Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Chaos »

Bones wrote:I think the American site is a fake - If I remember correctly there has been a fake one before.

The reason I say it is a fake is because of the wording and the use of Werebank instead of WeReBank

Find it funny that there are four steps to join

But steps 3 and 4 are missing

not only that but aren't the weRenotacheck check obsolete already since they'll be dabbling in newfangled currency?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:On the Contact page, there are no actual contacts. My favorite section is "CLEARING SUCCESS TESTIMONIALS" - there are none (either on this site or in REal life) !!!






I'd be mighty suspicious of a bank that feels the need to have a whole section dedicated to CHESCK DENIAL SUPPORT and not only because they can't spell Check without somehow also mashing the s key, but because if you have instructions about what to do when this fails, it's not a sign of a very good system.

My banks don't tell me what to do if a check I send fails to clear (other than obviously putting more money in the account). They also don't need to trumpet those rare occasions when they actually clear a cheque or behave correctly in a financial transaction (boy would it be funny if they did though).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by nebuer »

PeanutGallery wrote:
Wake Up! Productions wrote:On the Contact page, there are no actual contacts. My favorite section is "CLEARING SUCCESS TESTIMONIALS" - there are none (either on this site or in REal life) !!!






I'd be mighty suspicious of a bank that feels the need to have a whole section dedicated to CHESCK DENIAL SUPPORT and not only because they can't spell Check without somehow also mashing the s key, but because if you have instructions about what to do when this fails, it's not a sign of a very good system.

My banks don't tell me what to do if a check I send fails to clear (other than obviously putting more money in the account). They also don't need to trumpet those rare occasions when they actually clear a cheque or behave correctly in a financial transaction (boy would it be funny if they did though).
Maybe CHESCK is a new type of polarity reversal? Or something else from Peter's rich lexicon of pseudo-scientific vocabulary?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Okay, it seems that PoE is definitely behind that site, or at least has given his blessing for Djon (his right hand guy) to oversee the establishment of the US operation. Djon seems to be doing it in conjunction with that Willie troofer guy, but who knows what either of them get out of it.

It smacks of a very concerted effort to move all the fraudulent chesck books, paper trail and ultimately the hard work over to the US suckers. Djon explained in the call linked below how he's going to be drop-shipping the new chesck books/notes to the US for someone to distribute from there at a local level, and as he previously mentioned, they don't want masses of cash being sent overseas to Ducie Street.

After the ReMovement US thing is launched it'll all be handled by local Hub members, and the new site (or perhaps even multiple sites for individual hubs) will be the new place for ReMovement members to help themselves...

... and by help themselves, of course that just means "thanks for the cash, please go whine amongst yourselves and stop bothering us."

This call from last Friday night is pretty great. It's mainly Djon trying to explain how WeRe works and will work in the future using ridiculous analogies and plain fallacies. A lot of fun customer interraction too - they actually ask all the right questions, but are too dense to make the final jump of logic to realise Djon's answers are just whitewash: ... xb7B/ufvDy
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Apparently somebody doesn't like that we know about the site, now redirects to

One last thing to note: despite it being apparently an affiliate of WeRe Bank, did anyone notice that there were absolutely no links to anywhere on the site?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Should be LOADS of fun. IIRC, in CA, the fine for writing a bad check is 3X the face amount of the check!
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:[...]
It smacks of a very concerted effort to move all the fraudulent chesck books, paper trail and ultimately the hard work over to the US suckers. Djon explained in the call linked below how he's going to be drop-shipping the new chesck books/notes to the US for someone to distribute from there at a local level, and as he previously mentioned, they don't want masses of cash being sent overseas to Ducie Street.[...]
I would concur with this assessment and add, that it's also likely that Peter is keen to crack the American market, knowing it could be very lucrative, the population is five times the size and their is no reason why Peter couldn't attract a similar percentage. Now while it's still likely to be a small core of suckers who most likely could be described as 'deadbeat' losers. It strikes me as being much more likely that the federal authorities will begin to investigate should these cheques start turning up overseas. Which would likely lead them back to Peter given the documentation available and I would think that our American friends would apply a bit of pressure onto the UK's authorities to do something about this so as to stop Peter from sending any more checks to new punters.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

PeanutGallery wrote:Peter is keen to crack the American market, knowing it could be very lucrative, the population is five times the size.
To put that into perspective, the population of the U.K. is 64 million. There are about 110 million people on welfare in America, and 77 million people working for minimum wage. There are a ton of people who would love to "stick it" to the big banks and would gladly pay $100 if they thought they could get out of debt this easy !!!

Unfortunately for Peter, the 2008 financial collapse resulted in more than 2 million foreclosures in America, so there are less people desperate to pay off their mortgage using this scheme.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by jcolvin2 »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote:Peter is keen to crack the American market, knowing it could be very lucrative, the population is five times the size.
To put that into perspective, the population of the U.K. is 64 million. There are about 110 million people on welfare in America, and 77 million people working for minimum wage. There are a ton of people who would love to "stick it" to the big banks and would gladly pay $100 if they thought they could get out of debt this easy !!!

Unfortunately for Peter, the 2008 financial collapse resulted in more than 2 million foreclosures in America, so there are less people desperate to pay off their mortgage using this scheme.
While there may be a large number of people in the United States who might buy into a scheme like PoE's, the numbers that you present seem to be off by an order or two of magnitude.

The number of households actually receiving welfare (TANF) is about 3.4 million, or about 2.9% of all households: ... r13-13.pdf

The 110 million figure appears to be a bit of political hyperbole: ... n-welfare/

The actual number of persons earning minimum wage in the US is about 1.5 million. There are an additional 1.8 million people who earn below because of exemptions (e.g. tipped employees), for a total of about 3.3 million: ... s-2014.pdf ... imum-wage/

There are only about 75.9 million hourly-paid workers in the US; not all of them earn minimum wage.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

Joinder wrote:
pigpot wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:So he's back to the, "banks commit fraud therefore I should also be able to commit fraud" argument?
Is he still free. You betcha!
Course he is, and he's not even in trouble. Great geezer in my book.
The cheques don't work though, which is a bloody shame.
Great geezer? For the purposes of entertainment, maybe but as a human being? I think not. The man is stealing breadcrumbs from the starving and you think he's a great geezer? I am left slightly gobsmacked.

I believe that in his madness old Petey knows what he's doing, the SPIT and SWALLOW acronyms scream a man with a sense of humour, twisted as it may be, who's sticking two fingers up at everyone and laughing while they keep falling for it anyway.

So not only is he stealing from the poor and desperate, but he's having a damned good laugh at them too. Great geezer? Your book must have a few other diamond geezers in it too like HItler, Saddam Hussain Bin Laden, who else might you have in that tome of heroes you maintain so lovingly? No one any decent person would consider great in any positive way.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

jcolvin2 wrote:While there may be a large number of people in the United States who might buy into a scheme like PoE's, the numbers that you present seem to be off by an order or two of magnitude.
Point taken. My comment was a result of a very quick google search ... nothing in depth.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Joinder »

YiamCross wrote:
Joinder wrote:
pigpot wrote:
Is he still free. You betcha!
Course he is, and he's not even in trouble. Great geezer in my book.
The cheques don't work though, which is a bloody shame.
Great geezer? For the purposes of entertainment, maybe but as a human being? I think not. The man is stealing breadcrumbs from the starving and you think he's a great geezer? I am left slightly gobsmacked.

I believe that in his madness old Petey knows what he's doing, the SPIT and SWALLOW acronyms scream a man with a sense of humour, twisted as it may be, who's sticking two fingers up at everyone and laughing while they keep falling for it anyway.

So not only is he stealing from the poor and desperate, but he's having a damned good laugh at them too. Great geezer? Your book must have a few other diamond geezers in it too like HItler, Saddam Hussain Bin Laden, who else might you have in that tome of heroes you maintain so lovingly? No one any decent person would consider great in any positive way.
You missed out Stalin
Yeah, now you've explained your thinking I can see how mass murder is comparable to kiting a few worthless cheques, he'll be off to The Hague when they collar him.
Still can't help thinking he's a top bloke though
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Joinder wrote:a few worthless cheques
Fraud is still FRAUD, whether it is a single occurrence, "a few", or millions. :brickwall:

Though I personally feel no sympathy for those who keep going back for more ....

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Joinder »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
Joinder wrote:a few worthless cheques
Fraud is still FRAUD, whether it is a single occurrence, "a few", or millions. :brickwall:

Though I personally feel no sympathy for those who keep going back for more ....

No one cares about half wits paying for worthless cheques, at least it injected a bit of excitement and hope into their lives, I reckon they've had a bargain, you've just got to admire the man.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Joinder wrote:No one cares about half wits paying for worthless cheques, at least it injected a bit of excitement and hope into their lives, I reckon they've had a bargain, you've just got to admire the man.
Not true, I care, and the LAW cares. If all you are about is "excitement", I recommend you take a trip to your local strip club.

And lastly, no, I don't have to "admire the man". Admire a petty, low-grade, bottom-feeding conman who cons the poorest of the poor out of what little money they do have? :shrug:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Joinder wrote:No one cares about half wits paying for worthless cheques, at least it injected a bit of excitement and hope into their lives, I reckon they've had a bargain, you've just got to admire the man.
You are right that for a certain kind of person, PoE inspires excitement, hope and admiration. Usually those people will be stupid, greedy and/or desperate. And along comes the Willy Wonka of banking, ready to let them into his magical world of print-your-own-money. It is not surprising that they fawn on him, and honk like hungry geese when he's near.

I agree that it's also sometimes amusing to see them on losing money on PoE's schemes, although I can't enjoy someone losing their home. Despite that, I don't feel any admiration for him. To me he's a calculated cheat, taking advantage of weaker minds. Like a shabby 'clairvoyant' using cheap cold-reading tricks to gull a credulous audience.

I think he might serve a useful function as a GOOFy vaccination, in that his disappointed customers might be a bit more careful next time they see a scam. If they learn that lesson for a few hundred pounds, then they should thank him for the education.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Joinder »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
Joinder wrote:No one cares about half wits paying for worthless cheques, at least it injected a bit of excitement and hope into their lives, I reckon they've had a bargain, you've just got to admire the man.
Not true, I care, and the LAW cares. If all you are about is "excitement", I recommend you take a trip to your local strip club.

And lastly, no, I don't have to "admire the man". Admire a petty, low-grade, bottom-feeding conman who cons the poorest of the poor out of what little money they do have? :shrug:
The law doesn't care, he's still free.
Your idea of excitement is a visit to a strip club?...oh well, each to their own, but Peter has got people thinking about money, that's the genius of the man
Is it REal ?....of course not, as we all now know, its created out of nothing.
He put forward an idea, a concept, it was a piece of forward and creative thinking, put into action.
You've just got to stand up an applaud the guy.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by pigpot »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
Joinder wrote:a few worthless cheques
Fraud is still FRAUD, whether it is a single occurrence, "a few", or millions. :brickwall:

Though I personally feel no sympathy for those who keep going back for more ....

And still no conviction. And I agree with your last point. No sympathy. So fill your boots PoE. :D
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Joinder »

No one lost their home because of Peter.
They lost their homes by not paying back loans
You can't blame Petey for that.
I half expect to see him on the cover of Time magazine for his herculean efforts to introduce an alternative to the current system that enslaves millions.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Losleones »

He's certainly smart enough to know that anyone with half a brain cell would run a million miles from such an obvious scam so therefore he needed an audience of idiotic, freeloading chancers in order to get the scam rolling & where better than Goofy site.

Haining & Co promoted this scam from the start & will no doubt have taken a proportion of PToE brown envelopes. That said i despise the bloke with his gibberish ramblings & false promises. What goes around.........Peter will come unstuck soon enough & hopefully the Inland Revenue will step in also.