settings>data usage to off>bluetooth off>power saving on with restrict background data.
there dean. now the super secret out to get the loser agencies will stop stealing your phone charge. or your wide open because you dont know how to use them apps on your new phone will not be running unless you tell them too.
and dean you stupid waste of air of coarse your being watched; idiot. your on bail with a history of failing to appear. we all expect you to be criminally stupid, as do the authorities, so your probably ready to crop, and contemplating pulling a running man. your probably driving to the walmart, and doing dope before your mcdonalds trips. so now that the authorities have givin' your racist, freedom profiteering, lying ass enough rope its time to kick out the chair and hang you high, so to speak.
oh and whats yours and every other threatening to sue freedom f*cktards excuse for not suing anyone yet? c'mon douche, at least send someone to threaten me. i would love that. i think what i would do would scare you into witness protection. to be clear i have made several comments on your youtube, called you out on two different forums for a couple years or more and told every freedom seeker i know about what you are. and that is legion for certain.
so sue me.