Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

Hey if we are going to engage in bizarre speculation.....

Since his con is becoming unprofitable and his friend count dropping like bre-x stock he could greatly reduce his incarceration by disappearing and singing like bjork on everyone he knows. He bought the guns somewhere. Sold the dope somewhere. And I imagine knows of dozens of other illegal plots, actions and property. He could justify it in his mind.

But it's absolute conjecture based on what many looking at serious time do. And he has been privy to info on guns, drugs, white power groups, crooked contractors, freemen types, and many things I'm sure I'm missing.

And the police/crown often give the option if you might know the right info.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by NG3 »

bmxninja357 wrote: And he has been privy to info on guns, drugs, white power groups, crooked contractors, freemen types, and many things I'm sure I'm missing.
Yes he does, but unless he's moved on considerably in the last few years, unfortunately for Deano, he is not far enough up the totem pole for what he knows to have much value.

I would imagine, if he spilled his guts, he'd get a response akin to "Thank you, you haven't really told us much that we didn't already know, but your statement may assist us with some minor arrests, therefore we're willing to write a letter to the judge asking for your cooperation to be taken into consideration when determining any sentence."

Of course it would be the right and proper thing for an honourable man to do, although Deano may consider the accompanying aggravation, of becoming a named informant, an unappetising trade for such a reward.

He's not far enough up the food chain for any sort of wit sec deal, witness protection can be very expensive and is not usually traded lightly with people of his nature.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

One gun dealer is enough for reduced sentence. In canada cops dislike handguns.

Don't think witness protection. Think information mining.

But remember this is bizzar speculation.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Think we had this talk a year ago. The "worst" gun he had in his possesion was the shitty $20 handgun, it's not like he got it off some ultra-elite black market arms dealer.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

Often what the police find and what you have are two separate things. And regardless of what model of handgun he had it was a prohibited weapon. The kind killing people in canada all to often. This is a very serious offense. And how many came with that one? It dosent say it's stolen so it is smuggled. If harper loses weed will no longer be criminal and if it is barely so. the prohibited smuggled firearm has many extremely serious offenses that had to happen for it to be in dean's possession. An easily conceal able weapon of this type is a top priority for law enforcement. And if it could lead to getting more off the street the cops/crown may be willing to deal.

I was a bad young man and can tell you damn well the police try very very hard to find from whom you aquire such weapons. It literally gets the same treatment as a pound of blow. Cops know if they don't Persue it it could be used against them, or the public in general. It serves no other purpose.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Illegal weapons are taken very seriously up here in Canada. Owning an unlicensed cheap handgun that would be considered nothing more than a party favour in the US will net significant jail time here. Look at the motley pile of crap that got Glenn Fearn a criminal conviction in Canada;


See anything that wouldn't be entirely legal in the states?

So regardless of the fact that;
The "worst" gun he had in his possesion was the shitty $20 handgun, it's not like he got it off some ultra-elite black market arms dealer
ninja is right that Dean is potentially facing some very serious jail time. A friend of mine who works in the bowels of the criminal justice system is suggesting at least five years. Given Dean's behavior since conviction I'd nudge that closer to ten. We'll find out next month.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Well I'm saying all the guy has to do is hop the border south and he can get the gun cash in the states or off one of his stoner friends. It doesn't really imply connection to some gun trafficking kingpin. Plus if I recall it's a gun that stopped being manufactured in the 80s so it could have probably been in Canada prior to it being prohibited in 1995.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:Well I'm saying all the guy has to do is hop the border south and he can get the gun cash in the states or off one of his stoner friends. It doesn't really imply connection to some gun trafficking kingpin. Plus if I recall it's a gun that stopped being manufactured in the 80s so it could have probably been in Canada prior to it being prohibited in 1995.
It doesn't matter in the slightest that the gun might have been brought into Canada and initially owned here entirely legally. That is, in law, irrelevant. Dean was convicted of having posession of the gun illegally regardless of its past history.

And nobody is saying that Dean is a gun trafficking kingpin nor was his conviction based on that assumption. The sentences that ninja and I are talking about relate only to the fact that Dean was convicted of having the gun, not that he is some big mastermind in a gun smuggling operation. Whether Americans approve of our laws or not that is how it is in Canada.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Nah man, scroll back. We're not talking about Dean's sentencing, we're talking about if he snitched on his arms dealer whether he could get a deal. I'm saying there's no kingpin arms dealer for him to snitch on.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by NG3 »

Jeffrey wrote:Nah man, scroll back. We're not talking about Dean's sentencing, we're talking about if he snitched on his arms dealer whether he could get a deal. I'm saying there's no kingpin arms dealer for him to snitch on.
That's my view too, giving up a petty dealer might get him a few months off his sentence, but is becoming a known informant, and the perils that brings with it, worth those few months?

Without some form of witness protection, that he's unlikely to qualify for, it's potentially a perilous trade.

Who knows though?

I guess we'll see come sentencing.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by bmxninja357 »

As someone who has a record including multiple gun charges, including selling a ruger to a c.i. I can tell you they try extremely hard to get guns off the street.

Without getting into detail I'm a long since has been in the criminal underworld but I can still walk into an unassuming store and purchase firearms of the prohibited variety if I so chose. Giving up the extremely racist owner would make a serious but victimless drug charge of even a fairly large quantity disappear.

I do not think our American friends here realize how serious the Canadian police take illegal firearms. They don't even like long guns. In canada something as irrelevant as a sawed off single shot will get ya a paid vacation.

Heck it cost the guy at the local flea market 30 days and 18 thousand in fines for selling butterfly knives never mind guns.

And I was just speculating about deaner. But his silence is deafening.

Has anyone found anything recent?

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by SteveUK »

It's become a very long thread, of PoE and Crawfraud proportions. Is there a readers digest of life post August for our dear friend?
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by grixit »

good point. continued on next thread.
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