"Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Normal Wisdom wrote: Looks like a public Q&A meeting with the leader of the council where Ceylon, Tom and several other idiots turned up to demonstrate their embarrassing ignorance. Ceylon seizes upon part of it to expose the Council Leader "lying" about funding the renovation of Nottingham Station. The main problem is that neither the questioner or Ceylon seems to be understand what "securing the funding" actually means. As ever, their level of stupidity and desperation is frightening.
As usual Haining elects to publicly display his stupidity and fails to differentiate between the meaning of the words "secure" & "give".

Just for the record cash for the project included £41m from station owners Network Rail, £2.1m from emda, £1.6m from East Midlands Trains and £500,000 from the Rail Heritage Trust.

There was expenditure from Nottingham City Council, but then there were also costs to them with regards to roadworks, pavement works, and other aspects of the project related to work on council property, and benefits from the improvements.

This was all covered in the Nottingham Post on several occasions, at the time, and explained to those effected by the works, perhaps he should call his friend on 07973484515 and ask, or maybe Ellie Cullen, from the Post can it explain it to him 15 times!!!1!

Eta. The refurbishment finished on November 26th, 2014, and obviously the funding was secured before it began, so not only is Haining wrong, as usual, but the story is old.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Joinder »

Whoever the woman questioner was, she got just about everything spectacularly wrong, first of all believing British Rail exists ( it doesn't) and then claiming Network Rail is a private company ( it isn't).
But what a casual meeting, one member of the council at the top table lounging against the wall and the other one dressed as if he's about to go on a hike....very bizarre.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

https://soundcloud.com/bradleyknight1/g ... um=twitter

According to Bradley Knight, Haining just wants to be left alone.

That's easy enough, all he has to do is to stop making a public show of himself, stop attacking people in videos, stop persistently lying, stop trying to push a vile, anti-Semitic cult (FMOTL) and to stop trying to lead people in to debt and legal problems with Goodf.

If he does that then there's nothing to talk about. I mean if he want's to continue to be an asshole, in the privacy of his own home then that's his prerogative, and something that neither fits the forums remit, nor something I have an interest in discussing, however when his words and actions are in public and cause a detriment to people, then it's public interest and people may talk.

Eta. Hi Sandra, if you're reading.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

NG3 wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote: public Q&A meeting with the leader of the council where Ceylon, Tom and several other idiots turned up to demonstrate their embarrassing ignorance.
As usual Haining elects to publicly display his stupidity and fails to differentiate between the meaning of the words "secure" & "give".
I'd also point out that the work being done to refurbish Nottingham's rail station is most likely providing a little boost for the local economy, creating jobs and helping people find work. Ceylon doesn't seem capable of grasping that just because their isn't much public sector funding around doesn't mean that their is no public sector funding at all.

You'd think someone who wants to help people get out of debt would actually welcome jobs being created, which will allow people to earn money and pay back debts they have accrued. He should be pleased that they have some money to spend on Nottingham which is going to benefit the place.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NYGman »

Ceylon is all about entitlements, mainly what he is entitled to get for free from the government. The fact that a big construction project brings jobs to his hometown is a good thing, but in his head, the more his local government shells out on these things, the less there is to give away or the more they need to collect in tax.

I will also add, as a supposed "Leader" of the "Movement" and seeing him speak often on new media, and I believe TV, do you think we can start to consider him a public figure? Does this matter in UK Libel laws?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Jeffrey »

I think Ceylon's calculus is simpler than that.

Public spending -> infrastructure -> jobs -> someone other than Ceylon gets paid.
Public spending -> council sends Ceylon a benefits check -> done
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

I think it's even simpler than that. For some reason (probably a personal one) he doesn't like the local authorities so he is going to use anything that he perceives as a stick to beat them with e.g. profligate spending, corruption, elitism (the famous gated community project) and even paedophilia.

The fact that he is so stupid that many of his complaints don't stand up to the slightest scrutiny even by people who don't even live in Nottingham doesn''t matter because he has an audience that are equally stupid and will believe every word.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Mark Gillard on his next video
when I get my channel back up and the videos re-uploaded, I intend to make one to show people the Real Mark Haining. It will be my most well produced and documented upload to date, mark my words.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Jeffrey »

That's a heck of a compliment, taking down Gillard is a more important priority to Ceylon than taking down the banks, the UK government, Nottingham Council, etc.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by guilty »

NYGman wrote:I will also add, as a supposed "Leader" of the "Movement" and seeing him speak often on new media, and I believe TV, do you think we can start to consider him a public figure? Does this matter in UK Libel laws?
Most certainly it matters. If you set yourself up as a public figure you have to expect public criticism. Like being a politician, you have to suck up the insults. It is very much harder to claim libel when you are a public figure - unless it gets too personal. Criticism of your public views, opinions and actions is fair comment.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

guilty wrote:
NYGman wrote:I will also add, as a supposed "Leader" of the "Movement" and seeing him speak often on new media, and I believe TV, do you think we can start to consider him a public figure? Does this matter in UK Libel laws?
Most certainly it matters. If you set yourself up as a public figure you have to expect public criticism. Like being a politician, you have to suck up the insults. It is very much harder to claim libel when you are a public figure - unless it gets too personal. Criticism of your public views, opinions and actions is fair comment.
In Haining's case he's also probably at the "libel-proof" stage as his reputation is incapable of further defamation – e.g., his position in the community is so poor that defamation could not do further damage to him.

If for example he were to attempt an action against someone for comments in this thread then there is also enough evidence in this thread of his disreputable actions that this would cause him to lose the case.

His lies, insults, crimes and public outbursts have made it open season on himself.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Skeleton »

Jeffrey wrote:
Ceylon seizes upon part of it to expose the Council Leader "lying" about funding the renovation of Nottingham Station.
Why does he care, he doesn't pay tax anyways.
Do we know when this was filmed? Has it seen the light of day to divert attention away from his loss in court?

I know she was corrected but quoting British Rail and having to be told who actually owns Network Rail shows the level of understanding these people have.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Skeleton wrote: Do we know when this was filmed? Has it seen the light of day to divert attention away from his loss in court?
Given the refurbishment finished a year ago it's quite likely this was another repeat from his deleted channel.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

It could also well be that even if he were now defamed he would only be awarded nominal damages i.e. £1 without even getting a costs order. However I would say that just about everything we have said about him in this thread is either opinion (which is fair comment) or true (which is a defence against libel). Finally based on his current legal track record he'd need to make considerable improvements to his game to even have a hope of success and avoid getting another costs order.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Skeleton »

NG3 wrote:
Skeleton wrote: Do we know when this was filmed? Has it seen the light of day to divert attention away from his loss in court?
Given the refurbishment finished a year ago it's quite likely this was another repeat from his deleted channel.
Cheers NG, why am I not suprised.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

I missed this post earlier, but just to clarify
Joinder wrote:Whoever the woman questioner was, she got just about everything spectacularly wrong, first of all believing British Rail exists ( it doesn't)
If we're to be pedantic it exists, but as a different entity from the company disbanded in 2001.

Just like Woolworths exists in Australia, but unrelated to the Woolworths that went bust here, or became footlocker elsewhere.
Joinder wrote: and then claiming Network Rail is a private company ( it isn't).
Technically it is registered as a limited company, owned by HM Government, for trade and liability purposes. Something I'm sure goodf members support, because if it wasn't limited liability, as a state owned company, that liability would fall on the public instead.

Yes that makes it state owned and therefore in real terms a public company, but remembering we have idiots from the goodfy brigade who like to read here I just felt I should be pedantic and cross a few T's and dot a few i's so they can keep up (otherwise they'd only start making stupid posts about it).
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Pox »

Over on GOOFY, does anyone know who 'handle' is? (A goodie or a baddie?)

I think he is trying a game but being given the run around at the moment -

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 0&start=10
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm curious as to how you could possibly defame Ceylon, when telling the plain truth about him is so very damaging, and unimpeachable? I mean, why lie about someone, when telling the truth is ever so much more devastating, and unassailable?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Colin123 »

Mark Gillard
Yesterday at 15:11 · Edited ·
Hi guys, just a quickie.
I HAVE NOT DELETED MY YOU TUBE CHANNEL Trial By Social Media (make of that what you want)
I would never delete the account......maybe take a rest but i would never delete it, however.......
I AM NOT SECTIONED, lol AND I WON IN THE HIGH COURT YESTERDAY WITH COSTS AWARDED in my favour. I will be applying for the transcript of the hilarious hearing that shows what a real clown looks like..
I have had to activate my Facebook account in order to gather important evidence before it may be lost.

Mark Gillard
19 hrs ·
a vexatious claim was brought against me by Mark Haining also known as Ceylon, SrilankerC, Mark Seylon and Mark Ceylon.
His claim, made at the High Court Queens Bench Division in London was for Injunctive relief against me. His Mckenzie friend was Tom Crawford and his secondary mckenzie friend was the vexatious litigant EBERT. Another nobody was there who only occasionally glared and tutted. Hainings wife was also there huffing and puffing throughout the hearing looking very silly indeed.
Haining submitted to the court one exhibit which was a 43 minute DVD, the DVD exhibit served on me by Haining via recorded delivery only after I requested it some 3 days after receiving his claim, was only 14 mins and 4 seconds long.
I was asked one question after the judge watched the accurate DVD ''Mr Gillard? is the video you have just watched the same video that was served on yourself on 8th October'' I replied ''NO'' The judge knew that Haining was trying to pull a fast one and that haining did not follow CPR rules part 18. Haining served to the court a different DVD that was served upon myself
The judge then dismissed the case forthwith. The judge made it quite clear that he (Haining) failed to serve the required claim form or pay the required fee. The judge stated also that Hainings claimed lacked any merit at all.
He dismissed Hainings claim and awarded costs against Haining in my favour.
How many people are going to begin waking up to this very deluded man who left the court claiming it was a success and his claim was a victory as it was 'left open' for him to later pursue. He hadn't even paid a bloody fee for goodness sake (probably Eberts advice). (a victory? does that comment ring any bells with anyone?).
The transcript will be ordered this next few days and made public.
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Mark Gillard
15 mins ·
Well guys the order from the Royal Courts of Justice, Queens Bench Division arrived today and here it is for PUBLIC RECORD. The transcript of the case will be available as soon as I send the funds off (should be available next week).
The order is not in Chinese or Japanese as per my audio from the DVD exhibit played out in court, it's in plain English as was also the case with the Godsmark judgement. Haining still confirmed not only was his claim against me a 'win' but he inherently believes the Crawford case was still a win and stated that Tom would be back in his home very soon. (You couldn't make this shit up)
After the hearing on Tuesday 13th October Mark Haining has since then and is still claiming that the judgement was an actual victory and that the judge has left the case open for if or when Haining ever wishes to pursue the matter again, lol.
Here is the order in Black and White. I have not disclosed the cost because to be fair judges I understand don't like to get into discussions about costs etc. He awarded minimal cost compared to my personal expenditure not to mention the paralegals costs and printing cost in 'court prepared' bundles rather than a scrap of paper like Haining presented. The judge did however say we could appeal the cost and we surely are. Bradley Knight is applying for paralegal costs incurred along with my remaining costs.
Haining made an unmerited vexatious claim and one of his McKenzie friends is already banned from making any further High Court claims against any person due to no less than 150 prior FAILED vexatious claims against the banks, courts, Judges, police etc and this used to be referred to as the EBERT ORDER
I have one final link to post (when I apply and receive it) on this public matter and that will be the transcript of the highly comedic case and then I’m done with the clowns.
It leaves me to once again warn ANYONE who maybe considering following the FMOTL (Freeman on the Land) route and as I said on the exhibit DVD audio – research very deeply and grow a pair of balls the size of melons because you’re going to need them.
Bradley Knight, Jo Hoban, Danny Bamping, Chris Jones, Simone Gillard
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Pox »

Another one bites the dust (apologies to Queen) - this one will find himself in the cells on the next court visit, unless he does a 'Haining'.

Despite being 'on the road to nowhere' (see what I did there), he says -

'If you need any help or info, I may be able to help'

Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 54&t=92863