Hanslune wrote: Actually D & M did a remarkably good job of sabotaging their own movement and their lives - were they government shills? Quatloos and other concerned people assisted greatly in the movements demise but the major disasters were solely done by the freemen themselves.
As if determined to give a demonstration of their sad, fragile egos the two gurus insisted upon creating a fantasy world in which that they had a brilliant quasi-legal solution to the plight of the freeman. The woo pitched to make the solution sound workable fooled the gullible, but made the rest of us laugh. Who remembers "the security of the person"?
Now that the bubble of freeman fantasy has been burst, one guru is headed to jail and the other is on the run.
The irony is that the idea of a little freeman community with little or no interaction with government and society was as close to a solution as the gurus got. Contrary to their concocted self images as muscular working men neither guru could be bothered with doing the work required to create their fantasy communes.
Burnaby49 wrote:I do it as a retirement hobby but Menard and the others probably don't believe that they are being discredited and exposed for such a trivial motive. Their debunkers have to be part of a big conspiracy, preferably government financed if not run, to match up to their grandious ideas of themselves.
It doesn't take a government to put the bulge on freemanary and its duo of duds. All it takes is an airline ticket agent or a traffic cop or a sober judge. Insisting on their greatness, neither guru could handle it went some minor authority asked for ID, or gave them a traffic ticket. The two gurus aren't brave and brilliant fighters for freedom who got defeated by the leviathan world order. They are tiny men who couldn't deal with society's meter maids.
Dope Clock III
It has been 21 days since Robert Menard promised to turn Burnaby49 over to the RMCP and the courts for criminal prosecution. So far nothing has happen.