Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Posted at the ESC Facebook Group:
Update #5 September 06, 2015

Sign ups at the site are going great! The site is growing, people are building their profiles, and starting to add some "community" to the community. For those signed up you have probably noticed a few changes already at the site in layout and content. This will be changing pretty much daily as we build and add more features. Thank you to everyone who has already joined. The rest of you.... time to shit or know what.
wink emoticon

The members that have already joined have gone WAY above and beyond what has been asked of everyone as far as crowd funding goes, and it is GREATLY appreciated. We are most of the way there to buying the chat software that will be both Audio and Video for all members who are on the site. It will be our own Skype, but completely secure. For those that are not joined up and want to help with that..... come on over and use the Stripe function and a pre-pay credit card from any local convenience store and help us out! Rome was not built in a day by 5 people, and neither are Farms and Businesses!

Yes, we will be buying the Chat software hopefully by midweek coming up, and then there are other upgrades planned very shortly after that. So that everyone is aware, the secure software that we have chosen will cost just over $800 to buy, one time payment, and I also have paid the webmaster NOTHING to date and he has volunteered all his time to date.

I see a few faces from 2 years ago that were staunch supporters and I see some new people who are SUPER enthusiastic and really want to get with things. The pictures of people's projects to date have been fantastic, but I would like to see a few more blogs!! I wanted the idea of blogs for posts so that Members would have to think and write something more than just a couple lines of crap for an update that seems to be the FB motif. We can do better.

Anyways, just dropping in here to update, going back to Our site to prepare my blog for today after a few days off. MANY new and awesome things happening in Dean's life.
grin emoticon

See you all there!

Dean Clifford
A comment left under this Facebook post says:
Dean C. Clifford: Join up at the website, become a contributing member and help us build a whole new system so we can leave this existing shitter to rot in the dung heap off history.....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

I also have paid the webmaster NOTHING to date
Dean makes this too easy.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

come on over and use the Stripe function and a pre-pay credit card from any local convenience store and help us out! Rome was not built in a day by 5 people, and neither are Farms and Businesses!
If only Dean could put his talents to use in a positive and productive way ... he' make a great used car salesman !!! :sarcasmon:
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Dean is playing the same game he has played during every one of his encounters with the cops and the courts.

- Pretend that his declarations to be outside the authority of the law are valid.

- Attempt to recruit like minded freeman wannabes to contribute to his effort.

It seems to have escaped Dean's notice that each of his past efforts to play this game has failed and that each successive effort has gotten him in deeper trouble than the last.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hanslune »

arayder wrote:It seems to have escaped Dean's notice that each of his past efforts to play this game has failed and that each successive effort has gotten him in deeper trouble than the last.
I think he has duped himself into believing his own magical words. I still predict he will run or attempt to 'castle' with the support of his loyal minions.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Breaking news! Dean's a lazy lump who won't get out of bed in the morning!

Ok, maybe not "breaking" and maybe not "news" but definitely part of the bigger picture revealed by a disgruntled ex-acolyte. That would be Cari-Lee Miller, formerly of "Lifting the Veil" and now trying to set up a new blog;

She's a stereotypic neohippy goddess-worshipping alternative type. Her public claim to fame is she ran one of those Internet radio broadcast things. It looks like the radio broadcast's website is now down, but here's an archived copy: ... g-the-veil

Cari-Lee is a serial sucker. She repeatedly hooks up with AlternaWorld personalities and fixates on them. In both her media sources (below) she describes this. The two names we all know are Kevin Annett and Dean Clifford. In both cases Cari-Lee became all excited about these people, volunteered to integrate into their organizations and assist them, and eventually figured out they were frauds. I'm not going to talk about the Kevin Annett stuff because pretty much everyone has already caught on to him being a phony.

In 2013 Cari-Lee was recruited by Clifford as an organizer and support worker. She moved from Ontario with her family (husband, kids) to Winnipeg. She was promised that the family would be moving to Clifford's family homestead where they would set up an organic hippy commune thingie. That fell through (whoops, Dean already had a family there) and instead Cari-Lee and her family were put in one of Dean's rental properties, which turned out to be an abandoned crack house.

Over the next while Cari-Lee was one of the people behind the scenes running the Clifford Apparatus - website, organizing events, and so on. Her husband was working at Clifford's many construction projects. Long story short, it turned out Dean was a racist, hypocritical, lying, lazy bastard. Whatta shock.

So this post addresses Cari-Lee's complains as a whole: ... addictions

And this part of the post that refuses to identify Clifford is about Clifford:

Freeman Couch Surfer: Orc Class

I will begin this section saying that there are those in this world who are doing amazing works as far as legalese issues are concerned. They are able to work the very system that is working against us all and to them, I am grateful and say 'good on ya'. These men and women do not come onto social media bragging about millions of dollars in trust stashed somewhere for the Queen or anyone else. They aren't sending mass mailings calling the RCMP or other organizations 'festering goats penises'. ( no really, there are those who do this sort of thing)

That being said we took a very big chance and went to live in a space with one of the most well known 'freemen' on social media to date. This person presented themselves to people as a champion of human rights and freedoms, (he is a racist, self-named white supremacist), he claimed to be an avid fruitarian, (who ate meat every day), who gardened (never before until we met him), and ran a construction company, working 12 hours a day (my husband worked alongside him...correction, my husband did his work that was all months away from foreclosures and bankruptcies) Getting this freeman out of bed before noon was a chore and though there was little work, there were always wads and wads of cash and many unexplained and very concerning connections to mysterious private investors.

All of the work he was sharing with the public at large was the works of others. Remember those people I spoke of at the beginning of this particular tale? The ones who work diligently and quietly at manipulating and utilizing the system?

Those are the people he got his information from, and when they found out, they stopped sharing. The information he started with was enough to grab the attention of the masses, including me. I loved the complicated truths I was discovering in learning legalese. Truthfully though it all became too much for me and I'm more of a writer/poet/homesteader/wildcrafter/forager/canner than I am a legalese freedom fighter.

When we began to see this person's world for what it was, we began asking questions, just as we did when things didn't add up with Annett. Again, we were faced with the same type of backlash. We were questioned on our loyalties, our credibility, our motives. We were shunned by an entire community of people we had grown to love and learn from. We once again became the fodder for orcs and goblins, angry and ready to defend their Ork Commander at all cost.

Funny thing to take note of is that this freshly prison released Ork Commander is now telling his followers he no longer subscribes to the 'freeman' movement but is now considering it the 'truth' movement. This spoke volumes of what's to come. The Truth Movement is a trap friends, plain and simple.
Now the second and more interesting item is the audio file on this page: ... ior-within

The relevant part is from 0 hours 36 minutes to 1 hour three minutes. This is her expose on Dean, his circle of sycophants, how he really lives his life, and so on. It's whiny as hell, her voice is as dynamic as the hum from my refrigerator, but nevertheless, a rare insiders view of DeanLand.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:Now the second and more interesting item is the audio file on this page: ... ior-within

The relevant part is from 0 hours 36 minutes to 1 hour three minutes. This is her expose on Dean, his circle of sycophants, how he really lives his life, and so on. It's whiny as hell, her voice is as dynamic as the hum from my refrigerator, but nevertheless, a rare insiders view of DeanLand.
Great find. I am gonna listen to the audio asap and upload a cut down version to youtube tonight.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

When we began to see this person's world for what it was...
Sadly I can identify with her. Most of what she describes is the same as what I went through in my 24 hours with Menard. It was an eye-opening experience that made me question if I saw myself in Menard's shoes in ten years. Needless to say, it was the longest 90 minute bus ride home I had ever had.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Little bit uncomfortable listening since she's speaking in a phone sex voice for two hours.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Jeffrey wrote:Little bit uncomfortable listening since she's speaking in a phone sex voice for two hours.
I'm used to it - my ex was a phone-sex operator. I used to listen to her while she was working. :snicker:
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Hanslune wrote:
arayder wrote:It seems to have escaped Dean's notice that each of his past efforts to play this game has failed and that each successive effort has gotten him in deeper trouble than the last.
I think he has duped himself into believing his own magical words. I still predict he will run or attempt to 'castle' with the support of his loyal minions.
The end game of his previous self deceptions was that he simply never showed up in court and in so doing made matters worse. If holds true to form he won't show for sentencing.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Oh man the audio is juicy. Confirms stuff we were only guessing at.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:Oh man the audio is juicy. Confirms stuff we were only guessing at.
Better get a copy quick. It may not be up much longer.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Ugh, now I'm not so sure. At the 1 hour mark we get to the house falling story, she says the house never fell on Dean that it fell on someone else and they sued Dean and he's been avoiding that judgement. But we've never found any record of that, we speculated that the $50k judgement was over the house but the documents later showed it was for the hit and run.

It might be guess work on her part.

Who is this Kira woman she mentions?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

Dean could have told her the house story and she came to her own conclusions. Many do not read this forum as it is often considered the opposition by the opca type crowds. I would guess it a minor miss.

The rest seems to ring correct. And if any of those on forums I used to frequent are reading this...

Remember when I tried to tell you dean was a racist drug thug taking the freedom movement for a ride? Do you get it yet?

Remember when I warned you Annette was a con man through and through? Do you get it yet?

Sad thing is most are still far to gullible. And dean and Kevin would like to thank you for your stupidity. It has made the con possible.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:Oh man the audio is juicy. Confirms stuff we were only guessing at.
Better get a copy quick. It may not be up much longer.
Already done - I am just about to listen to it now, and upload the relevant part to youtube.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

There's two uploads to make, for two different threads. One aboot Kevin Annette and one about dean clifford.

Thanks for distilling it wup.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

bmxninja357 wrote:There's two uploads to make, for two different threads. One aboot Kevin Annette and one about dean clifford.

Thanks for distilling it wup.

Just curious, is there already a thread on Q for Annett? If not, where do I post it?
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

There is one here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9139&p=154260&hilit=annett#p154260

There is much more on kevin but his name is frequently misspelled. Annett generally becomes annette. I'm also guilty of this. I would say use that one or, if I get some time I could try and make a quote fest of a thread that brings us to this latest revelation. Or if a mod wanted to do it. I'm a might busy at my friends getting ready for them to move.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
bmxninja357 wrote:There's two uploads to make, for two different threads. One aboot Kevin Annette and one about dean clifford.

Thanks for distilling it wup.

Just curious, is there already a thread on Q for Annett? If not, where do I post it?
For some reason Annett never got his own discussion although comments about him are scattered around Quatloos, mainly in this discussion. The closest we have to a dedicated discussion for him is this one;


So if you want to start a discussion just for Kevin feel free.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".