Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
Don't disparage Nottingham too quickly. It has the Games Workshop Warhammer factory
Heh. I love reading the sourcebooks for warhammer and warhammer 40k, but i do not have the time, money, or tablespace to actually play. Even my flgs never hosts anything larger than a skirmish.
I have absolutely no idea what Warhammer is about apart from the fact that it's a table game of some kind and you paint a pile of figures. But I have a photo of me and my sons standing in front of the Warhammer factory. That's what being a father does to you.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bungle »

NG3 wrote:I notice that while the Goofy's are starting to see we were correct about WeRe bank, much like we were correct about Tom Crawford, they're yet to question that their sitting on a forum promoting these things, and therefore the probability that they'll be conned again, and again, and again.

I mean if I'd been as stupid as them I'd be angry at Peter, but I'd also be angry at Ceylon and others there for recklessly promoting what they now know to be a con, and I'd be questioning the purpose of remaining on a forum that's consistently proven wrong, about just about everything, and in some cases cost the membership money. In Tom's case that cost being in the tens of thousands of pounds.

The smart man wouldn't be posting in that thread, he'd be leaving the forum.
I have just read RobSwift's comment and coming so soon after the awful Tom Crawful fiasco, this is yet another crushing blow for FMoTL. I was interested to see that RobSwift displayed part of an email that he had received from Maverick (below). I wonder how long we will have to wait to see him make a public apology?

"I have sent loads of emails and contacted through the forum but still nothing. The way I feel regarding Peter, at the moment, if I met him face to face I would put him on his arse. He shows no support to anyone, he ignores people's emails and gets very shitty if someone rings him and asks for help, that's all I keep reading on the forums."
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

I see quantum3d isn't quite ready to accept reality yet for the new member here claiming their account was closed because s/he used a were cheque, well this stinks of a fake letter put up on the were forum that a quatloos member fabricated
I'd love to see quantum3d's proof that someone from here posted a fake letter on the were forum, or is that an unsubstantiated claim made by a man with an axe to grind?

Still, it's goofyland so facts and truth are strangers there.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

Have just had a long winded chat with Peter of England ( i wish i had recorded it), he really rambles on and its hard to get a word in edge ways. He thought i was someone else......... I mentioned about all the problems that people were having and he simply doesnt care, he simply blames people for the problems they are having by not reading is documentation or watching his videos properly. He says he hasnt got the time to help anyone and has loads of new people coming on board. Claimed that no one else could help him as they didnt understand the system!. I couldnt get the name of his printers, he asked where i was based, and he said he lived in DONCASTER!!!. Couldnt get the name of the printers though that he used
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

From "Steadman" on that GOOF thread comes a tiny little scrap of evidence in the form of a footnote to support those who are in the "Rob is going to try and raise his own empire" camp. Make of it what you will:
We still hold the answer..together.
(hemp based economy and community,anyone?..more on that coming soon ;) *sorry Robswift-didn't have time to write it out yet-but the more I look the more sense it makes)
A hemp-based economy, indeed.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by longdog »

I love the way the GOOFers are starting to worry that sending Poe a promissory note for £160,000 might not have been a wise move because he might call it in. Given their professed expertise on the subject of PNs... "must be treated like cash and blah, blah, blah.." you'd have thought they'd have considered this before sending one off. :snicker:

Of course in reality the PNs are utterly worthless and were in any event supposed to offset the money Poe paid out to settle the cheques... He's not paid out a penny.

There's not a court in the country that would give Poe the time of day if he tried to enforce settlement.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by FatGambit »

Regarding your last line, there is not a Court in the land that would entertain his claim, if it was defended.

Given most people on GOODF ignore Court Claims from Northampton, he stands a fairly good chance of obtaining a CCJ through the automatic system that Northampton is, he would only come unstuck if someone defended the claim. Of course, PoE would have to come up with the court fees first, not a pretty penny for a £160k claim.

This ignores the issue that he'd only get away with it once, and that street justice wouldn't catch up with him, which it would.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

That street justice thing might be meted out sooner rather than later. This is twice now that Mavrik has appeared hellbent on issuing a promissory fist directly to Peter's face for clearance:
After reading all the posts, I for one, am going to make it my mission to come face to face with peter. I couldn't give a damn if I get locked up, I will have the satisfaction of taking that smug grin of his face. And will be taking back the prom note from the shithead.

I would also like to say a very BIG apology to anyone I berated over were bank.

We live and learn.
Whether it'll ever happen or not remains to be seen, but once they've got an idea in their heads...

(P.S I don't advocate violence in any way whatsoever, but if it was to happen, I wouldn't exactly send flowers to PoE either.)
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by PeanutGallery »

FatGambit wrote:Regarding your last line, there is not a Court in the land that would entertain his claim, if it was defended.

Given most people on GOODF ignore Court Claims from Northampton, he stands a fairly good chance of obtaining a CCJ through the automatic system that Northampton is, he would only come unstuck if someone defended the claim. Of course, PoE would have to come up with the court fees first, not a pretty penny for a £160k claim.

This ignores the issue that he'd only get away with it once, and that street justice wouldn't catch up with him, which it would.
Agreed, well mostly, Peter may qualify for fee exemption (if he's on a low income or just plain lies about it) so he could file and hope that the claim won't be defended. But even if he were to win at court, due to the other party failing to file any form of defence, he would then face the difficulty of trying to enforce a judgement.

We know that he targeted people on low incomes and who were already saddled with debt for his scheme. The result of any court action would simply be for Peter to join what I think can reasonably be assumed to be a list of other creditors.

In regard to the threats Mavrik is now making, I would hope that in order to avoid vigilante justice (and Peter going to ground), the police arrest him and take him into custody.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by vampireLOREN »

hardcopy wrote:Blimey !...robswift says that all those who said Peter is a con man were right !
That bloody penny took sooooo long to drop.
I am so sorry that those like ROB'EM SWIFT and others are giving up so easily.....Cowards All!!.
Why could they not have just kept on posting off their cheaques? I also wonder how many made their regular monthly payment of a 'tenner'? not too many I bet.
I am glad they paid Peter £35.....GOOD, serves 'em right.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Hyrion »

Pox wrote:Credit where credit is due, RobSwift is finally eating humble pie ... 6&start=50

See his post at around 8.15am
He may be eating humble pie relative to the point that PoE is a con.....

But he hasn't left the rabbit hole yet:
Robswift wrote:I made the assumption he would just trade the note, but having seen how this has played out it is not safe for anyone to assume that will be the case especially if he is one of them and that scenario is looking likely especially with the way he is determined to recruit, recruit, recruit and doesn't give a shit about existing members it all makes sense now!!!
Bolding mine. If I undertsand him correctly - he thinks PoE is a plant by .... *drum roll*
Robswift wrote:it is nothing more than monkey business the same trickery as TPTB
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Next time I'm there I plan to have a pint at the Elwes Arms to commemorate Tom's saga.
Seeing as we have 4 or 5 members from the sunny city of Nottingham you should let us know in advance and we can have some form of meet up.

It would be a perfect chance for me to tell everyone about this new project I'm lining up - Bare Bank. It runs on the principal of universal bullshit, and as the name suggests we not only empty your pockets but we'll even take the shirt from your back.

I'll bring my friend "East Pakistan" along to give a speech too, then afterwards we can all get drunk and shout "Paedophile protectors" at any passing police cars (or at anyone else for that matter).
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by AndyPandy »

Just when it was getting interesting over in GOODFY land - thread gets locked :shrug:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

AndyPandy wrote:Just when it was getting interesting over in GOODFY land - thread gets locked :shrug:
By Mark Haining, just for the record.

I'd hate for someone to wrongly attribute the locking of a thread that's questioning the scam that is the WeRe bank to any other moderator, other than the one responsible and who has profited, via YouTube monetisation, from promoting this scam, and whose most recent video, promoting PoE, he uploaded a mere 13 days ago ( ), long after serious flaws had been made evident.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Peter is clearly behind the locking of that thread. Negative comments on his Facebook page are now being removed almost immediately afterwards following his four-day dormancy.

I'm dying in anticipation to see Peter's next move. He's got nowhere to go next, really.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by guilty »

From the Goofers:
Just got back home & letter in box from council.

"The council has been advised by Lloyds Bank that the cheque cannot be cleared using the method advised by "Peter " at WeRe Bank. Every attempt we have made to contact "Peter" to discuss this has failed and he now seems to be uncontactable.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by AiusLocutius »

I just hope that members now start to see Haining for who he is.
Robswifts thread was getting very interesting, and he has to be given credit for his about turn, it takes guts. people are now feeling happier to come forward, so it gets locked down and moved out of plain sight.
This is a great demonstration of Hainings narcissistic nature. He is losing support in droves now.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

guilty wrote:From the Goofers:
Just got back home & letter in box from council.

"The council has been advised by Lloyds Bank that the cheque cannot be cleared using the method advised by "Peter " at WeRe Bank. Every attempt we have made to contact "Peter" to discuss this has failed and he now seems to be uncontactable.
That'll be related to the changed phone numbers on the cheques, as already mentioned.

The Goofy gang overlooked Peters changed number in their thread, and it's obvious implications.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Jeffrey »

I think it's pretty telling Quatloos noticed the change in phone number but nobody at GOODF noticed, despite you know, them being a lot closer to the scam and having checks.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

Jeffrey wrote:I think it's pretty telling Quatloos noticed the change in phone number but nobody at GOODF noticed, despite you know, them being a lot closer to the scam and having checks.
A serious post for any Goofy's browsing (and you know some of you do), if you have any questions about this, the implications of the changed phone number, your concerns about the promissory notes, etc. then please do sign up and feel free to ask.

You don't have to sign up under your Goofy name, nor tell us who you are, or that you're even a Goofy, you can just sign up as an anonymous anybody.

You won't have to post on any other threads, nor will you be obliged in anyway to post after you've received an answer to your question.

This isn't a recruitment drive. This isn't a challenge, or a plan to gloat over being right, it's merely an offer to help answer any questions, or concerns, any of you have related to this scam.

We may have laughed at some of the stupid things you've said, or done, but we're not callous, so we would help a genuine person, with genuine questions.

& there's no movement, ideology, or any other obligations over here. You don't have to believe anything, or change your views, or life choices in any way.