Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by Hanslune »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
People who hold the "Lexington-Concord Fantasy"
What is that exactly?
notorial dissent
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by notorial dissent »

Ritzheimer is a crank, and a delusional crank, and I mean that in the nicest most sincerest way. He was booted out of the Marines, he says over a tattoo, I'm betting it was a whole lot more than that. I seriously do not think he is really dealing with reality at all, in fact it sounds more like he's had a complete break therefrom. The way he talks and acts does not lead to any other interpretation. He has a family, I don't know about a life, but if he keeps this up much longer he won't have either, except maybe on visiting days. The thing about him is that he is just delusional enough that he could well be very dangerous if something disrupts his fantasy, and it is hard to tell what that just might be. I don't know if he will actually follow through on any of this, but it is a possibility that doesn't need to happen. I don't know if he is actually dangerous or not, but he may put himself in a position where he is assumed to be. I do think he is in dire need of some kind of intervention before he destroys his and his family's lives.
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Hanslune wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:
People who hold the "Lexington-Concord Fantasy"
What is that exactly?
The battles of Lexington and Concord were historically significant events - the "first shots fired" of the American revolution. The fantasy often posited is that "true patriots" of this era will rise up somewhere to confront the evil gubmint and light the fuse to the powder keg of another revolution. 99.999% of them talk a big game that they'd join in the fight but would probably only do so by cheering-on the perps from their keyboards.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by Hanslune »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
Hanslune wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:
People who hold the "Lexington-Concord Fantasy"
What is that exactly?
The battles of Lexington and Concord were historically significant events - the "first shots fired" of the American revolution. The fantasy often posited is that "true patriots" of this era will rise up somewhere to confront the evil gubmint and light the fuse to the powder keg of another revolution. 99.999% of them talk a big game that they'd join in the fight but would probably only do so by cheering-on the perps from their keyboards.
Ah thanks yes I saw versions of that belief during the 90's sovcit fad.
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
Hanslune wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:
People who hold the "Lexington-Concord Fantasy"
What is that exactly?
The battles of Lexington and Concord were historically significant events - the "first shots fired" of the American revolution. The fantasy often posited is that "true patriots" of this era will rise up somewhere to confront the evil gubmint and light the fuse to the powder keg of another revolution. 99.999% of them talk a big game that they'd join in the fight but would probably only do so by cheering-on the perps from their keyboards.
Many of today's so-called "militamen" picture themselves standing upon a figurative Lexington Common, firearms at the ready, prepared to repel the (insert the political villains of your choice here). Their fantasy tells them that it was militamen like those of April 1775 who won independence for the 13 Colonies, and thus their modern -day efforts will preserve their freedoms to do as they damn well please; and no amount of facts will ever convince them differently.
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by fortinbras »

I suspect that, by now, the FBI and the Capitol Police have warned the Senator. Even so, seeing this guy trying to lay violent hands on a Member of Congress, and then spending years in a federal slammer has a certain appeal.
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by fortinbras »

18 USC 351 has been applied to:

Spitting on Senator Scoop Jackson. US v. Masel (7th Cir. 1977) 563 F.2d 322 cert.den 435 US 927 (15 days jail)
Throwing eggs at (but not hitting) Representative John Anderson. US v. Calderon (10th Cir 1981) 655 F.2d 1037 (30 days jail)
Throwing eggs at (and hitting) Rep. John Anderson. US v. Guerrero (10th Cir 1981) 667 F.2d 862, 9 Fed.R.Evid.Serv. 419 cert.den 456 US 964 (30 days jail)
Spitting on a patient at a Vet.Adm. hospital. US v. Lewellyn (9th Cir 2007) 481 F.3d 695 cert.den 552 US 864 (2 years probation, 50 hours community service)

Also determined: statute does not require that the protected person be doing his official job at the time of the assault (Calderon & Guerrero cases)
Statute applies to assault (etc) on a protected person even if the assault takes place in a foreign country. US v. Layton (9th Cir 1988) 855 F.2d 1388, 26 Fed.R.Evid.Serv. 988 cert.den 489 US 1046 (for murdering Rep. Leo Ryan at Jonestown in Guyana, in 1978)
Investigative records for prosecution under 18 USC 351 are not judicial records available for release to public media. US v. Loughner (D.Ariz 2011) 807 F.Supp.2d 828 appeal (on other issues) dism. 672 F.3d 731. (In connection with the shooting of Rep. Gaby Gifford and the murder of Congressional aide Gabe Zimmerman)
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by fortinbras »

Here's what recently happened to West Virginia advocate of citizens arrest of public officials, Thomas Deegan: Arrest and criminal prosecution: ... ment-25779
notorial dissent
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by notorial dissent »

Deegan, IIRC, was already under house arrest on a short tether when he started exercising his constitutionally guaranteed rights to stupidity, and most likely severely violated his semi-parole. The other idiot poster child for the Darwin Award was still at liberty the lats I heard, but maybe not for long. You just don't go around threatening bodily harm or possible harm to people and not have bad things happen to you.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by Hanslune »

More Deegan nutery ... nslave-us/

Each person on this Earth at birth is worth $50,000 in gold and that is paid for out of the Vatican. Every refugee you see being transferred is worth $50,000 in gold. That is put up under a bond that is hypothicated 20 -40- 1000 times into a Cestui que Vie account. That is what they are going after — the territory and the Cestui que Vie account.
I suggest everyone start looking at Google Earth in Charleston, (WV) because that is where most of the people are located and there is also a National Guard Armory on Coonskin Drive in Charleston. I would suggest you take a look at that too. Look at the West Virginia State Police located in Charleston and the Kanawha County Sheriffs in Charleston.

Those are going to be the only ones close enough to do anything. Those of you have military experience know how to counteract that. You have to remember we are at war and we have been declared enemies of our own nation. We are at war!

An overwhelming show of force will probably dictate that a shot will not be fired. If there is a moderate amount of people here there may be shot fired. We are not looking for that, so we hope we see tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands shut down Charleston. – truckers, bikers, militia, whoever.
oh yeah!
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Re: Militia Leader Plans To Arrest Senator

Post by fortinbras »