Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

Try politely posting it to his facebook page once. With a cordial note. "Hello Vinny, I thought you should watch this given that you were recently the victim of false DMCA takedowns. Your recent guest, Dean Clifford, is now abusing the same mechanism that took your channel down to take down channels on Youtube of supporters and critics."

Gotta be nicer to people, catch more flies with honey.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Well, at least on person has seen the light ...

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Jeffrey wrote:Try politely posting it to his facebook page once. With a cordial note. "Hello Vinny, I thought you should watch this given that you were recently the victim of false DMCA takedowns. Your recent guest, Dean Clifford, is now abusing the same mechanism that took your channel down to take down channels on Youtube of supporters and critics."

Gotta be nicer to people, catch more flies with honey.
Unfortunately, Vinny has his Facebook page set to in order to comment, you must be accepted as a "friend". I have sent friend requests from my 3 Facebook accounts, hopefully one will be accepted.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

The fallout from Dean's Youtube purge is yielding more victims. While many unsuspecting followers received the odd copyright strike that expires in 6 months, at least one channel was TERMINATED. This was the "T4TT" (Time4TheTruth ) channel. Oddly enough, I remember speaking to this guy 3 years ago, and he claimed that he had Dean's permission to upload Dean's videos, and even sell DVD copies !!!

Next up is the We Are Change Victoria channel, which was spared copyright claims in exchange for UNLISTING the videos.


Sadly, Paul Stein's "Law Movement" channel was given this option. He is left with one solitary video on his channel.

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Brand New 41 minute Dean Clifford video posted about an hour ago:

"Trolls, Impersonators, Cyber stalkers and Surveillance"
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

Uh Bates, have you been creating fake Dean Clifford accounts and filing copyright claims?
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:Uh Bates, have you been creating fake Dean Clifford accounts and filing copyright claims?
If not Dean is really burning his bridges. We Are Change Vitoria has been one of his biggest supporters and cheerleaders. They sponsored, or at least facilitated, a seminar he gave in Victoria.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Hyrion »

Burnaby49 wrote:If not Dean is really burning his bridges.
Perhaps burning non-criminal bridges is the lesser of two evils - the intent could be to try and destroy any evidence the Crown could use to ensure his sentence is longer.

Of course, if the Crown did it's job - they've already got the evidence quite clearly documented and with such things as the Wayback machine could likely pull it up right there in front of the Judge if Deaner tries to dispute said evidence claiming it was manufactured or something.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Jeffrey wrote:Uh Bates, have you been creating fake Dean Clifford accounts and filing copyright claims?
Yes, I created 2 new accounts, "Dean Clifford", and "Dean Clifford-Archives". The point was to take the copyright heat off my main accounts and throw Dean/webmaster a few new bones to chase. I have not filed copyright claims, I have only COUNTERED Dean's claims. The hope is to eventually get his new account shut down before he is sentenced !!! :snicker:
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

Maybe you shouldn't be creating accounts titled Dean Clifford since it just gives fuel to Clifford's conspiracy theories.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

FACEBOOK: This is the post he wrote for the video above.
Hello everyone, here is the update video from the other day, sorry for the delay. I want people to be aware of the level of direct interference we have subject to lately while we try to build new websites, new communities, new Nations, and attempt to reclaim our forcibly stolen birthright from the criminal regimes that most shitizens accept as government.

However, we are here to stay and we are not going anywhere. We are growing, we are getting better and overcoming their walls and roadbocks. We will create our new Society despite their efforts to stop us.

The trolls are the least of the problems, an annoyance at best, and are being dealt with appropriately. Nobody watches their channels and due to new YouTube security and Google accounts requirements they refuse to confirm their identities like the spineless cowards they are so they cannot get good standing status, so they will fade to nothing.

All that is left now is the people who continually link my name to their material to drive traffic to their own videos and sites. Everyone be very clear about one thing, if is not my channel, or my public profile page, it is not me. There are now imposters around, believe it or not, as sad as that is that anyone feels the need to imposter me.

Most will notice the trolls coming around to talk garbage, and then link to their own videos or sites, because noody cares about their nonsense. I don't go trolling other pages and channels promoting myelf, I rely on people liking my posts and sharing them around. It's pathetic when people need to invade your space and impose upon you. Could you imagine if I walked into McDonalds, started talking shit about their food and then hung a sign for my restaurant in their lobby? Well, that's what these people are doing.

More coming, stay tuned, thank you for all he support to date everyone. It's easy being the moron from the status quo kicking down the attempts of the minority working hard for freedom and change in a system that those same shit heels rely on for their welfare cheque. It is a lot harder to be on the front line for freedom and doing what is morally right.

Have a great weekend!

Update: It has been confirmed that either a "Stingray" system or some other spying system was installed at that property as my friend was able to connect his cell phone to a broadcast location that does not exist coming from his backyard. Look up Stingray on the Internet. I am not a tech guy, I was sent photos of the data showing the existence of something that should not exist, after the mystery Purolator guy finished tampering with the security feed.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

Someone needs to call Deans probation officer and let him know that Dean is smoking the wacky tabacky again.

From what I can tell he thinks that someone found his new website administrator, tracked his house down, then remotely deleted security camera recordings at the house of the administrators. Then also stole 17% of Dean's cell phone battery life.

He also accuses Bates of creating fake Youtube accounts under his name to take down all Dean Clifford videos.

(Protip to Dean, we don't want the videos down. Hell Bates messaged me a while back trying to find old videos of yours which we can't find anymore. If we were to take your videos down I'd have to go down to the store and buy a $200 external drive just to have backups of the jail recordings. I don't have the hard drive space to keep years of your videos archived along with videos of every other damn Guru we talk about on Quatloos. That shit would require a budget and funding, which we don't have as amateurs. I'm not going to spend money archiving your shit when YouTube hosts the videos for free.)

And then goes on a rant about how the San Bernadino shootings were a false flag and the shooters were framed and also the Boston bombing was fake too.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

Dean ends with a lengthy diatribe against solitary confinement arguing it constitutes torture and that the Supreme Courts of several contries as well as the UN has ruled accordingly.

A cursory search on Canlii shows that there aren't any Canadian Supreme Court rulings finding that solitary confinement is torture or cruel and unusual punishment. On the contrary there's a few cases that have upheld the practice:

There's Canada v. McArthur where a guy claimed solitary was cruel and unusual and his case was dismissed:

R v. Shubley that held: "Solitary confinement must be treated as a distinct form of punishment and its imposition within a prison constitutes a true penal consequence."

Almrei v. Canada which is probably the most extreme and pertinent case I could find. Almrei spent 28 months in solitary confinement for terrorism related charges. The court held that:
" I do not find that Mr. Almrei's continued detention, under the conditions in which he is currently being detained, to be cruel and unusual treatment, or punishment. In consequence, his rights under sections 7 and 12 of the Charter are not violated."

As to Dean's claim that the UN has ruled that solitary is torture, the Wikipedia page explains at length why that's bullshit. It's true that there have been attempts at banning solitary confinement but they haven't gotten traction: ... tional_law
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Jeffrey wrote:Someone needs to call Deans probation officer and let him know that Dean is smoking the wacky tabacky again.

From what I can tell he thinks that someone found his new website administrator, tracked his house down, then remotely deleted security camera recordings at the house of the administrators. Then also stole 17% of Dean's cell phone battery life.

He also accuses Bates of creating fake Youtube accounts under his name to take down all Dean Clifford videos.

(Protip to Dean, we don't want the videos down. Hell Bates messaged me a while back trying to find old videos of yours which we can't find anymore. If we were to take your videos down I'd have to go down to the store and buy a $200 external drive just to have backups of the jail recordings. I don't have the hard drive space to keep years of your videos archived along with videos of every other damn Guru we talk about on Quatloos. That shit would require a budget and funding, which we don't have as amateurs. I'm not going to spend money archiving your shit when YouTube hosts the videos for free.)

And then goes on a rant about how the San Bernadino shootings were a false flag and the shooters were framed and also the Boston bombing was fake too.
Have fun now, cause in 4 weeks, all the entertainment is going to fizzle out, and this topic will become a ghost city.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Hyrion »

Deaner has invented a new word:
Deaner wrote:anyone feels the need to imposter me
Imposter now exists as a verb.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Chaos »

Jeffrey wrote:Dean ends with a lengthy diatribe against solitary confinement arguing it constitutes torture and that the Supreme Courts of several contries as well as the UN has ruled accordingly.

A cursory search on Canlii shows that there aren't any Canadian Supreme Court rulings finding that solitary confinement is torture or cruel and unusual punishment. On the contrary there's a few cases that have upheld the practice:

There's Canada v. McArthur where a guy claimed solitary was cruel and unusual and his case was dismissed:

R v. Shubley that held: "Solitary confinement must be treated as a distinct form of punishment and its imposition within a prison constitutes a true penal consequence."

Almrei v. Canada which is probably the most extreme and pertinent case I could find. Almrei spent 28 months in solitary confinement for terrorism related charges. The court held that:
" I do not find that Mr. Almrei's continued detention, under the conditions in which he is currently being detained, to be cruel and unusual treatment, or punishment. In consequence, his rights under sections 7 and 12 of the Charter are not violated."

As to Dean's claim that the UN has ruled that solitary is torture, the Wikipedia page explains at length why that's bullshit. It's true that there have been attempts at banning solitary confinement but they haven't gotten traction: ... tional_law
interesting (well, not really) how this is suddenly a concern to him while knowing he's going to prison. why was this never a topic of the mighty freeman before? did solitary just get invented for him?
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hyrion wrote:Deaner has invented a new word:
Deaner wrote:anyone feels the need to imposter me
Imposter now exists as a verb.
My personal favorite is his word for those trivially few Canadians who are not huge Dean fans and followers. Shitizens. He should become a stand-up comedian like Menard.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Hyrion wrote:Deaner has invented a new word:
Deaner wrote:anyone feels the need to imposter me
Imposter now exists as a verb.
My personal favorite is his word for those trivially few Canadians who are not huge Dean fans and followers. Shitizens. He should become a stand-up comedian like Menard.
Shitizen, slang. Meaning a really, really, really shitty citizen. Origin: First usage can be attributed to "Kate of Gaia", aka Wilfred Keith Thompson.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Is it possible to check on your phone what tower you're connected to?
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Chaos »

Bill Lumbergh wrote:Is it possible to check on your phone what tower you're connected to?
there are apps to do it.