pigpot's Pot

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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by vampireLOREN »

Why does anyone bother?. :beatinghorse:
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

pigpot wrote: No one claimed I was "NG3"
Correct. No one did. But you said they did.
You wrote:
So now, according to form "pigpot" is Dean Clifford AND NG3.
So that begs the question if you knew no one claimed you are NG3 why did you make out that someone had?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by daveBeeston »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
pigpot wrote: No one claimed I was "NG3"
Correct. No one did. But you said they did.
You wrote:
So now, according to form "pigpot" is Dean Clifford AND NG3.
So that begs the question if you knew no one claimed you are NG3 why did you make out that someone had?
Its quite simple why he/she/it(no offence intended i have no desire to read through all the posts to confirm if your gender has been confirmed pigpot)made that statement and that was to get a response which worked.

I really am amazed that you guys have allowed yourselves to be taken in and participate in this frankly mind numbing thread.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by NG3 »

daveBeeston wrote: I really am amazed that you guys have allowed yourselves to be taken in and participate in this frankly mind numbing thread.
On any other thread he'd have been removed for trolling by now, but pigpot's pen is sort of like the Quatloos toilet. It's full of crap.

I suspect rumpelstilzchen, like myself, was stuck online for other reasons & like me was bored & figured to waste time laughing at the $1CAD coin...
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

NG3 wrote:
I suspect rumpelstilzchen, like myself, was stuck online for other reasons & like me was bored & figured to waste time laughing at the $1CAD coin...
I was sitting outside eating a Scotch egg. I have another hand that was doing nothing so I thought I would play with our chew toy.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by vampireLOREN »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
NG3 wrote:
I suspect rumpelstilzchen, like myself, was stuck online for other reasons & like me was bored & figured to waste time laughing at the $1CAD coin...
I was sitting outside eating a Scotch egg. I have another hand that was doing nothing so I thought I would play with our chew toy.
I get it....I really do, but it might even be more fun to let him type away and not even acknowledge it :thinking:
If I visit his thread its only to read the replies.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by eric »

daveBeeston wrote: I really am amazed that you guys have allowed yourselves to be taken in and participate in this frankly mind numbing thread.
Many of Mister Pot's (I won't sully the noble porcine species by associating their name with him) stream of consciousness ramblings remind me of those sad folks living on the streets. You ask them a simple question such as "what's for supper at the street kitchen?" and you are treated to a fifteen minute response outlining their personal history, how to make soup, and any good songs they may have heard 5 years ago. Just a total waste of time unless you van get them temporarily back on track with bribes of cigarettes and malt liquor. It's a good thing that the mods are putting the majority of his postings here since I can only handle so much before I am forced to start drinking cheap beverages myself to forget..... :mouthshut:
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Re: Gavin Marsich - KIWI Freeman & Usurious Payday Loan Lender

Post by hardcopy »

pigpot wrote:The thing is you "guys" like the idea that what IS now Is "Law" and "Order" but "It's" not... "It's" "bullsh1t". "It's" a criminal class trying "their" hardest to control a bunch of people that would destroy this idea of "rule" in seconds. "It's" coming people... and "It's" not too far away. I won't say thankfully as I am unaware of the outcome though it will be a different one from this. "B.O." can try and ban all the weapons he wants but the fact of the matter is "they" will exist outside of him or it.

Just saying. That's all. Matter of fact. :|
Has anyone ever said that you should be a lawyer ?...you present your case with clarity and intelligence, its so easy to grasp your points. I can easily see how you have helped loads of people with this approach. Peace
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Re: Gavin Marsich - KIWI Freeman & Usurious Payday Loan Lender

Post by arayder »

hardcopy wrote:
pigpot wrote:The thing is you "guys" like the idea that what IS now Is "Law" and "Order" but "It's" not... "It's" "bullsh1t". "It's" a criminal class trying "their" hardest to control a bunch of people that would destroy this idea of "rule" in seconds. "It's" coming people... and "It's" not too far away. I won't say thankfully as I am unaware of the outcome though it will be a different one from this. "B.O." can try and ban all the weapons he wants but the fact of the matter is "they" will exist outside of him or it.

Just saying. That's all. Matter of fact. :|
Has anyone ever said that you should be a lawyer ?...you present your case with clarity and intelligence, its so easy to grasp your points. I can easily see how you have helped loads of people with this approach. Peace
Pig Pot is the reason society has laws. The revolution Pig Pot dreams about has about as much basis in reality as his delusional belief that he's in charge of the court when prosecutors haul him before the judge for drunk driving.

The people aren't going to rise up and revolt so as to let the irresponsible make the rules. If there is anything to be worried about it is that the people will become fearful that the self-centered, irresponsible and uneducated have been cut too much slack and insist that the cops and the courts ruthlessly clamp down on his sort.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

As of today, pigpot has still not said anything worthwhile, or made any assertions which are verifiable. At this point, I would have to guess that, since he has yet to change that, it is much more likely that Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders will run for President on the same Independent ticket, than it is of pigpot ever saying anything worth more than a second or two of our attention.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Dr. Caligari »

In lieu of banning him, couldn't we just change his screen name slightly, to the more appropriate "Piss Pot"? :lol:
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Re: Gavin Marsich - KIWI Freeman & Usurious Payday Loan Lender

Post by NG3 »

arayder wrote: Pig Pot is the reason society has laws. The revolution Pig Pot dreams about has about as much basis in reality as his delusional belief that he's in charge of the court when prosecutors haul him before the judge for drunk driving.
To the mind of a deluded man it is not because he is feckless, delusional and immature that he fails in life, to the mind of a deluded man it is because the powers that be have conspired to hold him down, therefore he believes that if you destroy the state, and create a power vacuum, that when that void is filled the new powers that be will recognise his brilliance and instantly reward him by making him the sort of people he despises today.
arayder wrote:The people aren't going to rise up and revolt so as to let the irresponsible make the rules. If there is anything to be worried about it is that the people will become fearful that the self-centered, irresponsible and uneducated have been cut too much slack and insist that the cops and the courts ruthlessly clamp down on his sort.
As I told pigsy earlier the sad irony of it all is that the very people he gets off on are the very sort of people who would be most likely to cause people to harden policies on law and order, thus achieving the very opposite of what he claims to wish for.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by AndyK »

Dr. Caligari wrote:In lieu of banning him, couldn't we just change his screen name slightly, to the more appropriate "Piss Pot"? :lol:

And my sincere apologies to members of the porcine species; all of whom seem to exhibit a significantly higher level of intelligence than does the troll du jour.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Pox »

Dr. Caligari wrote:In lieu of banning him, couldn't we just change his screen name slightly, to the more appropriate "Piss Pot"? :lol:
Maybe just ignore him?
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dr. Caligari wrote:In lieu of banning him, couldn't we just change his screen name slightly, to the more appropriate "Piss Pot"? :lol:
I have, with great difficulty, been holding back on hanging that exact moniker on him, because a "pisspot" is exactly where his (ahahaha) "ideas" belong.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by The Observer »

Dr. Caligari wrote:In lieu of banning him, couldn't we just change his screen name slightly, to the more appropriate "Piss Pot"? :lol:
Why would you ruin a perfectly good pot of piss by naming pigpot after it?
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by pigpot »

The Observer wrote:
Dr. Caligari wrote:In lieu of banning him, couldn't we just change his screen name slightly, to the more appropriate "Piss Pot"? :lol:
Why would you ruin a perfectly good pot of piss by naming pigpot after it?
Exactly... AND I agree. SOOOOOO moving on from the pot of perfectly good piss. I, unlike some have no ego to bruise. Cry babies eh! :naughty: No time for them... anywho. I came upon this over on Ickes site quoted here below and I'd like the legal eagles thoughts upon it please as in how it all works doesn't work in the legal world. Forget the lawful one as that is also rubbish real.

https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=297331 Obligations are not expectations. So how does this work. Has Deano used this before. I don't know that's why I'm asking.
Wanna know what isn't found in the statutes or decisions? The obligation to be identified as the legal name with the status of personhood where no crime has been committed. I challenge you to find it. Look through statutes, look through decisions. Best of luck to you and remember, courts have jurisdiction over persons only. The evidence you provide must explicitly imply that which I believe does not exist in the commonwealth. I'm not talking about crime, I'm talking about legal status.

Honestly, I really want to see it for myself. I've been looking for years for the evidence I need to prove to myself that I must be part of the machine. If you can do this I promise that I will restart filing taxes and be a good little robot from this point on and you can be proud in knowing that you corralled this one.
Go for it legal people. :wink:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by NG3 »

pigpot wrote: Honestly, I really want to see it for myself. I've been looking for years for the evidence I need to prove to myself that I must be part of the machine.
He is under no obligation to be part of "the machine", he can renounce his citizenship and move to a different country and voilà, he is free of "the machine".

However whilst he remains in the country, regardless of citizenship, he is subject to the law of the land, as every good freemen should know.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

pigpot wrote:
Wanna know what isn't found in the statutes or decisions? The obligation to be identified as the legal name with the status of personhood where no crime has been committed. I challenge you to find it. Look through statutes, look through decisions. Best of luck to you and remember, courts have jurisdiction over persons only. The evidence you provide must explicitly imply that which I believe does not exist in the commonwealth. I'm not talking about crime, I'm talking about legal status.
This is the classic "shifting the burden" logical fallacy. He is the one who is fantasizing about obligation to be identified as the legal name (shades of DMVP), the status of personhood, and the jurisdiction of courts over persons only; but yet he and his acolytes (we're looking at you, pigpot) are demanding that, rather than them having to prove that their assertions are correct, WE must prove them wrong.

That ain't how it works, Folks.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by pigpot »

NG3 wrote:
pigpot wrote: Honestly, I really want to see it for myself. I've been looking for years for the evidence I need to prove to myself that I must be part of the machine.
He is under no obligation to be part of "the machine", he can renounce his citizenship and move to a different country and voilà, he is free of "the machine".

However whilst he remains in the country, regardless of citizenship, he is subject to the law of the land, as every good freemen should know.
Part one, you quoted it as if I had written it. Part two, I hadn't written it. Part three.... WHAT REALLY. I like fun and games but this is way out of wack. Anyway which out of the options you suggest I move to if I don't like "their" laws. I'll still be confronted by "laws". Ever heard of the phrase, "There for the Grace of God go I", and although I don't agree with or condone religious sh1te it does resonate with me somewhat.

No-one asked to be born in a war torn "Country" and it is not surely there decision to accept a passport. They don't have a decision according to current form. So that's it for them and that's that for you. So don't be surprised when they come looking for a better place to live. It maybe you're back yard. Who knows? :|
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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