Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Exploited »

Last edited by Exploited on Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:24 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by k1w1 »

eric wrote:Similarly Cari-Lee was also a believer at one time, but because she changed her mind..
Did she change her mind? I know she changed her mind about Clifford but I'm not so sure she's stopped being a believer in the sovereign nonsense.

But yes, my point was that in spite of these people being well aware of how Clifford operates, we don't see them denouncing him until they get screwed themselves. I have no sympathy for them.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

So why did you give Dean the personal info of Bates and Doazic if you knew this shit was going on. And what did Dean want it for, surely you knew he was going to post that shit on Facebook.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Exploited »

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by k1w1 »

What I find particularly stinky is that you were actively helping Clifford to set up a system so he could exploit people. Presumably you have no qualms about him exploiting other people.

Where did you expect Clifford to get the money to pay you? From those donations you're now condemning?
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by eric »

Exploited wrote: I'm not asking for sympathy. just sick of the lies and seeing people getting conned. I have no interest in getting involved in this movement of his and pretty much said what I've had to.
I take full responsibility of being gullible and having my time and savings wasted. I can take away from it that I knew well enough to cut the cord and my intuition from the very start was correct. I will be a lot firmer and cut people off a lot quicker and be less trusting going forward. lessons learned.
I'm a bit more sympathetic to you than some here since I can understand your situation. Whether or not you may have believed in Dean's woos initially is not really relevant. The facts of the matter are that you got sucked into providing your expertise and didn't receive appropriate compensation. Although I'm a pig farmer now, for over thirty years I was an engineer, both as an employee and consultant. I'm going to beat you about the head and ears now to tell you to walk away as soon as you can from anything that smells fishy. No matter how attractive the money may seem at first, there will always be customers who try to use you. There are a number of techniques for politely telling a potential customer to take a hike, most of them aren't necessary to disclose here, although my favorite was threatening to pull down the the full power of the Nuclear Regulatory Safety Commission and Homeland Security when I got really pissed. Just a word of advice from an old guy, take it how you wish.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by arayder »

Let's face facts. k1w1's gambit is to apologize for and minimize the harm done by freeman gurus.

If he isn't trying to tell us that the lies of these gurus aren't fraud he's infering that one of our forum members, robbed by a guru, has no one but himself to blame.

We decry the victim culture of freemanary. But we need to realize that k1w1's argument is a perverse inversion of the victim culture which says the victims of freeman deception are not victims at all.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Exploited wrote:how is that for starters?
This is all a form of Deja Vu to me. It was precisely 18 month ago that I heard the same things from "Alex".

To that end, I feel enough time has passed, so I am going to publish his emails to me ... in the interest of showing a pattern.

NOTE: Should Alex happen to read this, I apologise for bringing your words forward, but it is done with the best of intentions. This sh*t has to stop.
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:05:09
To: *********
Subject: Re: GoodBye!!!

I am happy to unblock you now and you can go at it again.
you have no idea what his like and completely selfish and self serving. his all about money.

he never cared about the community I built and was never around, in the end he just wanted to milk people dry and be a dictator.

people are so smoked by his powerful personality and hero worshiping and he conceals the truth and details and chooses to push out conspiracy about his case.

I added some additions, couple of sentences to my post. he in fact uses all the governments stuff all while claiming to have recinded the BC.

he is claiming to have started commercial liens on buildings of HM from 3 or more years ago, but is only pulling the land titles now to find out the owner.

I asked basic questions to his brother and he asked Dean. so many contradictions and mismatches.

If only you knew the full of it.
Alex then sent me the Youtube "BLOCKED" list from the time ... along with myself, "Doazic" was also on it.
this was the full block list:
Jane Doe
Luis pina
Cliff Yablonski
Christopher Fleming
WakeUpToTheNWO1 (ME)
In the next email, Alex commented on a video I made concerning his departure:
I absolutely love it.
I hope you do a longer film about this one day. happy to relay much that I know.
want to get some audio clips to backup some things I've claimed.
And finally:
I'm in the process of handing over the website to another. I do not want any part in it and it isn't mine to do as I please.

I don't want to have the bother to go to court or face some kind of defamation lawsuit from Dean or his crew later on down the track so doing the right thing to just do proper hand over.

I don't want to live my life in a state of war and fighting and just want to move on with my life. I hope you understand. I do not care to spend my life in a state of hate and despair like what a lot of these people in this "movement" is all about.

hope u understand.

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Lastly, Alex sent me the full text of what he posted as his final message on
This last post is to notify everyone that I have decided to totally quit all work and projects for Dean and his website and other related projects and services we had agreed to do together.

Much thought and consideration was given, and due to all the complications and trauma and drama, I feel it is the right thing to do for my own happiness and safety. There has been too many promises over this time working on various aspects but now my time has come to an end.

I am absolutely and unequivocally certain I will not return and will not want anything to do with the site or with Dean. It has been way too stressful on my part and it is not possible for me to keep things afloat. its been a nightmare. Dean is not what he portrays himself to be. Dean just uses people and discards them, wanted me to build a perpetual income milking station for him.
Dean is definitely using all their stuff. he has a drivers license, he has license plates, he has a registered company and yes, he files taxes. how does one get all that if he claims to have rescinded the BC over 3 years ago? I couldn't get a straight answer from him or any of his mob.

I have become rather disgruntled and impatient with much and there has been much chaos due to coming on board to this. I only came on board in hope to learn about obtaining tax exemption status and fighting parking tickets, somehow the projects grow and the roles and duties grew and no one else was willing to help despite many offers but this always ended in conflicts.

I’ve had my life threatened, another has threatened to smash my teeth in and a couple have tried to use blackmail and threats also. This is all merely because Dean makes many promises to people to do business with them to sell law courses which many fight over him. It has been absolutely nuts and now I want no part in all this or any of Dean’s buddies or brother either.

It has been utterly traumatizing and humiliating. I have come to realise Dean protects moochers and scumbags but takes hard working people for granted. This has saddened me greatly due to how much energy and time I’ve spent on this. I am not saying he has nothing to offer because he does, I simply cannot work with him anymore and have had enough.

As for the forum, media and document service I had built, this will no longer be available. It is best to cut the cord and part ways completely as I do not want to spend any more time helping Dean or be burdened with all this. This was a partnership with Dean in which he gave many promises which he could not keep. His situation currently has been a factor of course but even before much was all dumped on me.

I was never in support of his land stewardship program either despite him never being able to produce a plan or show how it could benefit me and my situation. This sounds selfish but we all want security and safety. I do not have either in this situation with him.

Dean has not tried to call me at all over 7 months and the messages I’ve gotten through his brother were one way and like a dictator. A PABX was setup and a variety of working numbers was provided but he never cared to get them approved.

With the projects and other tasks and duties, my time was spread too thin and always having the media, updates to process and reporting, it was hard to get everything I wanted to done.

As Dean’s situation deteriorated, this also effected new signups as numbers continued to dwindle. Many initially would sign up for $15 per month then quit in disappointment because they were expecting Dean’s involvement. Some may have just joined to watch the few videos that were provided but didn’t want to be a part of the community.

Now in terms of figures as everyone always has money on the mind, many assumed there was up to 1200 or so members. Well as it turns out, at the start there was the option to register for an account without making a payment. It was determined that many of the accounts were fake due to automated bots originating from Russia which somehow managed to get past the CAPTURA code on the registration form. About 600 or more were fake which had no access anyway. Over time, about 300 either quit, stopped paying or had never paid and were given a free account. This left about 300 payment members only and some change.

I cannot take on such burdens and expect to keep everyone happy and pay off Dean’s private property he bought. This is not my problem and want nothing to do with that either.

In reality, Dean does not want to work with but dictate. He does not want partners and wants everyone to work for him as slaves and for free. Technology will not make Dean fulfill his promises or stop him from stuffing people about.

About 3 months ago, due to so many people wanting to quit, complaining, and just fed up with all the issuing of empty promises, losing faith in the whole incarceration saga numbers continue to dwindle. Many of these members had actually signed up for beginner courses also and never got what they paid for. So at an attempt to keep them around until things improve, about 66% of these were cancelled but offered to pay a full year in advance instead. There was concerned that the wrong type of people would join also at an attempt to infiltrate and shit all over the community then leave as there was some shit stirrers and shills that did not join for the right reasons. It did not make sense to allow monthly subs were not working out. There was some new signups that paid yearly but not enough to sustain things at all. Of course, testing to see if people would value being milked and gauged all the time, 99% of the 66% cancelled recurring payments did not resubscribe to the yearly offering. I was glad to do this as in good conscience I did not want to rip people off any further while so many empty promises remain outstanding and more promises being issued. This was doomed for failure from the beginning.

Now that the forum and any current and future services are no longer available for Dean, all subscriptions have been cancelled so those who joined need not worry about being charged for nothing. I utterly and totally wants nothing to do with Dean Clifford, his brother or any of their buddies ever again. It has turned out to be a complete disaster and so many burdens have been put on me and wishes I never came on board to do anything at all to begin with.

The web server has been handed over to another which will get in touch with Dean when he gets out. Knowing all the dramas and shit that has gone down outside of Dean’s case and even before then, she wants nothing to do with this mob either and will not talk with them at all also. These people lack integrity and just like to blow smoke up peoples arses most of the time.

As for the reporting, many lies were fed to him and inaccuracies. Much has come to light since then but it is too time consuming to cover every facet of detail.

In regards to Dean’s case, his gun and pot charges actually have not been dropped at all. I was misled to believe it was just one gun that was a WWII relic heirloom piece, but in fact Dean has a full arsenal. This is something the team wanted nothing to do with and especially the web admin who originally wrote some of the news posts. He wants nothing to do with guns or drugs and was merely involved to learn about tax issues which he was promised on be shown on how to get all your tax back. This was complete nonsense and just hot air Dean promised which never was going to happen in the first place.

The list of guns entail (Errors & Omissions Expected):
Lee enfield .303 British ( the ww2 rifle),
Sks rifle in 7.62x39,
2 shot guns( Reminton 870 wingmaster 12 gauge shotgun)
Moss erg 500 pump action 12 guage
.25 automatic pistol.
.32 auto... The .25 is also a prohibited weapon (not restricted ... Prohibited).
Possibly a double barrel 12 guage as well.

Pretty scary weapon cache there and sounds like something out of a movie.

In regards to the drug charges, the original news post was misleading and BS was fed there also, the grow op was actually for commercial purposes and not for a sick friend as originally told. Each to their own but being involved in such a thing attracts certain types of people which I want nothing to do with and that is why many cleared off and those who were helping prior to the arrest left and quit within a week or 2. I want nothing to do with such endeavors. Much has been obscured and kept secret.

Some final words, anyone expecting to make a living out of freedom will have a rude awakening, it is a timeless story and with economies trending downwards and national debts exploding, it’s a given many more commanders and factions will be popping up to make a quick buck.

A direct message to Dean: I sympathise with your suffering but this is your choice you made and no one else’s. I do not believe everything is a conspiracy though. You have woken so many people up and ignited interest from all over the world, so hats off to you. I just have to say, this is your war I do not care to fight in and I no longer care if you have the golden ticket. Hopefully you can get out soon and start over. I’m sure you will not be in short supply of people to help you hit the reset button.

Goodbye for Good and forever.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Exploited »

Last edited by Exploited on Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Exploited »

Last edited by Exploited on Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Exploited wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:So why did you give Dean the personal info of Bates and Doazic if you knew this shit was going on. And what did Dean want it for, surely you knew he was going to post that shit on Facebook.
all the block info is on the youtube and the emails sent from youtube to the mail box which directly which he had access to. it isn't hard to identify peoples accounts on youtube and block them and Dean has access to the emails that came in at the time. I wasn't expecting that he would do that and post it all on facebook but I told him to delete it otherwise you would be in a good place to have his facebook terminated. he isn't very strategically minded, that is why he will be going to and from and to again to jail for the rest of his life. can't teach an old dog new tricks.
He did eventually delete those Facebook posts - which I assumed YOU did before Dean admitted that only HE has control of his Facebook accounts.

BTW - I should warn you, since you have gone "PUBLIC" with your "confessions", I have blasted this link over several Youtube videos. I gave you the option in PM to remain "anonymous". Since you have voluntarily chosen to go "PUBLIC", your comments are fair game. Regardless, they remain under the screen name "Exploited" - which nobody can tie to anything PERSONAL of yours. The most that will happen is that a few undesirables will sign up to Q, and will call you a few bad names. Dean will hear of this, but he would have eventually anyway. In 19 days, none of this will matter anyways !!!
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Exploited »

Last edited by Exploited on Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by k1w1 »

That's right arayder, I don't see any of these idiots as being victims of anyone.
arayder wrote:On the side bar of Smith's Live Free Facebook page is a lady named Crystal Brown who says she wants to get in touch with Dean to chat about:

. . .the "how to's" of putting my ducks in a row to get off this crap ride ... I sent a couple other messages but have no idea if they got to him.. so putting this out there..
So, mate, what do you reckon about Crystal Brown? Do you reckon she's being induced to do something she might not normally do? Because it looks to me like she's practically begging for it.

You say you decry the victim culture of Freemanry? Bullshit. You create victims where none exist. Not even the courts have ever seen these people as victims; no court has ever found one of these people, who you claim to be victims, to have been acting in good faith. But that just doesn't work for you, eh, so you just ignore it.

So you just carry on sympathising with these people, arayder, telling them they've done nothing wrong, that they were induced by guru magic.

Note: I notice that both Exploited and Alex use the word "his" instead of "he's". Both of them wrote "his all about the money".

Seems like a strange idiom they both share, unless...
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Exploited wrote:Dean doesn't seem to care that people take dumps all over his facebook channels either. I don't have access to his facebook at all and don't use facebook at all. so if you're on there, feel free to take dumps on there too warning people. I don't care. just not going to waste any more time on the loser. the only reason why he has paid more attention to try and villianise someone he exploited on facebook is because he stands to lose people from joining up or cancelling their subscriptions. any other day, he wouldn't care.

any plans to make any funny videos soon?
Apparently he does care about ME on his Facebook ... I have 3 accounts, and all 3 are BLOCKED !!! You are correct though, he does only block those who may affect potential new INCOME !!!
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

k1w1 wrote:That's right arayder, I don't see any of these idiots as being victims of anyone.
I suppose you have never heard the expression: "keep your friends close but your enemies closer". On Youtube, "Exploited" was my ENEMY, on Q he is my ally. If you can't understand these roles, perhaps you should "ZIP-IT" !!! :sarcasmon:
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Exploited »

Last edited by Exploited on Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:34 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Exploited wrote:as for WUP, on YouTube battles, it was a learning exercise. nothing personal. it won't continue any longer.
Though this isn't a "PUBLIC APOLOGY" per say, I accept it as such.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Exploited »

Last edited by Exploited on Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by lol »

Just so everyone knows, exploited = alex. The same alex who sent bates that info way back when is the same alex who trashed everything recently.