Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by wserra »

bmxninja357 wrote:But al has a good nature and gives everyone a chance. Like I said before he is a good guy.
Hmm. When was the last time you spoke to him, ninj?
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

wserra wrote:
bmxninja357 wrote:But al has a good nature and gives everyone a chance. Like I said before he is a good guy.
Hmm. When was the last time you spoke to him, ninj?
We have two schools of thought about that rebuttal. An acquaintance thinks that it is a desperate attempt by Boisjoli to maintain whatever creds he has left as a guru by taking an aggressive stand against Rooke and the court. He's playing to his audience/marketplace. The rebuttal is just an ill-considered attempt to deflect his customer's attention away from the fact that he has been completely stomped by the court that he approached to get his notarized judgment validated.

The other school of thought, the one I'm leaning towards, is that he is demented. If the rebuttal, a document publicly posted as damage control, was the product of a rational mind you'd have thought he'd have at least run it through spellcheck and got the Meads v Meads reference correct. I can't see all those ranting out-of-control obscenities and pointless gratutious insults of Rooke adding anything to his credibility as an OPCA scholar.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:WOW! I have a copy of the rebuttal Boisjoli has published in response to Albert Queen's Bench decision on October 8th. ... _Rooke.pdf

A devastating unanswerable riposte! The judges and staff of the Queen's Bench must be bitterly regretting their decision to take Boisjoli on! Particularly the soon-to-be-unemployed ACJ Rooke. . .
"WOW" is right. This is one angry guy. What did he think he had to gain by this rant?

It seems to be a trend in the OPCA community that upon getting one's arse waxed by the courts the OPCA guru lets loose with a stream of obscenities masquerading as an appeal.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by bmxninja357 »

wserra wrote:
bmxninja357 wrote:But al has a good nature and gives everyone a chance. Like I said before he is a good guy.
Hmm. When was the last time you spoke to him, ninj?
I can assure you allan seems a lot rougher on the net than in real life. I stand by al being a good guy even if we differ on legal opinions.

And much is simply venting at this point. None will be filed successfully. Because, ya know, vexatious.

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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by arayder »

It is interesting to note that Mika Rasila is on the cases of Clifford and Menard for, he claims, making his life as a "sovereign" more difficult. My understanding is that Mika feels his interactions with the authorities are made more difficult by their perception that he has to be either mouthy like Menard or rage filled like Clifford.

So here comes Boisjoli!

I wonder if there aren't more than a few low profile freemen/sovs living peaceful lives out of the government's way who cringe at rants like this.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by morrand »

Burnaby49 wrote:I can't see all those ranting out-of-control obscenities and pointless gratutious insults of Rooke adding anything to his credibility as an OPCA scholar.
I disagree. They will show (to a certain mentality) his courage in standing up to the oppressive courts and all those evil forces whom they serve. They will show that he is not one to lie down and be trampled, but will keep fighting to the end. I can't help but suspect that an awful lot of people come to OPCA methods by way of being very angry at the courts, or the system in general, and it's those people who would be most compelled by someone standing up and giving voice to that anger. It may well attract him some followers as a result.

That's not to defend what he's written—a tantrum, at least—and clearly the way to get actual justice from the court is not to make arguments such as
13. Your position is so weak, all I have to do is ask one simple question and you will be my lil bitch forever
because it will be recognized as a tantrum and dismissed accordingly; but instead, to make a good case, if one is to be made. Sensible people recognize that, or I like to imagine that they do, anyway. The one thing we know about OPCA methods, though, is that they're inherently nonsense. For all I can tell, coming up with nonsense like this, and admittedly unoriginal nonsense at that, is the best way possible for Boisjoli to market himself to his target audience.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by eric »

arayder wrote: I wonder if there aren't more than a few low profile freemen/sovs living peaceful lives out of the government's way who cringe at rants like this.
I actually am friends with a couple of the "quiet" freemen you mentioned. Although they totally believe in such aspects of Canadian FMOTL philosophy such as the birth certificate bond they live their life quietly. As much as possible they minimize their interaction with government organs by living off a cash economy (they both live quite well, but modest lives), avoiding such organs of the oppressors as banks, taxes, the post office, vehicle registration and insurance requirements, and the police. Except for such minor matters as paying the appropriate taxes and submitting the right government paperwork they are perfectly honest citizens and endeavour to fly under the radar as much as they can.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

Except for such minor matters as paying the appropriate taxes and submitting the right government paperwork they are perfectly honest citizens and endeavour to fly under the radar as much as they can.
We differ in our opinions of them. Not paying taxes isn't a "minor matter" it is a criminal offense. Do they pay for their own medical expenses if they have cancer or a heart attack or are they parasites making use of Canada's tax-funded free medical while cheating on paying taxes to cover their fair share of the cost of providing it?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Except for such minor matters as paying the appropriate taxes and submitting the right government paperwork they are perfectly honest citizens and endeavour to fly under the radar as much as they can.
We differ in our opinions of them. Not paying taxes isn't a "minor matter" it is a criminal offense. Do they pay for their own medical expenses if they have cancer or a heart attack or are they parasites making use of Canada's tax-funded free medical while cheating on paying taxes to cover their fair share of the cost of providing it?
Abject apology.... Perhaps I should have put in the sarcasm smilie - my apologies. Long day at work with my ladies including added responsibilities, "minor" should read "minor to them". I'm not saying I agree with their stance, in fact I totally agree with your position. They're nice people to talk with, totally honest in my dealings with them, some of them financial, we just set aside any discussions of politics and such whenever I have a beer with them and agree to politely agree to disagree. You have my permission to beat me about the head and ears with your pink beaver tail while forcing me to drink terrible beer. Why is it whenever people offer me free beer it's something like Bud Lite? :beatinghorse:
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

eric wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
Except for such minor matters as paying the appropriate taxes and submitting the right government paperwork they are perfectly honest citizens and endeavour to fly under the radar as much as they can.
We differ in our opinions of them. Not paying taxes isn't a "minor matter" it is a criminal offense. Do they pay for their own medical expenses if they have cancer or a heart attack or are they parasites making use of Canada's tax-funded free medical while cheating on paying taxes to cover their fair share of the cost of providing it?
Abject apology.... Perhaps I should have put in the sarcasm smilie - my apologies. Long day at work with my ladies including added responsibilities, "minor" should read "minor to them". I'm not saying I agree with their stance, in fact I totally agree with your position. They're nice people to talk with, totally honest in my dealings with them, some of them financial, we just set aside any discussions of politics and such whenever I have a beer with them and agree to politely agree to disagree. You have my permission to beat me about the head and ears with your pink beaver tail while forcing me to drink terrible beer. Why is it whenever people offer me free beer it's something like Bud Lite? :beatinghorse:
After my recent experience pubbing at Vancouver's skid-row dumps I'd judge that consuming a six-pack of Molsens Canadian is more than adequate punishment for your misdemeanor. Bud Lite is reserved for capital offenses.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

It looks like Boisjoli has found a way to get around that vexatious litigant order barring him from all courts in Alberta. Start a new court to which the order doesn't apply;

Just a quarter of a million dollars and Rooke and his judgments are history. I'd guess that Allen's first action once his new court is established (only $250,000 more to go!) will be to appoint himself Chief Justice and issue a court order barring Rooke from entering any court in Alberta. And, of course, reversing Meads v Meads. ... nref=story
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by schismatrix »

Burnaby49 wrote:...and issue a court order barring Rooke from entering any court in Alberta...
The minor problem being the location of said court: "a true American court for The People, By the People"
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

schismatrix wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:...and issue a court order barring Rooke from entering any court in Alberta...
The minor problem being the location of said court: "a true American court for The People, By the People"
That's what it says in the GoFundME but I'm assuming that Boisjoli has ideas about utilizing whatever the concept is in Alberta. I think he is directly involved in it because he had the GoFundMe up in his Face Book page as soon as it started. The listed organizer is "Sovereign Autonomous Man" which doesn't help much. The only way we are going to find out is if they get their quarter-million. So dig deep folks!
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by schismatrix »

Burnaby49 wrote:...I'm assuming that Boisjoli has ideas about utilizing whatever the concept is in Alberta... ...organizer is "Sovereign Autonomous Man" which doesn't help much...
Our mysterious masked sovereign is (or claims to be) in Edmonton though...
dig deep folks!
I have some lint and an old guitar pick...
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote:
schismatrix wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:...and issue a court order barring Rooke from entering any court in Alberta...
The minor problem being the location of said court: "a true American court for The People, By the People"
That's what it says in the GoFundME but I'm assuming that Boisjoli has ideas about utilizing whatever the concept is in Alberta. I think he is directly involved in it because he had the GoFundMe up in his Face Book page as soon as it started. The listed organizer is "Sovereign Autonomous Man" which doesn't help much. The only way we are going to find out is if they get their quarter-million. So dig deep folks!
A solution for Albertans is allready set up and waiting for him:
Boisjoli and Derek Johnson and Ty Griffiths can have a fine old time issuing meaningless judgements and such, but I believe the Court of King's Bench is fairly specific to Calgary area enemies of Derek and Ty so starting up an Edmonton area Court does have it's advantages.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

How could I have forgotten the Court of King's Bench? You're right, there already is a court in Alberta not controlled by the totally corrupt government-run court system. They seem to have some difficulty enforcing their judgments though. Maybe that is the aspect that Boisjoli is working on. Keep in mind that this discussion started because Boisjoli had an entirely valid judgment issued by the most powerful judge in Canada, a notary, but he had to come begging to the Court of Queen's Bench to make it enforceable. We all saw how that worked out. So maybe he's focussing on getting control of that last step.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

I have a suggestion.

Y'all can come down here on this side of the Pecos and I'll be happy to read the arguments and render a decision.

Trust me, I'll only charge them $20.00 (silver) per page for their presentments.

Outcome not guaranteed.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:I have a suggestion.

Y'all can come down here on this side of the Pecos and I'll be happy to read the arguments and render a decision.

Trust me, I'll only charge them $20.00 (silver) per page for their presentments.

Outcome not guaranteed.
What kind of crooked Kangaroo Court are you running there? The whole point of starting your own court is to get guaranteed outcomes. Menard's "two cases of beer in an evening" dream was to have his own police system to arrest people that irked him so that they could be tried by him in his court. The only way to get judicial certainty.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by LordEd »

What do you mean no guarantee? I can guarantee that any decision given will have no real effect.

Also guarantee the fees are non-refundable.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

Was it something I said?
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At least you can still give him money;

It's been up almost a day with no donations. Let's get going folks!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".