Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

vampireLOREN wrote:
Having just looked in at GetintoloadsofLovelyDEBT and read the whole thread, I hope it all goes spectacularly Tits Up for the lamentable Chong. :haha:
Chong is one prize prat. His WeRe cheques have failed, although at one point he was claiming success, but now he admits they have failed and he explains it away by claiming the banks are stealing the money. :haha:
Its my opinion that the banks are clearing the cheques and keeping the money!
You should hear the excuses from these low level clowns!
They change on each contact with them, I challenge each one and my letters are getting to the point where they have no more room for these people to move.
I'm nailing them down and holding them accountable.
Wish me luck, one way or another its down to the wire
It is mighty strange that the banks only steal money when it is a WeRe cheque that is involved. I suppose the reason is they daren't steal money when it is a cheque from another bank.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

Was Chong the one who bought a car on finance just to prove to his family that were cheques work?

If so, I do hope he can eat his words.

He deserves all he gets, but will he admit to his failure?

Of course not.

If he is this much of an idiot, I am surprised that he was able to obtain credit (via a weird bank or otherwise).

Hope this escapade into Lala land stops his access to credit for many years to come.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Hyrion »

My own opinion is that banks expect to be paid in stirling not in energy and so thats' the big stumbling block to sucess.

Imaginary energy. Sure, it's claimed to be sunlight or some such - but there isn't any actual energy being transferred - like in battery form or any other actual form.

The only "energy" being transferred is that PoE writes an amount on to a piece of paper (the physical equivalent of the computer) and says "your debt is paid".
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by PeanutGallery »

What's funny is that some of the posters (Robswift) are starting to say what we've been saying from day one, that they think Peter is running a scam (although they think it's a slightly different scam to the one we think it is - but a scam is a scam is a scam) and yet nobody seems willing to admit, that we weren't trolling when we said, this guy is a scammer and if they had listened to us they would still have their money and not have sent off dodgy cheques the result of which will be to help further screw up their lives.

I should say that I hate to say I told you so, except I don't. I love to say it, because it shows I was right. So we told you this was a scam, you cannot say we didn't tell you and didn't explain why it was a scam, but you didn't listen to us, in fact you insulted us and called us names and hurt our internet feelings but now you can get ready to reap the rewards of your stupid. If you sent a WeRe cheque off you've probably got a CIFAS marker for passing a forged cheque or had your account closed or a mortgage foreclosed or some other thing that is really going to hurt you in the wallet.

We aren't the dark side or dark forces out to get you or trying to keep you on the bottom, people like Peter are doing that, he's taken you for a ride and hopefully it won't be too costly (if you are lucky you might just avoid a fraud conviction). We don't spend days plotting on how to deal with you or have a grand scheme designed to keep you on the bottom, we're too busy living and enjoying our lives for that to be honest (Burnaby knows that beer won't drink itself - unless it's Molsens in which case unless it does nobody else will), in fact we want your lives to be happy too that's why we told you Peter was scamming, because we knew he'd scam you and that would make your lives a little bit worse.

But you threw that back in our faces and now that you Robswift have admitted to thinking WeRe bank might be a scam, we get to say TOLD YOU SO.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Peanut Gallery wrote:So we told you this was a scam, you cannot say we didn't tell you and didn't explain why it was a scam, but you didn't listen to us, in fact you insulted us and called us names and hurt our internet feelings but now you can get ready to reap the rewards of your stupid.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by SteveUK »

Greetings all, long time reader, first time poster. I hail from nottingham but don't let that put you off, we're not all bonkers despite taking up a disproportionate amount of space in the UK scamsphere.

I'd like to propose an alternate hypothesis to how this panning out.
I don't believe the likes of Rob, Chong et al are throwing in the towel this easily. It reeks of a scam within a scam, perhaps creating the impression that the idea is dead but taking it deeper underground, farther from prying eyes?

Of course, I could well be giving them far more credit than they deserve and the penny (or should that be Re?) has finally dropped for them. I'd hate to think so, as this scam is the gift that keeps on giving.

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

I was surprised to see Robswifts thread over on Goofyland still up when i went for a look, I thought it would have been locked and quietly withdrawn by now, maybe their mods have finally seen Peter for what he actually is to. Their are some real "pearls of wisdom" on it for our entertainment and more proof that the cheques not working is having other consequences. The calls for Peter to take some action and attend court etc when the chips are down are definitely growing, I can't see him going anywhere near a court unless he is dragged kicking and screaming and I doubt the Goofy community are going to like his refusal to help.

There are still some believers though :-
Re: WeRebank concept is great….But is there something missin
Postby usetheforceLuke » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:13 pm

The notion that the people, the men and women of this land, cannot have their own currency and cannot have their own bank, which represents their best interests and works for them instead of against them, is outrageous, audacious, repugnant, and hilarious slave thought. what's missing is the will of the people. The Authority know this. Those on this forum that concentrate their energy on stopping this are pissing on their own potential bonfires.
But more proof Peter and his cheques bring trouble. You have to love the reply to the post that he has had his Nationwide Acct closed, typical Goofy mindset. They wrote off your debt then? He had claimed they had, their would a few more cheque books sold.
Re: WeRebank concept is great….But is there something missin
Postby upsidedown1 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:26 pm

Society of the Spectacle wrote:
upsidedown wrote:
It was in a letter,
They wrote to tell me that they had reviewed my accounts and were giving me notice that they were closing my accounts and to find a bank account else.

This was 10 days after they declined the cheque.

I have lurked on her for quite a while but after reading this , decided to sign up and post!

If Peter had been more helpful i wouldnt have minded so much

You say they closed your Account ?
So they wrote OFF the Debt then ?

The current account was closed and so was the credit card, closed in the sense (for the credit card) , that no further spending could take place and that i still had to pay of the balance as per usual.

I was told of the record by the manager at the local nationwide branch that they had quite a few problems with these cheques, but the policy was decided by head office and they closed all accounts who used a were bank to pay of any nationwide product
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Burnaby49 »

SteveUK wrote:Greetings all, long time reader, first time poster. I hail from nottingham but don't let that put you off, we're not all bonkers despite taking up a disproportionate amount of space in the UK scamsphere.

I'd like to propose an alternate hypothesis to how this panning out.
I don't believe the likes of Rob, Chong et al are throwing in the towel this easily. It reeks of a scam within a scam, perhaps creating the impression that the idea is dead but taking it deeper underground, farther from prying eyes?

Of course, I could well be giving them far more credit than they deserve and the penny (or should that be Re?) has finally dropped for them. I'd hate to think so, as this scam is the gift that keeps on giving.

Don't disparage Nottingham too quickly. It has the Games Workshop Warhammer factory, Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, and the Salutation Inn. I had to go to Nottingham in 1998 because my two sons wanted to tour the factory. While they were there I was knocking back pints in Ye Olde Trip and my wife did something or another somewhere else so everybody was happy. Been back twice since without the family to enjoy the pubs. Next time I'm there I plan to have a pint at the Elwes Arms to commemorate Tom's saga.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

SteveUK wrote:Greetings all, long time reader, first time poster. I hail from nottingham but don't let that put you off, we're not all bonkers despite taking up a disproportionate amount of space in the UK scamsphere.

I'd like to propose an alternate hypothesis to how this panning out.
I don't believe the likes of Rob, Chong et al are throwing in the towel this easily. It reeks of a scam within a scam, perhaps creating the impression that the idea is dead but taking it deeper underground, farther from prying eyes?

Of course, I could well be giving them far more credit than they deserve and the penny (or should that be Re?) has finally dropped for them. I'd hate to think so, as this scam is the gift that keeps on giving.

Greetings and welcome.

I did think that as I was reading the thread, but I have always found Goofys not to be very good at keeping secret's especially if it involves them hatching their latest, get into more debt faster, plan. I doubt RobSwift is on "maneuvers," I simply do not think he has the brains to mastermind a scheme to remove Were bank form public view. The other thing that surprises me about that thread is that JimmyWX is not all over it like a rash, Jimmy would no doubt have a master plan to save Weird bank :)
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by SteveUK »

I'm not knocking nottingham Burnaby, probably the best ale scene (in terms of mix and ease of getting about) in Britain. Alas, the old trip serves up pure junk nowadays. If caves aren't yiur thing, give it a wide berth.

I'll try and do a recce to the Elwes at one of ther next meetings and report back on the insanity levels and beer scene for you. However, I believe the main man of the moment is currently barred from the locality by the good folks at the nottingham police & courthouse.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Losleones »

That Robswift is as thick as two short planks. In that thread he claims the cheques are clearing & the nasty banks are attempting to double dip & further down:
Fair play to Peter he has played a blinder, preying on people's desperation & need for hope the prick
To back up his stupidity:
Thing is i never used the cheques do not need to
To summarise in Rob's world ,cheques clear & the banks are trying to get paid twice, Peter is a scam artist & he's hatching a plan to resolve matters & meanwhile he paid Peter x amount of pounds sterling for a dud cheque book he never intended using. :snicker:
Where's Jimmy? Can only assume he's either woken up or doing a stretch
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Burnaby49 »

SteveUK wrote:I'm not knocking nottingham Burnaby, probably the best ale scene (in terms of mix and ease of getting about) in Britain. Alas, the old trip serves up pure junk nowadays. If caves aren't yiur thing, give it a wide berth.

I'll try and do a recce to the Elwes at one of ther next meetings and report back on the insanity levels and beer scene for you. However, I believe the main man of the moment is currently barred from the locality by the good folks at the nottingham police & courthouse.
I'm aware of the beer at Ye Old Trip. I'm a CAMRA cask ale drunkard and they've never had any at the Trip, at least when I've been there. I go strictly for the ambience. Same goes for one of my all-time favorite British pubs, The Vines on Lime Street in Liverpool. Great old Victorian pub but the beer is just crap. So when I'm in Liverpool I go there, have a pint, and move on. I pub with a guy I've known 50 years and we've boozed together for most of it. Our worst pubbing experience in Britain was at the Vines. It was back in the dark days of smoking in British pubs. The air was so dense with smoke it was toxic. We couldn't even see across the room clearly. We were driven out without even finishing our pint, a very rare event.

I'm having a genuine British cask ale while I type this. What's that you say, that lying bastard must think we're fools since British cask only lasts a few weeks and he's in Vancouver? I'm just lucky. We have a new micro-brewery here called Callisters and one of the the brewmasters (it's a collective) is a guy from Clitheroe Lancashire called Adam Chatburn. He makes two cask ales, both from old authentic northern Lancashire recipes, a mild and a bitter. I have a two litre refillable bottle (called Growlers here) and I had it filled with his Blackburn Bitter five days ago. Finishing it tonight.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

Credit where credit is due, RobSwift is finally eating humble pie ... 6&start=50

See his post at around 8.15am
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Jeffrey »

Screenshot that because it'll be taken down soon.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Losleones »

Swifty on PToE:
If i met him face to face I'd put him on his arse
:haha: :haha: :haha:

Can't envisage that upcoming meeting taking place somehow. Here's the thread before Haining & sycophant Sally delete & lock. ... fkdAcSkqrU
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by hardcopy »

Blimey !...robswift says that all those who said Peter is a con man were right !
That bloody penny took sooooo long to drop.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by FatGambit »

If I'd been sucked into the scam off the back of his enthusiasm, the last thing I'd be doing now is accepting his apology and taking up his offer of further help.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Losleones »

FatGambit wrote:If I'd been sucked into the scam off the back of his enthusiasm, the last thing I'd be doing now is accepting his apology and taking up his offer of further help.
Indeed. How could somebody who still believes in its actual structure possibly help? It seems he only has a beef with Peter & is setting himself up as the next guru to defeat the Zionist Bankers.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

I notice that while the Goofy's are starting to see we were correct about WeRe bank, much like we were correct about Tom Crawford, they're yet to question that their sitting on a forum promoting these things, and therefore the probability that they'll be conned again, and again, and again.

I mean if I'd been as stupid as them I'd be angry at Peter, but I'd also be angry at Ceylon and others there for recklessly promoting what they now know to be a con, and I'd be questioning the purpose of remaining on a forum that's consistently proven wrong, about just about everything, and in some cases cost the membership money. In Tom's case that cost being in the tens of thousands of pounds.

The smart man wouldn't be posting in that thread, he'd be leaving the forum.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Don't disparage Nottingham too quickly. It has the Games Workshop Warhammer factory
Heh. I love reading the sourcebooks for warhammer and warhammer 40k, but i do not have the time, money, or tablespace to actually play. Even my flgs never hosts anything larger than a skirmish.
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