts speak, Bank gave very very little and have received a serious amount of money from tom and floating or bonding the mortgage to, a very serious amount of profit, even over 25 years, the court and legal teams have made money from it an done fuc all, Tom has worked and paid for 25 years. This is fundamentally wrong and those that think it aint are some screwed up fucs. As for crimes, lets look at the MPs, police and the rest of them, bankers to, pedos all running around for years raping and pillaging from the mass;s, whilst Tom is a wanker to those on here, you diss his family the whole money system, judicial system, political system is a fucking lie! Hypocrites extreme, those who diss Tom and his family.
You know what really annoys me about these people when they start there the bank has lost nothing, the system is corrupt, Tom paid a lot of money etc etc etc. The very same people if they lent you a tenner and you quoted these as reasons not to pay it back would gather their mob and using violence as a means of first resort take 20 off you instead. They know exactly what the value of money is and they know exactly what they owe, there just low life's trying to get out of paying back what they agreed to. This chaps rant reminds me of the fella who would not pay his Councul Tax then got the arse because they stopped his Council Tax benefit!!

BTW Andy if you are reading this you don't see anything that shows Tom lied on your normal haunts, because those posts are removed and the posters ejected from the group. It comes as something of a shock i take it when you open your eyes to realise that their are many openly accusing Tom of lieing and they have the evidence to back it up.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by letissier14 »

I think this sums up the Crawfords perfectly

I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by letissier14 »

One of the main arguments I hear from Toms supporters time and time again, is that he paid 3 times the cost of the house over 27 years - so how is that fair????

So lets put it a different way.

A friend of mine has rented a 1 bedroom flat in West London for the last 26 years. He started off paying rent of approx £400 per month. He currently pays approx £900 per month in rent.

So lets be really really generous and just say he paid £500 per month across the whole time he has rented the flat.

£500pm x 12 months = £6,000pa. .... £6,000pa x 26 years = £156,000 total rent paid.

Can my friend now stop paying his rent and claim the house as his??? of course he can't as it was never his house in the first place, just like Toms house was never his until the capital was paid back. He was basically paying rent.

And before they say..... oh, but that's private rent.... My brother is a council tenant and pays £127pw rent for his property. £127 pw x 52 weeks = £6,604 per annum. Now if he stays there for next 25 years that will work out 25 x £6,604 = £165,100 and that is if the rent doesn't increase over the next 25 years.

So please, can someone tell me how Tom is being treated unfairly?????? I've paid more that in rent and mortgage payments over the same period.
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Pox »

Colin123 wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Is Pears as dim as some of this would suggest? Self defense??? Really???? for what was essentially trespass and breaking and entering. How do these people dress themselves each day?

The main post was removed, here is a snippet from another post

Russell Mcgarry WOW ladys please check out self defence,defending one person ,or defending ones property,,, its unlawful not to defend this, they defended Tom and Sues property because of the orders made by the royal courts of justice, which was ignored though cpr rulings 5.4.1,so as a unlawful order was ignord by the low courts in Nottingham, the 6 had lawful excuse. now claiming self defence, the cps now have to prove it wasn't self defence and what else was they their for ,,,,,,not for financial reward, not for nothing but the unlawful administrated of justice by the low courts,,,fact.
12 August at 22:17 · Like · 8

Mark P Conway of course there are lots of other self defense, when in court and you do not use a solicitor then you self defense
12 August at 22:17 · Like · 1

Andy Pears i understand that law is a minefield but i enjoy accelerated learning as i had to do this when i spent 6 years at uni doing my medical degree. im reading so you dont have to. cheers anyway. #the_solution_is_out_there
Have I misunderstood or is Andy Pears saying that he has a medical degree?

I know the NHS is short of medics but surely not that desperate?
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by PeterPan »

Pox wrote:
Have I misunderstood or is Andy Pears saying that he has a medical degree?

I know the NHS is short of medics but surely not that desperate?
I was wondering the same.... It is surely impossible!!
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by letissier14 »

Pox wrote:
Have I misunderstood or is Andy Pears saying that he has a medical degree?

I know the NHS is short of medics but surely not that desperate?
Apparently he is an immunology scientist
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Pox »

letissier14 wrote:
Pox wrote:
Have I misunderstood or is Andy Pears saying that he has a medical degree?

I know the NHS is short of medics but surely not that desperate?
Apparently he is an immunology scientist
Yeah right! :x
No doubt I will be proved wrong and will have to eat Tom's hat.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bones »

Pox wrote:
letissier14 wrote:
Pox wrote:
Have I misunderstood or is Andy Pears saying that he has a medical degree?

I know the NHS is short of medics but surely not that desperate?
Apparently he is an immunology scientist
Yeah right! :x
No doubt I will be proved wrong and will have to eat Tom's hat.
Is that hat for eat in or takeaway ?

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by PeterPan »

Surely a biomedical scientist wouldn't have a medicine degree....?
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by LocalResident »

PeterPan wrote:Surely a biomedical scientist wouldn't have a medicine degree....?
Level of education
Biomedical scientists typically obtain bachelor of science usually take postgraduate studies diploma, master or (PhD, DSc, DPhil, etc.) This degree is necessary for faculty positions at academic institutions, as well as senior scientist positions at most companies. Some biomedical scientists also possess a medical degree (MD, DO, MBBS, etc.) in addition to an academic degree.