The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Skeleton wrote:UKAR would seriously consider evicting them from another property? Wow, I am going to need a lorry load of popcorn!
Why not? Let's say they owe B&B £50k. For an outlay of say £1.5k they can file two bankruptcy petitions then sit back and wait for the receiver to sort the money out. If they have £50k equity in SMH, B&B get their money back. If they get part of it back or none of it back, that's the best they can do. Case closed.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by letissier14 »

Tom has lost his application in court today and apparently what he was asking for was insane

I've been told that further details will be released later today

He was in court with a guy called John Hurst (video of him at Toms court case in May)
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by arayder »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Skeleton wrote:UKAR would seriously consider evicting them from another property? Wow, I am going to need a lorry load of popcorn!
Why not? Let's say they owe B&B £50k. For an outlay of say £1.5k they can file two bankruptcy petitions then sit back and wait for the receiver to sort the money out. If they have £50k equity in SMH, B&B get their money back. If they get part of it back or none of it back, that's the best they can do. Case closed.
A while back a few of us predicted that Tom would find some way to lose his mother-in-law's house. It seems he has managed to make a real mess of things by befouling everything he touches.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bungle »

letissier14 wrote:Tom has lost his application in court today and apparently what he was asking for was insane

I've been told that further details will be released later today

He was in court with a guy called John Hurst (video of him at Toms court case in May)
Thanks for the update and hopefully you may have more news later for us concerning the afternoon performance in the cheap seats (Master Ceylon and Gillard).
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by bagman »

I'm not surprised by the lack of intellect on this planet currently. :shock: :|[/quote]

what, was that? "I'm not surprised by the lack of intellect on this planet currently" :snicker:

Well are you able to time travel, or visit other planets, or both? :lol:
Whats the intelligence like on Planet CRAWFORD, where every fail is a win, and every win, needs to be over turned by a "grand jury" of woo-woo world loons.

LET ME KNOW WHAT THE MEDS ARE THAT YOUR TAKING,,,,Always fancied a bit of time travelling,,,even if it is just a side effect , to the meds :snicker:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by letissier14 »

Update 1

Bradley Knight It's sad, i know ebert is a nutter but did not know john hurst was also. There were a pair of idiots and i really felt sorry for tom as he was leaning toward these pair of plonkers for advice and ended up spouting out all sorts of useless nonsense. Tom looked very unwell and did make me feel saddend by these numties. Anything he could have said that day would have a nill effect but the application in law had no standing. The judge dropped a few hints to him during the hearing but those nob ends would not have picked them up. But that said his appeal with fail in anycase. Whats also said his groupies including hurst never took any notes. For me it was a performance from hell to watch.
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 mins · Edited

Donna Reece I am genuinely excited about this. So glad you were there. i wonder how you found out
Like · Reply · 10 mins

Bradley Knight Not that these plonkers will understand but judge said this application is totally without merit, i left after decision, would not be surprised the judge concluding with them to agree a civil restraint.
Like · Reply · 5 mins

Bradley Knight Fraud fraud fraud come up allot.
Last edited by letissier14 on Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Colin123 »

Amanda Pike‎Eviction the fraud of the bank
36 mins · Edited ·
Hi guys....We were in court today. The royal courts of justice. We went in and asked for the bank to produce all the documents the ones they keep refusing to to prove their claim. Judge Philips and I quote said. he cannot make the bank produce all their paperwork to prove it .he also refused to look at any of our evidence AGAIN which my dad battled 3 hours for him to look at. As ever this is not the end. Shocking! where is the justice in this country!!!!!????
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Ivan Preston And we're supposed to trust these bastions of the establishment ? ?
28 mins · Like · 2

Julie Dunn gasp emoticon
24 mins · Like

Kay Williamson Disgusting if he can't make them show u who can xx
24 mins · Like · 1

Claire Booker A one sided hearing is not a fair hearing. Absolutely disgusting
24 mins · Like · 2

Noreen Noz Murphy payed off more like
22 mins · Like · 3

Amanda Pike he could he could have ORDERED IT!
21 mins · Like · 4

Michelle Hall Was Mooney What codswallop. Police can make u produce documents so why can't a judge have the same powers. You be dupped and lied to. What a bloody disgrace
17 mins · Like · 2

David Robert Haynes Why carry on fighting the corruption within our court system, can't the Judges over in Brussels help at all ? Especially with all this new evidence gathered ??
17 mins · Like · 2

Amanda Pike we have our plan David theres more court cases on this never fear x
16 mins · Like · 4

Amanda Pike yes probably paid off yes!
16 mins · Like · 3

Terry Armstrong The grief your family is suffering Amanda makes me sick to my stomach
11 mins · Like · 3

Amanda Pike if they can't prove it how has this happened! ?
11 mins · Like · 2

Rob Metcalfe They're all "inn" it together, usually at the "inns" down those creepy passages all around the court and the "inner" temple over the road!!!!
11 mins · Like · 2

Jim Binderman Direct action......anyone remember Romania 1989! If not look it up!
11 mins · Like · 2

David Robert Haynes I see you bumped into 'Bad Knight' (spelling intended) whilst there ? He's being rather vocal about it as per usual frown emoticon
10 mins · Like · 1

Amanda Pike im so sick of this country
10 mins · Like · 2

David Robert Haynes Me too !
10 mins · Like · 1

Amanda Pike hes a psycho he really is. whats mentally wrong with the guy!? chav knight and his chav wife I mean!
9 mins · Edited · Like · 1

Terry Armstrong And me
9 mins · Like · 2

Michelle Hall Was Mooney Who's a psycho
9 mins · Like

Liz Matron Spencer So how do they make a case without the paperwork?
9 mins · Like · 3

Amanda Pike EXACTLY LIZ!
9 mins · Like · 1

David Robert Haynes Reason for not posting his 'rants', give the nutters no energy I say wink emoticon
9 mins · Like · 1

Amanda Pike chav knight! hes stalking us. we didn't tell everyone because of our trolls nutters yet hes stalked us found out our date and went in. what a weirdo!
8 mins · Edited · Like · 1

Jane Britcher They're all freemasons, a dirty disease in this country, corrupt every last one of them. They all probably convene at night and do sacrifices.
8 mins · Like · 4

Rob Metcalfe Have a walk down the lane behind the hotel with the big red cow in the foyer, see what "feeling" you get from the highly secure inner temple!
8 mins · Like · 2

Michelle Hall Was Mooney Never heard of him
6 mins · Like · 1

Mark P Conway good luck
6 mins · Like

Handley Karen so so sad and behond wrong, it shows the Nazis systems we are up against, SHAME ON THEM, may karma hit back right where it hurts,
5 mins · Like

Amanda Pike ohh you dont want to hes like the biggest slim ball going who charges people for his "services" dont get me started on the wife. your typical Essex type. turns your stomach just looking at him.
3 mins · Like · 1
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bungle »

letissier14 wrote:Tom has lost his application in court today and apparently what he was asking for was insane

I've been told that further details will be released later today

He was in court with a guy called John Hurst (video of him at Toms court case in May)
Phew...for a while last night I really thought that TC would surprise us all by turning a new leaf and using a true solicitor. He let us all down again and turned to the expert on Freeman woo woo; John Hurst. This was the same idiot that acted for Roger Hayes at Birkenhead a few years back when Hayes was trying to fend off a bankruptcy petition. Another ex policemn (this one with 30 years experience) who is a member of UK Column.

The Crawfords have really lost the plot this time.
TUCO said to me:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by letissier14 »

Colin123 wrote:Amanda Pike‎Eviction the fraud of the bank
36 mins · Edited ·
Hi guys....We were in court today. The royal courts of justice. We went in and asked for the bank to produce all the documents the ones they keep refusing to to prove their claim. Judge Philips and I quote said. he cannot make the bank produce all their paperwork to prove it .he also refused to look at any of our evidence AGAIN which my dad battled 3 hours for him to look at. As ever this is not the end. Shocking! where is the justice in this country!!!!!????
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Bradley Knight Thats bollocks. I was there :haha: :haha:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

letissier14 wrote:Tom has lost his application in court today and apparently what he was asking for was insane
Nah, it's not insane until he tries to use the fishing rights laid down in Magna Carta, to try and argue he should be given his house back (it's been tried before).
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by letissier14 »

Bradley Knight Tom said he was taking out private prosecutions on ceo of bradford and bingley, the police and the baliffs and "anyone else involved". It was really sad to watch.
9 mins · Like

Bradley Knight
Hearing was not for three hours at max hour and half
5 mins · Like
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by fat frank »

John Hurst is the section 61 of the magna carta bloke, who told a copper that if the judge didn't appear he would invoke section 61 of the magna carta and seize the courts
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bungle »

letissier14 wrote:
Bradley Knight[/b] Hearing was not for three hours at max hour and half
I did a doubletake when I read Amanda's comment on FB. She really is a dreadful liar.

Her post was not long after 1pm today and you only have to look at the following information from the RCJ that I posted last night to see that the Crawfrauds case was not listed to start until AFTER 10.30am. It could only have been listed for about an hour given that there was another case to be heard before 11.30.

Thursday, 3rd September 2015
At 10 o’clock

Not before half past 10
IHQ/15/0503 Crawford v Bradford & Bingley Plc
IHQ/15/0521 Same v Same

Not before half past 11
IHQ/15/0515 Utopia Food Ltd v Bakers Food & Allied Workers Union

At 2 o’clock

Not before 2 o’clock
IHQ/15/0507 Gillard v Haining
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by guilty » ... story.html
But, of course, you can't believe what the Nottingham Post says, can you?
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by YiamCross »

The fact that the Crawfords believe they will win in the end makes me quite certain they will not have considered any action which might have been available to protect assets inherited from Sue's mum.

The owrd lemming comes to mind.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

letissier14 wrote:

He was in court with a guy called John Hurst (video of him at Toms court case in May)
Hurst makes a very stupid comment in that video which does show his ignorance of these matters. He mentions that the judge has not turned up and says "He who leaves the battlefield loses." Someone should point out to Hurst that the judge is not the plaintiff nor is he the defendant. Even if an argument could be made that the judge had "lost" (obviously it can not) that would not mean the plaintiff had lost. The judge is not the one persuing a claim.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by letissier14 »

Mr Crawford told the High Court his house had been "stolen", but Mr Justice Phillips said his claim was "totally without merit".

And to cap off a disappointing day for Mr Crawford, the judge made an order which blocks him from making hopeless court claims in the future.

He granted an application by Bradford & Bingley for a civil restraint order, which prevents repeat litigants from making further hopeless claims.

"I am entirely satisfied that Mr Crawford has persistently issued claims or made applications which are totally without merit," he said.

"And, unless the court otherwise orders, he will continue to make applications and claims which are totally without merit."

The restraint order means Mr Crawford would have to apply to a High Court judge before he can even make any further claims in the case.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by YiamCross »

guilty wrote: ... story.html
But, of course, you can't believe what the Nottingham Post says, can you?

So he's managed to achieve the hallowed status of vexatious litigant so cherished by all true FOTL gurus. Another great victory for the Crawfords. Now they courts are no longer available to them I wonder what their next move will be?

Probably be back in the high court next week making an application to make an application.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Jesus ! Amanda Pike what a lying deluded cow you really are.
Hi guys....We were in court today. The royal courts of justice. We went in and asked for the bank to produce all the documents the ones they keep refusing to to prove their claim.
On what basis? Seriously, what f******* basis allows you to demand some papers from someone? If you are going to say fraud (which you probably will, it seems to be the Crawfords go to word like Ceylon's is paedophiles and Guy Taylor's is freemasons) then you need to have some basis on which to claim fraud and not "I think they are wrong".
he also refused to look at any of our evidence AGAIN which my dad battled 3 hours for him to look at.
Three hours, really, you little liar. 1. The hearing was for one hour max. 2. No judge is going to listen to anyone for 3 hours at a hearing like this.
As ever this is not the end.
It never is with people like you. I expect you to keep telling your bullshit version of the story until your dying day. Problem for you is less and less people will believe you, the more the truth comes out.
where is the justice in this country!!!!!????
It has been done. Just because your deluded little mind doesn't like the outcome doesn't mean there has been an injustice.
Claire Booker A one sided hearing is not a fair hearing. Absolutely disgusting
What? the B&B weren't there to defend themselves? Search Orly Taitz and "empty chair".
Amanda Pike we have our plan David theres more court cases on this never fear x
More time and taxpayer's money wasted until your dad gets Vex Lit status more likely.
Amanda Pike im so sick of this country
F*** off somewhere else then, it's not like you have anything to keep you here, like a house, is it?
Amanda Pike chav knight! hes stalking us. we didn't tell everyone because of our trolls nutters yet hes stalked us found out our date and went in. what a weirdo!
Paranoid much? No you thick cow, someone saw the court listing when looking for Mark Gillards case.
Handley Karen so so sad and behond wrong, it shows the Nazis systems we are up against, SHAME ON THEM, may karma hit back right where it hurts,
Ticking Godwin's Law on my FMOTL bingo card as I write. So, Karen, been stabbed recently? Had gangs of brownshirts putting in your front windows? Didn't think so.
Amanda Pike ohh you dont want to hes like the biggest slim ball going who charges people for his "services"
:haha: This from the daughter of a guy who gets money for speaking in pub back rooms about FMOTL and who has probably paid Ceylon, Ebert and Guy Taylor for their "legal" advice.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Colin123 »

Their day just gets better and better

Craig Crawford shared his post to the group: Eviction the fraud of the bank.
4 mins ·
There we go!

Craig Crawford feeling confused
Yooo. Just out of the court. They upped the charges from criminal damage to conspiracy to commit criminal damage!!!

Which is way worse... How's this make sense? Not doing something is worse than doing something?

Either way! I didn't have to plea... It's being moved on to another date... In the crown court.

Talk about stringing it out