Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Ooooh, interesting. That absolute fruitloop Susan Herbert (the one who announced she single-handedly crashed the dollar and is taking everyone under the sun to court) has turned on Peter in the FB comments, if she was an ally in the first place. Kinda hard to know what she's raving about.
Peter you are full of it...if I can give you everything you claim you want, if I can beat Were Bank with actual value, and the only thing you gotta do is issue that note and some checks in my name without any money - profit - exchanging hands then why aren't you willing? This makes you just as bad as ppl like the Warburgs. You say one thing but then your actions directly contradict your words. Pretending I don't exist will not help either as you don't have the authority to stop the case from proceeding...what are you gonna do when I blow the whistle on you? Absolutely nothing, that's what. Now: you make good on your promise or else the whole world will know "liar".
No idea what any of that means and the comment will probably be deleted by the morning, but I do like it when two mentalists go at each other. Problem for Peter is, unlike the rest of his sheep, this one is mad enough to get a real vengeance complex and probably won't leave him alone.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

Pox wrote:Someone facing eviction due to rent arrears.
He/she tried the were route but it didn't work! ... 87&t=91417
Having worked in a Benefits Department the OP is not missing bits out, he is bare face lying, he knows exactly why his benefits have been stopped because he will have been told. Even if they have been stopped because he is under investigation by the Council's fraud department for issuing a fraudulent cheque, he would be told. Benefits are not simply stopped with no reason given, despite the claims on GOODF they are, you may not like the reason, but you are always given one.

The other thing that strikes me about that thread is how these people prioritise things in their lives, the most important thing for them appears to be, making sure all the free things such as benefits etc are in payment, closely followed by trying to squirm out of anything that needs to be paid for. Getting a job, your own home, a decent car etc are not even mentioned, most sad.

Blaming everyone else for their situation is bog standard, the "professional" benefit claimants see benefit as a right that they are entitled to, they see no reason to prove they are looking for work because they have no intention of working. There are even video's on YT of them going into Benefit Offices and complaining they have to attend interviews to discuss their work situation.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:Ooooh, interesting. That absolute fruitloop Susan Herbert (the one who announced she single-handedly crashed the dollar and is taking everyone under the sun to court) has turned on Peter in the FB comments, if she was an ally in the first place. Kinda hard to know what she's raving about.
Peter you are full of it...if I can give you everything you claim you want, if I can beat Were Bank with actual value, and the only thing you gotta do is issue that note and some checks in my name without any money - profit - exchanging hands then why aren't you willing? This makes you just as bad as ppl like the Warburgs. You say one thing but then your actions directly contradict your words. Pretending I don't exist will not help either as you don't have the authority to stop the case from proceeding...what are you gonna do when I blow the whistle on you? Absolutely nothing, that's what. Now: you make good on your promise or else the whole world will know "liar".
No idea what any of that means and the comment will probably be deleted by the morning, but I do like it when two mentalists go at each other. Problem for Peter is, unlike the rest of his sheep, this one is mad enough to get a real vengeance complex and probably won't leave him alone.
She is questioning the need for her to pay him real money to Join WeRe Bank. In fact she is directly challenging him to allow her to join for free, and is complaining Peter won't answer her. The woman is as mad as a box of frogs though, she could be asking for directions to the nearest Mcdonalds, who knows.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by wanglepin »

Skeleton wrote: ... 87&t=91417

Having worked in a Benefits Department the OP is not missing bits out, he is bare face lying,
I am quite amazed how quite they are over in goofsville concerning the person in your link Skeleton.
Ceylon and Sycophant Sallie are unusually silent.
This goofer in the link below Assasin claims to be a contract lawyer and deals especially in Benefits and has helped a few people, but he too has steered well clear thus far.
This was one of his success’. ... d_0aTTF98F
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

wanglepin" wrote:
Skeleton wrote: ... 87&t=91417
Having worked in a Benefits Department the OP is not missing bits out, he is bare face lying,
I am quite amazed how quite they are over in goofsville concerning the person in your link Skeleton.
Ceylon and Sycophant Sallie are unusually silent.
This goofer in the link below Assasin claims to be a contract lawyer and deals especially in Benefits and has helped a few people, but he too has steered well clear thus far.
This was one of his success’. ... d_0aTTF98F
I will give goofer's credit for one thing and i have seen it a couple of times on that forum, they do not like liars, they either call them out or just ignore them.

For those that do not know, Benefit Law in the UK is very complicated, constantly changing and very much open to interpretation. How one Council will interrupt one rule may be interrupted completely differently by another Council. There is even a "bible" privately produced every year that Council's use to try and work out Benefit Law.

Everyone claims Child Benefit in the UK and Tax Credits are available on sliding scale dependent on your household income so no issue there, but he also says he is not working but was only in receipt of housing and council tax benefit which have been stopped he says with no reason given. He must be on another benefit such as Jobseekers Allowance unless of course that has been stopped prior to this. He also does know why they have stopped the benefits because by law he has to be told they are being stopped and why. The good people of Goofy land also know this.

The few die hard's that have replied to him are as usual seemingly hell bent on helping him get evicted.

Of which
From what I can see your best shot is to meet this head on, what have you got to lose, backing down from your were bank method of payment will end it loss of your home, I think you need to stand firm on this and insist that the payment has been made, if they don't except it then its their problem and stick to it...
Is a particularly fine example of exactly how not to do it. "What has he got to lose?" His home you half-wit!!!!!! :brickwall:

What he needs to do as we all know is start telling the truth, admit he has been conned, report Weird Bank and POE to Action Fraud and armed with that Crime Reference number, seek proper legal advice to begin negotiating with his landlord and Housing Association a realistic repayment plan using real money, to start re-paying his arrears and stave off the threat of eviction.
He then needs to go his Council and admit using a Weird Bank Cheque to pay off his Council Tax was a really stupid thing to do, arrange to restart payments with real money and could he pretty please have his benefits switched back on, because i have little doubt that's why they were switched off in the first place.

Trouble is it being goofyland, anyone who points out the sensible way forward to him will make themselves instantly unpopular and highly likely to be banned, it is simply not the way they do things.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by mufc1959 »

Apparently WeRe cheques no longer need to be presented by the payee in order to clear! What a miraculous system this is! I sent you a cheque, you just look at it and go "oh, okay, this seems legit. I'll zero out your mortgage account." What I want to know is why all the other real banks haven't thought of this, it'd make life so much easier than having to, you know, pay for stuff using actual money.


(With grateful thanks to the WeRe member who is keeping me in the loop on what's going on over there.)
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Skeleton wrote: She is questioning the need for her to pay him real money to Join WeRe Bank. In fact she is directly challenging him to allow her to join for free, and is complaining Peter won't answer her. The woman is as mad as a box of frogs though, she could be asking for directions to the nearest Mcdonalds, who knows.
Ah yes, I think you've nailed it. That makes more sense reading back over it.

Sorry, it was 3:30AM when I first clocked it and my abilities to decipher insane/inane ramblings were long since gone!

I get the impression that if we lived in a world without the Internet, she'd be writing all this stuff on the interior wall of a lunatic asylum with her own faeces. Her FB profile is the nuttiest I've seen in quite some time, and that's saying something for this lot.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by wanglepin »

wanglepin wrote: This was one of his success’. ... d_0aTTF98F
Skeleton wrote:[I will give goofer's credit for one thing and i have seen it a couple of times on that forum, they do not like liars, they either call them out or just ignore them.
Sorry to disappoint you Skeleton but the two posters showing Assassin up for what he is (a deluded nobhead) were both me. Yes, I was banned a third time. Twice on that thread alone.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

wanglepin wrote:
wanglepin wrote: This was one of his success’. ... d_0aTTF98F
Skeleton wrote:[I will give goofer's credit for one thing and i have seen it a couple of times on that forum, they do not like liars, they either call them out or just ignore them.
Sorry to disappoint you Skeleton but the two posters showing Assassin up for what he is (a deluded nobhead) were both me. Yes, I was banned a third time. Twice on that thread alone.
OIC, i was referring more to the lack of rush to reply to help him. If you keep getting banned, you need to practice your "oick" phraseology and how not to spell. :)
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
Skeleton wrote: She is questioning the need for her to pay him real money to Join WeRe Bank. In fact she is directly challenging him to allow her to join for free, and is complaining Peter won't answer her. The woman is as mad as a box of frogs though, she could be asking for directions to the nearest Mcdonalds, who knows.
Ah yes, I think you've nailed it. That makes more sense reading back over it.

Sorry, it was 3:30AM when I first clocked it and my abilities to decipher insane/inane ramblings were long since gone!

I get the impression that if we lived in a world without the Internet, she'd be writing all this stuff on the interior wall of a lunatic asylum with her own faeces. Her FB profile is the nuttiest I've seen in quite some time, and that's saying something for this lot.
Wow, your right i knew she was nuts but dear me, she wants the County Boundary of FL drawn for what reason? I had stop reading after 2 paragraphs.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Hercule Parrot »

wanglepin wrote:Sorry to disappoint you Skeleton but the two posters showing Assassin up for what he is (a deluded nobhead) were both me.
Asinine is a total Walter Mitty, he posts a constant dribble of self-glorifying stories about his imaginary victories.

Like the time he persuaded a High Court jury to order a £75m commercial lien, running rings around the other party's barrister by transferring the proceedings into Common Law ("I looked at the judge, he looked at me, and we both struggled not to burst out into laughter"). ... 27#p183127

People started asking questions, like when did juries become involved with High Court hearings and why wasn't this case listed or published anywhere? And how come such a huge OCPA VICTORY!!111!! wasn't being reported in the Law Gazette etc. Gradually it became clear that he had invented the whole thing.

Other GOOFy regulars have sussed him out now, even Haining won't fall for it - ... 80#p267380
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bones »

Hercule Parrot wrote: Asinine is a total Walter Mitty, he posts a constant dribble of self-glorifying stories about his imaginary victories.
Imaginary victories - that sounds awfully familiar - not related to Tom or Mark Haining is he ?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bones »

Looks like Peter's side gig as mystic Meg is over before it began


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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Looks like Peter's side gig as mystic Meg is over before it began
HAHAHA That's priceless!

In other news:
Hi folks sent 6 months subscription and set up fee to WeRe bank on 30/06/15 - so far no cheque this usual?
You tell us, Anthony! Is it usual to pay nearly £100 upfront for a chequebook and, having still not received it for two months later, you can't seem to get an answer out of the 'bank'?

Sure. Sounds legit.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I have a personal cheque book account with a High Street bank. They send me cheque books free of charge. They don't charge me ten pounds per month to have the account, in fact they pay me five pounds a month as long as I stay in credit. But what is even more strange is that every time I pay someone with a cheque I don't have to first get clearance from my bank before I send it nor do I ever have the payee chasing me after they have received the cheque claiming that I still owe them the money. Strange eh?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by longdog »

rumpelstilzchen wrote: in fact they pay me five pounds a month as long as I stay in credit.
Yes... five pounds in toxic, worthless debt notes :?

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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by wanglepin »

Hercule Parrot wrote: Other GOOFy regulars have sussed him out now, even Haining won't fall for it - ... 80#p267380
No, Haining wuldn't fall for it. but he is more than happy as are the mods to sit back, turn a blind eye and let that nobhead Assasin spout pure lies. Anyone challenging him simply gets banned. I did twice on that thread alone.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

longdog wrote:
Yes... five pounds in toxic, worthless debt notes :?
Toxic, worthless debt notes indeed. However, having given the matter some considerable thought, I would say that I find it preferable that the bank pays me five toxic, worthless debt notes each month rather than me having to pay the bank ten toxic, worthless debt notes per month as in the case of the WeRe bank. Another consideration is that, as I mentioned, every time I send a cheque the payee never hassles me for further payment. Receiving five toxic, worthless debt notes each month is a small price to pay for knowing there will no further demands made against me so I am happy to suffer the discomfort I experience each time my account is credited with those five toxic, worthless debt notes. The alternative would be to pay ten toxic, worthless debt notes each month to the WeRe bank. Admittedly a WeRe bank account does come with the added bonus that would guarantee every payee would continue to persue me for payment which, I must confess, could be considered by some as a plus point, an attraction if you like. Paying to ensure continuous harassment could possibly be money well spent so, as you can see, it was a difficult choice to make and it did require a lot of thought. I only hope I made the right choice.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Hercule Parrot »

wanglepin wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote: Other GOOFy regulars have sussed him out now, even Haining won't fall for it - ... 80#p267380
No, Haining wuldn't fall for it. but he is more than happy as are the mods to sit back, turn a blind eye and let that nobhead Assasin spout pure lies.
Of course. Asinine provides a high volume of 'greedy idiot bait'. His posts have a recurrent theme of defeating the Police, councils, courts, banks by using audacious OCPA tactics. That's catnip for the fools who drift into GOOFy hoping for a way to welsh on their debts. He might be a lying braggart, but he hooks the punters.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

Bones wrote:Looks like Peter's side gig as mystic Meg is over before it began


Didn't he trade in derivatives at one time?