Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Seelenblut wrote:I lurked for a while and I thought I register and add a few things I found about WeRe on German-speaking websites. I am Andrew (from Austria ;) ) and offer my translations from the German texts - as close as possible to the original.
Guten Tag Andrew, wie gehts? Absolutely no need to apologise for typo's and thank you for the translations! Whereabouts in Austria are you from? Most of my friends out that way are Tyrollean, also most of them used to be promotional models for Red Bull, I have a very fond and hazy memory of drinking in a small pub in Innsbruck where the owner had joined us and it sort of became a pour your own evening.

I am pleased to see that German/Austrian efficiency has kicked in and we finally have some authorities taking action. Hopefully it will embarrass the police over here to actually do something.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Wilkommen Seelenbut! It's great to have you, and the translation help is really useful. Thanks, dude.


Peter's earnings from the scam are always speculated upon, but this is the best estimate we've got yet. From the start of this video:

Peter *claims* to have sent out around 150,000 individual cheques. The chequebooks have either 25 or 50 cheques in them, so if we average it at 37.5, that's 4000 chequebooks in circulation...

... cheques which have been paid for at £35 each, resulting in a gross profit of £140,000. I'll leave everyone else to speculate on the net profit.

He claims that around 5% of people keep up with their monthly £10 payments after 4 months. Using very loose maths and not accounting for the fact that the percentage rate is probably higher in the first 1-3 months and some people may continue paying after 4 months, 5% of 4,000 customers continuing to pay £10 results in another £2,000 a month for Petey. I suspect that his campervan days are long behind him now.

Lastly, he claims that the total 'value' of WeRe cheques that have made it into circulation is between 35,000,000 and 75,000,000 (no currency specified). I doubt this is accurate since Peter doesn't strike me as the type of gentleman who tracks his fine bank's cheques at any more than a basic level, but for sure it's a non-insignificant amount of fraud going on and it beggars belief that TPTB aren't taking it more seriously.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

Well ... about another "police action" in connection with WeRe in Germany, there is a facebook post ( ... 9792729763) from January 9th that tells the story of a federal police officer (criminal investigation, not financial) visiting. I hesitate to translate the lengthy post (I will if there is interest) because I find it a bit questionable.

Basically the first two thirds tell about his conversation with the officer (the last third is a generic rant about the evil system).

The officer supposedly came to inquire about a case of possible check fraud. As far as I can tell Janez has send NKBM (a slowenien bank) a WeRe check, which has handed it to the Deutsche Bank, which in turn rejected it. The post goes on to describe the conversation in which Janez seems to have brought the officer over to his view of things and both supposedly then rail about the evil bankers (the officer didn't seem to be aware that WeRe isn't an actual bank, and from that point of view actions of the Deutsche Bank could be considered a bit off).

The officer took a lot of notes and left after 45 minutes, according to Janez now conviced the banks are to blame and that they don't understand their own business. If this is true I wonder what happened when the officer tried to report to his agency.

The whole post seems a bit "off", the behavior of the officer very unprofessional and his qualification for investigating something like check fraud seems questionable. But hey, who knows, not all law enforcement officers can be competent ...

Austria has the FMA (Financial Market Supervision Agency) and Germany has the BaFin (Federal Agency for Supervising Financal Services) who work together pretty closely. FMA has already put out a national warning about WeRe (I think it's mentioned here before) on it's website on Janurary 23rd (the warning explicitely says that WeRe is not allowed to provide checks and other financial services - ... -bank.html). In 2015 FMA has issued 40 such warnings, 6 so far in 2016.

On, and I am born and raised in Vienna and a promotional model for the good food here ;)
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by #six »

His latest rant is hilarious. :snicker:

However, it seems quite clear to me that Peter suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

I just spent most of my lunch hour watching that video. I LOL'd at the end where he says that he set up WeRe bank for the people, not to make money (and he does the finger-rubbing universal money gesture), for ego or material gain - "It can't be, because it's why I set it up - for you - and the sacrifice proves the degree of risk for the heroism".

What a load of old cobblers. But they'll fall for it. And PoE will have someone else to blame for people losing their homes, cars, etc.

But as well as that, PoE claims to be an ex-serviceman, and he's using the words "sacrifice" and "heroism" in the context of his fake bank and money-making scam. Is there no depth to which this scum will not sink? (Yes, I realise that's a horribly mixed metaphor, but you know what I mean.)
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

And because its quiet at the office I had time to look around a bit more ... a facebook post about another police action because of a WeRe check in Germany (the facebook post seems to be by a regular guy making fun of the included screen-caps of another facebook post - they try to make it difficult for me - ... 8383413461).
Manfred Wahl (December 20th, 2015)

Subject WeRe Bank ... be careful what you do, this has just reached me!:

I am looking for the day after tomorrow, December 22nd, in Ravensburg, starting around 1:30 PM, 2 or 3 "Listeners/Witnesses" for a police hearing, being the defendant in a case of attempted fraud (presenting a WeRe check at the Ravensburg Communitybank to pay commercial tax). It is possible that these people have to present some form of ID.
The facts: I have not presented a "check", but a LLT - a legal tender according to the check- and bill-of-exchange-law, completely covered by a respective value on my account.

--- German Original

Thema were Bank ... passt auf was ihr tut, das hat mich eben erreicht!:

Ich suche für übermorgen, Diensta, 22.12. in Ravensburg ab ca. 13:30 noch 2 bis 3 "Zuhörer/Zeugen" für polizeiliche Anhöhrung als Beschuldigter wegen angeblich versuchten Betrugs (Vorlage eines WeRe-Schecks bei der Stadtkasse Ravensburg zur Bezahlung von Gewerbesteuer). Möglicherweise müssen sich diese allerdings irgendwie ausweisen.
Zur Sachlage: ich hab keinen "Scheck" eingereicht, sondern einen LLT = legales Zahlungsmittel nach Scheck- und Wechselgesetzt, vollständig gedeckt durch entsprechenden Wert auf dem Konto.
The comments to the post include such helpfull tips as handling this directly with the banks director or keeping your hands off Were and using your "Strawmen Account" instead.


A bit more about Werner Peters - he seems to have used WeRe checks himself ... as far as I can tell to pay a court fee or fine ;) ... -10-17.jpg


A (sadly) interesting figure in the Austrian WeRe situation is the (legally bankrupt) University Professor Franz Hoermann, who not only speaks up for WeRe (and other banking theories) on the internet, but even in his university lectures ... for the economics faculty! We have very strict laws protecting the freedom and independence of science and research in our universities, but that can obviously sometimes lead to crackpots that can't be stopped once they have tenure.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Jeffrey »

One of the notes on the video says this:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Reaction highlights to the Mustard Wars. First up: "Dear Peter, please help me get into worse trouble than you have already."

Code: Select all

"Peter I am in total support of what you are doing and appreciate the difficulty you are now in. I sent my promissory note and cash 3 weeks ago, I have a court case coming up in 6 weeks time and would like to pay in Re. Is it likely that the new notes will be out by then? If not no worries good things are worth waiting for. Thanks for all you are doing"
Looks like Djon has totally hijacked Peter's scam and is now trying to play the schism for all it's worth:
as I was watching the video I just received an email from the Parotte...wanting me to register..
Peter, of course, is not happy about this and goes with the "better the devil you know approach.":
He is a thief and inveterate liar. I'd avoid what you don't know. Whatever I am and whatever not - at least I'm a known commodity. Have you any idea what he looks like even?
And straight from the Mustard Lord himself, here's the email that Djon is sending out. Apologies for the length (I can't even be arsed to read it myself) but wanted to post it here before it gets deleted:
Hi Peter I have got an email A TIME TO DECIDE - A NEW DIRECTION

Dear Tadeusz and fellow members,

Account Number: xxxxxxxxx

Please be informed that it is with a heavy heart to have to inform you of the tumultuous chain of events
that have occurred, with respects to WeRe Bank and The Re-Movement as a whole. Such as:

· Lack of explanation as to the whereabouts of funds issued by potential members
· Lack of issuance of LLTS (sometimes for months) when funds were claimed to have been tendered
· Lack of any formal contractual paperwork establishing the WeRe movement goals and outcomes
· Vitriolic/angry writings between original foundation participants which have harmed operations.
· A growing discrepancy between vision, reality and representation of the members.

For further details regarding these developments please listen to this recorded message by

Re-Movement £10 monthly subscription
WeRe Bank

It was believed and hoped that when one joined the Re-Movement, and became a WeRe Bank account holder under the auspices of Peter Of England, that your participation would be based upon Common Law. Common Law is the law of the common people.... that law is based upon longstanding logical maxims, “A Workman is worthy of his hire”. Common law does not require a 'leader-ship' to be in charge because that would automatically take away the rights of some in favor of vote or direction of the leader. Common law allows one man one vote

Common law is directly opposite to statutory law just as the words “lawful” and “legal” are not the same, but opposites. Common law respects the rights of one just as much as another until or unless harm is inflicted. Hence a trial by jury of peers guarantees rights and upholds truth, whereas a bench trial follows rules and regulations and puts the power to decide fate in the hands of one over others.

Common law values individual honesty, integrity and truth and does not primarily seek out greed and personal gain, whereas current statutory communities operate on corporate rules and regulations, privileges and subsequent interpretation by those in charge primarily to force financial gain at any cost often times through deceit. Common law inherently demands that one has rights with associated responsibilities whereas statutory law regulates and mandates with little or no regard for rights of individuals.

Therefore reasons unbecoming to me, Common Law are not practiced by WeRe Bank, and as such I have separated myself from what I believe. I have gone off the path of my Common Law beliefs which inherently demands that one has rights with associated responsibilities.
Within the current community I have carried the heavy burden of responsibility of safe keeping and guarding the data to which you have entrusted Re-Movement and WeRe Bank with. However I can no longer with a clean conscience promote the ideology of someone who appears to promote a Statutory law which regulates and mandates with little or no regard for the rights of individuals.

I am now at a junction along the path I sort to trend in the knowledge that many within this community now also wish to go. A path which we believe will allow one to forge ahead in the belief that our energies will change the world as we know it and in the knowledge that the wheels of motion have begun to turn to that end.

In view of these enlightening and un-unexpected circumstances, I feel it is only fair for you the members of this community decide your own path and ensure your data is handled with the same responsibility I have given it before and during this transition.

A new community is being borne best upon the true principle of Common Law, a community which will tap into the wealth of knowledge and energy of spirt from around the world. A community which will truly embrace the essence of what we seek and many before us have strived to obtain. FAIR, OPEN, TRANSPARATE, one man one vote.

Below is a link to your original registration.

Simply click on the link and request your private link that will be sent to your email address. It must be the email that you registered with and held within the database. Follow the link back to your profile, whereupon you will find a choice to remain or to join the new community. After a time period of 3 days an Sunday 7th February at 3am GMT your decision will be final.

All those who wish to follow the path of Peter of England and his ideology will be passed over to him, along with all associated data for safe keeping. All those who have chosen a new path will be kept under my safe keeping until the new community decides otherwise. All documents held by Peter of England concerning those that have chosen a new path will be requested to be handed over in the same manner and responsibility it was originally entrusted. The co-ordinates of this transfer will be decided by the new community.

All members who decide a new path and have issued instruments from WeRe Bank will be honored and dealt with in the manner upon which they were believed to be issued – Common Law by the new community, as long as the new community has the correct standing with those instruments.

I wish you all well and a safe journey in your path of discovery and knowledge.

Love and Peace

Djon Parrotte
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NYGman »

That is one Mean Mr. Mustard....
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Schism, schism, more fun to come.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Pox »

Given the current furore regarding the infighting at the pseudo bank, one would have thought that the pseudo bank forum would be red hot at the moment, positively glowing in fact, but it still shows that the most active day was in June 2015.

But maybe this is because access to the forum is somehow restricted at the moment because Mustard has the access key?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Oh dear. I feel so sorry for Peter, it must be quite troubling to watch your money be stolen. I know exactly how you must feel. So do those a lot of your former marks.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NYGman »

PeanutGallery wrote:Oh dear. I feel so sorry for Peter, it must be quite troubling to watch your money be stolen. I know exactly how you must feel. So do those a lot of your former marks.
I have to say, it is really a beautiful thing to see one Con Mans hard work, ripped off by another Con Man in such a public way. Really shows the Character of those associated with this entire endeavor.

However, do not fear, Peter isn't in it for the money, he is here to help all of us.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Pox »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
Looks like Djon has totally hijacked Peter's scam and is now trying to play the schism for all it's worth:

And straight from the Mustard Lord himself, here's the email that Djon is sending out. Apologies for the length (I can't even be arsed to read it myself) but wanted to post it here before it gets deleted:
Hi Peter I have got an email A TIME TO DECIDE - A NEW DIRECTION

Dear Tadeusz and fellow members,

Account Number: xxxxxxxxx

Please be informed that it is with a heavy heart to have to inform you of the tumultuous chain of events
that have occurred, with respects to WeRe Bank and The Re-Movement as a whole. Such as:

· Lack of explanation as to the whereabouts of funds issued by potential members
· Lack of issuance of LLTS (sometimes for months) when funds were claimed to have been tendered
· Lack of any formal contractual paperwork establishing the WeRe movement goals and outcomes
· Vitriolic/angry writings between original foundation participants which have harmed operations.
· A growing discrepancy between vision, reality and representation of the members.

For further details regarding these developments please listen to this recorded message by

Re-Movement £10 monthly subscription
WeRe Bank

It was believed and hoped that when one joined the Re-Movement, and became a WeRe Bank account holder under the auspices of Peter Of England, that your participation would be based upon Common Law. Common Law is the law of the common people.... that law is based upon longstanding logical maxims, “A Workman is worthy of his hire”. Common law does not require a 'leader-ship' to be in charge because that would automatically take away the rights of some in favor of vote or direction of the leader. Common law allows one man one vote

Common law is directly opposite to statutory law just as the words “lawful” and “legal” are not the same, but opposites. Common law respects the rights of one just as much as another until or unless harm is inflicted. Hence a trial by jury of peers guarantees rights and upholds truth, whereas a bench trial follows rules and regulations and puts the power to decide fate in the hands of one over others.

Common law values individual honesty, integrity and truth and does not primarily seek out greed and personal gain, whereas current statutory communities operate on corporate rules and regulations, privileges and subsequent interpretation by those in charge primarily to force financial gain at any cost often times through deceit. Common law inherently demands that one has rights with associated responsibilities whereas statutory law regulates and mandates with little or no regard for rights of individuals.

Therefore reasons unbecoming to me, Common Law are not practiced by WeRe Bank, and as such I have separated myself from what I believe. I have gone off the path of my Common Law beliefs which inherently demands that one has rights with associated responsibilities.
Within the current community I have carried the heavy burden of responsibility of safe keeping and guarding the data to which you have entrusted Re-Movement and WeRe Bank with. However I can no longer with a clean conscience promote the ideology of someone who appears to promote a Statutory law which regulates and mandates with little or no regard for the rights of individuals.

I am now at a junction along the path I sort to trend in the knowledge that many within this community now also wish to go. A path which we believe will allow one to forge ahead in the belief that our energies will change the world as we know it and in the knowledge that the wheels of motion have begun to turn to that end.

In view of these enlightening and un-unexpected circumstances, I feel it is only fair for you the members of this community decide your own path and ensure your data is handled with the same responsibility I have given it before and during this transition.

A new community is being borne best upon the true principle of Common Law, a community which will tap into the wealth of knowledge and energy of spirt from around the world. A community which will truly embrace the essence of what we seek and many before us have strived to obtain. FAIR, OPEN, TRANSPARATE, one man one vote.

Below is a link to your original registration.

Simply click on the link and request your private link that will be sent to your email address. It must be the email that you registered with and held within the database. Follow the link back to your profile, whereupon you will find a choice to remain or to join the new community. After a time period of 3 days an Sunday 7th February at 3am GMT your decision will be final.

All those who wish to follow the path of Peter of England and his ideology will be passed over to him, along with all associated data for safe keeping. All those who have chosen a new path will be kept under my safe keeping until the new community decides otherwise. All documents held by Peter of England concerning those that have chosen a new path will be requested to be handed over in the same manner and responsibility it was originally entrusted. The co-ordinates of this transfer will be decided by the new community.

All members who decide a new path and have issued instruments from WeRe Bank will be honored and dealt with in the manner upon which they were believed to be issued – Common Law by the new community, as long as the new community has the correct standing with those instruments.

I wish you all well and a safe journey in your path of discovery and knowledge.

Love and Peace

Djon Parrotte
Apologies for pasting the above but I deemed it necessary to point out where Mustard has got his marketing strategy wrong -

Unfortunately, he seems to believe that the bulk of his potential customers want to change the world (in ReMovement terms - whatever that means :?: ) but in reality what they really want is something for nothing ( or circa £35 for a lot).

No mention in his manifesto of this though, so he will be pissing into the wind me thinks.
He needs to find a USP that beats his adversary - but not based on ideologies, that won't wash with the aspiring free loaders.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've just started a new POE discussion on the Canadian forum. It is about some of the individuals mentioned in some of the recently posted WeRe emails.


I also have another Alberta Queen's Bench decision regarding an attempt to pay off credit card and line of credit debts through a WeRe cheque. I'll be posting about it in a new discussion. Probably sometime today. I'll also be providing a copy of the decision and all of the acompanying court documents.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Schism, schism, more fun to come.
I wonder if the Reformation/Counter-Reformation and the Thirty Years War was anything like this.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Pox wrote: Unfortunately, he seems to believe that the bulk of his potential customers want to change the world (in ReMovement terms - whatever that means :?: ) but in reality what they really want is something for nothing ( or circa £35 for a lot).

No mention in his manifesto of this though, so he will be pissing into the wind me thinks.
He needs to find a USP that beats his adversary - but not based on ideologies, that won't wash with the aspiring free loaders.
Very, very true. All Mr. Mustard needs to do to absolutely clean the floor with Peter is say "Hey, I understand you're waiting for chequebooks and are sick of the lack of support. I can offer that" and the freeload brigade will trip over themselves to join him. He doesn't even have to deliver, just make slightly more of an effort at feigning support than Peter, which wouldn't be hard.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Chaos »

NYGman wrote: However, do not fear, Peter isn't in it for the money, he is here to help all of us.
indeed. why should he care if people are sending their toxic currency to the other scammer?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've just posted another Canadian court decision crapping on Peter and his WeRe fantasies;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NYGman »

Is nobody safe from your reach? It seems all roads point to Canada. It is quite amazing really, that the first two decisions on these checks have come from Canada. I think we shall be enjoying more news from the German legal system quite soon. Wonder if this play has the legs to go to Switzerland and Austria, I am sure future legal systems will be equally unimpressed by Were bank.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - As sung by Janis Joplin (and others) Written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster.