Ed and Elaine Brown arrested (Continued)

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Post by Demosthenes »

Ruse Used to Arrest Browns
Marshal: They Invited Us In, and We Escorted Them Out
By Peter Jamison
Valley News Staff Writer
The Browns' neighbors -- who have endured regular intrusions from reporters, law-enforcement officers, and anti-government activists visiting the Browns -- were jubilant yesterday at the news that life on their quiet country lane could resume as normal.

“Everyone's looking at each other and giving each other high fives,” said Craig Wehde, who lives with his wife and two children just two doors down from the Browns. Everyone is smiling today. Everyone's saying, ‘Ah, finally.' ”
News of the Browns' arrest was less welcome to their supporters, who say government officials persecuted the couple for asking reasonable questions about the lawfulness of the income tax. One of those supporters is Randy Weaver, whose wife and son were killed in a confrontation with federal agents in 1992 at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.

Weaver, an icon of the radical right who paid a well-publicized visit to the Browns over the summer at their Plainfield estate, said yesterday in a telephone interview with the Valley News that the U.S. Marshal's deputies were “selling their soul for a buck” and should never have gone after the Browns in the first place.

“It's wrong. It's plain wrong,” Weaver said. “(U.S. Marshal) Stephen Monier is a coward. He's just a mercenary.”

He added, “It's a fact that there is no law that the average American has to even file an income tax return. The IRS has deprived the American people for years now, and it's got to stop.”
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Post by Demosthenes »

From the BOP website. It'll likely take a few weeks before they're assigned to their new fortified compounds.

ELAINE BROWN 03924-049 66 White F 04-30-2012 NOT IN BOP CUSTODY

EDWARD BROWN 03923-049 65 White M 04-30-2012 NOT IN BOP CUSTODY

They must be really irritated that the Bureau of Prisons doesn't understand that their name isn't BROWN.
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

Oh well, life is rough, and only going to get rougher from now on. Where they might have actually come out of this with a little something left, they now have nothing. They will most likely spend the remainder of their very unhappy lives in prison, and on the family plan, as their son will probably be charged as an accessory as well. Ed will remain a stupid sob and probably not last long in whatever prison he is assigned to, and Elaine will most likely crumble once deprived of her “moral support”/ conditioning. I think she has too long let Ed, you'll pardon the expression, do the thinking for her and will not be able to handle it on her own. A truly sad end to something that never need have happened in the first place.
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Post by jg »

JJ MacNab, a tax evasion expert who is writing a book on the tax protest movement, said the risk of violence may increase over the next few days as supporters vent their anger about the arrests.
She is a "tax evasion expert"?
Allegedly, she has a book that is "soon" to be released.

Perhaps those looking for tax evasion expertise should be looking forward to the alleged book.

<removes tongue from cheek>
“Where there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income.” — Plato
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Post by Demosthenes »

Well, I do give tips on how to get away with being a tax scam promoter. For example:

* Which district are nonexistent when it comes to enforcement;

* Be sure to peddle your wares only in districts other than the one in which you live.

* Crime pays, information pays better. Go ahead and sell the worst stuff you can, just so long as you have the goods on at least one person that is a bigger fish than you are (if you're willing to testify against the clients who trusted you, you can have a get out of jail free card.)

See? Evasion expert.

Post by Nikki »

All of the content of the preceeding post must be taken with a MAJOR grain of salt since the alleged book has yet to appear in any tangible form.

It is highly likely that Demosthenes, and all of her various aliases including this alleged JJ person, are government constructs posted by some of the same people who are posing as 15-year-old girls on the sex predator entrapment forums.

Post by Blackbeard »

Wherever he lands I sure hope he gets to have visitors. I may need to take some vacation time and go laugh in his face.
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Post by grixit »

notorial dissent wrote:Oh well, life is rough, and only going to get rougher from now on. Where they might have actually come out of this with a little something left, they now have nothing. They will most likely spend the remainder of their very unhappy lives in prison,
NBot to mention, their chances of being assigned to a low security facility with a tv lounge and garden plots has considerably decreased.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by Demosthenes »

From the Keene Free Press.
Are Ed and Elaine Brown Dead?
Saturday, 06 October 2007
By Kat Kanning

Are Ed and Elaine Brown dead? We don't know - the government won't tell where they are, so we cannot verify their condition. If Ed and Elaine had been hurt during their arrest, it would be in the government's interest to withhold this information, since they obviously fear a violent reaction to the arrest from Brown supporters. Until the government chooses to divulge information on the Brown's whereabouts, we will be unable to verify their condition and will have to assume the worst.
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Post by ASITStands »

Demosthenes wrote:From the Keene Free Press.
Are Ed and Elaine Brown Dead?
Saturday, 06 October 2007
By Kat Kanning

Are Ed and Elaine Brown dead? We don't know - the government won't tell where they are, so we cannot verify their condition. If Ed and Elaine had been hurt during their arrest, it would be in the government's interest to withhold this information, since they obviously fear a violent reaction to the arrest from Brown supporters. Until the government chooses to divulge information on the Brown's whereabouts, we will be unable to verify their condition and will have to assume the worst.
Is there no end to the irrationality of these people? Every detail becomes another conspiracy.

Reminds me of a soap opera where the audience is left hanging at the end of the episode. What's gonna happen next? Will Ed and Elaine escape the evil clutches of Marshal Monier? Will their supporters storm the jail? Tune in next week for the continuing saga of Ed and Elaine: Family Brown, Champions of Free Men Everywhere.

Reality will sink in soon enough, and this mess will be over.
The Operative
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Post by The Operative »

Demosthenes wrote:From the Keene Free Press.
Are Ed and Elaine Brown Dead?
Saturday, 06 October 2007
By Kat Kanning

Are Ed and Elaine Brown dead? We don't know - the government won't tell where they are, so we cannot verify their condition. If Ed and Elaine had been hurt during their arrest, it would be in the government's interest to withhold this information, since they obviously fear a violent reaction to the arrest from Brown supporters. Until the government chooses to divulge information on the Brown's whereabouts, we will be unable to verify their condition and will have to assume the worst.
Are there any psychiatry majors in the audience? A thesis on tax protestor psychological thought processes would probably make for a good doctorate thesis. Comedic value is pretty high too.
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Post by The Operative »

This just in!

We have officially heard from the voices in our heads and received confirmation from the Zeta Reticulons on Planet X, that the freemasons have indeed killed Edward Lewis and Elaine Alice:family Brown. The timing of the killings coincided with the finding and bribery of Ed and Elaine's dopplegangers. The freemason marshals will show what they want us to believe are Ed and Elaine, but we in the "show me the law" movement, know the truth. Even if Ed and Elaine say they are Ed and Elaine, we know that they are not really Ed and Elaine.

Light travels faster than sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak.

Post by Truthstalker »

You can't kill them. They're already dead...

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Post by grixit »

ASITStands wrote:
Reminds me of a soap opera where the audience is left hanging at the end of the episode. What's gonna happen next? Will Ed and Elaine escape the evil clutches of Marshal Monier? Will their supporters storm the jail? Tune in next week for the continuing saga of Ed and Elaine: Family Brown, Champions of Free Men Everywhere.
No no. It's more like the season ender.

[Ed and Elaine are thrown into a van.]

Ed: Where are you taking us?

Mornier (brandishing shock baton): We don't have to tell you!

[Cut to a sovereignty webpage. Piece by piece it goes black until only the word "Freedom" is left. It lingers a second longer, then disappears.]

[Cut to a door being kicked down. Ninja outfitted figures burst in. They kick over a table with Ed Brown literature on it. They tear down an american flag from the wall and set fire to it. They begin beating the people inside with gun butts. The head ninja puts a foot on someone's neck.]

Head Ninja: Nothing to say? Good-- that's how to stay out of prison!

[Cut to Danny Riley lying on a cot in a cell. He looks up at the sound of keys rattling. A guard is unlocking the door.]

Guard: Get up-- it's time for a nice long dogwalk!

[Danny looks past the guard. His face goes white and his eyes widen with terror as he sees Lindy England holding a leash.]

[Fade to black]

Voiceover: "As the Zionist Media Spins" will return this fall.

If. They. Let. Us.

In the meantime, keep your guns loaded and hang on to your liberty tools!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Another piece from the Concord Monitor (an opinion piece):
No sympathy for a captive couple
Threats of violence tarnished the Browns

Monitor staff
October 06. 2007 1:50AM

We all admire a good fictional antihero, the criminal who questions authority with charisma and humor and an indomitable spirit we wish we had.

They ignite something within us, sympathy for their cause and admiration for their courage to cross the line.

Robin Hood.

Cool Hand Luke.

R.P. McMurphy from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

The con artists from The Sting.

But in the real-life case of Ed and Elaine Brown, the Plainfield tax protesters arrested Thursday by U.S. marshals after a long standoff, this kind of sympathy is impossible to muster.

Too much potential violence. Too many guns and explosives. Too many threats, most notably against a federal judge.

The Browns were convicted of several tax-related crimes last January and were sentenced to 63 months in prison. A jury found that they conspired to hide $1.9 million earned by Elaine Brown, a dentist, between 1996 and 2003.

After their conviction, the Browns chose to hide out in their solar-powered concrete home. They felt justified in their action, claiming that no law forced them to pay federal income taxes. They said the 1913 constitutional amendment permitting the law was never properly ratified.

Theirs was a stand against what they perceived as an unjust court system that was hiding the truth about the tax system from most Americans.

But there was no civil disobedience here, no sense of consequences during their struggle, no willingness to serve prison time to draw attention to what they felt was right. This was not a Gandhi-like campaign. That might have created more mainstream sympathy for them.

Instead, this turned ugly, with violence and doom on the horizon. Early on, Ed Brown said this could turn into another Waco if authorities pushed things too far.

In a sense, war was declared by the Browns. Their friends and supporters brought high-powered rifles to their fortress. The Browns vowed never to be taken alive, saying they'd leave their home only as free people or in body bags.

And then there was the harsh rhetoric directed toward Judge Steven McAuliffe, who presided over the Browns' tax evasion trial.

The Browns and their supporters have said that McAuliffe is the criminal. McAuliffe took himself off the cases of two men charged with helping the Browns. He said threats made against him could lead some to question his impartiality. U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier would not confirm yesterday whether McAuliffe received heightened security.

But that would be a reasonable assumption. Here's why:

"This is a warning," Ed Brown said in a February radio broadcast. "Once this thing starts, we're going to seek them out and hunt them down. And we're going to bring them to justice. So anybody who wishes to join them, you go right ahead and join them. But I promise you, long after I'm gone, they're going to seek out every one of you and your bloodline."

In a video posted later that month, Brown cited McAuliffe again. "I wouldn't want to be this judge or these other people. . . . Their names are already out there," Brown said. "They are just as vulnerable as I am. And if they're so foolish and stupid to think that they're not, hey, doom on them."

It ended Thursday, peacefully. U.S. marshals, posing as supporters, gained easy access to the home and arrested the couple, with none of the violence many feared would occur.

Still, officials found booby traps in the woods on the 100-plus acre property. They found weapons and ammunition and homemade bombs inside and outside the house. They found what they thought they would: firepower designed to kill authorities trying to arrest them. They found the hatred we've heard for months.

"In this case, it went exactly right," Monier said yesterday. "Were we concerned it could have gone other ways? Of course."

The militias and tax-protest movements and libertarians and other "patriots" must now find another leader with whom to promote their ideas.

Their ideas are not the issue here, of course. The manner in which the Browns sought to push forward those ideas, after ignoring the only justice system we have, was what emerged as so alarming.

Said Monier, addressing the media yesterday, "By their continuing actions, allegedly, to obstruct justice, to encourage others to assist them to obstruct justice, by making threats toward law enforcement and other governmental officials, they have turned this into more than a tax case."

Cool Hand Luke and others would have chosen a different avenue.

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Demosthenes wrote:From the Keene Free Press.
Are Ed and Elaine Brown Dead?
Saturday, 06 October 2007
By Kat Kanning

Are Ed and Elaine Brown dead? We don't know - the government won't tell where they are, so we cannot verify their condition. If Ed and Elaine had been hurt during their arrest, it would be in the government's interest to withhold this information, since they obviously fear a violent reaction to the arrest from Brown supporters. Until the government chooses to divulge information on the Brown's whereabouts, we will be unable to verify their condition and will have to assume the worst.

Sigh. At any point, do these dumb asses stop and consider how many of these false alarms they have jumped to? Are they too stupid to get the point of the parable "The Boy who Cried Wolf" even when they are part of the story?
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

grixit wrote: NBot to mention, their chances of being assigned to a low security facility with a tv lounge and garden plots has considerably decreased.
You mean they don’t send you to the country club facilities when you openly defy the courts, break the law, advocate violence as a means of resolving a situation, openly forment rebellion, advocate and suggest the assassination of government, law enforcement, and judicial officers??? Welll, gollleyyy, imagine that, what a terribly abuse of power!!!!!!!!
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Post by gottago »

Demosthenes wrote:From the BOP website. It'll likely take a few weeks before they're assigned to their new fortified compounds.

ELAINE BROWN 03924-049 66 White F 04-30-2012 NOT IN BOP CUSTODY

EDWARD BROWN 03923-049 65 White M 04-30-2012 NOT IN BOP CUSTODY

They must be really irritated that the Bureau of Prisons doesn't understand that their name isn't BROWN.
If it says they are not in BOP custody, does that mean they are somewhere else in the custody of the marshalls? Is it possible that they are dead?
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Post by The Observer »

Well, they have been freeing up space in Gitmo lately...
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by Lambkin »

gottago wrote:If it says they are not in BOP custody, does that mean they are somewhere else in the custody of the marshalls? Is it possible that they are dead?
They're taking a short ride to the Plainfield Sausage Factory where they will reach the pinnacle of their potential.