Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by LordEd »

Sick world you live in to think that's acceptable behavior.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

theSovereign1 wrote:like it or not LordED its not a crime until someone gets hurt or property is damaged...
Because you say so?

You think there's something wrong with establishing rules to reduce risk? You're ok with people being free to drive drunk then? What about giving a loaded gun to a child?
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

driving recklessly is not a crime and neither is smoking fact Trudeau intends to make it "legal" if anyone had the right to make it "illegal" in the first Genesis 29 and 31 and let me know if someone has an affidavit from God that allows them to outlaw nature?

No Bill because there is NO INJURED COMPLAINT (Affidavit)...hello?? can you think critically at all?
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

I guess you guys are so indoctrinated you do not even know the elements to establish a crime! sad & pathetic. Crime = injured party that files a complaint. hello?? and yes I would certainly be ok for people to live freely and exercise their rights...driving drunk is not a crime...and giving a gun to a child is not a crime either...irresponsible parenting IMHO, but not a crime. Forcing your will on others so as to keep you feeling coddled and safe is the crime my friend
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

LordEd wrote:
7. Sacrifice is the measure of credibility
Yes. Based on your credibility I suspect you've sacrificed a broken paperclip to the cause.
Actually I have sacrificed allot...I had purchased a house for my children which I lost because they put me in a cage because I dared to question their authority for abducting my children. I have not seen my children for 6+ years now,I had bought a house and a brand new 2012 nissan truck and had a successful home building I can't work because of the sickness I got while being held in their cage, and have no home and have no family over fraudulent bullshit and so-called public servants who cannot seem to follow the rules that have been set out for them....yet I am the bad guy for requesting punishment for these rogue PUBLIC SERVANTS that have strayed way off the reserve! You people are pretty much jackasses IMHO. Commenting on stuff that you have no clue about!
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Chaos »

theSovereign1 wrote: If I was a physical danger to them......
you are. you have anger issues. and the irony here:
They are so insane that they believe words on paper can harm them in some way...
is teh lollerz as this is exactly what you are claiming. you are hurt by words on paper.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Philistine »

I can now see why it's probably a good thing your children were removed from your care.
Get some counseling. Good luck.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

You people expect me to follow their bullshit acts and codes and give them a pass when they do not...and they are the only ones who it actually applies too! you people are psychopaths...if you cannot see it, its because you are so far gone you think imaginary abstract ideas have authority to telll you how to live your life!
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

Chaos wrote:
theSovereign1 wrote: If I was a physical danger to them......
you are. you have anger issues. and the irony here:
They are so insane that they believe words on paper can harm them in some way...
is teh lollerz as this is exactly what you are claiming. you are hurt by words on paper.

Actually no...what has harmed ME is the abduction of my children and the caging of me. Which is far from words on paper. I am just showing them that if everyone was to follow their bullshit made up rules they would be in a world of shit as they are the biggest offenders!
Last edited by theSovereign1 on Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by NYGman »

Stuff happens get over it and work within the system we have. You have seen what working outside the system gets you, and it ain't pretty.

Stop this foolishness, it is getting you nowhere fast.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

Chaos wrote:
theSovereign1 wrote: If I was a physical danger to them......
you are. you have anger issues. and the irony here:
They are so insane that they believe words on paper can harm them in some way...
is teh lollerz as this is exactly what you are claiming. you are hurt by words on paper.

Ya thats it...I have anger issues because some rogue PUBLIC SERVANT has abducted my children with no right and no cause and when I try and get redress I get locked in a cage...ya thats it. They are the ones who have causes all the physical harm here. Abducted my children and then got angry when I sued them for it and then got angry enough to ignore my rights and ignore fundamental law and human rights and lashed out at me and extorted me to take it in my ass and let them abduct and sell my children! They informed me a few months back the have adopted my children and I looked up their payment...they got $40,000.00 ofr each of my children....pretty sure thats called slavery and traffiking in persons. and I am a "physical danger"...really?! Just goes to show everyone how backwards and indoctrinated you all are!
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

NYGman wrote:Stuff happens get over it and work within the system we have. You have seen what working outside the system gets you, and it ain't pretty.

Stop this foolishness, it is getting you nowhere fast.

The system we have is crumbling around you....the fiction cannot stand up to truth. People are sick and tired of this crap. Ask any lawyer or judge...its all a sham and its crumbling NOW. probably cuz the people that have been entrusted with vested authority are abusing much for your Utopian "system"....its all good for you for now...tell they knock on your door. hey...? If said "system" was so great then why do they have to deceive you and use force to compel you to be a member? And abduct your children when you start asking too many hard questions to compel me to submit to their BULLSHIT...hmmmm?
Last edited by theSovereign1 on Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by LordEd »

Sorry but I don't consent to god's laws as interpreted by someone who thinks operating a weapon on wheels in excess of a posted safety limit around children should have no penalty.

Interesting that you chose to sacrifice your children over your beliefs.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by LordEd »

Or was it pot, other drugs, or violence you wouldn't sacrifice?
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

LordEd wrote:Sick world you live in to think that's acceptable behavior.

..and its a sick imaginary fantasy YOU live in, if you think abusing authority to abduct children with no right, no cause and breaching fundamental human rights and law and sell them off and then cage the father for doing his duty as a parent to protect the said acceptable
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by LordEd »

Violence or drugs? Which was the one you kept over your children?
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

LordEd wrote:Violence or drugs? Which was the one you kept over your children?
actually it was freedom of my children, now and in the future and the lawlessness of government employees that was it. If you psychopaths had your way my children would require a permit to leave their house in the near future!
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

oh and whoever said operating a car was like a loaded weapon...maybe you should stop talkin shit and people will probably stop trying to kill you with their
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

LordEd wrote:Sorry but I don't consent to god's laws as interpreted by someone who thinks operating a weapon on wheels in excess of a posted safety limit around children should have no penalty.

Interesting that you chose to sacrifice your children over your beliefs.
Genesis 1:29 ~ Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

Genesis 1:31 ~ God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

I'm not sure how that can be interpreted any way but the way its written friend...God gave us all the plants to use as we see fit, and then said it was good. are you a complete idiot or what? He didn't say the guys who have money and power get to do what they want and the rest of us are treated like livestock and can be dictated as to what they are allowed to slaves.

I did not sacrifice my children! They were kidnapped, by rogue pseudo government agents and when I went after them through the courts for it their court officer buddies, who all benefit from billable hours and kikbacks from the government funded child abduction industry, covered up their crimes and falsely accused me of such things as harassment, intimidation and assault for simply filing a lawsuit against them...kinda revealing I'd say.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by theSovereign1 »

Shit I have evidence of the initial social worker in her own affidavit she filed, stating she gave legal advise to my ex. who was an admitted and known drug addict (which is why i had the full custody order) to breach my court order and keep the children from me...over a false allegation that was withdrawn by the prosecutor when we had an interview with me and the children just before the trial back in 2009!