UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by littleFred »

I hope she reviews the video and actually listens to what she says, eg to the police:
"So you understand that these people have been issued with a commercial lien for the dishonour of a breach of contract because there was no contract."
If there is no contract then there can be no breach of contract.

I understand people not wanting pre-paid meters or smart meters or whatever. But Neelu goes about it all wrong. The way to avoid pre-paid meters is to pay one's bills.

But Neelu goes into a massive rage spouting OPCA junk that, even to her, must be clearly wrong.

If there is no contract then there cannot be any breach of contract.

Sadly, she doesn't say whether the police kicked her out when the workmen were finished. I have a feeling the male constable knew who she was.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

littleFred wrote:But Neelu goes into a massive rage spouting OPCA junk that, even to her, must be clearly wrong.
Neelu is too far gone to be able to apply any logic or reason to anything she says or does. She appears to be suffering from a fairly severe delusional mental illness. However, as said upthread because she is generally not a danger to herself or others, she is unlikely to be treated for it. The problem with this kind of illness is that the sufferer has no perception that there is any kind of problem. Indeed, they often think that it is those that don't share their beliefs that have the problem. Even given her impending court case for harassment of church staff and for an attempt to interfere with a witness that is unlikely to change.

However, if further proof were needed then see the attached. Call for supporters to attend Holborn Police Station tomorrow where she is required to attend an interview in relation to her arrest at Hampstead Christ Church and subsequent arrests in relation to allegations of an attempt to intimidate a witness.

An application to the High Court requesting an Order "That all public servants must act with honour at all times in public office in a notarised affidavit of truth and honour under uniform commercial code or be removed from office immediately" ... pstead.pdf

Transcripts of four hearings (in reverse chronological order). The first two from September 2014 and March 2015 broadly relating to the unfortunate death of her niece but more specifically to the action by her sister's solicitors to recover unpaid fees. The second and third hearings from May 2015 are in relation to the above application to the High Court.

Also, a link to a YouTube video shot outside the Royal Courts of Justice after the last hearing.

The most likely and useful outcome (indeed it's surprising that it hasn't already happened) is that Neelu is declared a "vexatious litigant" and prevented from wasting any more of the court's time on her delusions. What is somewhat frightening is that there are so many people that have similar beliefs, as can be seen from the photograph of Neelu with her supporters which includes Ray Shaw who posted the video pleading for people to set aside their "indifferences" to support Sabine McNeill.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Daft Ada »

Well hello.
I have been a "lurker" for a while and thought it was about time I joined up so that I could contribute.

I have been following this thread and what can I say that has not been said before - probably not a lot.

In my personal view, I think poor Neelu needs some help and fast before she ends up facing another "Kidnap" ordeal and is forced to wear a little white coat with buckles down the back and no sleeve holes.

It is only a matter of time before she hurts someone or someone else and the fact that she has not done so yet says to me that either she is not as crazy as she makes out or is in the process of creating some alternate personality that can be blamed for anything she sees fit.
Can alternate personalities levy fines?

I was reading something yesterday about her repeated attempts to submit a "Freedom of Information request" and the answers that were coming back from the Met.
I'll try and find the link and post it up.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Normal Wisdom wrote:Transcripts of four hearings (in reverse chronological order). The first two from September 2014 and March 2015 broadly relating to the unfortunate death of her niece but more specifically to the action by her sister's solicitors to recover unpaid fees. The second and third hearings from May 2015 are in relation to the above application to the High Court.
The end is in sight -

The order is going to state that if Miss Berry brings any further applications of this sort or of any sort which are unsuccessful, then consideration will have to be given by the next judge to make an appropriate civil restraint order. Now, that is an order with draconian consequences and means that the permission of a high court judge would have to be obtained in the future. I should make clear that I am not making an order on this occasion but I am giving a very strong warning to Miss Berry that if she comes here again with an application of this sort, a civil restraint order is likely to be made
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

That web-page ( is a hoot.

There are too many good bits to quote but a basic summary*.

10 - Neeloony: "I want X, Y and Z"
20 - Judge: "No"
30 - Neeloony; "I arrest you for treason and here's a commercial lien for unmptysquillion pounds"
40 - Judge: "Clear the court!"
50 - GOTO 10

*See what I did there?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

I clicked on a few of the rabbit holes and tumbled into a world of crazy.

I'm used to reading transcripts of cases, usually quite dry and boring but these are just great.

Neelu wants a judgement on these lines but if you read them they actually make no sense. Well, actually if she had written it correctly it would still have made no sense.
“That all public servants must undertake to act with honour at all times in public office in a notarised affidavit of truth and honour and the Uniform Commercial Code will be removed from office immediately.”
I think she means "...Code or will be removed...." but the usual stream of consciousness spewing from her pen evidently blocks and blinds proper revision.

The Honourable Mr. Justice Jay, patience and restraint oozing from every pore makes the not unreasonable observation that public servants already have such an obligation;
that what is sought here insofar as one can make any sense of it is an order that public servants comply with their public duties. Well, they owe duties to do that in any event, not as it happens under any of the provisions which are relied on by Miss Berry.
Next he gets down to the serious business of puncturing Neelu's bubble;
This application is completely misconceived, it is totally without merit. We have spent 45 minutes on it which, frankly, is overly generous.
That should surely have spelled out in clear terms what was to come (except for those who would read "success!!!!!1!!!!" into such a direct put-down) and he did not disappoint;
Claims of this nature which are inherently vexatious in all senses of the term merely clog up the arteries of this court, waste judicial time, and cause concern to court servants who are here acting in good faith trying to manage court business. In my judgment, this must stop.
HHJ then swept from The Strand to the terraces with this withering football analogy
I do not know whether she is interested in football but I am sure it is understood by those representing her or behind her, this is a clear yellow card; but next time it will be or is likely to be a red card.
It was a game of just one half, was Neelu sick as a parrot? Not a bit of it and a stand-up slagging match broke out
MRS BERRY: Yes, I’m going to add to that, if I may, that I do not accept your judgment. It is a complete and utter fraud. You have committed treason. I've already issued you with a cease and desist notice and a notice of dishonour. I’m now issuing you with a citizen’s arrest for the treason you’ve committed today.
Oooh 'eck. She ploughed on.
MRS BERRY: Well, I’m not. I’m going to call the police for your treason. I’m going to get you arrested. I’m going to get a crime reference number.

THE JUDGE: All right.

MRS BERRY: I’m going to watch how the police come and take you away.
Of course no arrest took place and her cards are now well and truly marked. It was a retreat to the road outside for post match analysis and to record their usual outrage for immediate upload to YouTube or, in this case, Woo Tube.

There is an earlier court case transcript, the third dated 11th May this year before the Honourable Mr. Justice Dingemans.
THE JUDGE: I have refused your emergency injunction. I cannot obviously give you any advice about what further steps you want to take but thank you very much for your attendance—

MRS BERRY: What about my remedy? I wish to invoke my common law for remedy and I’m requiring you to give me a remedy today. I do not accept that you can deny me my remedy today because I was… I will issue you with a cease and desist notice and I will issue you with a notice of dishonour and I will also carry out a public citizen’s arrest on you if you do not provide me with a remedy under Uniform Commercial Code 3503, 504, 505 and 1308 without prejudice.

THE JUDGE: Thank you very much.

MRS BERRY: I’m hereby arresting you for the treason you’ve committed today and are witnessed with other cases, how you favour corporations.
Another one off to the Common Law stockade then. Not.

Then its off to see District Judge Parfitt in March who fares little better than his senior colleagues
THE DISTRICT JUDGE: The document that you have shown me creates no enforceable or real debt whatsoever and does not affect the outstanding judgment that has been made against your sister. It follows that I am going to make the interim charging order final.

MRS BERRY: Okay, well I have to issue you with a notice to cease and desist. If you fail to cease and desist, then I will have no option but to issue you with a notice of dishonour to your person in the sum of £5 million for the treason that you will be committing. You will become party to that and then I will also have no option but to remove you from public office and issue [you with a?] citizen’s arrest for that. You’ll then become the last person who’s going to be liable for all the… all the treason committed by Judge May, treason committed by Judge Baucher on two occasions, the treason committed by Judge Saggerson, Judge Kitchin, so you are the last person to—

THE DISTRICT JUDGE: I am the last one in the line.

MRS BERRY: [Inaudible – overlap of speech] for my remedy which I seek which a solicitors’ firm has been well aware of since October last year, sir.

THE DISTRICT JUDGE: Anything else?

MRS BERRY: Well, the solicitors’ firm needs to be shut down. I need an order for the solicitors to be basically barred from operating the scam of dishonour and also I have to inform you that pursuant to the Geneva Convention 1930 a number of corporate governments such as the United Kingdom and therefore all companies, corporations registered thereunder are operating illegally due to their bankruptcy and insolvency. This is evidenced by the Gold Standard Amendment bill 227, 21st September 1931 suspended and the subsequent Uniform Commercial Code international law. So the notice of dishonour comes under 3-503, 3-504, 3,505 and 1‑308 which is without prejudice to privileges, there will be [no penalties?] accepted. Sir, that’s the notice of dishonour in a commercial lien in the sum of £5 million that is issued to any public servant acting with dishonour. Sir, this is only to stop dishonour in public service, sir, and it’s not a lot to ask for a deterrent. I have issued it many times to people in the hope that the dishonour will cease.

We have to go back to September last year to enjoy the demise of District Judge Bowles
MISS BERRY: And I’m handing this to yourself.
MISS SANGHA: Yes, sir.
THE DISTRICT JUDGE: Thank you very much—
MISS BERRY: This is your commercial lien against you in the sum of £5 million for the dishonour you’ve done today, you personally and that’s to seize your personal assets.
Ooof - £5m and she's a comin' round to get your stuff too.

Towards the bottom of the page of transcripts various members of plod also fail to avoid financial meltdown and are whacked for £5m each. May I suggest that a WeRe Cheque will suffice here?

Altogether this is a great Sunday morning read but it also helpfully collates, on one page, a perfect piece of evidence for the next unfortunate member of the judiciary to declare Neelu a vexatious litigant - nice one Neelu. It also demonstrates the almost unending patience of the courts, certainly in England and Wales and just how far you have to go and how insulting, wacky and provocative you have to be before they feel there is no option but to make such a declaration. She is a serial loser too - with McKenzie Friends like this one, who needs enemies?

I just hope that she has been funding these pointless applications herself and that no public money has been fuelling her efforts.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

MRS BERRY: Yes, I’m going to add to that, if I may, that I do not accept your judgment. It is a complete and utter fraud. You have committed treason. I've already issued you with a cease and desist notice and a notice of dishonour. I’m now issuing you with a citizen’s arrest for the treason you’ve committed today.

MRS BERRY: What about my remedy? I wish to invoke my common law for remedy and I’m requiring you to give me a remedy today. I do not accept that you can deny me my remedy today because I was… I will issue you with a cease and desist notice and I will issue you with a notice of dishonour and I will also carry out a public citizen’s arrest on you if you do not provide me with a remedy under Uniform Commercial Code 3503, 504, 505 and 1308 without prejudice.

MRS BERRY: I’m hereby arresting you for the treason you’ve committed today and are witnessed with other cases, how you favour corporations.

MRS BERRY: Okay, well I have to issue you with a notice to cease and desist. If you fail to cease and desist, then I will have no option but to issue you with a notice of dishonour to your person in the sum of £5 million for the treason that you will be committing. You will become party to that and then I will also have no option but to remove you from public office and issue [you with a?] citizen’s arrest for that. You’ll then become the last person who’s going to be liable for all the… all the treason committed by Judge May, treason committed by Judge Baucher on two occasions, the treason committed by Judge Saggerson, Judge Kitchin, so you are the last person to—

MISS BERRY: This is your commercial lien against you in the sum of £5 million for the dishonour you’ve done today, you personally and that’s to seize your personal assets.
It really is about time for one of these Judges to draw a line and hold Nelly in contempt. They probably think it's a funny story for the robing room, but by permitting this outrageous behaviour in a courtroom they undermine lesser public servants (eg cops and council officials).
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Hercule Parrot wrote: It really is about time for one of these Judges to draw a line and hold Nelly in contempt. They probably think it's a funny story for the robing room, but by permitting this outrageous behaviour in a courtroom they undermine lesser public servants (eg cops and council officials).
I suspect that judges consider this sort of behaviour to be, in the great scheme of things, no more than a petty nuisance at worst and as you say, they probably find it quite amusing. As long as she restricts herself to her delusional ramblings she is probably just somewhere on a continuum of lunatics they have to deal with and she's probably not as bad as many otherwise sane but bitterly disappointed plaintiffs / respondents who don't get their way in court.

I don't think jailing her for contempt is warranted given the fact she quite clearly has issues of a mental kind. It would be a waste of the court's time and a waste of resources of the prison system. Being restrained by a 'vexatious litigant' order however is a different matter and is probably just down the road.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Dr. Caligari »

It really is about time for one of these Judges to draw a line and hold Nelly in contempt.
In most of the courtrooms in the United States, accusing the judge of "treason" and threatening him or her with a "citizen's arrest" would certainly result in a summary contempt finding followed immediately by a few days free room and board.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AndyPandy »

The comedy value of this is great, what's even better is the fact they've published the Court transcripts as 'evidence' that they've now arrested and removed 5 or 6 Judges from Office for Treason.

The ramblings in the last hearing about some guy's number of 'fancy woman' (sister's husband or the Solicitor's associate, I'm really not sure who she's on about) who is also 'holiday shopping for women', is as amusing as it is bemusing, what it has to do with a Final Charging Order is beyond me.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by hardcopy »

I wonder what you need to do in order to be sectioned in this country ?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AndyPandy »

hardcopy wrote:I wonder what you need to do in order to be sectioned in this country ?
About the only way is to commit an act of violence, that's why the phrase 'she's harmless' keeps cropping up. Deranged yes, a danger to others, I wouldn't have thought so.

Looking forward to the hearing where her and her sister are declared Vexatious Litigants, she'll still be trying to arrest the Judge for High Treason :Axe:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

hardcopy wrote:I wonder what you need to do in order to be sectioned in this country ?
In essence you have to be a danger to others or to yourself or otherwise to be in urgent need of treatment. The chances of you actually being sectioned depend on your own insight and willingness to accept treatment.

If you are a clear threat to the safety of others you stand a reasonable chance of being sectioned but otherwise it depends on many factors. Merely being suicidal won't get you sectioned if you are quite rational and calm about it and just being as mad as a box of frogs is unlikely to get you sectioned at all unless a family member / carer / the police get involved and even then resources are scarce so it's a toss-up.

With Neeloony it's hard to say, just from her internet activities and such like, if she's suffering from any treatable mental illness or whether she is just run-of-the-mill bonkers.

If memory serves she has been held on an assessment section (Section 4?) but I don't know what the outcome was.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

AndyPandy wrote:...what's even better is the fact they've published the Court transcripts as 'evidence' that they've now arrested and removed 5 or 6 Judges from Office for Treason.
I hope they don't find out that those judges are still hearing cases, blatantly carrying on as if their removal from office never happened. It could trigger a constitutional crisis.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AndyPandy »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:...what's even better is the fact they've published the Court transcripts as 'evidence' that they've now arrested and removed 5 or 6 Judges from Office for Treason.
I hope they don't find out that those judges are still hearing cases, blatantly carrying on as if their removal from office never happened. It could trigger a constitutional crisis.
Hasn't she already named Mrs Elizabeth Battenberg Mountbatten Windsor in one of her cases, probably going to try and arrest said Mrs Winsor for High Treason in Office :haha: :haha:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Daft Ada »
And whilst we wait for the latest ramblings from Neelu on todays little adventure and no doubt her latest citizen arrests, here is a little light hearted entertainment.

I can just imagine the famous german depictec being replaced by a certain pony tailed individual
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Neelu appears to be no friend of anyone these days.

She was caught travelling without having paid her train fare in September 2014.

Anyone else would have paid the fare and maybe taken a hit with a small penalty.

This is a video of her issuing "Cease and Desists" (whatever they are) to all and sundry starting with an unfortunate Great Western employee who has bravely confiscated her Oyster card. Along come some PCSOs who do their best in the face of this somewhat delusional woman, they are patience personified but she launches into them too. One happens to be a Hindu at which Neelu goes off on one about (the UK) "starving the Rajas of India to DEATH" and that "we are living with satanists". Poor chap. Without really saying a word he is suddenly accused of being a RACIST to boot.

She wails "Your company (BTP) is bankrupt". Now its time to issue £5m liens because "you are threatening to KILL me" (no they're not - obviously).

Eventually a proper copper turns up. "You are getting a penalty fare" say the cop "due to your behaviour towards my colleagues". He too patiently explains to Neelu her options (give your details or get arrested). Have you got any ID says the cop. No. What about a bank card? Yes. Can I see it? No, you're breaching my confidentiality. Anyway, you're involved in the murder of my niece.

On and on she goes. Finally she gives up her details - HURRAY - but won't let go of the Bankruptcy of the UK, as if this is somehow relevant. She gets a ticket.

Then on the 9th September its the turn of Bernie "Two Dads" Hogan-Howe, the Met Commissioner. ... ice-chief/

He is on the receiving end of a £14 trillion lien issued by the newly ennobled "Lady Neelu Chaudhari".
Dear Sir Hogan-Howe

You are required to notify all public servants in public service in the UK to act with Honour or face on-the-spot fine of £5,000,000 for each Dishonour hereafter. As all leaders in the UK have been made aware, that pursuant to the Geneva Convention 1930, most corporate governments including the United Kingdom, and therefore all companies/corporations registered there-under, are operating illegally due to their bankruptcy and insolvency. This is evidenced by the Gold Standard Act Amendment Bill 227, 21 September 1931 [suspended] and the subsequent Uniform Commercial code (“UCc” International Law). All man-made laws, Acts of Parliament thereafter are null & void as are all decisions thereunder constitute Dishonour UCc 1-308 & 3-503.
It's like an old episode of Batman. "BIFF!". She continues;
This is a final Notice of Acceptance on behalf of the UK public the sum of £14,000,000,000,000 (Fourteen Trillion), for the above Dishonour in accordance with biblical law [Leviticus 26 v 28 and Proverbs 6 v 30-31]. That is sevenfold of £2 Trillion x 7 (Total £ 14 Trillion Commercial Lien) for reparations for Dishonours since 1930, all public buildings are hereby solely for the benefit of communities (with honour).

AND I make this Solemn Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835

NAME Lady Neelu Chaudhari

"Dat ain't no lady......"

So. What does a trillion actually look like?

Under the British system one trillion is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
Under the American system one trillion is 1,000,000,000,000

It's nice to see we are bigger and better than the yanks in this important aspect at least.

I do however hope Neelu continues to opt for the US version, for the sake of Bernie's already overstretched budget.

Now, I had a look to see whether any other members of the judiciary have incurred the "wrath of Neelu" which sounds like a crappy sci-fi title.

Step up Lord Justice Kitchen who, in dismissing another hopeless appeal 3rd July 2013 finds himself in hot water;
THE JUDGE: I have concluded that an appeal has no real prospect of success.
MRS BERRY: My lord, I have a citizen’s right for your arrest here right now for the treason that you have committed here today.
THE JUDGE: Thank you, Mrs Berry. I understand.
MRS BERRY: I will exercise that right.
THE JUDGE: Thank you very much.
MRS BERRY: I am arresting you now for—
[Court adjourns]

I began to wonder what might have set Neelu off on this journey. Sadly, her niece did indeed die in hospital back in October 2000. An inquest jury determined that the five month old died of natural causes. Neelu, never one to accept anything it seems appears to have launched a media campaign against those she held responsible until, in July 2002 the NHS Trust obtained a County Court injunction against her causing her to take down the websites, to "stop harassing molesting, assaulting or pestering" staff and patients at the hospital, yadda yadda, you may know this type.

This was reinforced a year later by the High Court.

In 2004 the High Court made the injunction permanent as it was found that;

(a) You had made no serious and conscientious attempt to withdraw the offending allegations from the internet;

(b) There was additional harassment after and notwithstanding the Consent Order.
. You can read a copy here;

Neelu is or was a pharmacist. In 2011 after many hearings and postponements due to Neelu 'chucking a sickie' as we say, she was finally taken off the register, chiefly because of her obsessive pursuit of Great Ormond Street Hospital and various members of it's staff, some of whom she pursued to their home addresses.

It is clear, to me at least, that this is the catalyst which began her self-destructive spiral.

So what next?

Neelu is up before Highbury Corner Magistrates 8th October for, as she describes it, "vexing a priest" although I must say I'm impressed with the plods who must have had to plough through some pretty dusty tomes to find the relevant section of the Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860 - well done to them on that one!

I doubt whether this woman will ever be able to move on with her obsession and delusional state of mind. Whilst I find the range and scope of her inventive (and invented) legal orders and "massive liens" amusing, the underlying theme here is another vexatious litigant-in-waiting who has adopted a strange mix of FOTL woo, US Sovereign concepts and a pick 'n' mix of statute from across the globe but external to the UK with which to achieve her ends. She will probably take this to her grave.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Neelu was recently required to attend Holborn Police Station in relation to her impending trial and current bail conditions. She asked for people to support her with a "vigil" while this was going on.

I would surmise from the following link that Neelu was not at all happy with the good folk at Holborn Police Station because this statement was included in the link below....
"This is a formal notice to remove from public office, all satanic agents still in charge in the Holborn Police station, Superintendent John Sutherland, Inspector Hornby, Inspector Phillips, Sargent Andrews, Sargent Gilks, Betsy Davey, Jennifer Black, Marcus Sales, Sargent Phillips and are running the UK Police, judges and courts through fear, intimidation and blackmail, and still trying to kill me by fraudulent inversion of the criminal charges against me for whistle-blowing the crimes against children and their families by satanic cults which traffic in humans for prostitution and pornography of children?" ... 0886451380

A more understandable explanation of what occurred has been offered by the folks at Hoaxtead Research. ... s-charges/
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Normal Wisdom
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Another update on Neelu's latest appearance at Holborn Police Station which culminated in her being held in custody overnight and charged with perverting the course of justice. She was provided with an "appropriate adult" under PACE so it seems that her fragile mental health has been recognised. ... elu-speak/
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by hardcopy »

Normal Wisdom wrote:Another update on Neelu's latest appearance at Holborn Police Station which culminated in her being held in custody overnight and charged with perverting the course of justice. She was provided with an "appropriate adult" under PACE so it seems that her fragile mental health has been recognised. ... elu-speak/
The translation at the end of her comments is hilarious.