Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by eric »

arayder wrote:
Robert Menard
October 8 at 7:52am
A week of work researching and writing, to help someone who came to me for help, agreements made, and they pull out after I do the work, and they gain the benefit of my efforts. Now they will not pay as agreed. So anyone need to know about Criminal Harrasment charges? The standards and precedents?
It would seem our subject does freeman style legal research for folks who are foolish enough to hire him. One might suspect the "hirer" in this case was a freeman wannabe who upon realizing he was getting a load of woo from our subject backed out on the deal.
I suspect that the "hirer" started doing some research on their own and quickly discovered that in Canada, Criminal Harassment is a very rarely used charge. Almost all the elements that constitute the offence can be remedied through other means, both civil and criminal, so it has to be pretty serious before the charge is laid.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

eric wrote:
arayder wrote:
Robert Menard
October 8 at 7:52am
A week of work researching and writing, to help someone who came to me for help, agreements made, and they pull out after I do the work, and they gain the benefit of my efforts. Now they will not pay as agreed. So anyone need to know about Criminal Harrasment charges? The standards and precedents?
It would seem our subject does freeman style legal research for folks who are foolish enough to hire him. One might suspect the "hirer" in this case was a freeman wannabe who upon realizing he was getting a load of woo from our subject backed out on the deal.
I suspect that the "hirer" started doing some research on their own and quickly discovered that in Canada, Criminal Harassment is a very rarely used charge. Almost all the elements that constitute the offence can be remedied through other means, both civil and criminal, so it has to be pretty serious before the charge is laid.
Considering the way Menard and like minded freemen try to turn the turn the law on it's head it's possible the client originally wanted to find some way to have a prosecutor or creditor charged with harassment. One wonders if the client wised up to the reality that trying to bring charges against a prosecutor who's just doing his/her job or a creditor they actually own money to was a hopeless cause.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by rogfulton »

Maybe they 'paid' the freeman way?
:whistle: :whistle: :snicker: :haha:
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by The Observer »

I find it slightly amusing that Menard thought he had a deal with a freeman, only to find that freemen don't believe that they have to pay their debts.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by erwalkerca »

eric wrote: Although there is a bit of topic drift here, from what I have been able to establish, Timothy:freeman of the house of Anderson is from Dawson Creek and there are a couple of clips showing his victories over the rather bemused local constabulary.
Timothy Anderson used to have a number of YouTube videos on his channel though he is down to two.

One of the videos is part 1 of what was a two part series he called "RCMPigs get spanked". He drove up to a RCMP checkpoint without his licence plates mounted on his van and tried to tell them he didn't need plates or a driver's licence. You can see his plates sitting in his centre console at 12:40 of the video. He handed over his licence and other documents right at the end of part 1.
Part 2, which has been deleted, showed the RCMP coming back to his car and handing him his documents, followed by the officer giving him a $109 citation for not having his plates mounted properly. He was then sent on his way. I'm sure it was deleted because it didn't quite fit the narrative he wanted to present where he "bravely" stood up to "the man" and this was pointed out to him. LOL
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

If he could prove the agreement he could take them to small claims

Also prove he completed and delivered the work per the agreement.

If you have a warrant out for your arrest, can you take somebody to court without being arrested for the warrant?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

poor Bobby is having a WAAAH moment.

Either that, or they looked at the bullcrap Bobby was peddling and decided they would be better tossing the money down the nearest convenient rathole, or worse, they may have actually looked him up and seen his spectacular list of career fails, or worse talked to someone with first hand experience with him. In any case, living off a reputation is awfully hard when the reputation is really really uniformly bad.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Mika Rasila needs to find Menard's address urgently. To save his life!

Rob mocks the attempt;
Robert Menard I want to get him my address... in the Yukon. wink emoticonLike · 2 · September 19 at 8:39am
Robert Menard hahaha I am not in the Yukon... hee hee hee
Like · 1 · September 19 at 10:23am
We know that you don't live in the Yukon Rob. Your current address was revealed here months ago. Mika should pay more attention to Quatloos. This Face Book discussion group is dedicated to crapping on Mika and crap they do!
Jennah Burns
October 22, 2013.

My name is Jenna, I live in northern ontario. I met Mika online in my quest for knowledge and power against government entities and we became friends. I wasn't a fan of his ego and need for attention but after many months on my death bed I needed help and we agreed he'd stay with me when he left the ottawa area. He said he was bringing a camper and would tough it out in the back yard, but that was a lie he showed up with a mini van, guitar, a few tools I'm guessing he stole a...nd five cases of beer and two cartons of native smokes. It wasn't more then five minutes later he was telling me all the things he could and would do. He did manage to cook a chili in the kitchen then proceeded to leave it all over the bathroom when he was done with it (haha!) what a pig!! He never left the couch, beer and smokes for five minutes. I was now on my death bed cleaning beer caps, ashtrays, dishes and the bathroom frown emoticon He did however after I told him to get the fuck out, manage to leave the couch for a few to attempt to build something, it's a little box to grow weed that is now falling apart and was never put together properly...if you can't build a box, you aint no carpenter!!! unsure emoticon RIGHT?...haha! I did for my protection take a picture of his vechile and license plate before he shipped onto his new target, telling them I was going to kill him in his sleep lmao! I could barely wake up at the time myself, what a twat waffle grin emoticon then I woke as the van left the driveway...the nightmare ended
I love it when the gurus go after each other like children squabbling over a toy. They are all trying to hold on to as big a slice as they can of an ever-diminishing pie. Belanger craps on Menard, Menard craps on Masila, Masila craps on Clifford. A never ending circle of desperation.

We have a discussion on Mika here;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Don't think that link worked. Why is Mika looking for Menard, or what was the post?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:Mika Rasila needs to find Menard's address urgently. To save his life!
Hey Mika, here is a hint - try looking here:
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

The link worked, and still works for me. I just tried it again.

A Face Book page called "Mika the MOOCHER".
.This is a group of people used and harmed by the Moocher, aka Internet Hobo. Share your stories, to prevent others in being harmed in the future. Mika the Moocher, finds his victims from Freeman sites, and then asks to stay at their house, and he will do carpentry work, or odd jobs. Stating he will live in his van, but then enters your house, and raids your fridge, drinks your beer, and other bad issues. The smell is enough to change your mind. Now, for those people that have never met Mika the Moocher, and you are offended by me, and this group. Ask him to travel to your house, then you will be a new member of the group, and your mind will be changed.
Mika doesn't say why he wants to find Menard except that Rob's life is at stake. Rob doesn't seem too concerned.

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:The link worked, and still works for me. I just tried it again.

A Face Book page called "Mika the MOOCHER".
.This is a group of people used and harmed by the Moocher, aka Internet Hobo. Share your stories, to prevent others in being harmed in the future. Mika the Moocher, finds his victims from Freeman sites, and then asks to stay at their house, and he will do carpentry work, or odd jobs. Stating he will live in his van, but then enters your house, and raids your fridge, drinks your beer, and other bad issues. The smell is enough to change your mind. Now, for those people that have never met Mika the Moocher, and you are offended by me, and this group. Ask him to travel to your house, then you will be a new member of the group, and your mind will be changed.
Mika doesn't say why he wants to find Menard except that Rob's life is at stake. Rob doesn't seem too concerned.

Sent "Mika the MOOCHER" Menard's address via a PRIVATE Facebook email. Sent Menard a comment via Youtube informing him of this. Did I mention that I really love being a sh*t disturber ???
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

I'm not sure if that's kosher, we don't know Mika that well, might have endangered Menard. Then again if he feels threatened he can just call the police when Mika shows up.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Jeffrey wrote:I'm not sure if that's kosher, we don't know Mika that well, might have endangered Menard. Then again if he feels threatened he can just call the police when Mika shows up.
Mika and Robert have a long history - they are 2 peas of the same pod, and they deserve each other. I find it ironic that Menard, of all people, is posting on a Facebook page about a Freeman MOOCHER, when Menard is basically the Grand Master of Freeman moochers !!!
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:I'm not sure if that's kosher, we don't know Mika that well, might have endangered Menard. Then again if he feels threatened he can just call the police when Mika shows up.
Threatened? Rob? He boasts he could easily take care of Mika;
Robert Menard
Four years as an infantry soldier, 20+ years martial arts training, unarmed combat courses, and the fact that I grew up with six sisters means he would not have much of a chance with me...
Like · 2 · September 19 at 8:27am
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Ah, the common-law remedy of settling disputes through hand to hand combat.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

The Menard/Mika controversy points out the chaos born of a subculture that accepts no rules and rejects no absurd theory.

It's no wonder freemandia is known as a little cult that couldn't build up what it would rip down.

Dope Clock II
It has been 261 days since Robert Menard announced the revival of the Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers. So far there is no documentation of a successful purchase using Menard's system.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by phiwum »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:I'm not sure if that's kosher, we don't know Mika that well, might have endangered Menard. Then again if he feels threatened he can just call the police when Mika shows up.
Threatened? Rob? He boasts he could easily take care of Mika;
Robert Menard
Four years as an infantry soldier, 20+ years martial arts training, unarmed combat courses, and the fact that I grew up with six sisters means he would not have much of a chance with me...
Like · 2 · September 19 at 8:27am
I agree with Jeffrey. No one here knows much about the mental state of Mika and Menard's boasts about how badass he is are really irrelevant. If anything should happen (and Menard might not have the opportunity to call the police), then I can't help thinking that Wake Up! would share some of the responsibility.

To be fair, I suspect that real physical danger or significant harm is unlikely.

Nonetheless, at the least, sending this information to Mika is going beyond mere criticism of Menard and maliciously affecting his real life. If he were doing something illegal and we contacted the police, that's one thing -- that would be defensible on grounds of public interest. Similarly, showing up and informing attendants at Menard's lectures about just how ineffective and nuts his theories are is perfectly reasonable, again, because it's motivated to do some good.

But this seems to be something else entirely. Wake Up! doesn't think that giving Mika this information is in Menard's interest. On the contrary, he did it solely to pester Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

BTW, did Menard delete his Facebook?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by eric »

arayder wrote:
eric wrote: I suspect that the "hirer" started doing some research on their own and quickly discovered that in Canada, Criminal Harassment is a very rarely used charge. Almost all the elements that constitute the offence can be remedied through other means, both civil and criminal, so it has to be pretty serious before the charge is laid.
Considering the way Menard and like minded freemen try to turn the turn the law on it's head it's possible the client originally wanted to find some way to have a prosecutor or creditor charged with harassment. One wonders if the client wised up to the reality that trying to bring charges against a prosecutor who's just doing his/her job or a creditor they actually own money to was a hopeless cause.
Although you have a valid point, without any further details about the situation, the balance of probabilities leads me to believe that it was most likely a relationship that went sour. People get stupid when things break down and if children are involved and they're both sucking up legal aid money it's a situation that requires a very strong willed judiciary to knock some sense into both parties involved. Many FMOTl in Canada (Boisjuli is typical) drifted towards this because of marital breakdown. Here's a very exhaustive link to the whole aspect of Criminal Harassment in Canada from the investigating officers' and Crown Prosecutor's point of view: ... part1.html