Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by bmxninja357 »

eric wrote: (Boisjuli is typical)

he is actually mentioned on here several times but his name is frequently misspelled. also see sovereign1. mods may move this to other thread once spelling is corrected. this is why many cant find all the posts on or including him. he and i used to discuss the posts about him on here long before i signed up.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by eric »

erwalkerca wrote:
eric wrote: Although there is a bit of topic drift here, from what I have been able to establish, Timothy:freeman of the house of Anderson is from Dawson Creek and there are a couple of clips showing his victories over the rather bemused local constabulary.
Timothy Anderson used to have a number of YouTube videos on his channel though he is down to two.

One of the videos is part 1 of what was a two part series he called "RCMPigs get spanked". He drove up to a RCMP checkpoint without his licence plates mounted on his van and tried to tell them he didn't need plates or a driver's licence. You can see his plates sitting in his centre console at 12:40 of the video. He handed over his licence and other documents right at the end of part 1.
Part 2, which has been deleted, showed the RCMP coming back to his car and handing him his documents, followed by the officer giving him a $109 citation for not having his plates mounted properly. He was then sent on his way. I'm sure it was deleted because it didn't quite fit the narrative he wanted to present where he "bravely" stood up to "the man" and this was pointed out to him. LOL
Too bad part 2 has been deleted although he probably thought it wouldn't fit in with in his persona. I did find a very early youtube (not posted by him, although he liked it, his voice matches, and it's from Dawson Creek) where he hands in his FMOTL fee schedule at the local RCMP detachment. The very professional female RCMP corporal who accepted it (who should receive praise for keeping her temper) appears in the part1 youtube clip you mentioned.
I haven't been able to find out much else about our friend Timothy. His friend in the parking crisis video quickly disappears from the scenario (probably for self protection) and the whole thing played out in a part of Calgary where the police will check out suspicious vehicles for a welfare check or just to ensure that some form of criminal activity is not taking place. Hint: - if you want to sit in your car in that neighborhood outside a bar just make sure you're clean and just want to have a smoke and make a few phone calls in peace and quiet. Timothy seems to have gone quiet so I fear that because of his attitude and his friends who enjoy recreational pharmaceuticals he may be spending awhile as a guest of the Queen.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:
eric wrote: (Boisjuli is typical)

he is actually mentioned on here several times but his name is frequently misspelled. also see sovereign1. mods may move this to other thread once spelling is corrected. this is why many cant find all the posts on or including him. he and i used to discuss the posts about him on here long before i signed up.
He'd only been mentioned on Quatloos once prior to my writing up his decision. At least under the correct spelling. It was a posting by Mowe;
But at least this other chap has a master plan!

Allen-Nelson Boisjoli [Jan. 3, 2014]

I am preparing a class action human rights claim into the World Court for extortion, intimidation, exploitation, kidnapping, abduction, cruel and unusual punishment, breach of trust, breach of charter...etc. vs the Canadian gov....just get out file with us and we will boot these bums out with World authority! Make sure you keep good documentation and get it on record in at least one of their court proceedings that you do not consent to their services. They are a corporation and they can not force their services on you without consequences.
Start asking for full names of these crooks.
Isn't it odd how so many people know "the truth", but none ever manage to succeed? I keep wondering when that lesson will settle in.

SMS Möwe
That was posted on the Clifford discussion.

viewtopic.php?f=48&t=9589&p=165165&hili ... li#p165165

He may be here in half a dozen differnt places I didn't find on a search because his name was spelled wrong.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by bmxninja357 »

he is. remember he and rob had a falling out some time back. plus his case was talked about but names were left out. if i happen across them i will link them.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:he is. remember he and rob had a falling out some time back. plus his case was talked about but names were left out. if i happen across them i will link them.

Just don't link his name to the prior cases with the publication bans. Esentially any that related to his family issues.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by bmxninja357 »

and here,

and there is more. most from the same time frame. the rest is from his fall out with rob and the wfs which comes earlier. when folks call folks names other than their real one or common screen name it gets hard to find. heck how many folks willfully misspell something as simple as menard. or maynard. or menerd. or manard.... never mind having to type out boisjoli. lol



Note from Burnaby49 - I had to edit that case information out. If you go to the case you'll see that it has a publication ban.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

I don't get this.

Mika posts a Facebook entry that makes it seems he wants find Menard in order to warn him of some sort of danger.

But when we look into the matter we see there has been bad blood between Mika and Menard for years and that Bobby is a member of a Facebook group that actively denigrates Mika.

Is there a tie in to Bobby's earlier mention of criminal harassment?

Dope Clock II
It has been 262 days since Robert Menard announced the revival of the Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers. So far there is no documentation of a successful purchase using Menard's system.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by ontobserver »

Burnaby49 wrote:The link worked, and still works for me. I just tried it again.

A Face Book page called "Mika the MOOCHER".
.This is a group of people used and harmed by the Moocher, aka Internet Hobo. Share your stories, to prevent others in being harmed in the future. Mika the Moocher, finds his victims from Freeman sites, and then asks to stay at their house, and he will do carpentry work, or odd jobs. Stating he will live in his van, but then enters your house, and raids your fridge, drinks your beer, and other bad issues. The smell is enough to change your mind. Now, for those people that have never met Mika the Moocher, and you are offended by me, and this group. Ask him to travel to your house, then you will be a new member of the group, and your mind will be changed.
Mika doesn't say why he wants to find Menard except that Rob's life is at stake. Rob doesn't seem too concerned.

Mika is also the administrator of "The Freemen of Canada (Ontario Chapter)" Facebook group ( Mika has made some comments about our friend Rob on that page as well:
Mika Rasali September 18 at 11:42pm
Rob Menard also thought it would be a good idea to block Robin Belanger from the group because he actually knows what he is doing and doesn't charge for his knowledge , a true minister , But I added robin back as soon as I noticed .

Mika Rasali September 18 at 9:50pm
Tried to block me out of my own group ? I just deleted Rob Menard and company from this page .

Mika Rasali September 18 at 10:40pm
and it looks like Rob Menard wants a war with me so it's on , He thinks I was exposing his pathetic little man conman bullshit before ? watch !
It appears some of this has escalated from Rob's kind offer:
Robert Menard July 5
Anyone want to come to Montreal for the comedy festival, and to hang out and see my NinjaGOAT, I have a nice little house just outside Montreal with spare rooms! Contact me if you want to come out for shits and giggles!
Which gets a number of comments from our good Reverend Belanger
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant which of Roberts less credible events do you admire most Thomas the drunken rants or the empty promises?
August 21 at 12:37pm · Like

Thomas V Kennedy
Thomas V Kennedy u have ur opinion, I got mine, I like Robert.
August 21 at 6:46pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant Yes he likely never ripped you off like he did so many others...but do stay blind to his deceitful ways if it makes you feel more secure..
August 22 at 6:04pm · Like · 1

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant His own crew of people disowned him for his foibles
August 22 at 6:04pm · Like · 1

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant talking to many folks who got burned by him including his own film maker and financier and then dealing with him face to face convinced me of his true nature...
August 22 at 6:06pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant but liking a con man indeed is ones prerogative...
August 22 at 6:07pm · Like · 1

Thomas V Kennedy
Thomas V Kennedy so you now are the fountain of information - sashay up to the front Edward and let the slings mud and arrows fly your way - ripping people down is the old way, as a hint, many of us are trying to build a new way, but thanks for the comments - read further and say that you call your self a Christian, so your definition of Christianity allows you to cause distress to the body, how interesting.
August 23 at 7:22am · Edited · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant always did have a lot of info but hate con men and just in case your not aware warning folks about a con man is a good thing and expected...That old way never stopped Thomas V Kennedy
August 23 at 7:21pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant by the way I have offered folks the opportunity to dispute the facts thousands of times...even the head judge agreed with me when he disqualified 7 of his own after I complained with 5 witnesses...If you have arrows to shoot or mud to sling get your facts together and lets exchange,,
August 23 at 7:24pm · Like

Robert Menard
Robert Menard My understanding of the teachings of Christ lead me to not thinking I am so good that I can judge others and attack them for failing to meet my standards. But you claim to have a greater understanding, so I guess the words "judge not", for some reason which only you can fathom, are not applicable to you. Fill your boots Robin. Judge, attack, lay claim on my honour and deny me dignity. It says a lot more about you than it does me.
August 23 at 7:37pm · Like · 1

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant .observing then warning others of your observations is not judging but is duty to your fellow man...Your a known thief and coman
August 23 at 7:38pm · Like · 1

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant The duty of the watchman is scriptural duty Ezekiel 33:1-10
August 23 at 7:39pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant but I know such a moral standard is not to your liking
August 23 at 7:39pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant Many others have risen up to tell the world about your darker side and their is no denying it and no dignity in that either..
August 23 at 7:40pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant I am not the only witness to your deceptions
August 23 at 7:40pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant Just the word person and what you teach about it is a massive deception on your part
August 23 at 7:41pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant easily proven a deception to
August 23 at 7:42pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant Robert if you thinks folks should not be warned about con men tell us your reasons
August 23 at 7:43pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant But then you are kinda in conflict to do that
August 23 at 7:43pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant I am sorry for one thing Robert...That you never got enough love in your life..
August 23 at 7:47pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant We all could use more of that..
August 23 at 7:47pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant Now if you would repent of your sins and compensate those you burned you all set for forgiveness..
August 23 at 7:48pm · Like

Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant seems Robert has no rebuttal to the warning.. while i was doing that one here passed on a name of one that Rob if I was wrong why would someone pipe up to mention someone who can bear witness to the burn job pattern if Robert is an angel??
August 23 at 8:06pm · Like
It keeps going with more of the same.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Reading down the Ontario Freeman's Facebook page I note that Mika is of the opinion that Clifford and Menard are making his existence as a practicing sovereign more difficult by causing the police and the courts to be more aggressive in their treatment of freemen.

I see that Mika is the admin for the Ontario Freeman Facebook page. Does anybody know if Mika was in Ontario during Bobby's misbegotten months there? And if he had contact with Menard during that time?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Mika has taken the bait !!!

I gave Mika the Quebec address of one Robert Menard, as he was seeking it.


Let's watch this drama play out !!! :haha:
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Our boy Menard was featured as an example of a Sovereign Citizen in this Florida police training video:
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

One of our resident gadflies, Patriot Discussions, is from Florida too. The Orland area.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Menard has become a capitalist! Not surprising I guess since people now seem unwilling to just give him money for nothing. The dismal results of his C3PO and NinjaGoat GoFundMe campaigns have proven that. Apart from say, robbing banks, he can either try and exploit his hard earned intellectual property or get a job. Since the job alternative seems out exploition it is.

A backstory of course. It's on this FaceBook page;

Lou Manotti is one of Scott Duncan's Tenderizers. Lou made a passing comment about Rob, inter alia, on this discussion; ... 8155956400
Lou Manotti with Gilberto de Piento and 5 others
FUN FACT: Rogue Support, and the Aquilae Trust have done more for your freedom than Dean C. Clifford, Robert Menard, and ALL the free-dumbers combined.

They all get shit on for their trouble. Your excuse? "Scott Duncan is too mean to us". It ALWAYS boils down to that. You're all crybabies who hate that the "mean" guy was right all along.
Well he's not going to be around much longer, and then when you realize he was right all along, you can PAY ME to speak to him. Proceeds will go directly to the Aquilae Trust Consolidated Fuel Account; Your ignorance can fuel our ships, and the Captains will thank you for being so stupid.
Rob must be constantly scouring the net for references about himself because he responded almost immediately;
Robert Menard
And THAT is why Scooty and all his minions will always fail. I tried teaching it to Scooty, but someone who believes he is always right, can never learn. It does not matter how right your 'programming is'. If you lack the ability to properly interface, you are just an XLR jack trying to connect with a USB. And then you claim that the USB port is to blame. It is Scooty's ego, and not the stupidity of his potential students, who hinder and restrict the flow of information. As for Scooty being right, he has been repeatedly and undeniably proven to be wrong concerning his most basic premise, that being that 'legal tender' is a modified verb and not a noun. So go ahead, and suck your Guru's Ego Dick, and claim he has no victims, while wearing the victim hat, and being too stupid to realize it.
Harsh, Rob, harsh. At least Scott has acolytes that stand up for him and respect him. I can't explain that myself but it seems to be true.

So Kent Barrett, sensing a financial opportunity posted this; ... 3735999206

Kent was the guy that outed Rob's super-secret iteration of his old ACCP scam.

Rob responded as a true capitalist;
Robert Menard
I want royalties if you are using my name and words.
5 hrs
But he wasn't getting any support;
Lou Manotti
You get nothing. You Get to THANK us for turning your worthless shit into fuel for our ships. That's what you get.
Rob laid down the law, you know, one of those laws that apparently apply to Freemen when they see a financial advantage to it;
Robert Menard
No text or images that infringe on any intellectual property rights including, but not limited to copyrights, trademarks and rights of privacy/publicity Already reported... CIAO!
This triggered;

Lou Manotti
Scott Duncan own those, and we endorse it. What are you going to do about it?
4 hrs

Lou Manotti
I'll even GIVE copies of The Truth and Robert Menard, to the homeless, sell on the streets!

Your lies and fraud can feed a homeless man for a day!
4 hrs
Rob made, frankly, a weak retort.
Robert Menard
Lou, you are obviously a deeply troubled, likely insane and obviously unintelligent individual, with serious psychological issues. You go have fun in what ever way you need. Endorse whatever you want. Drink whatever Kool-Aid you want. Don't be offended when serious and intelligent people do not take you seriously, or see you as intelligent. No offence, but you are an idiot.
I'd rather have that on a coffee mug than the previous quote!

Anyhow that got Lou ticked off;
Lou Manotti
I was warned you would keep trying. I stopped at "insane". Scott Duncan has been called that repeatedly...until it turns out he wasn't. Over and over again.

Claiming there is anything wrong with ME, when YOU are the one with victims, would be laughable, if it weren't so pathetic.

Don't you see that these things will be used against you later?

Your CURRENT victims (Whoever follows you right now) will ALL re-read this shit, because that's what's ALWAYS happened. We actually waive the rules for joining THE TENDER FOR LAW if the applicant is one of YOUR VICTIMS.

You are not a serious OR intelligent "people". You are a parasite I will remove from this earth through starvation and exposure.

I'm an "idiot" who's changing everything, because 2+2=4 and it doesn't matter who says it.

Scott Duncan shows people how to change EVERYTHING. You show people how to open their wallets when they are at their most vulnerable, and you help yourself, and then call it consent.

Now there will be someone with THIS SEAL making sure EVERYONE knows it, and we are NEVER going away. No Quarter Granted. YOU ARE PROPERTY.
Rob seems totally unable to resist taking the bait when the Tenderizers mock him. Perhaps it is at least some recognition that he exists and counts for something;
Robert Menard
Everything you have just posted is a result of your own insane beliefs. Keep telling yourself that YOU are changing EVERYTHING. GO ahead. You are going to 'remove me from this earth'? Have you even met me? I think not, and yet, you have no problem judging me, and claiming that you are justified in removing me form this earth. Is it YOUR earth, may I ask? Or is it not YOUR earth? If it is not YOUR earth, who are you to remove me? Dude, can you not even see how fucked in the head you are? Have you drank that much Kool-Aid?
4 hrs
Things take a distressful turn for the worse;
Lou Manotti
Aquilae Trust will sell YOUR name and YOUR quotes, videos, and anything else we damn well please, and you will suck it up like the little Free-Dumber bitch you are.
2 · 5 hrs · Edited
Robert Menard
Go ahead. Be my bitch. I have already given permission to everyone to do so, and you will be simply be sharing my beliefs.. so go ahead plant my seeds.. and shit on them all you want. Scooty is Always right. Go sell that to others and see how likely they arte to drink that kool-aid.
5 hrs
And Kent and othes get downright hurtfull;
Kent BarrettHow's that Consumer Purchaser thing going, Rob?
1 · 5 hrs
Rob threatens lawsuits!
Robert Menard
YAWN... so may empty threats... 3 years ago I was promised a book about me from the aqua-lie trust.. still haven't seen it. And you waited for LEAVE from your CULT LEADER. You all make me laugh. And Lou Manotti, please keep posting. I am capturing it all, and will use it as required. Keep speaking about your intent to harass.
4 hrs
But his ability to use the courts is questioned;
John Affidavit Fernandes
Use it where ManardTard, the magical good courts. Where will you find remedy? Where does a vexatious, OPCA litigant find remedy?
3 · 4 hrs
Kent suddenly realizes their Mistake. Rob has an entirely legal police force to enforce things. Or he will have once he gets that little problem in Toronto cleared up;
Kent Barrett
He'll call C3PO. That will teach us.
Then things degrade to personal insults about Rob's father which I'll skip. Two more quotes are of interest however because they involve us;
Lou Manotti
Do you read THE TENDER FOR LAW, Mister Menard?
2 hrs
Kent Barrett
Quatloos does. Though they have little to say about it lately.

They DO have lots to say about Mister Menard, however, they miss him as he's gone very quiet lately.
Sadly all too true. Rob's been hunkering down in that Quebec squat for the better part of a year and if he's up to anything we Quatloosians don't know about it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Kent Barrett
Quatloos does. Though they have little to say about it lately.

They DO have lots to say about Mister Menard, however, they miss him as he's gone very quiet lately.
They've figured out how to hurt us. If they shut up we can't have fun at their expense.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:
Kent Barrett
Quatloos does. Though they have little to say about it lately.

They DO have lots to say about Mister Menard, however, they miss him as he's gone very quiet lately.
They've figured out how to hurt us. If they shut up we can't have fun at their expense.
It's sorta like the last scene in Psycho in which Norman Bates goes catatonic to prove he wouldn't hurt a fly.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Hanslune »

Jeffrey wrote:
Kent Barrett
Quatloos does. Though they have little to say about it lately.

They DO have lots to say about Mister Menard, however, they miss him as he's gone very quiet lately.
They've figured out how to hurt us. If they shut up we can't have fun at their expense.
Damn those insensitive swine. Don't they know we get belly laughs from their antics? Reading the stuff above reminds me of 'discussions' between religious sects that that broken up over some point of theology. Funny as hell each side screaming that the other is a heretic.

Would it be wrong to offer Menard 50 cents (US) a day just to say dumb stuff to get other freemen to spew back?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by eric »

Hanslune wrote: Damn those insensitive swine. Don't they know we get belly laughs from their antics? Reading the stuff above reminds me of 'discussions' between religious sects that that broken up over some point of theology. Funny as hell each side screaming that the other is a heretic.
Would it be wrong to offer Menard 50 cents (US) a day just to say dumb stuff to get other freemen to spew back?
Menard actually sounds relatively sane in their interminable discussions over whether "legal tender" is a modified verb as Scott Duncan espouses or a simple noun. Besides, having a cynical disposition, I naturally distrust any group with an imaginary navy and a not so secret plan to take over the world in 2016 using Bitcoin technology.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Hanslune »

eric wrote:
Hanslune wrote: Damn those insensitive swine. Don't they know we get belly laughs from their antics? Reading the stuff above reminds me of 'discussions' between religious sects that that broken up over some point of theology. Funny as hell each side screaming that the other is a heretic.
Would it be wrong to offer Menard 50 cents (US) a day just to say dumb stuff to get other freemen to spew back?
Menard actually sounds relatively sane in their interminable discussions over whether "legal tender" is a modified verb as Scott Duncan espouses or a simple noun. Besides, having a cynical disposition, I naturally distrust any group with an imaginary navy and a not so secret plan to take over the world in 2016 using Bitcoin technology.
Yes sometimes a fruit salad looks and sounds better than a fruit cake. I personally wish them great luck with the bitcoin gambit I'm sure that there are no flaws in that brilliant plan. :wink:
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

I knew I had heard the name Scott Duncan mentioned via Robert Menard. It was in a video he'd done over a year ago (3 weeks after the infamous "Psycho-Bully Toronto Cop" video).

Scott Duncan is WRONG TWICE
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Mowe had a great intro to a thread on Duncan typed up a long time ago that dug deeply into his involvement in the porn industry. A shame he never got to finish it. Maybe Burnaby kept a copy? I deleted the preview he sent me.