Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NigelJK »

everything peter said to me made sense although I didn't really understand it all fully
Gotta be 'Quote of the year'.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by The Observer »

NigelJK wrote:
everything peter said to me made sense although I didn't really understand it all fully
Gotta be 'Quote of the year'.
Certainly qualifies for someone to adopt it as a signature. It demonstrates nicely the mental capabilities of Peter's followers.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by AndyPandy » ... rD6bHrfWK0

Another Goofy We're bank victim (sucker) can't understand how they can be going for an entry warrant to fit pre payment meters for gas and electricity when

1. It's not an emergency!

2. He's paid by We're cheque !

Because surely, it's against FCA rules to chase you once you've paid :violin: :beatinghorse:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

From the German FB page:
Hello good evening together, attention! Important! Please pass on to your contacts....
Due to technical problems on the original website
Please currently no registrations, login attempts or mails direction Karin, Peter, support
Start or other e-mails!!!
As soon as these technical problems are resolved, here again I will let you know!!
Translated from German to English. Translating it further from Gullible to Blatantly Obvious:

"Peter has Made up yet another vague 'technical' problem in an attempt to further avoid questions from bothersome customers who are cluelessly persisting with this crock of shit scheme."

[edit] Also found it straight from the donkey's mouth on this page:
ALL DEPOSITS ARE OFFICIALLY STOPPED until further notice from Peter of England and are only recommended if I then tell in an official video message
have a nice day now, all of you
Not quite sure what he means by deposits, but it's odd for a conman to announce that he's no longer accepting cash. Could he finally be scarpering after milking the German crowd for all its worth before they cotton on?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

And a final highlight of the night from the German page.

To everyone saying that die Deutsche Banke have a stereotypical lack of humour surrounding attempted cheque fraud, here's Karlheinz Kendl here to prove you absolutely right.

A slightly nonsensical translation from Google and my own pigeon German, but in the end it all comes clear... this guy could end up being the first WeRe customer to pioneer his way into a jail cell:
Ladies and gentlemen of the BAWAG (an Austrian bank),
Because you have not personally returned my legal tender to me but the police, as you say in your letter.
I call on you to confirm to me that you the legally legal payment not have monetarisiert note
So the money has been made to

Answer from the bank
Dear Mr Kendl!
We confirm to you that your submitted the were bank cheque on EUR 4.980,00 of 28.12.2015 have not been realised and to the federal criminal police office was sent.
We hope that you have served and to remain in the estimated stakes
With kind regards
Gez. Zxxx / sxxxxxx
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Could you post up the German? I can probably get it translated slightly better (a very good friend of mine is Austrian and I am learning the language albeit slowly).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Who says German bank's don't have a sense of humor, just not one you want to be on the receiving end of.

I said they'd have to sympathy or much of anything else, and them turning their customer in to to the police just shows it, of course the check was sizable enough that it would have set off some alarms any way. I guess the old saying, that I just made up, "if you're going to do something stupid, do it big", I would suspect that Herr Kendl is in a great deal more trouble than he realizes.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

I would suspect that Herr Kendl is in a great deal more trouble than he realizes.
Aye, I get that impression from the subsequent comments but it's hard to gauge given the language issue, although speaking of which...
Could you post up the German? I can probably get it translated slightly better (a very good friend of mine is Austrian and I am learning the language albeit slowly).
Much appreciated, Peanut. Pasted below if you'd like to take a swing at it, but here's the direct link with the comments (probably can't view unless you join the group): ... 626848017/
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren von der Bawag
Da sie mir meine gesetzliche Zahlungsnote nicht persönlich retouniert haben
sondern der Krimminalpolizei übergeben haben wie sie mir in Ihrem Schreiben mitteilen
fordere ich sie auf mir zu bestätigen das sie die gesetzlich legale Zahlungsnote nicht monetarisiert haben
also zu Geld gemacht wurde
Antwort von der Bank
Sehr geehrter Herr Kendl!
Wunschgemäß bestätigen wir Ihnen, dass Ihr eingereichter Scheck der WeRe Bank über EUR 4.980,00 vom 28.12.2015 nicht eingelöst wurde und an das Bundeskriminalamt übermittelt wurde.
Wir hoffen Ihnen damit gedient zu haben und verbleiben in geschätzter Rückäußerung
mit freundlichen Grüßen
gez. Zxxx/ Sxxxxxx
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »


I have no idea how one of the German WeRe customers intercepted these, but they were posted to Dropbox. Looks like Peter and Djon (David Parrott) are having a lover's tiff, with the latter refusing to relent control to the former. Looks like the WeRe websites are being held hostage and he's got Petey over a barrel, which is why everything has come to a grinding halt as of yesterday.

Presented here in Eye-Strain-O-Vision:



If there was ever a time for WeRe suckers to worry about the security of the personal details they stupidly handed over, it's now.

One response to the furore:
As well as I see it, there is a dispute between Dijon and Peter. Dijon wants the domain (what he claims his own is) because too little continues. Is also so - for weeks the support is not active, receipts will not be processed, etc. We are fighting outside with the banks, have costs (lawyer, Porto, enrollment fee rpp etc. ) we will be portrayed as a cheater, our llt's are with the police etc. Etc. I know it is a difficult path, what we're going a little bit of support would be needed and not a chit-chat. I hope our path goes on - one way or the other
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Thanks Zeke I make it out as

[quote"Der Krankenkopf"]Dear Sirs at BAWAG
Since you have not returned to me my legal tender note but have passed it to the Krimminalpolizei as you told me in your letter. I require you to confirm to me that you have not monetized by law my legal tender note and turned it into cash.

Response from the bank

Dear Mr Kendl
As requested we can confirm that the check you submitted from Were Bank for EUR 4,980.00 dated the 12/28/2015 was not redeemed and has been submitted to the Federal Criminal Police. .
We hope this helps you and await any reply. [It's boilerplate, not really consequential]
Best regards

Anyway Mr Kendl seems to have tried to pay a significant debt off with a fake cheque, which hasn't worked and instead is likely going to be dealt with by ruthless German efficiency. What is surprising is just how much of the english template letters sold by these guru's have now translated over into German. It wouldn't surprise me if they don't start going on about the bills of exchange act, Lord Denning, the UCC or even the Magna Carta (which has never and will never be law in Germany).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Ah, that does make more sense. Thanks for that. I kinda missed the bit where his main concern was that the bank was going to cash in his rubber cheque and not tell him about it, making him even more of an imbecile than one would be for simply trying to process a fake 4,000+ Euro cheque in the first place.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by guilty »

PeanutGallery wrote: It wouldn't surprise me if they don't start going on about the bills of exchange act, Lord Denning, the UCC or even the Magna Carta (which has never and will never be law in Germany).
Prepare to be unsurprised....
Our ancestors, ancestors and primordial ancestors have created by their most laborious work of a great importance to our planet, but this was denied us human. We humans themselves ARE THE HIGHEST VALUE! This value was us now returned by corresponding entries in the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

The PoE correspondence is priceless and explains a great deal. I don't know if PoE qualified as a breach of the data security act before, but I suspect he does now. Normal intelligent individuals would take notice of this and be very worried, the WeRefools won't even bat an eye, since it will never enter their empty little heads just how bad things are getting.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Jeffrey »

The defenders of the status quo can rest easy knowing that yet another attempt at building a new society failed because it's members can't even get along with one another.

Is there a name for this phenomena? If there isn't I'd like to call it the Freeman's paradox. The observation that anytime two or more Freemen work together it all goes to shit, Animal Farm style.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Jeffrey wrote:The defenders of the status quo can rest easy knowing that yet another attempt at building a new society failed because it's members can't even get along with one another.

Is there a name for this phenomena? If there isn't I'd like to call it the Freeman's paradox. The observation that anytime two or more Freemen work together it all goes to shit, Animal Farm style.
Perhaps we should just hijack PoE's term "Polarity Principle" and give it this definition. After all, it does seem to be a fundamental principle that Freemen polarise against each other.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Paulr1971 »

notorial dissent wrote:The PoE correspondence is priceless and explains a great deal. I don't know if PoE qualified as a breach of the data security act before, but I suspect he does now. Normal intelligent individuals would take notice of this and be very worried, the WeRefools won't even bat an eye, since it will never enter their empty little heads just how bad things are getting.
From previous experience The Data Protection Act applies only when a business, organisation or 'Data Controller' is registered under the act with the Data Commissioner, so in POEs case the worst he would probably get is a letter informing him that he needs to register, fines and notices could then be issued for non-compliance once registered (After the registration event).

The more I see and read about POE, it's like watching the development of a new L.Ron Hubbard and Scientology, growing from Freeman Legal Services, through to WeRe Bank and now The Re Movement.

May be he's protecting himself with concept that his organisation is so ridiculous that no one is taking it serious enough to prosecute? May be one of his 'Followers' will get prosecuted for using the cheques as a 'Fraudulent instrument', but I think (At least in the UK) that none of the relevant authorities will want to take on the case as a prosecution as it doesn't fit. The Police have outsourced fraud cases to Action Fraud, Trading Standards would need a complaint of some decent standing (Not someone complaining about how failed to receive their dodgy cheques to pay off their mortgage in an attempt to swindle their bank or building society).

That leaves HMRC, I think the best course of action would be to report him to HMRC, as he's most certainly passed the VAT threshold of £82,000, which is a black and white case. This would then lead HMRC on to other issues of income tax (Possibly), which would allow them to go back through years and years of income.

I wonder how well his 'Freeman' legal skills will serve him when dealing with the tax man.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by FN75 »

When I read '(as long as the movements continue)' all I could think of was bowel movements.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Pox »


I have no idea how one of the German WeRe customers intercepted these, but they were posted to Dropbox. Looks like Peter and Djon (David Parrott) are having a lover's tiff, with the latter refusing to relent control to the former. Looks like the WeRe websites are being held hostage and he's got Petey over a barrel, which is why everything has come to a grinding halt as of yesterday
Priceless - well spotted!

If Djon doesn't play ball, will POE take him to court :haha:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by exiledscouser »

Pox wrote:
Priceless - well spotted!

If Djon doesn't play ball, will POE take him to court :haha:
I LOVED that intercepted email spat - proof that Petey can control the Caps Lock, I think he goes into Daily Mail mode too often.

Peter should take his own advice in these circumstances.


It'd be a battle of the scammers - who will win? And will the eventual victor accept payment in Re? I can just imagine the MC doing the introductions;

In my left corner, weighing in at just £10 a month

the Count of the Con,
the Duke of Deception,
The Baron of Baloney
Your very own Pointless Pontiff,
the one, the only Peeeeeeeter of Merrie Olde England!

And on my right, punching well above his weight,

its the Weasel of WeReBank,
the man who's done a flit - with all Pete's IT Kit,
the Prince of the Password
out of the stable of Djon King, raise the roof for
Daaaaaaaave "The Domain" Parrott!

Pete has threatened to "Go public" if Djon doesn't cave in to his very reasonable demands, setting a deadline of 5pm today (Tuesday). So he's already two hours overdue - have they kissed and made up?

I think it won't be long before Pete is kicked out of the Fatherland (or leaves before the mob descends), I wonder where he'll wash up after that?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by exiledscouser »

AndyPandy wrote: ... rD6bHrfWK0

Another Goofy We're bank victim (sucker) can't understand how they can be going for an entry warrant to fit pre payment meters for gas and electricity when

1. It's not an emergency!

2. He's paid by We're cheque !

Because surely, it's against FCA rules to chase you once you've paid :violin: :beatinghorse:
The tireless and insightful poster Tiggy points out, with a heavy sense of irony that if our WeRe cheque wielding utility-bill dodging bufoon is going to quote the FCA and it's rules and use them as a means to bash First Utility then he would do well to consider the warnings issued by erm, the very same FCA;

Another winner.