Rocco Galati

Moderator: Burnaby49

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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

Xabre is an idiot who isn't representative of anything except his own stupidity. He's written up here;


He went to his own court case to stop a garnishee and lost without a hearing because he refused to admit that he was there. He found a loophole because the court was on land and he could only be tried on water.

He's simply too stupid to defraud anyone.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by arayder »

k1w1 wrote: Arthur, of course it's perfectly alright for you to believe these OPCA litigants are victims. But Justice Rooke doesn't agree with you, nor any court. Apparently there have been some litigants who have tried to claim they were victims of an OPCA guru, but the courts always shoot them down. Rooke says no court has ever found these characters to have been acting in good faith -- he used the case of Sydel as an example.

I tend to believe Rooke, who says they aren't victims, over someone like ayrader who tries to claim they are victims. Rooke is a judge, a recognised legal professional. . .
How very disingenuous, k1w1. We have to note that you didn't bother to provide notations or quotes from Meads that would back up your fanciful read of the ruling.

In Meads, ( ... qb571.html) Rooke addressed Eve Sydel's claim that the tax charges against her should be dismissed based on her belief she was making a valid argument, not whether her guru commuted fraud.

In Meads Rooke said: "Courts have commonly rejected claims by OPCA litigants that their actions were in good faith or innocent". Rooke recounted another court's the dismissal of Sydel's claim that ". . .she had a reasonable basis to believe the validity of OPCA Detaxer concepts. . ."

k1w1, if you had bothered to read the ruling on Sydel's appeal you'd have seen that it only briefly addresses Russ Porisky's I-am-not-a-lawyer disclaimer and makes no attempt to rule on a question not argued . . .whether Porisky committed fraud. ( ... pc346.html)

The Sydel's appeal doesn't address the methods used by Menard and Clifford, despite your inference that it does.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Hyrion »

Personally I think this apparent on-going discussion back and forth on the opinion of whether or not the victims/perps are victims or not is kind of moot - pretty much nothing more than a distraction until something more interesting pops up.

There's no limitation that they can't be both at the same time. An attempt at an appropriate analogy:
Master Skywalker wrote:For a fee of 500 credits I'll teach you the ways of the Force. If you follow my instructions to the letter, you'll be able to commandeer any vessel you want. I'll provide you instruction in three areas:
  • 1) The ways of the Force
  • 2) The methods and tools to use to commandeer any vessel no matter what security is implemented
  • 3) A list of all proprietors that deal in commandeered vessels
Lesson 1: The start of the process begins when you decide to commandeer a vessel. the finish of the process is when you are back in the exact same position/location that you started from. So, for example, if you made the decision drinking a Klingon brandy sitting in a booth in the Mos Eisley Cantina you must be back to that same booth drinking the same drink with your hand in the exact same position that you started from.

While you proceed, during the entire event from start to finish - you must continuously chant the phrase "Ohwa Tagoo Siam". The path you take from the start to the point where you sell the vessel to the proprietor is very improtant. After the sale, you must then retrace your path never deviating more then 2 feet from the very flow your body took from the start to that point. Your body must always face the exact same direction you had while traveling from the start to the proprietor. When you reach the finish, you must stop chanting.

If you follow these directions precisely, no one will every be able to stop you from commandeering any vessel you want. You are immune to any prosecution by the Empire.
Ok - let's say someone who is unable to command the midichlorians in their being decides to believe that and chooses to go out, steal a Star Destroyer, sell it to a chop shop and is then taken into custody by the Empire.

Yes... he is a victim of "master" Lukes instructions (assuming he believes "master" Luke conned him) - but he's also a perp who committed the crime. Ergo: he's both victim and criminal at the same time. However - it can also be reasonably viewed that they are "partners in crime" as well. A gang leader who sells advice to his gang members for example.

Only those that do not act on the instructions received (in other words they don't commit a crime) and believe they have been conned would only be a victim.

And really - have we run across anyone who has paid for the lessons who then did not follow up on them and instead thought they were ripped off? Those are the only people who could truly be viewed as pure victims.

My humble opinion on the subject.

Note: I explicitly do not speak to the perspective of anyone who falls into this kind of con who is mentally challenged/handicapped/imbalanced/etc. It is up to the Court, expert Psychiatrists and possibly Jury to determine whether or not any given individual is mentally fit to stand trial and whether or not the individual will be held criminally guilty of their crime or innocent by way of being insane.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by arayder »

Hyrion wrote:Personally I think this apparent on-going discussion back and forth on the opinion of whether or not the victims/perps are victims or not is kind of moot - pretty much nothing more than a distraction until something more interesting pops up.

There's no limitation that they can't be both at the same time.

I am not arguing that freeman gurus have been indicted or sued for fraud, or that they should be. I am arguing that their guru businesses are based on lies and fraud.

I am not arguing that everybody who uses freeman woo in an attempt to get over on the system is a helpless, unknowing victim. I fully understand that more than a few freemen realize the woo won't work, but use it anyway in the hopes it might somehow do them some good. . maybe getting back at "the man" and improve their credibility in the freeman subculture.

Our friend, k1w1, using the skills he learned over on the Ickes forum, is working over time to defeat arguments I am not making.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'd suggest just letting K1W1 ramble on with all his irrelevant drivel and avoid taking the bait of responding to him. None of this has anything whatever to do with Galati or COMER and is getting very tepetitive. If anyone really feels the need to "debate" with K1W1 I suggest they start a new discussion with a title like "K1W1 Rants On About Nothing" and go to it there.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Xabre is an idiot who isn't representative of anything except his own stupidity.
Thanks for that. I agree. But according to some of the morons from Quatloos he's also a victim of some guru. He didn't make that shit up himself, you know, he gleaned it from OPCA gurus.

Anyway, I know it annoys the hell out you Quatloosians that these so-called gurus can get away with telling people legal bullshit. To me that's farkin funny. I like to point it out here once in a while when I'm feeling bored.

But yes, you're right, it has got a bit tedious watching folks here contort themselves to try and portray the likes of Xabre as a victim of fraud... even making up legal definitions to suit their position.

So, yeah, you lot just go back to discussing subjects like Galati that are comfortable for you and don't make you look stupid. Did you post the latest decision over at WFS yet? I'm sure they'll be really interested... even if I'm not.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

So, yeah, you lot just go back to discussing subjects like Galati that are comfortable for you and don't make you look stupid. Did you post the latest decision over at WFS yet? I'm sure they'll be really interested... even if I'm not.
No, I'm not going to post it on WFMS. I'm terrified of being demolished by verynewtothis in an open and honest debate. All those font sizes, those colours! The boldings and italics! Going up against a master debater like that could only end in total humiliation.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Hyrion »

Wow.... I think K1w1 just admitted he's been trolling.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hyrion wrote:Wow.... I think K1w1 just admitted he's been trolling.
I thought that was already obvious. He's just passing the time.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Hyrion »

Burnaby49 wrote:I thought that was already obvious.
Yup - it was obvious - I'm just surprised he admitted it. Trolls don't usually admit that's what they're up to.

Now a real interesting sociology experiment will be to see if Arayder takes the bait the next time K1w1 is active after the admission.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

Burnaby49 wrote:No, I'm not going to post it on WFMS. I'm terrified of being demolished by verynewtothis in an open and honest debate. All those font sizes, those colours! The boldings and italics! Going up against a master debater like that could only end in total humiliation.
He would destroy you with emoticons. Eek, you'd probably have to contend with terr-y's overpowering intellect too!
Burnaby49 wrote:He's just passing the time.
And, yep, I'm not really surprised you accuse me of trolling. However, I hope I've given people here something to think about as they go about their day. And considering I've had to try and respond to 4 or 5 of you lot (or, at least, considering the responses over the past days), I think I have. You should thank me instead of trying to demonise me as a troll.

When I tell Freeman they're wrong, they often accuse me of trolling, too. I think they just do it in a pathetic attempt to stifle an opinion they don't like. But, of course, that wouldn't happen here, so maybe I have been trolling...

Now, on a completely unrelated matter... Burnaby, your avatar... as far as I'm aware of these things, a bald pink beaver is a Brazilian, not a Canadian.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

For a short time my name was in pink like Arthur Wankspittle until I was changed to green. At one time I posted this picture on Quatloos;


So webhick, our admin with a perverse sense of humour, changed my avatar from the corporate seal of the city of Vancouver to the above with a slight colour change. I liked it and kept it, Brazil be damned.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Wake Up! Productions
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:For a short time my name was in pink like Arthur Wankspittle until I was changed to green.
So webhick, our admin with a perverse sense of humour, changed my avatar from the corporate seal of the city of Vancouver to the above with a slight colour change. I liked it and kept it, Brazil be damned.
For us laymen, can you explain the graduate level of moderators and admin (pink, green, and red)? :thinking:
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by rogfulton »

Burnaby49 wrote:I thought that was already obvious. He's just passing the time.
I don't think it's time he's passing.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:For a short time my name was in pink like Arthur Wankspittle until I was changed to green.
So webhick, our admin with a perverse sense of humour, changed my avatar from the corporate seal of the city of Vancouver to the above with a slight colour change. I liked it and kept it, Brazil be damned.
For us laymen, can you explain the graduate level of moderators and admin (pink, green, and red)? :thinking:
It's a brutal Darwinian hierarchy. The top level is the red administrators. They have full control of the website functions. While I, as a green moderator, can ban someone, SAY YOU, ahem, sorry, I wouldn't do it without an administrator's approval. As I understand it the Administrators can do some things that I can't like deleting your avatar or imposing a big pink beaver on some innocent unsuspecting member as an avatar. The two most active moderators are wserra and webhick. Webhick handles all of Quatloos' software issues.

You can see the list of administrators and moderators here;


As you can see most administrators are inactive. Sooltauq, the owner of Quatloos, hasn't been active for almost exactly a year.

Green is the general run of the mill moderator level. We keep track of what's going on and try to keep up with the postings to keep things in line. Duties are not defined, we don't have a stipulated set of rules, so generally if there is an issue it is up to whatever mod sees it to handle it. So I've waded in a few times deleting posts that turned into flame wars without consulting other moderators and locking the Allen Boisjoli discussion when it turned into a trainwreck. I also deleted a off-topic discussion in one of the British threads because I found it offensive without bothering to check with anyone else.

The removal of your avatar and Yiamcross's avatar give a good example of how things work. I was the first to spot both and found them offensive. I brought them up with the other moderators and we discussed and agreed they were gone. Wserra did the actual deleting but only after a joint decision. After I locked the Boisjoli discussion we discussed the situation and decided that it would remain locked.

All of this is very informal and who does what is largely based on the moderator's own inclinations and style. As you've seen my style is to wade right in.

That takes us to pink. This is a very recent moderation level, I was the first. You can see how it evolved in this discussion;


The idea was that I would stick to moderating the Canadian forums but not long after becoming a mod I was changed to green and allowed to roam, to the detriment of the British posters. Arthur is our sole Pinko because he was given the Herculean task of keeping the Brits in order. That's enough for any one man. I just step into that occasionally because I feel like it. He had a huge, almost unmanageable job for a while but all the UK posters seem to have exhausted themselves and things have quieted down.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:It's a brutal Darwinian hierarchy. The top level is the red administrators. They have full control of the website functions. While I, as a green moderator, can ban someone, SAY YOU, ahem, sorry, I wouldn't do it without an administrator's approval. As I understand it the Administrators can do some things that I can't like deleting your avatar or imposing a big pink beaver on some innocent unsuspecting member as an avatar. The two most active moderators are wserra and webhick. Webhick handles all of Quatloos' software issues.

You can see the list of administrators and moderators here;


As you can see most administrators are inactive. Sooltauq, the owner of Quatloos, hasn't been active for almost exactly a year.

Green is the general run of the mill moderator level. We keep track of what's going on and try to keep up with the postings to keep things in line. Duties are not defined, we don't have a stipulated set of rules, so generally if there is an issue it is up to whatever mod sees it to handle it. So I've waded in a few times deleting posts that turned into flame wars without consulting other moderators and locking the Allen Boisjoli discussion when it turned into a trainwreck. I also deleted a off-topic discussion in one of the British threads because I found it offensive without bothering to check with anyone else.

The removal of your avatar and Yiamcross's avatar give a good example of how things work. I was the first to spot both and found them offensive. I brought them up with the other moderators and we discussed and agreed they were gone. Wserra did the actual deleting but only after a joint decision. After I locked the Boisjoli discussion we discussed the situation and decided that it would remain locked.

All of this is very informal and who does what is largely based on the moderator's own inclinations and style. As you've seen my style is to wade right in.

That takes us to pink. This is a very recent moderation level, I was the first. You can see how it evolved in this discussion;


The idea was that I would stick to moderating the Canadian forums but not long after becoming a mod I was changed to green and allowed to roam, to the detriment of the British posters. Arthur is our sole Pinko because he was given the Herculean task of keeping the Brits in order. That's enough for any one man. I just step into that occasionally because I feel like it. He had a huge, almost unmanageable job for a while but all the UK posters seem to have exhausted themselves and things have quieted down.
Thank you. I am sure many others were wondering as well. Though, I must admit, I was hoping that you would say "no". That way I could crack a joke of Q being a "Secret Society", but you took all the fun out of that !!! :snicker:
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

Thank you. I am sure many others were wondering as well. Though, I must admit, I was hoping that you would say "no". That way I could crack a joke of Q being a "Secret Society", but you took all the fun out of that !!!
And the mystery. It's all very mundane.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by bmxninja357 »

And the mystery. It's all very mundane.
that's what the chosen ones want you to believe.

beware of mod.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:
And the mystery. It's all very mundane.
that's what the chosen ones want you to believe.

beware of mod.
I'm one of the chosen ones? How very flattering! A lot more impressive than the reality of being Burnaby49;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by bmxninja357 »

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....