Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote:.
I will offer you a Were cheque, made out for twice the value of your home, in exchange for your home.

eg. If your home is worth £150,000, I'll offer you a Were cheque for £300,000 in exchange for your home....
Ooh, me, me , I want some of that action. I'll offer 2.5 times, £375,000 for your £150,000 house on a WeRe cheque or straight energy transfer. Except I doubt anyone dumb enough to go for Peter's Weird bank has a house or if they do it won't be theirs for much longer. Shame, sounded like a nice little earner, that.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by hardcopy »

NG3 wrote:Seeing as Were bank customers read this forum I've a straight up offer for them.

I will offer you a Were cheque, made out for twice the value of your home, in exchange for your home.

eg. If your home is worth £150,000, I'll offer you a Were cheque for £300,000 in exchange for your home.

If this is real, and not a fraud, you'll accept the offer, because you'd be making a huge profit, twice market value.

If on the other hand you decline this offer, because you know it's a worthless piece of paper, that can't realise the figures written on it, then you're knowingly admitting to partaking in a scam.

Money where your mouth is, if you genuinely believe in Were cheques you'll sign up here and accept this offer.

Let's see if any single one of you has enough faith to accept a Were cheque for themselves, or whether their faith only extends as far as trying to rip others off.
I got rebuked for putting a similar proposition to another "believer", who informed me that WeRe cheques were only for " public debt" . I hadn't done my research, apparently.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

hardcopy wrote: I got rebuked for putting a similar proposition to another "believer", who informed me that WeRe cheques were only for " public debt" . I hadn't done my research, apparently.
The problem with that is none of the debts the WeRe bank customers are paying with their WeRe cheques are "public debts".
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by SirHarryShagnasty »

Can anyone please clarify the difference between public and private debt and how it affects cheques.
Or is it just more PoE woo?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by littleFred »

It's Peter's woo, an attempted explanation of why some people (such as utility companies) are obliged to accept dud cheques, where other people (such as Peter and his suckers) are not.

Peter has never said that private people can't accept WeRe cheques, merely that they are not obliged to.

Of course, no-one in their right minds would part with anything in exchange for a WeRe cheque. So Peter's suckers probably would. But there is no evidence, even on the private forum, of any members doing any trading with Res.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

littleFred wrote:It's Peter's woo, an attempted explanation of why some people (such as utility companies) are obliged to accept dud cheques, where other people (such as Peter and his suckers) are not.

Peter has never said that private people can't accept WeRe cheques, merely that they are not obliged to.

Of course, no-one in their right minds would part with anything in exchange for a WeRe cheque. So Peter's suckers probably would. But there is no evidence, even on the private forum, of any members doing any trading with Res.
If you have a look at the Peter of England public Facebook page and go to the entry by him dated 24/3 you will see that he is encouraging folks to join the movement -

Join the movement to get a 'cheque book to pay all your public liability claims from council tax (.......) through to mortgage payments'

At some point, later in the time line, which I haven't found yet he says (or Bertie Bert says) that the cheques should only be used for public liability debts.

Peter changes his tune so much, a mortgage debt is not a public liability and why one of his worthless cheques can be used for one type of debt but not the other is beyond me!

I don't know if any of his suckers have asked him why this should be and even if they did, they would not have received a direct answer, he would just have spouted some goo that the suckers would swallow (no pun intended) because they would believe such rhetoric from such a 'higher being' was the truth.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Pox wrote: why one of his worthless cheques can be used for one type of debt but not the other is beyond me!
Exactly. My cheque book account is with a High Street bank and they have never told me who I can and who I can not pay with one of their cheques. It is my money FFS. It is my choice who I pay by cheque, not the bank's. Peter's mugs never consider that. If they truly believe they have money, that is their own, in a WeRe bank account, why do they accept their bank dictating to them who they are allowed to pay? The idiots even go begging to Peter for approval before they are allowed to spend what they believe is their own money. Perhaps they enjoy being controlled?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by grixit »

Cue Zoidberg, spewing ink and waddling away.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Ooooh, the Quatloos server went down for maintenance for a few minutes back there! Did it get blown to the four corners of the Earth? :snicker:

Anyway, just want to throw out a personal musing here: does anyone else get the impression that Mr. Of England has kinda lost steam with the whole scam? The reason I say this is because he doesn't seem fussed about recruiting new suckers - no meetings, no 'sign up now!' talk, no real promotion of a way to send him money, an admitted disinterest of continuing with the Were Gold thing, and no engagement with anyone that professes interest in signing up for a cheque book.

He just seems hellbent on going down this 'bigger picture' path of insane rambling about zionist conspiracies, and rarely mentions the actual 'services' he sells to people.

I'm guessing that he's realized that he can no longer run the 'WeRe Cheques are Successful!!!11!!1' line any more because the floodgates in the opposite direction are too much effort to combat, so this 'bigger plan' thing is being used to assuage things in the mean time (and maybe cue up the next load of ultra-mental followers for a bigger sell later while the idiots who had no tinfoil agenda and just wanted to pay their overdue rent burn and fade into embarrassed silence.)

But this can't be lucrative. I'd be very surprised if people have kept up with their £10 a month payment to PoE especially given the cretins we're talking about and the fact that it isn't exactly enforced? The only pause for thought I'm given here is that there are new cheque books floating around...

I'm well versed in scams and the psychology therein, but this freeman stuff was new to me until I read this story from start to finish. Could any of the more experienced regulars confirm whether or not this is part of the typical playbook?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by littleFred »

In my opinion, Peter isn't a "pure" crook. He didn't sit down and invent a scam. Instead, he invented a whole mythology that (almost incidentally) would earn him some money. He convinced himself the mythology was true, just as he convinced other people.

He doesn't bother to update his own website. The "latest news" page advertises the June and July meetings.

He hardly bothers to read his own forum now. Perhaps it depresses him. I think the truth is dawning on him that paying one's debts without actually paying anything doesn't actually work.

It is a scam, and it always was. But it is a scam that (I think) Peter believed in, or wanted to believe in.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by chronistra »

mufc1959 wrote:
Pox wrote: $180,000 in student loans owed?

Is that the cost of tertiary education over the pond? Or is she just a slow learner?
That's about what 3-4 years of university costs in the USA, according to friends of mine (who are paying off their student loans with, you know, actual money).
Costs very much depend on the university.

For example, a student attending the flagship public university in their home state could expect to pay $75-100K for four years, including tuition, room and board, books, and personal expenses. If you live at home and attend a second- or third-tier public college, you can save quite a bit on those costs; if you attend a top-tier private school (Harvard, Columbia) or an out-of-state school and qualify for no financial aid at all, four years might cost you a quarter-million.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign currently estimates $30-35K per year for Illinois residents, depending on major, while Southern Illinois University is closer to $20K.

To rack up $180K, this lady either spend more than four years or she picked a particularly expensive school.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by longdog »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote: Anyway, just want to throw out a personal musing here: does anyone else get the impression that Mr. Of England has kinda lost steam with the whole scam? The reason I say this is because he doesn't seem fussed about recruiting new suckers - no meetings, no 'sign up now!' talk, no real promotion of a way to send him money, an admitted disinterest of continuing with the Were Gold thing, and no engagement with anyone that professes interest in signing up for a cheque book.

He just seems hellbent on going down this 'bigger picture' path of insane rambling about zionist conspiracies, and rarely mentions the actual 'services' he sells to people.
Here's my prediction for what it's worth and, like Poe and the rest of the freeman gurus, I will ignore any and all comments about it not coming true...

I reckon that in due course, when it becomes obvious to even the most credulous of suckers, that the WeRe cheques don't work and the 'bank' has failed Poe will announce a 'class action' against the banks, the local authorities, the housing associations, SWIFT, the Bank of England and everybody else who has refused the cheques.

The 'class action' will demand an idiotic amount of compensation, probably in the billions of pounds range (in gold, silver, diamonds, platinum, Pukka Pies, Star Wars action figures etc) per claimant and will cost a mere £200 per person to join in.

£200 in exchange for £billions... Who wouldn't want a slice of that pie?

Needless to say the court action will never happen, just like his class action against the oil industry has never happened, or it will be transferred to his own 'common law court of record' where he will find in favour of himself but as far as the real world is concerned not a single fuck will be given.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

I said from the start that Peter did not set this up to scam people, he is, or was convinced that he could challenge the banking system and add his own way to pay off debt but to do that he stated that their would be casualties. He also clearly did say that the cheques were only to be used for public debt, ie Council Tax, and not backing that up with a "Don't use these cheques to pay off your mortgage" broadcast when people started started doing just that is one of his major failings.
Peter may be many things and almost certainly has mental issues but he is not stupid. Guy Taylor, the Crawfurds etc are dumb enough to "help" people lose their homes, because their stupidity leads them to think the day will come when someone will not be evicted, because the warrant for example wasn't signed by a judge with Spocks blood. Peter knows very well what his scheme is doing to people, and that they are risking everything in some cases by using these cheques, but as he predicted their would be casualties, and to Peter it would appear by his lack of action that they are acceptable casualties. One thing is for certain his scheme is failing and people are suffering the consequences of their stupidity, that won't stop Peter though, the only way those Cheque books are going to be stopped is by the authorities, Peter is way to deep down the rabbit hole now to stop.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by longdog »

This could be the next big thing in the ReMovement...
This has to be one of the stupidest bank robbers ever.

Paul Neaverson, 61, walked in to a branch of NatWest in Rainham, Kent and held a knife to the cashier’s neck.

However he was caught out when he asked the clerk to transfer the money in to his own bank account.

And why did he do it? Because he needed money to book a flight to Corfu for a job interview as a golf coach. Of course. ... o=facebook
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

longdog wrote:This could be the next big thing in the ReMovement...
This has to be one of the stupidest bank robbers ever.

Paul Neaverson, 61, walked in to a branch of NatWest in Rainham, Kent and held a knife to the cashier’s neck.

However he was caught out when he asked the clerk to transfer the money in to his own bank account.

And why did he do it? Because he needed money to book a flight to Corfu for a job interview as a golf coach. Of course. ... o=facebook
It's certainly in the same ballpark of stupidity.

Just as most "normal" bank robbers know better than to hand out personal details on the job, so professional fraudsters know you don't pass fake cheques with your own name printed on them, or with a covering letter with your address on it.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

NG3 wrote:
longdog wrote:This could be the next big thing in the ReMovement...
This has to be one of the stupidest bank robbers ever.

Paul Neaverson, 61, walked in to a branch of NatWest in Rainham, Kent and held a knife to the cashier’s neck.

However he was caught out when he asked the clerk to transfer the money in to his own bank account.

And why did he do it? Because he needed money to book a flight to Corfu for a job interview as a golf coach. Of course. ... o=facebook
It's certainly in the same ballpark of stupidity.

Just as most "normal" bank robbers know better than to hand out personal details on the job, so professional fraudsters know you don't pass fake cheques with your own name printed on them, or with a covering letter with your address on it.
He asked the Clerk to transfer funds into his own account? Their are so many things wrong with that on a number of levels. These people go out of their way to out chav each other, i'm convinced of it.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Forsyth »

SirHarryShagnasty wrote:Can anyone please clarify the difference between public and private debt and how it affects cheques.
One explanation is that money owed to the country or government, such as tax, is a public debt. Utility companies (gas, electric, water, etc.) make their money by exploiting public resources by licence from the government, so that's public debt as well - you're paying for the government license, not the resources because we all equally own the natural resources already. Banks don't lend you real money but instead create it under licence from the government, so that's also public debt again.
SirHarryShagnasty wrote:Or is it just more PoE woo?
Or it could be that, of course. To be honest, the whole separation between public and private debt seems to come extremely close to the birth-bond mythology if you stare at it long enough - Peter does seem to be trying to blend as many different alternative interpretations into one here. While it seems to be quite common in these circles to gradually adopt more and more bizarre beliefs (Jews, Satanists, paedophiles, llamas lizards), I do wonder if this is just an attempt to confuse and distract his customers victims from the real problem. We have already seen Peter angrily dismiss previous failures as being the users fault for not filling out the cheque correctly, and I suspect this is just another excuse to explain away failures by blaming it on the customers rather than himself.

I suspect the reason why the meetings have dried up is due to the likelihood of dissatisfied customers, police (or even Quatloosians), turning up and asking awkward questions as these must surely now be in greater numbers than the remaining supporters. The last meeting seems to have been in Ireland, where presumably he had few customers at the time and may have felt safe from challenge. The one before that seems to have been a "special" meeting called at short notice, no location given (apart from meeting in a car park), with no videos or photos of the event, and no reports from the event either (was anyone actually there?).
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by notorial dissent »

Unless of course you actually happen to speak the Queen's English or what passes for it over here and understand a smidge of economics where "public debt or money" means money owed or spent by the gov't and "private debt" means money owed or spent by private individuals.

But if you're a freetard who thinks includes means excludes then they have other meanings obviously.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Forsyth »

notorial dissent wrote:Unless of course you actually happen to speak the Queen's English or what passes for it over here [...]
The Queen's English, you say? Obviously that's just a ploy by the Zionist-Nazi-Satanist-House-of-Rothschild to use neuro- linguistic programming techniques to make you think that their money isn't really your money. Once you've woken up to the fact that you can pick a definition for any word or concept from the Oxford English Dictionary, Black's Medical Law Dictionary, Russia Today, Natural News, UCC or any medieval document of your choice (preferably multiple sources in the same sentence for maximum effect) then the world is your lizard oyster!

Wake up sheeple!
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

chronistra wrote:
mufc1959 wrote:
Pox wrote: $180,000 in student loans owed?

Is that the cost of tertiary education over the pond? Or is she just a slow learner?
That's about what 3-4 years of university costs in the USA, according to friends of mine (who are paying off their student loans with, you know, actual money).
Costs very much depend on the university.

To rack up $180K, this lady either spend more than four years or she picked a particularly expensive school.
She does talk about having more than one student loan so maybe she dropped a course part way through?

Whatever way you look at it, she wasted her money as what university education she had clearly fell on deaf ears!