Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Skeleton »

IDIOT wrote:
Skeleton wrote:Back on Topic, Shaun has removed a lot of video's from his YT channel. Most disappointingly "Take your hands off my private conveyence" is no more.

Pity i rather enjoyed that one.
Good idea to copy videos that provide the most entertainment using a website called Keepvid for re-upload.
Thanks mate for the pointer, works well. I am now armed for the future :)
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by grixit »

"Armed for the Future" is the name of my new techno-funk band.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Nice short video here of a Texas cop's approach to the "my private conveyance is not subject to traffic laws" BS - ... cense.html
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by longdog »

To be fair he wasn't driving a commercial veer-eer-heer-cal :shrug: :snicker:
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Forsyth »

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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Pox »

The first one is the funniest - he should be on the stage.
Loved the little salute at the start and the gangsta style of vocals.
Go boy, go (far away, I hope)
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Forsyth »

I'm getting very close to deciding he's actually a very well done parody. In the last 24 hours we've had:
Shaun 'Xrai' Cassidy wrote:this is sick. knocking me sick, kids were exposed to sexual hidden messages in the days of VHS. this is revolting. ... 6862569490
In which a spoof children's TV episode is assumed to have been representative of material routinely broadcast even though it clearly could never have been acceptable for general viewing. Then:
Shaun 'Xrai' Cassidy wrote:so he only gets "managment advice£ but no points on the licence but yet, if it was us, then we would be the ones... ... 7336625153
Here he's complaining that a police officer only got a fine and 'management advice' over parking badly while on official duty, and links to a news article which clearly explains that they were treated in the same way as a member of the public. He argues that they should have received points on their licence, but fails to explain why this should happen when it seems to be a simple parking offence which could never result in someone's licence being endorsed (there are specific circumstances when bad parking can result in more than a fine but they would not appear to apply here). One can only wonder if he has, perhaps, himself had a recent encounter with the police for a more serious motoring offence which resulted in him receiving both a significant fine and also having his licence endorsed.

And now we have a very strange Facebook post:
Shaun Cassidy wrote: i want to buy a tower block, and rehouse all our homeless, give them the aid they need to get off hards drugs, cannabis is okay in my book. and most importantly show them, that, people do care.
Which seems a pleasant enough dream to have, but then he continues:
Shaun Cassidy wrote:If people in salford want to see homeless off the streets and into a warm home, with food clothes and warmth, please do something in your local community too.
It's as if he equates dreaming that he's housed a block of homeless people with actually having done so. If only it were that simple.

None of this really compares with the video, which veers wildly from his hopes of becoming Prime Minister (or possibly king), explaining that 9/11 was a set up because if aviation fuel could melt steel it couldn't be used to fuel aircraft because they're made of steel and would melt too, that he doesn't believe in labelling people unless they're Jewish, that no-one ever gets any return from their taxes because he saw a pot hole in the road, and won't somebody think of the children. And apparently he can roar like a lion, too.

Plus, of course, all the usual freeman ideology about lawful/illegal, the fact birth certificates have a number on them makes them a financial instrument because bonds have numbers on them and the same number can only ever be used for one purpose, some very confused talk about Statutory Instruments (which he seems to think is synonymous with 'Acts of Parliament'). He also covered some of his own more specialised subjects, including the fact that Queen Elizabeth II apparently 'was abdicated' for failing to honour her coronation oath which appears to involve everything related to government that happened since the 70s (or possibly 50s) being revoked, Dallas style.

He also mentioned that he was recently fined £500 ($760USD/$1000CAD), which we might expect to be the end result of his video explaining how you don't need to tax your car, though this isn't made explicitly clear. He also explains that he's on £200 a fortnight ($300USD/$400CAD), which suggests that his various ventures (CEO, Producer, CG Artist, Developer, Multitalented Dyslexic) aren't going as well as they might. He doesn't mention where this money comes from but it is a mite unusual to be paid fortnightly, though Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) are both paid this way. ESA would be £204.30 a fortnight for someone who is unable to work due to a disability. To suggest that this is the source of his income is, I stress, highly speculative, and there are other explanations for him receiving this small sum paid fortnightly. Being self employed or working part time are both possible and would seem to be more in keeping with his obsession with the return he's getting for his taxes which, while not non-existent, have a significantly lower impact for the unwaged.

I find myself quite disturbed by his lack of self awareness when he proudly declares that he 'won't wear labels' holding his jacket open to demonstrate this and displaying a camouflage shirt complete with 'Military Police' badge. Together with the self conscious - and repeated - adjustment of his beret (with military style cap badge) through the video I'm left wondering how he can not see both of these items as very conspicuous labels.

While the wearing of a hat, heavy jacket and gloves throughout, despite the domestic indoor setting, may suggest an attempt to economise on heating (in which case he has my sympathy having been in similar situations myself), the style of the gloves makes we wonder if they are motor cycle gloves or army or police surplus as they appear to have some sort of protective material across the back and are, perhaps, not being worn for their thermal qualities alone. If I remember correctly, they also featured in an earlier video taken in warmer times. Of course, if Mr Cassidy is disabled they may fill a functional role which should be considered, though the hat and the shirt are harder to explain unless any disability extends beyond the physical.

Together with the posturing and strange slips of accent, the overall effect is overpowering and raises the question: is it possible to create such a video and not realise the combined effect that is being produced? Is he really a Walter Mitty character who genuinely believes himself - and the rest of the world - to be badly wronged and out on a mission to set it all to right, movie style? Or is he just winding us all up? I'm really not sure if we should be invoking Poe's Law or Formosa's Law here.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Pox »

A very fair and balanced synopsis - thank you.

If only I could have done the same but I don't have the patience, the editing skills nor could I stop laughing :haha:
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by vampireLOREN »

Forsyth wrote:I'm getting very close to deciding he's actually a very well done parody. In the last 24 hours we've had:
Shaun 'Xrai' Cassidy wrote:this is sick. knocking me sick, kids were exposed to sexual hidden messages in the days of VHS. this is revolting. ... 6862569490
In which a spoof children's TV episode is assumed to have been representative of material routinely broadcast even though it clearly could never have been acceptable for general viewing. Then:
Shaun 'Xrai' Cassidy wrote:so he only gets "managment advice£ but no points on the licence but yet, if it was us, then we would be the ones... ... 7336625153
Here he's complaining that a police officer only got a fine and 'management advice' over parking badly while on official duty, and links to a news article which clearly explains that they were treated in the same way as a member of the public. He argues that they should have received points on their licence, but fails to explain why this should happen when it seems to be a simple parking offence which could never result in someone's licence being endorsed (there are specific circumstances when bad parking can result in more than a fine but they would not appear to apply here). One can only wonder if he has, perhaps, himself had a recent encounter with the police for a more serious motoring offence which resulted in him receiving both a significant fine and also having his licence endorsed.

And now we have a very strange Facebook post:
Shaun Cassidy wrote: i want to buy a tower block, and rehouse all our homeless, give them the aid they need to get off hards drugs, cannabis is okay in my book. and most importantly show them, that, people do care.
Which seems a pleasant enough dream to have, but then he continues:
Shaun Cassidy wrote:If people in salford want to see homeless off the streets and into a warm home, with food clothes and warmth, please do something in your local community too.
It's as if he equates dreaming that he's housed a block of homeless people with actually having done so. If only it were that simple.

None of this really compares with the video, which veers wildly from his hopes of becoming Prime Minister (or possibly king), explaining that 9/11 was a set up because if aviation fuel could melt steel it couldn't be used to fuel aircraft because they're made of steel and would melt too, that he doesn't believe in labelling people unless they're Jewish, that no-one ever gets any return from their taxes because he saw a pot hole in the road, and won't somebody think of the children. And apparently he can roar like a lion, too.

Plus, of course, all the usual freeman ideology about lawful/illegal, the fact birth certificates have a number on them makes them a financial instrument because bonds have numbers on them and the same number can only ever be used for one purpose, some very confused talk about Statutory Instruments (which he seems to think is synonymous with 'Acts of Parliament'). He also covered some of his own more specialised subjects, including the fact that Queen Elizabeth II apparently 'was abdicated' for failing to honour her coronation oath which appears to involve everything related to government that happened since the 70s (or possibly 50s) being revoked, Dallas style.

He also mentioned that he was recently fined £500 ($760USD/$1000CAD), which we might expect to be the end result of his video explaining how you don't need to tax your car, though this isn't made explicitly clear. He also explains that he's on £200 a fortnight ($300USD/$400CAD), which suggests that his various ventures (CEO, Producer, CG Artist, Developer, Multitalented Dyslexic) aren't going as well as they might. He doesn't mention where this money comes from but it is a mite unusual to be paid fortnightly, though Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) are both paid this way. ESA would be £204.30 a fortnight for someone who is unable to work due to a disability. To suggest that this is the source of his income is, I stress, highly speculative, and there are other explanations for him receiving this small sum paid fortnightly. Being self employed or working part time are both possible and would seem to be more in keeping with his obsession with the return he's getting for his taxes which, while not non-existent, have a significantly lower impact for the unwaged.

I find myself quite disturbed by his lack of self awareness when he proudly declares that he 'won't wear labels' holding his jacket open to demonstrate this and displaying a camouflage shirt complete with 'Military Police' badge. Together with the self conscious - and repeated - adjustment of his beret (with military style cap badge) through the video I'm left wondering how he can not see both of these items as very conspicuous labels.

While the wearing of a hat, heavy jacket and gloves throughout, despite the domestic indoor setting, may suggest an attempt to economise on heating (in which case he has my sympathy having been in similar situations myself), the style of the gloves makes we wonder if they are motor cycle gloves or army or police surplus as they appear to have some sort of protective material across the back and are, perhaps, not being worn for their thermal qualities alone. If I remember correctly, they also featured in an earlier video taken in warmer times. Of course, if Mr Cassidy is disabled they may fill a functional role which should be considered, though the hat and the shirt are harder to explain unless any disability extends beyond the physical.

Together with the posturing and strange slips of accent, the overall effect is overpowering and raises the question: is it possible to create such a video and not realise the combined effect that is being produced? Is he really a Walter Mitty character who genuinely believes himself - and the rest of the world - to be badly wronged and out on a mission to set it all to right, movie style? Or is he just winding us all up? I'm really not sure if we should be invoking Poe's Law or Formosa's Law here.
I must thank you for taking the time to investigate and then produce this well written opinion.

Perhaps I can best sum up my opinion in a few short words The man is a raving Lunatic. :whistle:
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by IDIOT »

These will be the videos the MSM refers to when he gets himself shot for doing something really stupid...dressing up pseudo military style, grudge to bear against the system he just stuck himself on the watch list.

You heard it here first, you have not heard the last of the freak. He won't accept the defeat of having his conveyance stolen from him and will be dishing out some payback real soon...
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by IDIOT »

:haha: This guy is every FMOTL ever previously seen. Throw in Citizen Smith, Quentin Tarantino, Roy Sheard, Dave Murphy, the Guns of Navarone and you got the full package.

"I'm only one man but by God I can roar like a fucking lion." :haha:

Pay good money to see him and Sheard on a hangout.

Video downloaded for posterity.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Now this bloke is funny. I am working my way through his video but he is already well in the running to be the most stupid person on YouTube.

In the comments, VampireLoren picked him up about his constant lapses into an American accent and Shaun replies that he picked this up off eBay!

I think I just heard him complaining that the Magna Carta doesn't say anything about slavery.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Forsyth »

Normal Wisdom wrote:In the comments, VampireLoren picked him up about his constant lapses into an American accent and Shaun replies that he picked this up off eBay!
I think that reply may have been to another of VampireLoren's comments about his 'Boy Scout beret'. I suspect that the beret is actually a King's Regiment one, as sold here: ... 0740203832, although it's difficult to make out the details on the video. It's an interesting choice given his opinion on both queen and government, and his comment about his wearing the beret:
Shaun Cassidy wrote:i think im doing more than enough to be worthy considering i was denied entry on fucking asthma grounds, i wanted to work in tech ops, but they said fuck off
I do wonder if he realises that the King's Regiment is, or rather was, a historical UK regiment. As it was broadly local to him and only ceased to exist recently I would be surprised if he wasn't aware, however as he rejects the authority of the queen there is the possibility that he was simply looking for a beret that implied he was in some type of alternative army - one where the Commander-in-Chief was not the queen but a king. I suspect he would have preferred the Barons' Regiment, but it appears that no such thing exists. It is, of course, possible that his rejection by the army has influenced his current opinions somewhat.

As vampireLOREN observed, there is a similarity between the badge and the fleur de lys of the Boy Scouts, though I would be reluctant to raise that matter in the presence of any one associated with the King's Regiment.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Forsyth wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:In the comments, VampireLoren picked him up about his constant lapses into an American accent and Shaun replies that he picked this up off eBay!
I think that reply may have been to another of VampireLoren's comments about his 'Boy Scout beret'. ...
Damn, I have been laughing at that all morning too.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by vampireLOREN »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
Forsyth wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:In the comments, VampireLoren picked him up about his constant lapses into an American accent and Shaun replies that he picked this up off eBay!
I think that reply may have been to another of VampireLoren's comments about his 'Boy Scout beret'. ...
Damn, I have been laughing at that all morning too.
The man is an absolute delight! I have 'half Inched this video as it is too precious to be lost, I have read the other posts concerning the beret badge and in my humble opinion the Scout movement actually suits him. I really think there is an underlying issue with this chap and if he could he would dress as Napoleon , I almost feel sorry for him.....but am enjoying him too much.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Joinder »

Is he taking the piss ?
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by vampireLOREN »

Joinder wrote:Is he taking the piss ?

More to the point....are you?. :thinking:
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by exiledscouser »

Joinder wrote:Is he taking the piss ?
You know Joinder, it crossed my mind that this could be one giant piss take with a view to establishing a comedy character from which to launch a telly career. I mean, there are and superb parodies throughout his videos. Wolfie Smith, Rick off the Young Ones, Kevin Turvey and a less likeable and slightly sinister version of Shadwell, they're all in there somewhere. If this is a piss take then the man is sheer genius.

But no, on reflection he has a mad gleam in his eye and the conviction of the self deluded. He seems obsessed with militaria and the cops. His world-view is coloured by seeming rejection and he's now polarised his position firmly in the "anti" camp as in anti pretty much everything.

In the mob he'd be seen as a "Walt", to the cops, well they'll be laughing about him over a pint for months to come after his Fail in his Fiat.

He does worry me though. I doubt he has many friends and in his paranoia he might build himself up to doing something truly spectacularly stupid, "go postal" as our colonial cousins might say.

Time will tell but if he exhibits a more extreme outlook on future vids then I might consider dropping a dime to the Salford cops.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Forsyth »

exiledscouser wrote:Time will tell but if he exhibits a more extreme outlook on future vids then I might consider dropping a dime to the Salford cops.
If you listen carefully to: ... .be&t=1750, he has just asked the police for their names and there follows a confused couple of seconds where two or more people speak at once. I believe one of the voices is asking what his name is. A male voice can then be faintly made out saying "Shaun Cassidy". This is quite quiet and I believe it is one of the male officers replying. A female voice, presumably the female police officer, then says clearly "knew I recognised him". I would have expected this to have been "knew I recognised you" if it had been Shaun who responded, and I would also expect Shaun's voice to be captured more clearly than that of the faint voice.

It would seem that at least one, and probably two, of the constabulary's finest are already well aware of him.
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Re: Shaun "where's my ride" Cassidy

Post by Pox »

Pox wrote:This one worries me a bit - unlike many of the FMOTHL lot who just seem to be in it to avoid paying for anything, Shaun seems to really believe the tosh.

OK, he is young and may grow out of it but I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that he does something incredibly stupid just to make a name for himself. Or gets used as a pawn in someone else's game - I suspect that he is somewhat impressionable.

Deluded and dangerous IMO and I hope I am wrong.
My concerns have previously been posted - October 2