"Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by IDIOT »

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Dr. Caligari »

IDIOT wrote:Win!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!
I explained it to you 15 times!
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Forsyth »

NG3 wrote:
Joinder wrote: and then claiming Network Rail is a private company ( it isn't).
Technically it is registered as a limited company, owned by HM Government, for trade and liability purposes. Something I'm sure goodf members support, because if it wasn't limited liability, as a state owned company, that liability would fall on the public instead.

Yes that makes it state owned and therefore in real terms a public company, but remembering we have idiots from the goodfy brigade who like to read here I just felt I should be pedantic and cross a few T's and dot a few i's so they can keep up (otherwise they'd only start making stupid posts about it).
It's even worse than that. Created in 2002, it was a private company until 2014 when it became a public body since 2004.

Yes, really.

It appears that the "private" bit was considered little more than a ruse to exclude Network Rail debt (~£30Bn/$46Bn USD/$60Bn CAD) from being classified as government debt. EU accountancy rule changes eventually made it clear that wasn't acceptable and so it became a public body, backdated.

In July 2015 a further change was made to make Network Rail completely accountable to the government. Up until then - as it had no shareholders - Network Rail was accountable to its members, who included most of the companies operating the rail services as well as the government. As of a few months ago, the only member is the Secretary of State.

The correct term for Network Rail today is an arm’s-length central government body, but many people in the UK will get that one wrong.
NG3 wrote:
Skeleton wrote:Do we know when this was filmed? Has it seen the light of day to divert attention away from his loss in court?
Given the refurbishment finished a year ago it's quite likely this was another repeat from his deleted channel.
It may well have been that this was filmed in the period when Network Rail existed in a quasi-private state where it was of a deliberately ambiguous status.

https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/ ... twork-rail
http://www.railnews.co.uk/news/2013/12/ ... ed-by.html

It's worth noting for the non-UK people here that local government can raise money for developments such as this in many ways. While it's possible the money was taken from general funds, it's far more common for the council to apply for cash from central government development funds which may only be spent on specific projects, of which improving public transport is a particularly common one. It is not unusual for local people to complain to the council that the money would be better spent elsewhere, however this is not a decision for the council but for central government. As far as the council is concerned, they can apply for the money to spend on projects in their area or they can let the money go to other councils - the option to apply for the money and then spend it on social services is not open to them.

Edit: NG3 actually gives the funding sources in detail above.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Forsyth wrote: Edit: NG3 actually gives the funding sources in detail above.
To be fair to Haining it was only mentioned in local newspapers, on local news sites, on local radio, local TV, on the council website, explained in council literature, covered by some national publications, printed in trade journals and magazines, announced by all the relevant companies, and appeared in government literature, as well as being a local topic of conversation for many, so it was easy to miss.

I guess the moral of the story is they should have put it on YouTube, with an all caps title including the word paedophile. That way Haining might have noticed it.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by hanlons razor »

I really don't understand what his issue with such projects are. Even if it was local money (which it's not) a council working hard to improve its city and one that's done better than most at staving of the cuts to date as well!

Really does make me want to scoop up this lot and dump them somewhere that would show them just how lucky they are. But that wouldn't have any effect at all, the delusion is way too deep I think
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

I think it's a case of I don't like them, so whatever they do, it's bad even if it actually benefits me or my friends, because they are doing it it's wrong.

He can't see past his objection towards the council to actually consider what they are doing or if it is for the greater good. Yes sometimes councils do spend public money on pointless projects and yes some officers of some councils are corrupt, but this isn't one of those occasions. There is nothing wrong here and what Ceylon is actually doing is making it harder for people to air genuine grievances with public bodies because he's cluttering them up with his easily dismissed vexation and tarring other complainants with his own brush.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

For the non-Nottz folk here this station refurbishment is a minor part of what's been labelled the Southern Gateway Development that is a huge project including new NET tram lines and highway works (and the development sites made available as a result) to influence and enable new buildings and uses that are well-connected to each other, the rest of the City Centre and to the Meadows and residential areas to the south, maximising the benefits of the area’s development potential, creating lively streets with mixed employment, tourism and leisure, residential and commercial uses.

The early promotion of facilitating works such as road schemes to remove the majority of east-west traffic from Canal Street and Collin Street to Queen Street – to break through the existing inner ring road and to replace the road capacity for traffic further south. This will mean the walking routes between the station and the Broadmarsh Centre and Castle can be much improved, completely changing the current poor perception on arrival outside the station and looking towards the City Centre.

A new east-west pedestrian link between Middle Hill and the Castle along a traffic-calmed Collin Street, will open up views of the Castle and provide lively ground floor uses, creating a wide and interesting new street lined with cafes, shops and other public uses.

Redevelopment of sites near the station for commercial and office uses with retail and cafes on the ground floor, creating an employment hub alongside the transport hub now being constructed.

Nottingham One, a £43 million complex of apartments and Grade A offices built to the highest standard, and a key component of the city’s Southern Gateway development.

The £150m redevelopment of the Broadmarsh shopping centre and Central College Nottingham is to build a new iconic £70 million centre in Canal Street.

All this and more is part of a multi-year plan to attempt regenerate the southern area of the city and has secured hundreds of millions of pounds of inward investment.

Just to give a little context.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Joinder »

NG3 wrote:I missed this post earlier, but just to clarify
Joinder wrote:Whoever the woman questioner was, she got just about everything spectacularly wrong, first of all believing British Rail exists ( it doesn't)
If we're to be pedantic it exists, but as a different entity from the company disbanded in 2001.

Just like Woolworths exists in Australia, but unrelated to the Woolworths that went bust here, or became footlocker elsewhere.
Joinder wrote: and then claiming Network Rail is a private company ( it isn't).[/quot

Technically it is registered as a limited company, owned by HM Government, for trade and liability purposes. Something I'm sure goodf members support, because if it wasn't limited liability, as a state owned company, that liability would fall on the public instead.

Yes that makes it state owned and therefore in real terms a public company, but remembering we have idiots from the goodfy brigade who like to read here I just felt I should be pedantic and cross a few T's and dot a few i's so they can keep up (otherwise they'd only start making stupid posts about it).
Pedant corner !
British Rail ceased to exist after the sell offs. Railtrack was set up as a private company to manage tracks, stations etc but that collapsed and was taken into public ownership
Yes, network rail is a not for profit company with no shareholders, but if it got into diificulties no doubt the taxpayer would have to step in as with Railtrack, and as we still do by subsidising our "private" railways.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

Colin123 wrote:Mark Gillard I have not disclosed the cost because to be fair judges I understand don't like to get into discussions about costs etc.
Fair enough. But did Ceylon , Mark Haining get out out of debt free?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Joinder wrote: Pedant corner !
It's something that often annoys me, and at any other venue we'd have stuck with your first post, as we all knew exactly what you meant, but we have to be mindful of the children reading, as we know what they're like.

I haven't been to look, but I'm sure some idiot on goodfy will have been jabbering away "but if you Google... If you look on YouTube... If you check Wikipedia...", there's barely a braincell between them.

They are not only troglodytes when it comes to the law, or economics, but they are also political troglodytes, oblivious to things that the rest of the world has already discussed.

So instead of a general comment, that would suffice for most people, they need things spelled out in big, bold, capital letters, written in crayon.

I mean look at Haining's lack of knowledge on the station refurbishment and the Southern Gateway Development.

If Burnaby didn't have a clue I'd say fair enough, why should he, it doesn't impact him 4,600 miles away, but this is on Haining's doorstep.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Joinder »

On yes, Ceylon saw the title "Gateway development" and went into a rant believing the council were building gated communities for the elite.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote:For the non-Nottz folk here this station refurbishment is a minor part of what's been labelled the Southern Gateway Development that is a huge project including new NET tram lines and highway works (and the development sites made available as a result) to influence and enable new buildings and uses that are well-connected to each other, the rest of the City Centre and to the Meadows and residential areas to the south, maximising the benefits of the area’s development potential, creating lively streets with mixed employment, tourism and leisure, residential and commercial uses.

The early promotion of facilitating works such as road schemes to remove the majority of east-west traffic from Canal Street and Collin Street to Queen Street – to break through the existing inner ring road and to replace the road capacity for traffic further south. This will mean the walking routes between the station and the Broadmarsh Centre and Castle can be much improved, completely changing the current poor perception on arrival outside the station and looking towards the City Centre.

A new east-west pedestrian link between Middle Hill and the Castle along a traffic-calmed Collin Street, will open up views of the Castle and provide lively ground floor uses, creating a wide and interesting new street lined with cafes, shops and other public uses.

Redevelopment of sites near the station for commercial and office uses with retail and cafes on the ground floor, creating an employment hub alongside the transport hub now being constructed.

Nottingham One, a £43 million complex of apartments and Grade A offices built to the highest standard, and a key component of the city’s Southern Gateway development.

The £150m redevelopment of the Broadmarsh shopping centre and Central College Nottingham is to build a new iconic £70 million centre in Canal Street.

All this and more is part of a multi-year plan to attempt regenerate the southern area of the city and has secured hundreds of millions of pounds of inward investment.

Just to give a little context.

Yeah, but what have the Romans council done for us!!!1!!!

Ps, I was going to cut the quote down but I feel the aesthetic is stronger this way...
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Joinder wrote:On yes, Ceylon saw the title "Gateway development" and went into a rant believing the council were building gated communities for the elite.
I think you mean the "parasitical, child rapist run, Nottingham, City, corrupt, council"! The video about the supposed gated community is one of my favourites. It's even funnier once you realise how he arrived at his boneheaded conclusion about the "gated private community for the rich".

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NG3 »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
Joinder wrote:On yes, Ceylon saw the title "Gateway development" and went into a rant believing the council were building gated communities for the elite.
I think you mean the "parasitical, child rapist run, Nottingham, City, corrupt, council"! The video about the supposed gated community is one of my favourites. It's even funnier once you realise how he arrived at his boneheaded conclusion about the "gated private community for the rich".


What an idiot.

He couldn't be more wrong if he tried. He has no clue about anything.

The plan is the complete opposite, it's to open up the area, and connect it to the city center, not close it off.

I also noticed the huffing and puffing again...
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by letissier14 »

Posted on GOODF

MAN SAVES £51,486. but ignores the fact that his business had 18 properties repossessed.

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... iEWpdLnveE

Postby big5tree » Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:13 am

In June 2012 I owed NatWest Black card £16,551.65, I had a NatWest personal loan £8,867.27, I had a NatWest over draft of £10,952.66, a Barclaycard loan of £5,844.14, and a Barclaycard credit card debt of £9,270.96 giving a total of £51,486.

This situation had arises since I was going through a protracted and expensive divorce and all of my business accounts had been frozen through a court order. Also my businesses had been miss-sold an Interest Rate Hedging Product by Allied Irish Bank whom then reposed all 18 of its properties. I had no way to pay these loans.

I then discovered GOODF and followed their advice with the letters and now all of the debts have gone!
Not only that my credit score has now recovered to 999 out of 999.

I have also through a separate forum been compensated by Allied Irish Bank and have served them with a seven figure Consequential loss claim.

This site really works! Remember the banks are the BAD guys and we are the GOOD guys.

Thank you GOODF
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

letissier14 wrote:Not only that my credit score has now recovered to 999 out of 999.
I don't believe you because:
No UK system publishes credit scores based on figures.( or they certainly didn't used to.)
It looks like a FICO score and no one scores 999 out of 999 on FICO.
Having 18 properties repossessed, even if they were owned by limited companies, would affect your credit score unless you somehow owned 18 properties without your name being connected to them.
Your expensive and protracted divorce had no effect on your credit rating.
I have also through a separate forum been compensated by Allied Irish Bank and have served them with a seven figure Consequential loss claim.
You've been compensated but you are still claiming consequential loss? How did you manage that? It is possible but unlikely. Also since when did Allied Irish compensate people through forums?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by FatGambit »

LOL I'm sure they meant that from information found on another forum they were able to make a compensation claim of some sorts, but with this lot, I guess you never know, maybe AIB do actually have a forum...
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Forsyth »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
letissier14 wrote:Not only that my credit score has now recovered to 999 out of 999.
I don't believe you because:
No UK system publishes credit scores based on figures.( or they certainly didn't used to.)
They appear to do so now:
Experian wrote:Your Experian Credit Score is based on the information provided in your Experian credit report and ranges on a scale from 0-999.
http://www.experian.co.uk/consumer/expe ... score.html
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by grixit »

Maybe by "compensated" he means some sovcourt or "people's arbitration service" made a ruling on his behavior and he thinks the company is now required to pay him.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by IDIOT »