The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by bagman »

YiamCross wrote:
IDIOT wrote:
#six wrote:Ok - I'm confused now. Is BK also getting a copy of the transcript or is he taking credit for arranging it?
Looks like he's got it on the strength of our funding whether that be full or partial funding I don't know but those that donated deserve first dibs I say.
FYI Bradley has put in quite a sizeable donation personally and brought in several other generous contributors which between them probably accounted for about half the initial tranch which bought the judgment. He has put in more for the second tranch towards getting the hearing transcript and we have had a couple of ridiculously large donations from the American contingent of Quatloos which helped us achieve our target very quickly. I'm not going to reveal who put what in because in my book a fiver from someone who's not got much means as much as a big chunk of cash from those who have.

PERSONALLY, i dont care who donated, and who didnt. The money got raised, not everybody has the cash to spare, the ones that had did, for the good of quote
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote: And as far as I know he hasn't tried to take credit for anything, though without him we wouldn't have had the idea, let alone made it happen.
I must confess my understanding of the situation was BK discussed it on one of his SoundCloud recordings prior to the initial fundraising post here so I always assumed it was a joint effort.

As for BK himself I am indifferent to the man and I mean that with no disrespect, I merely mean I don't really know him, and he's given me no personal reason to like, or hate him, although I'd lean towards the former based on common adversaries.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Pox »

guilty wrote:
Craig Crawford feeling sleepy

Just outta crown court today... Cases beside me... Murder of a little six year old boy... Another murder of a 64 year old woman... Me? Apparently my case is up there with murderers now.
Talk about wasting tax payers money, talk about wasting time... Talk about stupidity of the system...
Craigy, I really don't think that you, of all people should be getting on your high horse talking about 'wasting tax payers money', it was your family who wasted a considerable amount of tax payers money with your eviction help appeals.
Hypocrite that you are.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

Craig Crawford feeling sleepy

Just outta crown court today... Cases beside me... Murder of a little six year old boy... Another murder of a 64 year old woman... Me? Apparently my case is up there with murderers now.
No, but as a criminal you do get tried at the same venue as other criminals.
Talk about wasting tax payers money, talk about wasting time... Talk about stupidity of the system...
As Pox points out your behaviour has caused a far greater waste of tax payers money.

I bet Craig won't be using that weak defence at his trial, because if he's stupid enough to do so the lack of self-responsibility and remorse will count against him at sentencing.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

guilty wrote:
Craig Crawford feeling sleepy

Just outta crown court today... Cases beside me... Murder of a little six year old boy... Another murder of a 64 year old woman... Me? Apparently my case is up there with murderers now.
Talk about wasting tax payers money, talk about wasting time... Talk about stupidity of the system...
The comments section to that post are truly shocking. They truly believe that his case was deliberately placed in between murder cases etc and that it is a complete waste of time and money. Next they will be nominating him for the Nobel peace prize.

Complete waste of time and money? The Crawfords would know all about that.

Still i guess a Muppet can only be followed by other Muppets.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by YiamCross »

Gregg wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:Just gonna post this here since Hurst was with Crawford at the last hearing:

Common Law...the last stand against Tyranny! [John Hurst @ the Dignity Alliance]
This is a genocide against Europeans... we goyim are expendable... the hebes aren't seeking to wipe out africans yet
Edit: And at an hour 17 minutes they start discussing the protocols of the elders of zion.
There is little in the world more stupefying than either an Englishman or an American whining about the "tyranny" they are forced to live under. When I assume control as a true tyrant and Supreme Leader for Life of all Civilization, such lot will be gathered up and dropped at random in real tyrannical shitholes like Afghanistan, North Korea, maybe Iran ...
I share the sentiment. Honestly, I wonder sometimes if these idiots deserve the protection of the law. I may have the wrong end of the stick as I'm no historian but I kind of like the idea of how law worked before the French came over here and imposed their system on us. Back in the days when being an outlaw meant being outside the protection of the law. No one came chasing after a fugitive from the law, they were simply not protected by the law until they turned up and fought their case. This meant that they couldn't go whining to the sheriff if someone stole from them or hurt them, they had chosen to step outside of the law and that was their problem. The law was also about restitution rather than punishment. Steal from someone and you had to make good to the victim when caught on top of any penalty which might be imposed to deter further transgressions and transgressors.

Seems like a sensible system to me as opposed to now when even a fool like Peter of England can profit handsomly from outright fraud with no real chance of ever being brought to book for it let alone making good the damage he has done.

I wonder how long these idiots would last if they weren't protected by the tyrannical state they complain about so much. What chance would there be for Tom Crawford to have ever owned his own house without the banks to provide a loan if it was just down to the survival of the fittest?

Sad and pathetic people all of them.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by PeanutGallery »

NG3 wrote:
Craig Crawford feeling sleepy

Just outta crown court today... Cases beside me... Murder of a little six year old boy... Another murder of a 64 year old woman... Me? Apparently my case is up there with murderers now.
No, but as [an] accused criminal you do get tried at the same venue as other criminals.
Talk about wasting tax payers money, talk about wasting time... Talk about stupidity of the system...
As Pox points out your behaviour has caused a far greater waste of tax payers money.

I bet Craig won't be using that weak defence at his trial, because if he's stupid enough to do so the lack of self-responsibility and remorse will count against him at sentencing.
Just to be clear, until Craig is convicted the presumption is that he is innocent. However I doubt that Craig will proffer much in the way of a rational defence, given his families habit of listening to the renowned legal advice of Taylor, Ebert and partners.

Also I would say that it is not a waste of any public money to pursue justice and order in society, that pursuit means that those accused of a crime are given the right to a fair trial, if we did not allow that we would not have a fair society. This also means that we should treat all accused criminals in the same manner. Now it stands to reason that some of those accused of a crime would be guilty of it. If Craig was so concerned about the public purse he would scrutinise what his charges actually related to and if he had in fact done those things that he has been charged with would plead guilty and ask for the mercy of the court.

But Craig won't do that, because even if his charges are true, he won't believe them to be criminal because of an imagined point of law that he does not and can not hope to understand.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by guilty »

Skeleton wrote:The comments section to that post are truly shocking. They truly believe that his case was deliberately placed in between murder cases etc and that it is a complete waste of time and money. Next they will be nominating him for the Nobel peace prize.
The 'murder' of a six year old was in Court No 1, and was a charge of manslaughter by gross negligence. The other 'murder' case Craig mentions is, I think, a death by dangerous driving case, which was indeed in Court 2 after Craig.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by #six »

YiamCross wrote:
#six wrote:Ok - I'm confused now. Is BK also getting a copy of the transcript or is he taking credit for arranging it?
Oh yeah, forgot to say, I put out the request for the cash because Bradley doesn't do social media much. He has collected the cash through his paypal and organised the transcript because he has the knowledge and experience to do that.

He has also paid for the Gillard hearing transcript himself and will be making that available at some time in the near future.

He will be hosting a Hangout conference call for anyone who contributed to purchasing the Crawford transcript and wants to chat about it before it's released to the general public.

And as far as I know he hasn't tried to take credit for anything, though without him we wouldn't have had the idea, let alone made it happen.
Thanks for clearing that up. It all makes sense now :)
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Gregg »

PeanutGallery wrote:I see Colon was there, he shows up at around 1:50 holding a camera and talking to that other reliable idiot Guy Taylor. Guy who must have been having a day off from helping banks repossess the homes of those in financial difficulty or serving the community in some manner.

Let's see some highlights I've noticed

1) Were they shouting Padeo Protestors Out at the start?
2) Lee Ravenscroft at about 2:30 talks about how it's a scam to close the station when people pay council tax for it, guessing that would be OTHER people Lee?
3) Then when they get into the police station car park all they can do is shout and in the true style of every Sovrun ever, refuse to listen to any explanation given to them.
4) Mickey Summers wants to be taken seriously while wearing a T-Shirt that reads "I will not keep calm and you can f*** off", which highlights his inability to engage in rational discourse.
5) The police show remarkable restraint by not forcibly evicting the small angry mob from the station car park.
As an American you cannot imagine how quaint this all looks on this side of the pond, what these 'tards desperately need is to to encounter the battalion of Los Angeles Police Department Daryl Gates Memorial Division I'm sending over just so when one starts screaming "Police Brutality!" he can get his money's worth. I know that at least some brits consider it improper for a police officer to miss the "please" at the end of the odd sentence, but come on people, in East L.A., a person of a certain color feels lucky if they survive a traffic stop with no broken bones or sutures.
This, my friends, is what real police brutality is about ... ... story.html

If you look closely, you can see that after the first officer beats the ever loving spit out of him while a second officer calmly uses his radio to call for donuts, another patrol SUV pulls up and RUNS OVER THE GUYS LEGS and then backs over them again to allow the original officer to continue practicing his drive with the baton. And for the poor little girl from the eviction video, he didn't even spit on any of them, (really, you have no idea how bad an idea that is in the USA)

I will also point out that this isn't down in heavy ghetto east L.A. but in moderately suburban Salinas. I think its kind of rare for the Utube crowd to survive taking footage in some parts of town. :mrgreen:

So really you phucking whiners, the next time I hear "Police Brutality" yelled when some pussy gets patted on the back, I'm gonna look into having him kidnapped and dropped off in Compton with the sandwich board from the Bruce WIllis movie that says "I hate (word I won't use here) on the front, and "I hate LA cops even more" on the back.....

The Patron Saint of good old timey Police beat downs....
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

guilty wrote:
Skeleton wrote:The comments section to that post are truly shocking. They truly believe that his case was deliberately placed in between murder cases etc and that it is a complete waste of time and money. Next they will be nominating him for the Nobel peace prize.
The 'murder' of a six year old was in Court No 1, and was a charge of manslaughter by gross negligence. The other 'murder' case Craig mentions is, I think, a death by dangerous driving case, which was indeed in Court 2 after Craig.
I assume he was sitting waiting to go in among some of the families involved? It would shock me if i had to experience similar but i would like to think i would handle the situation differently, and not accuse the authorities of arranging it deliberately.

Do we know if Craig has gone down the retard route of defence or has he got himself a proper lawyer?
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by PeanutGallery »

Wasn't there also a lot of controversy about LAPD (I think, but it might have been officers from another part of America) who beat a homeless man rather savagely and then called an ambulance because in the course of beating him they had suffered some minor scrapes.

It was only after the officers had had band-aids applied that they allowed the ambulance crew to attend to the now comatose body of the man they had given a right kicking towards. It should be noted that the officers were cleared of all criminal charges, although they did lose their jobs in the police department.

On the one hand I am glad we have police who show restraint, on the other it seems to only encourage Ceylon et al to continue with their protests. Maybe we should send Ceylon and chums out to 'murica so they can experience some colonial justice.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by SoLongCeylon »

Gregg wrote:
As an American you cannot imagine how quaint this all looks on this side of the pond, what these 'tards desperately need is to to encounter the battalion of Los Angeles Police Department Daryl Gates Memorial Division I'm sending over just so when one starts screaming "Police Brutality!" he can get his money's worth. I know that at least some brits consider it improper for a police officer to miss the "please" at the end of the odd sentence, but come on people, in East L.A., a person of a certain color feels lucky if they survive a traffic stop with no broken bones or sutures.
This, my friends, is what real police brutality is about ... ... story.html

If you look closely, you can see that after the first officer beats the ever loving spit out of him while a second officer calmly uses his radio to call for donuts, another patrol SUV pulls up and RUNS OVER THE GUYS LEGS and then backs over them again to allow the original officer to continue practicing his drive with the baton. And for the poor little girl from the eviction video, he didn't even spit on any of them, (really, you have no idea how bad an idea that is in the USA)

Perhaps we can use the excess money raised for the TC Court transcript ( plus chip in a bit more ) to fly Colon out to Selinas - having first sent the Selinas' PD copies of Colon's best police baiting videos. A video of Colon getting a proper doing over would be most welcome.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Gregg »

bagman wrote: PERSONALLY, i dont care who donated, and who didnt. The money got raised, not everybody has the cash to spare, the ones that had did, for the good of quote
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Losleones »

PeanutGallery wrote:Wasn't there also a lot of controversy about LAPD (I think, but it might have been officers from another part of America) who beat a homeless man rather savagely and then called an ambulance because in the course of beating him they had suffered some minor scrapes.

It was only after the officers had had band-aids applied that they allowed the ambulance crew to attend to the now comatose body of the man they had given a right kicking towards. It should be noted that the officers were cleared of all criminal charges, although they did lose their jobs in the police department.

On the one hand I am glad we have police who show restraint, on the other it seems to only encourage Ceylon et al to continue with their protests. Maybe we should send Ceylon and chums out to 'murica so they can experience some colonial justice.
I've seen loads of videos of police brutality over the pond & can safely say Colon & co wouldn't last 2 mins. Non resisting "suspects" can expect broken bones & often (if not almost always) the offending POs get off without charge.

I won't post a link as it's an offensive site but those wanting to have a look at the way they operate in the States check out Police Brutality section on Bestgore.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

Gregg wrote: As an American you cannot imagine how quaint this all looks on this side of the pond, what these 'tards desperately need is to to encounter the battalion of Los Angeles Police Department Daryl Gates Memorial Division I'm sending over just so when one starts screaming "Police Brutality!" he can get his money's worth. I know that at least some brits consider it improper for a police officer to miss the "please" at the end of the odd sentence, but come on people, in East L.A., a person of a certain color feels lucky if they survive a traffic stop with no broken bones or sutures.
I lived in Torrance when I worked there, and because I was already living in the country I rode down from the PNW on a greyhound (that's a bus, for my fellow Brits, not a dog), and was picked up at the station and given a ride to my new apartment.

On the way to the apartment we were pulled over and the driver, a black guy, appeared visibly nervous when we were.

What seemed even more odd was the officer asking me on a couple of occasions if I was OK, as if he perceived some danger in my being given this ride.

I asked the driver about it, after we'd been allowed to continue on our way, and the drivers response was to thank me for my white skin, and English accent, as he felt it had helped protect us.

The driver was not some hood rat, he was a well educated, well dressed and well spoken professional, but his skin made him dirt to that officer.

It was my first introduction to LA's finest, my second glimpse was from my apartment window that night, when I saw an Hispanic guy set one foot off a busy sidewalk, and on to an empty road, before being wrestled to the ground and forcibly "restrained", for jaywalking.

Over time I learned there were actually a lot of good LEO's in the city, but also some complete assholes, and getting physical with suspects (or in some cases just minorities) was not a problem to them.

In my experience, in a number of US cities, someone who behaves like Mark Haining would probably be serving some heavy time by now, if he was lucky, and on a coroners slab, if he wasn't, and he wants to complain about the UK's softly-softly approach?

If idiots like him keep pushing eventually they'll trigger a change that I can assure them they wouldn't want.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Gregg »

In all fairness, I would point out that the USA is huge country, with millions of Police Officers who have never beaten the sense out of anyone, (or into anyone, as the case may be) and most of our police, even in the big cities I am familiar with, (Boston, Detroit, Atlanta, Cincinnati and parts of Florida) are as friendly as the touristy bobbies I remember in London. But I also will say that I'm a fairly affluent white man who drives mid priced new cars and am always careful to be polite and compliant to the occasional cop who pulls me over. I fully believe that even a law abiding and respectful black man, driving a 20 year old sedan in bad shape, especially at night, should be afraid if they see police bumpers in the mirror. I hadn't considered this until recently, when here in Cincinnati, a very bucolic city in middle America, a college campus policeman tried to pull over a car (not on the college campus BTW) for not having a tag on the front of the car (most states in the USA don't even require that, but Ohio does) and the cop killed him, its another Utube greatest hits, you can see it if you google UC Campus Police killed victim traffic stop or something like....anyway, the day after the police released the video from the patrol car, a friend of mine, who is black, also makes a good income, but drives an older car (he lives 3 miles from work and his wife drives the nice car) told me flat out, "If I ever get pulled over I'm gonna keep going until I find a parking lot full of people.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

Gregg wrote:Detroit.
I lived there 2001, it was a dangerous city. It's always been #1 in my list of US cities I've advised people to avoid moving too, if at all possible.

I was shot at several times in Detroit.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Gregg »

There are still some dodgy parts, but you would be amazed how much Detroit has turned around.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by PeanutGallery »

Gregg wrote:In all fairness, I would point out that the USA is huge country, with millions of Police Officers who have never beaten the sense out of anyone, (or into anyone, as the case may be) and most of our police
And to prove it I have seen a YouTube of what should be considered a perfect "stop" by an Officer who was called because of some suspicious persons, of course it is juxtaposed with other officers over-reacting to the same situation, but it gives hope that not all American police are gung-ho wannabe Harry Callahans and points to the fact that their are likely plenty out their whose ambition is both to protect and serve.

While I was unable to find that video, I did find these which show that not all American officers are a threat to their citizens, even when those citizens are walking around with firearms in public.
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