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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Hercule Parrot wrote:Mr Ebert explained this to me... :haha: :haha:
Is that the "Bankrupt nearly twenty years ago but still not discharged" Mr Ebert?
Been trying to do some research on the situation regarding chequebooks. A real bank would bounce any cheque after the bankruptcy and the bankrupt would be expected to either send them back to the bank or hand them over to the receiver as far as I can gather. Keeping a chequebook after bankruptcy and using it is a no-no and could have very serious consequences. We therefore can look forward to Jimmy Wyld doing something really stupid with his WeRe chequebook.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Hercule Parrot »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Been trying to do some research on the situation regarding chequebooks. A real bank would bounce any cheque after the bankruptcy and the bankrupt would be expected to either send them back to the bank or hand them over to the receiver as far as I can gather. Keeping a chequebook after bankruptcy and using it is a no-no and could have very serious consequences. We therefore can look forward to Jimmy Wyld doing something really stupid with his WeRe chequebook.

Interesting point. If One-Cell's Werebank holdings have any value then the OR should take control of them. PoE would find a way to explain that as official recognition, in fact he would probably be offended if the Receiver told One-Cell that he could keep his worthless novelty "chequebook". On the other hand, if One-Cell cannot now honour his £100,000 promissory note to Werebank, then perhaps PoE might make a claim as a creditor?

I think there's a rich seam of amusement ahead, and we can rely on "Alas Smith & Wyld"* to entertain us through to Christmas and beyond.

(* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alas_Smith_and_Jones for the young and/or foreign readers....)
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by FatGambit »

My for want of a better description brother-in-law was made bankrupt and the receiver took everything, cut up his debit and credit card in front of him and 'seized' his chequebooks (was told to take them along to his 'interview' and they did it there and then, was told if he didn't cooperate to tell his wife he wouldn't be coming home for a while.

He is a cock, and about as lippy as Jimmy, but I know it scared the living shit out of him once the receiver caught up with him.

I cannot fathom why these people like Jimmy do what they do, back when I had a bit of financial trouble thanks to the infamous 2008 crash, I was told in simple terms, pay the mortgage (didn't have one so it didn't matter), pay the council tax and buy food, electric and gas, tell all the others to wait in line, it was emphasised to me that if I had any major assets, like a house, to not fuck about if I wanted to keep them, i's beyond me why the hell Jimmy has thrown away his house over a council tax bill...
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Jeffrey »

I thought Jimmy was younger based on his immature writing style and general dickish attitude but it's shocking to find out the guy is 41 years old.

Jimjam, you're a middle aged man, act like it. You've still got time to put your finances in order, get your credit rating back up and not end up a total bankrupt fuck up like Tom Crawford or Ceylon by the time you reach retirement age.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
mufc1959 wrote:His house is in his sole name...
I was wondering about this, because the "lose the name" tactic is going to work so well here:
Bailiff: "Who are you?"
Jimmy no name: "Not Jimmy Wyld"
Bailiff: "So what are you doing in this house?"
Jimmy no name: "excuse excuse excuse I rent it excuse excuse"
Bailiff: "You've had your notice, out you go, it's the receiver's now"
I imagine it would actually be something quite like this if Jimmy claims to be his tenant Jimmy could find the mortgage lender becoming his new landlord (while they seek to auction the property to a new landlord). However Jimmy would be asked to provide details of his tenancy agreement with himself (which he won't have because he isn't renting from himself) and also to furnish his new landlord with identity documents, if he refuses he would be evicted very quickly, he could even find himself classed as an unlawful occupier and the eviction would likely also come with a clause preventing him from returning to the property.

He would also get into a bit more trouble with the official receiver who would want to know about Jimmy's rental income and possibly the taxman who might also have an interest in getting the figures for the business.

Of course it's much more likely that a) this has been tried before and; b) it didn't work then; so we can conclude c) it won't work now. But I don't imagine that would stop Jimmy from trying. In fact I think in the great tradition of his people (not Northerners, just thicko's) knowing that would spur him on because surely after all these years of failure someone's going to hit that decillion to one chance of it working.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

FatGambit wrote:
I cannot fathom why these people like Jimmy do what they do, back when I had a bit of financial trouble thanks to the infamous 2008 crash, I was told in simple terms, pay the mortgage (didn't have one so it didn't matter), pay the council tax and buy food, electric and gas, tell all the others to wait in line, it was emphasised to me that if I had any major assets, like a house, to not fuck about if I wanted to keep them, i's beyond me why the hell Jimmy has thrown away his house over a council tax bill...
I did Home Visits when I worked for a Council and I would suggest that some people can't prioritize or are simply are so far up themselves they can't see the train crash they are heading for.
The number of houses I used to visit that had Sky and the full channel package paid for through a bank account they suddenly remembered they had (DD was the only way to pay for Sky back then,) beamed onto the latest Panasonic TV screen that took up half the living room, which they watched when they put their latest and greatest smartphone down, next to the shiny Laptop or PC to tell you with a perfectly straight face they wanted to apply for Benefit as they could not afford to pay their CT or rent used to amaze me. You could not tell them perhaps the Sky should go or the latest smartphone could wait, because it is rightly up to them how they spend their money, so I would just get the information I needed and leave, go back to office access the claim and in the majority of home visit cases play letter tennis with them as you discovered you had been fed a crock of shit. Most claims failed, they had the income, it was how they were spending it was the problem, and yes I have been told to my face that the Council rent was in arrears because their Laptop blew up and they had to get a new one.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:I thought Jimmy was younger based on his immature writing style and general dickish attitude but it's shocking to find out the guy is 41 years old.

Jimjam, you're a middle aged man, act like it. You've still got time to put your finances in order, get your credit rating back up and not end up a total bankrupt fuck up like Tom Crawford or Ceylon by the time you reach retirement age.
The best advice I've read in a long time. Like al good advice it will be ignored.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

PeanutGallery wrote:I imagine it would actually be something quite like this if Jimmy claims to be his tenant Jimmy could find the mortgage lender becoming his new landlord (while they seek to auction the property to a new landlord).
No they don't become his landlord. It is a serious issue with landlord tenant law because the repossession of the house takes priority over any rent agreement. Under tenancy law you have to go through a whole load of steps to legally evict a tenant. If the landlord hasn't been paying the mortgage, the lender comes along with a court order and says everybody out. If the tenant hasn't been paying attention to his post, he's out. Even if he has, all he's likely to get is a bit more notice to get out.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Pox »

A suggestion-

Of late there appear to be a series of failures/set backs, call it what you will.

Not all are the result is scams ( Mickey Summers,for example) but plenty are (Jimmy W, for example)?

What about a 'failure board' so that guests can easily see where woo, stupidity etc. can lead them to? For each failure, readers can be given the link to the relevant board where they can read more?

And, just to show that we take a balanced view, there could also be a success section :sarcasmon:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by FatGambit »

Skeleton wrote:I did Home Visits when I worked for a Council and I would suggest that some people can't prioritize or are simply are so far up themselves they can't see the train crash they are heading for.
The number of houses I used to visit that had Sky and the full channel package paid for through a bank account they suddenly remembered they had (DD was the only way to pay for Sky back then,) beamed onto the latest Panasonic TV screen that took up half the living room, which they watched when they put their latest and greatest smartphone down, next to the shiny Laptop or PC to tell you with a perfectly straight face they wanted to apply for Benefit as they could not afford to pay their CT or rent used to amaze me. You could not tell them perhaps the Sky should go or the latest smartphone could wait, because it is rightly up to them how they spend their money, so I would just get the information I needed and leave, go back to office access the claim and in the majority of home visit cases play letter tennis with them as you discovered you had been fed a crock of shit. Most claims failed, they had the income, it was how they were spending it was the problem, and yes I have been told to my face that the Council rent was in arrears because their Laptop blew up and they had to get a new one.
LOL you have just described my feckless brother-in-law down to a tee, do you know him too?

50" Plasma, Sky full package, brand new motability car, iphones for two, laptop, tablet and desktop pc, and still up to his eyes in debt (again!). Was told I was cheap for having an android tablet and 7 year old phone, told him at least I wasn't about to be made bankrupt for the second time in three years, don't think I was too popular after that.....
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

Re: Charging Order? The myth!

Postby quantum3d » Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:05 am

Something to note here, this is not an ordinary case and for anyone that is worried by the actions the council have taken against Jimmys NAME, it is entirely down to certain individuals that have gone out of their way to contact various people in the council and inform on Jimmy, they have mined his personal information and also reported all his moves and personal details to the council, the people if you can call them people in question seems to have posed as a reporter and suggested they were writing an article on Council Tax evasion and that it would not go down well with the other "slaves" if Jimmy was not made an example of....So basically a Statutory Demand was used because the council were tricked into thinking they had to else suffer a bad press article.

These people are very confused and also malicious and are watching this forum very closely, so please don't be put off by these actions, it is not the norm to do a statutory demand for a couple of years of Council Tax as they have in this instance...

Obviously to anyone that chooses a particular path of resistance must make their own due diligence, but I would not let this case muddy your thoughts too much, Making NAME bankrupt is indeed their best shot and this would not have happened if these people hadn't of taken it upon themselves to convince the council that they had to act for fear of bad press...


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Been waiting for Quantam3xdense to come up with some bullshit in Jimmy's defence and he has not let me down.

Here you go prime example of people not taking responsibility and always finding someone else to blame. Somebody posed as a reporter and hoodwinked the Council into taking action and Jimmy was made an 'Example" of. No evidence to support his claims of course and I doubt the Council involved would brief Quantam3xdense of why they took the action they did.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

Pox wrote:A suggestion-

Of late there appear to be a series of failures/set backs, call it what you will.

Not all are the result is scams ( Mickey Summers,for example) but plenty are (Jimmy W, for example)?

What about a 'failure board' so that guests can easily see where woo, stupidity etc. can lead them to? For each failure, readers can be given the link to the relevant board where they can read more?

And, just to show that we take a balanced view, there could also be a success section :sarcasmon:
I thought this was the failure board? Certainly when I come here it's either to write about what I think is a train about to wreck, the wreck itself, or a post mortem on why it wrecked. Jimmy is just at the wreck stage, it's too late to do anything about it and he's about to discover a little thing called consequences.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »

Skeleton wrote:
Re: Charging Order? The myth!

Postby quantum3d » Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:05 am

Something to note here, this is not an ordinary case and for anyone that is worried by the actions the council have taken against Jimmys NAME, it is entirely down to certain individuals that have gone out of their way to contact various people in the council and inform on Jimmy, they have mined his personal information and also reported all his moves and personal details to the council, the people if you can call them people in question seems to have posed as a reporter and suggested they were writing an article on Council Tax evasion and that it would not go down well with the other "slaves" if Jimmy was not made an example of....So basically a Statutory Demand was used because the council were tricked into thinking they had to else suffer a bad press article.

These people are very confused and also malicious and are watching this forum very closely, so please don't be put off by these actions, it is not the norm to do a statutory demand for a couple of years of Council Tax as they have in this instance...

Obviously to anyone that chooses a particular path of resistance must make their own due diligence, but I would not let this case muddy your thoughts too much, Making NAME bankrupt is indeed their best shot and this would not have happened if these people hadn't of taken it upon themselves to convince the council that they had to act for fear of bad press...


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Been waiting for Quantam3xdense to come up with some bullshit in Jimmy's defence and he has not let me down.

Here you go prime example of people not taking responsibility and always finding someone else to blame. Somebody posed as a reporter and hoodwinked the Council into taking action and Jimmy was made an 'Example" of. No evidence to support his claims of course and I doubt the Council involved would brief Quantam3xdense of why they took the action they did.

Fake Reporter my Arse, there could be book deal in the works
FreeMan on the Land (why it does not work).

or even "Jimmy my small part in his downfall".

Either way I guess when the tactics are switched against em......they don't like it up em.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by mufc1959 »

Skeleton wrote:
Been waiting for Quantam3xdense to come up with some bullshit in Jimmy's defence and he has not let me down.
Jimmy's BFF Rob-shitforbrains-swift has been surprisingly silent on Jimmy's massive win.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by timcurgenven1 »

mufc1959 wrote:
Skeleton wrote:
Been waiting for Quantam3xdense to come up with some bullshit in Jimmy's defence and he has not let me down.
Jimmy's BFF Rob-shitforbrains-swift has been surprisingly silent on Jimmy's massive win.
He has been pretty silent full stop!
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by NigelJK »

At the risk of mocking the afflicted, and we already know they are not the most financially aware individuals, I notice that the Statement in this thread:

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... jNiUbfhDcs

actually shows that he got his incredible Kitchen loan at a whopping 18% interest.

Now having just gutted and refitted our Kitchen (good quality cupboards and doors Guaranteed for 25 years with cheap surfaces etc) it came to just over £16K (was originally over £25K WITH the 50% discount). My deal included a 4% interest deal (with no penalty for early repayment). My repayments are around £130 per month, so just under twice our man's payment for a Kitchen worth more than 4 times his. I also realise that had I not gone down the route of heaviest discount (+ a couple of free appliances) then I could have done a 0% finance deal.

Sometimes I think these poor sods think it's a more important to win a 'point' over the authorities than it is to provide a stable environment for themselves and theirs.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by NYGman »

I don't see why Jimmy should care if he is singled out, identified and reported. It should matter to him little, as he has a fool proof way of beating anything that they throw at him, remember, he lost the name so nothing to fear. So while The scammer formally known as Jimmy will remain debt free, the name will lose its accounts, its house, its credit rating, its war chest, basically the Name Jimmy will be reduced to nothing. So while formerly Jimmy will be debt free, he will find it difficult to do much with his life.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

PeanutGallery wrote:
Pox wrote:A suggestion-

Of late there appear to be a series of failures/set backs, call it what you will.

Not all are the result is scams ( Mickey Summers,for example) but plenty are (Jimmy W, for example)?

What about a 'failure board' so that guests can easily see where woo, stupidity etc. can lead them to? For each failure, readers can be given the link to the relevant board where they can read more?

And, just to show that we take a balanced view, there could also be a success section :sarcasmon:
I thought this was the failure board? Certainly when I come here it's either to write about what I think is a train about to wreck, the wreck itself, or a post mortem on why it wrecked. Jimmy is just at the wreck stage, it's too late to do anything about it and he's about to discover a little thing called consequences.
Peanut you call it as ever correctly, you would like to think they would listen now and again but they just do not and we get another face palming moment. Jimmy at least is honest and I will give him that, he want's us lot to bugger off and allow him to try and go through life without paying his dues for getting his bins empty, the fire service etc. What he and most of GOODF seem not to realise is were not going anywhere because the non-payers drive the bills up of those that do pay.

Lawful rebellion works both ways :)
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by longdog »

Skeleton wrote:Jimmy at least is honest and I will give him that, he want's us lot to bugger off and allow him to try and go through life without paying his dues for getting his bins empty, the fire service etc.
Whilst sympathising whole heartedly with those who genuinely struggle to pay their CT and whilst cheerfully admitting I would rather not pay CT myself (who wouldn't after all?) I would love to see councils taking the attitude with these clowns that "OK... You say there's no contract... Therefore there's no obligation on us to supply any services".

Goofer: "Help! Help! My house is burning down!"

Emergency operator: "What's your address please?"

Goofer: "123 A Street, A Town."

Emergency operator: "Sorry sir. We don't have a contract with you to put out fires at that address... Good luck." <click>

Goofer: "Oh shit!"
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by guilty »

longdog wrote:
Goofer: "Help! Help! My house is burning down!"

Emergency operator: "What's your address please?"

Goofer: "123 A Street, A Town."

Emergency operator: "Sorry sir. We don't have a contract with you to put out fires at that address... Good luck." <click>

Goofer: "Oh shit!"
Which is exactly what happened long ago when fire services were provided by private insurance companies.
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