Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission v Wilson, 2014 SLR 46, [2013] CSIH 95 ... SIH95.html
Some guy called Colin Wilson who figured his signature on a note was payment in full for past child support arrears and the amount should just be added to the national debt rather than pestering him about it.
After a bit of poking around online I've concluded that Colin Wilson is a significant 'guru-minor' in the UK even though he failed totally in his own case. Ceylon, for one, relies on him as a source:[5] The appellant informed the sheriff that he had offered the respondents satisfaction of the debt by means of a promissory note, granted by him, and that he was prepared to work for the respondent at his normal hourly rate. The hearing had apparently required to be continued from 22 May and the appellant had made an offer to pay the respondents £15,000 in the form of his own promissory note during the time the hearing had been adjourned. In discussion before the sheriff, however, it had become clear to the sheriff that the appellant did not intend to pay the sum in question. The appellant's position appeared to be that the note was as good as cash. The appellant suggested that, in the event of default by him on the note, it would be dealt with in the same way as a default by the Bank of England and his promissory note might become part of the national debt. ... 60&t=57203 ... 09&start=0
I think this is Wilson posting as "Walter" on the forum about the trial level proceeding that led to the Court of Sessions decision:
And there's a marijuana angle, of course. "Walter" advocating for Freeman potheads;
and in this post by Ceylon;
In the latter his email is "email:".
The associated website still exists
It looks like the website went inactive somewhere around 2010 - but that's a guesstimate.
Does anyone have more information on Wilson, his background, what happened to him, etc?