Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

NG3 wrote:
Simply post a copy of your Pay Slip, Pay cheque, Giro and...
...then I'll know which of you have more money for me to scam with other ventures, whilst I happily ignore the poorer amongst you, and the ones I've already bled dry?
Exactly what I thought when I saw it - POE is a sly bar steward.

Who, in their right mind would provide this info, together with all the other required info (dob etc.) to a stranger?

Just answered my own question - a thicko, greedy freetard, that's who!

I'm not buying it that POE's suckers are desperate, vulnerable folks, they all just wanted something for nothing or an awful lot for £35, to be exact (or whatever the going rate is nowadays for his phony bits of paper).

I really hope that the sh1t hits the fan at some point and that all those who are involved get splattered with it and that it sticks.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by hardcopy »

vampireLOREN wrote:
hardcopy wrote:Blimey !...robswift says that all those who said Peter is a con man were right !
That bloody penny took sooooo long to drop.
I am so sorry that those like ROB'EM SWIFT and others are giving up so easily.....Cowards All!!.
Why could they not have just kept on posting off their cheaques? I also wonder how many made their regular monthly payment of a 'tenner'? not too many I bet.
I am glad they paid Peter £35.....GOOD, serves 'em right.
Weaklings the lot of them, at least Tom saw it thru to the bitter end, and beyond..
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Tml69 »

I'm pretty impressed with the We're thread on goodf.

One of the great scandals of goodf and all other OPCA sites is the failures are suppressed to create an echo chamber of success stories which draws in newbies.

I also think many people are embarrassed to admit to themselves (or the world) that they have been taken in by a scam. The Were cheerleaders who have renounced their faith are deserving of credit for that I think.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

Another were bank thread started on GOODF - ... 60&t=92014

A warning about using weird cheques in the USA.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by mufc1959 »

Pox wrote:Another were bank thread started on GOODF - ... 60&t=92014

A warning about using weird cheques in the USA.
Screengrab before it's deleted.

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by slowsmile »

timcurgenven1 wrote:Have just had a long winded chat with Peter of England ( i wish i had recorded it), he really rambles on and its hard to get a word in edge ways. He thought i was someone else......... I mentioned about all the problems that people were having and he simply doesnt care, he simply blames people for the problems they are having by not reading is documentation or watching his videos properly. He says he hasnt got the time to help anyone and has loads of new people coming on board. Claimed that no one else could help him as they didnt understand the system!. I couldnt get the name of his printers, he asked where i was based, and he said he lived in DONCASTER!!!.
So it's highly likely he's still holed up in the vicinity of Thorne Road where the parking attendant video was filmed a couple of months ago.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

One of the great scandals of goodf and all other OPCA sites is the failures are suppressed to create an echo chamber of success stories which draws in newbies.
Before the GOODF site came along, I wonder if these idiots went out and used actual echo chambers.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by PeanutGallery »

Peter's made a new post to Facebook, he seems to chock full of the crazy.
educate yourselves...educate yourselves....educate yourselves
The question then has to be to the shills and trolls who have attempted to besmirch our good efforts...."WHY HAVE YOU NOT EXPOSED THE GOVERNMENT, TREASURY, POLITICO SHAM/SCAM WITH 1/100TH OF THE ENERGY THAT YOU DIRECT AT US? Why do you have such a blind spot for the "biggest of rip-offs" yet precocious and infantile rhetoric directed towards WeRe Bank?
We the answer is clear for all to decipher is it not.
Now to rebut this nonsense, we are educated over here but we agree people should educate themselves and learn to think critically and analyse their actions. We haven't exposed the government, treasury, politico scam which you allege because we don't agree it is a scam and we recognise the need for these things in order to benefit society.

We have looked at WeRe bank and we consider it to be a scam, our position is backed up by other facets of society, banks, councils, landlords and the like who all agree that the cheques are worthless pieces of paper and not valid cheques. Your cheques don't work because you don't transfer any money. All you do is deduct a figure from an imaginary ledger, that doesn't create anything and you charge people for this service, only you don't charge them in your totally made up money but instead charge them in pounds sterling, which is odd because you've constantly said that stuff is toxic. Now as you also know we at Quatloos (which has more chance of being a real currency than the Re) aren't the only ones who are calling this scam a scam, Robswift over at GOODF and Mavrik are both pretty convinced that you are a conman.

Are you a conman? Or are you deluded? Or are you a deluded conman? Someone previously (either in this thread or the one before) posited that you might suffer from bipolar disorder, in that you seem to go from being very hands on to very hands off which would be indicative of a manic and depressive phase. I would say that from the observations I (an entirely untrained in the field of mental health random person from the internet) have made of you (which aren't that much considering we've never actually met or communicated in any direct manner) based on your behaviour and statements would not consider that to be too far wide of the mark.

In fact I would think it likely that you have either a history of mental health problems or have suffered and are suffering with an undiagnosed and untreated condition, if this is the case I would urge you to consider getting appropriate help and support before you do something stupid(er). If you do have a mental health condition you have my sympathy, but that doesn't excuse you from being responsible for your actions and for the hardship your scam will have caused people.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Jeffrey »

The question then has to be to the shills and trolls who have attempted to besmirch our good efforts...."WHY HAVE YOU NOT EXPOSED THE GOVERNMENT, TREASURY, POLITICO SHAM/SCAM WITH 1/100TH OF THE ENERGY THAT YOU DIRECT AT US? Why do you have such a blind spot for the "biggest of rip-offs" yet precocious and infantile rhetoric directed towards WeRe Bank?
This is a combination of two logical fallacies.

1. Two wrongs make a right fallacy.

i.e. Real banks do bad things therefore Peter should also be able to do bad things.

2. Zero sum fallacy (I think).

i.e. You can only criticize Peter or the government but not both.

Debunked by simply browsing the forum. Quatloos has covered far larger scams and much more skilled conmen. WeRe bank is just notable for it's sheer idiocy.

Peter also seems to imply that there's been a focus on him to the exclusion of all other things, which couldn't be further from the truth. It takes 5 minutes to type up a summary of what's going on with Peter then we go out and deal with real world stuff. At least personally speaking, this is relaxing to talk about for the very reasons Peter cites. This is a silly low level check scam. I'd much rather talk about this than the 3 unsolved murders that have happened in my neighborhood this year, or the lousy job market, or a dozen other topics that aren't fun to talk about.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

mufc1959 wrote:Some utter knob called quantum3d wrote this in the GOODF thread (now locked)
I have seen no evidence that issuing cheques has got anyone into trouble
Tell that to the people about to get evicted! Maybe he means criminal trouble, but jeez, some people on the WeRe forum are about to lose everything, with no way back, because of their blinkered idiocy and belief in the lies of a conman.

But kudos to Robswift for acknowledging he was wrong about WeRe, although he doesn't actually understand why it's a con, as he's too stupid to apply critical thinking to the FOTL woo.
Quantam3d is a grade A uneducated pillock who worships the woo. Whatever the subject, he can be relied on to post complete and utter bullshit that is completely and utterly wrong. I think he actually out does Jimmywx in the wrong information he posts.

I said yesterday I was surprised that thread had not been locked and made to quietly disappear, truth is a commodity in short supply over on GOODF and when someone does post actual facts they are normally stamped on a lot faster. Robswift seems to be performing a fine balancing act at the moment, but he needs to be careful, he keeps his POE investigation going, for example he starts another thread, he is history on GOODF, that is how they work.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by SteveUK »

Burnaby49 wrote:
NG3 wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Next time I'm there I plan to have a pint at the Elwes Arms to commemorate Tom's saga.
Seeing as we have 4 or 5 members from the sunny city of Nottingham you should let us know in advance and we can have some form of meet up.

It would be a perfect chance for me to tell everyone about this new project I'm lining up - Bare Bank. It runs on the principal of universal bullshit, and as the name suggests we not only empty your pockets but we'll even take the shirt from your back.

I'll bring my friend "East Pakistan" along to give a speech too, then afterwards we can all get drunk and shout "Paedophile protectors" at any passing police cars (or at anyone else for that matter).
My drinking friend and I are currently planning our next trip to the UK. Tentatively a month from mid-June to Mid-July next year. We much prefer May or September but those damn grandchildren are an issue nowadays. Closer to the date when we have things firmed up and we have a tentative itinerary I plan to start a new discussion on this forum titled "A Beer With Burnaby?" to see who's interested in swilling a cask or two.
The SovCit real-ale trail.
Gets my vote.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by hardcopy »

Jeffrey wrote:
The question then has to be to the shills and trolls who have attempted to besmirch our good efforts...."WHY HAVE YOU NOT EXPOSED THE GOVERNMENT, TREASURY, POLITICO SHAM/SCAM WITH 1/100TH OF THE ENERGY THAT YOU DIRECT AT US? Why do you have such a blind spot for the "biggest of rip-offs" yet precocious and infantile rhetoric directed towards WeRe Bank?
This is a combination of two logical fallacies.

1. Two wrongs make a right fallacy.

i.e. Real banks do bad things therefore Peter should also be able to do bad things.

2. Zero sum fallacy (I think).

i.e. You can only criticize Peter or the government but not both.

Debunked by simply browsing the forum. Quatloos has covered far larger scams and much more skilled conmen. WeRe bank is just notable for it's sheer idiocy.

Peter also seems to imply that there's been a focus on him to the exclusion of all other things, which couldn't be further from the truth. It takes 5 minutes to type up a summary of what's going on with Peter then we go out and deal with real world stuff. At least personally speaking, this is relaxing to talk about for the very reasons Peter cites. This is a silly low level check scam. I'd much rather talk about this than the 3 unsolved murders that have happened in my neighborhood this year, or the lousy job market, or a dozen other topics that aren't fun to talk about.
Er, we are not allowed to talk about Government corruption or Casino style banking because it is deemed "political" and as such is not allowed on this forum, that's why.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Burnaby49 »

hardcopy wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:
The question then has to be to the shills and trolls who have attempted to besmirch our good efforts...."WHY HAVE YOU NOT EXPOSED THE GOVERNMENT, TREASURY, POLITICO SHAM/SCAM WITH 1/100TH OF THE ENERGY THAT YOU DIRECT AT US? Why do you have such a blind spot for the "biggest of rip-offs" yet precocious and infantile rhetoric directed towards WeRe Bank?
This is a combination of two logical fallacies.

1. Two wrongs make a right fallacy.

i.e. Real banks do bad things therefore Peter should also be able to do bad things.

2. Zero sum fallacy (I think).

i.e. You can only criticize Peter or the government but not both.

Debunked by simply browsing the forum. Quatloos has covered far larger scams and much more skilled conmen. WeRe bank is just notable for it's sheer idiocy.

Peter also seems to imply that there's been a focus on him to the exclusion of all other things, which couldn't be further from the truth. It takes 5 minutes to type up a summary of what's going on with Peter then we go out and deal with real world stuff. At least personally speaking, this is relaxing to talk about for the very reasons Peter cites. This is a silly low level check scam. I'd much rather talk about this than the 3 unsolved murders that have happened in my neighborhood this year, or the lousy job market, or a dozen other topics that aren't fun to talk about.
Er, we are not allowed to talk about Government corruption or Casino style banking because it is deemed "political" and as such is not allowed on this forum, that's why.
Now, now. No need to be bitter just because one of your Wesley Ahmed postings was eviscerated with this branded across the bottom;

Note - Political commentary deleted by Burnaby49

As I explained politics and religion are acceptable as long as they reference a scam or Freeman philosophy. In this case Jeffery is mocking POE by pointing out how Peter might justify his own misdeeds by referencing to the greater corruption around him. An acceptable context. However if I went on a tear about our upcoming federal elections ranting about how it was time we kicked out those damn Conservatives who cared nothing about the struggles of the common man I'd expect to be censured by one of my fellow mods. For the record I'm one of those damn Conservatives.

To show how politics can be an acceptable topic on Quatloos check out this discussion.

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Losleones »

I think to be fair Burnaby, the reference Hardcopy made was quoting Peanuts plucking of PToEs woo from faceache
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by hardcopy »

@ burnaby Oi !....the only bitter that interests YOU comes in a glass !!
Anyway, it was just a simple statement of fact.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Burnaby49 »

Losleones wrote:I think to be fair Burnaby, the reference Hardcopy made was quoting Peanuts plucking of PToEs woo from faceache
You could well be right. There are so many posting in this discussion, and Tom Crawford, that I find it hard to keep on top of the topic or the cast of characters. I generally skim through the posts checking for moderator issues.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by wanglepin »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:It is even more amusing they are now beginning to realise they have been conned and they have lost their money.
I agree rumpel. I find it highly amusing now. I did feel sorry for a few of the genuine who were simply far too thick and desperate to work this out for themselves, but they have had all the help they needed to show them that this was a scam, as far as I am concerned. They should now look to those who promoted this scam from day one over on goof and ask why they allowed it to go on.
This bellend end is an example of those who promoted this con and caused others to be banned from goof for asking for clairity. Sycophant Salle should have her feet in the fire and her head in the furnace for allowing this crap go on for so long but she always took the easy rout and banned people if they didn't follow the goofer "path".
Robswift » Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:10 amI have to throw my hands up here and admit that the ones who originally said Peter was a conman were spot on.....
The thing about swift is , he also says
Thing is I never used the cheques do not need to,
So why would he even join it?
But was so quick to shout "shill, troll and government agent" at every chance he and others had, and stand on the sidelines watching others get a banned without saying a word, just like the few goofers that have come here to Quatloos.

Ceylon Mark Haining and Witterick should be held wholly responsible by the members of goof , but I cannot see that happening either.

I have said it before from the start actually that this is a pretty good con and would sucker many who won't complain too hard about being shafted.
Last edited by wanglepin on Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Burnaby49 »

hardcopy wrote:@ burnaby Oi !....the only bitter that interests YOU comes in a glass !!
Anyway, it was just a simple statement of fact.
And I anticipate quaffing a lot of those bitters next year. My stalwart drinking companion and I will be coming over to the land of real cask ale June 6th to July 12th. We boast how we've been to over 1,000 different British pubs but, in an honest audit of the list, this isn't really true. I have 1,027 boozers on the list but some are hotel bars and, the ultimate horror, a few night clubs. Excise those from the list and we have 985. If I'm even pickier the list includes 74 from the Republic of Ireland which, while fine pubs, don't count as British. So we need 89 more entirely new pubs to legitimately top the 1,000. I'm quietly confidant that we can do it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by hardcopy »

Burnaby49 wrote:
hardcopy wrote:@ burnaby Oi !....the only bitter that interests YOU comes in a glass !!
Anyway, it was just a simple statement of fact.
And I anticipate quaffing a lot of those bitters next year. My stalwart drinking companion and I will be coming over to the land of real cask ale June 6th to July 12th. We boast how we've been to over 1,000 different British pubs but, in an honest audit of the list, this isn't really true. I have 1,027 boozers on the list but some are hotel bars and, the ultimate horror, a few night clubs. Excise those from the list and we have 985. If I'm even pickier the list includes 74 from the Republic of Ireland which, while fine pubs, don't count as British. So we need 89 more entirely new pubs to legitimately top the 1,000. I'm quietly confidant that we can do it.
Aah, Irish pubs are great, some of them are little gems. My wife always complains that I like "old men's pubs" instead of the glass and mirror monstrosities that are in vogue, and you know what, she's right !
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Forsyth »

Bones quoting PoE wrote:1. Claiming hours worked in Public (Public Work); this includes any work you have obtained via an employee, including unemployment benefits. Simply post a copy of your Pay Slip, Pay cheque, Giro and the corresponding amount will be credited to your Sterling account. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR PUBLIC ID (NI or SS etc) NUMBER IS INCLUDED
Why a system that claims to operate completely outside of official scrutiny or influence would need to know your National Insurance or Social Security number is beyond me.

It does occur to me, however, that if you happened to be in possession of a large number of promissory notes for a significant total amount of money and were looking to realise a small fraction of their face value by selling them on, then being able to provide proof of the issuers address and income in the form of payslips might have an impact on the percentage of the face value that you would receive. It may also be seen as demonstrating the understanding of the obligation to pay the promissory note back as, after all, why would you need to provide proof of income to a company if there was no expectation for future payment?