His short bio at Above Top Secret:
In a much longer but not-all-that-detailed post, he elaborates:Retired Captain Former Ambassador Member Foreign Royalty Knight of Malta I like to garden.
On another site he says he got his doctorate "somewhere in Russia" (in forestry, medicine, or political science - it varies), is a Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, and his ambassadorship was "from a small island nation to the Ukraine." He claims a cancer cure rate of 97% based on the insight that "fire cures a forest," and that he himself will live to be 200 years old. I can't find further details about his rise from private to captain in the army (one wonders for what country), but given his life expectancy, he has time to fill in that gap.I started life as a Forester
I entered the US Army because Affirmative Action killed the Forestry Field.
In the Army I went from Private to Captain and was eventually put in bed by exposure to US Made Bio Weapons. I spent pretty much a year in bed and realized it I could cure Tree Disease I could cure Human Diseases.
So I did, and I live because of it.
I got Agent Orange (And Blue and White thanks to Sen Patty Murray
A few weeks later the 2 Senior Enlisted form the First Special Forces Group came to a friend of mine and said they were going to kill Pres Bush 4 April 2007 and Nuke Salt Lake City 6 April 2007 to initiate a Full Scale Nuclear War. - Operation Bite we later found out.
So - I did what I could to protect the President - form taking on the roll of an Ambassador for a tiny start up country I later killed at the UN level to going on TV for 2 21/2 years AT MY EXPENSE.
Believe me - when the Ukranian Government stamped my Ambassador Passport I thought they had gone bonkers, but GOD was with me even back then.
This experience has led me down some pretty strange roads, from going to Russia and the Ukraine 3 times to having the FBI put someone in my house while I was an Ambassador and seizing my Overseas Accounts to Counterfeit Bonds to sell to then President Putin through the Russian Orthodox Church.
Do I work for an Intelligence Service - No.
Am I an Intel Agent - No, and it is doubtful I ever will work for these nuts now that I know what they are up to.
It is a lonely life.
Dr William B. Mount
From NESARA News in 2014
Dr. William B. Mount SPEAKS OUT !
Ebola - Follow The Money
Wed Nov 26, 2014 13:50
So - with the FBI confirming that 225 members of Congress are actively raping children and the FBI Leadership is so filled with Child Rapers (Pedophiles) and Cross Dressers I suppose the next set of facts will not surprise you. Just keep in mind that the FBI is actively arresting those with "Child Porn" on their computers but they will not arrest those in Congress raping little children.
(Please Visualize (Pray) that these scum are removed from Earth immediately)
The question arises - Why SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, Ebola?
So what do we know:
1) We know that after 9/11 the US Corporation started wars and killing Americans to bolster Weapons Sales.
2) We also know that during the SARS, MERS, and Swine Flu outbreak companies that manufacture Vaccines were paid a whole bunch to create "New Vaccines" to combat these diseases - and they all contributed healthy amounts to the Congressmen who rape these little children.
Why do you suppose a man will spend $5 million dollars to get elected into an office where he brings home less than $200,000/yr?
3) We also know that these diseases can be traced back to US Weapons Manufacturers and that no Biological Weapon is
released by the US Corporation without a vaccine already in stock for these Corporate Bosses - yet the Vaccination Manufacturers were paid Billions to create an already existing vaccine?
You paid for this.
4) We further know that at least 5 Presidents have told us that they get huge sums of money to "Look For The Cure for HIV" even though we have the cure for HIV and if they release the Cure they said they would be killed by US Forces - CIA/FBI/DOD/BATF/NOAH .........and any other US ABCDEFG Department.
5) We also know that NO filter stops a Biological Agent so the "Space Suit" they wear while treating EBOLA victims are absolutely useless.
6) We also know the EBOLA is spread by outfits like: Doctors Without Boarders, Red Cross, US Organizations, and the American Embassy Workers.
7) We know these facts because not only have we discussed each and every one of these on Pravda and APFN, I helped write the First NBC SOP in the DOD so my knowledge may be limited but basic concepts are pretty simple.
So who benefited form EBOLA?
The manufacturers of Protective Gear, like Dupont and others. In fact - these companies that make these Chemical and Biological Suits cannot keep up with the orders - despite the fact that they are absolutely useless.
So there you have it -Kill a few thousand people, pay off a few folks in Congress who rape little Children, and the money rolls in hand over fist.