Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Forsyth wrote:I should, perhaps, add to the above that I am firmly against the practice of 'doxing', but when you enter into a business relationship with people you should provide a method through which they can hold you to that.
All very true and good points well made, and I hadn't realised his address was very publicly available (not to mention that he might have put it out there intentionally.) But with regards to best operating practices and good business acumen, these twonks aren't on the same page - his address was posted on FB very much in the spirit of doxxing, and for the purposes of forming a lynch mob.

Speak of the devil:
"Peter - thanks for taking my call today. I'm with you 100%. Just let me know the date for the gathering at Rosemary Cottage. I would encourage every ReMember to get down there and give this Parrot a piece of our minds. Plus I don't believe we've had a meeting in the UK for a while and it would be good for all the committed ReMembers to share in our common presence our ReNewed comradeship. Jai Guru Dev."
So Peter is actively baiting the crowd (and as mentioned in the previous post, it's face-palmingly stupid that his flock are so willingly buying into his blatant scapegoating.) The only saving grace here is that PoE has suggested he wants a police presence... though again as mentioned earlier, the chances of Peter showing up in person are slim and the idea of the police being on board with him are laughable, so I suspect he'll just wind the mob up into a lather and leave them to it.

Bobby One: "Alright guv'nor, we've got Peter of England on the line."
Bobby Two: "What's he after, the bleedin' rascal?"
Bobby One: "Needs our 'elp with a show down in Gloucester."
Bobby Two: "'Ang about, ain't we the enemy?"
Bobby One: "Depends which way the wind blows, guv."
Bobby Two: "Fair play. We're pretty stretched at the moment with budget cuts, but what does ol' Petey need this time?"
Bobby One: "Some Parrot bloke is messin' with the universal energy transfers. People can't make money out of thin air anymore."
*Bobby Two spits out his tea*
Bobby Two: "There's a disturbance in the universal energy? Bloody hell, man! Why didn't you mention it sooner? Get the Queen on the line!"
Bobby One: "Can't, sarge. She's stuck in a Jewish reptilian meeting with the Rothschilds until 4pm."
Last edited by Zeke_the_Meek on Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Pox »

Skeleton wrote:
Peter is planning a home visit, with Police back up.
Peter Of England Thanks -WeRe going to be encouraging a ReMembers Rally in his small cosy village so he can explain to all his neighbours his view point "under common law" of course. the police will be there to assist of course! Head Up Gloucester's Finest

Like · Reply · 8 hrs
:snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:
Typical of someone leading from the back!

Off you go chaps,I'm right behind you - pip,pip.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

*Ring Ring*
- Hello, Gloucestershire Constabulary here, how may I help you?
- This is Peter of England. I've organised a mob to cause a breach of the peace and quite probably commit a s.5 Public Order Act offence outside the home of a private citizen. Can I count on you to turn up and assist me?
- Of course! That's what we're here for!
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I wondering if you can extort or steal or criminally damage something that doesn't exist.
PofE: "We've come to take back our universal energy transfers."
Policeman (thinks): "Am I in an episode of Dr Who?"
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Skeleton »

The marks are using phrases like "I am going to give him a good piece of my mind" over on POE's FB page, like it's going to be a typical English chat over the garden fence, but hard cash is involved, the real stuff, so mob justice will no doubt prevail and the Police will be required anyway. Pete no doubt will "leg it" as they say shortly before plod arrive.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Denise Brown
..My 2 recent cheques not showing in the back office nor clearing codes appear Issues all through this bloody Parrott He should be hanged, drawn and quartered as they were from 1351 a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason,
How spectacularly stupid can this lady be without risking reclassification as a mollusc? She thinks that anyone who obstructs her fraudulent activity has thereby committed the offence of high treason...!?!!!

My view of the werebank scam is markedly changing. While I hope new, naive and desperate people are not drawn in, I also hope that PoE ruins the fanatically greedy, stupid and dishonest members (like Denise).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Hercule Parrot wrote:[
How spectacularly stupid can this lady be without risking reclassification as a mollusc? She thinks that anyone who obstructs her fraudulent activity has thereby committed the offence of high treason...!?!!!

My view of the werebank scam is markedly changing. While I hope new, naive and desperate people are not drawn in, I also hope that PoE ruins the fanatically greedy, stupid and dishonest members (like Denise).
I agree entirely. At this late stage of the game, the only people hanging on to this pipe dream are the severely wilfully ignorant and the greediest dregs of society. My sympathy has waned.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

I bet PoE hasn't considered the fact that his policy of blocking everyone who isn't sycophantic to him may blow up in his face if he does show up in England again. His FB page sounds all happy and lovely with everyone on his side, but who knows how many furious ex-WeRe customers are silently watching the proceedings from the sidelines?
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:I bet PoE hasn't considered the fact that his policy of blocking everyone who isn't sycophantic to him may blow up in his face if he does show up in England again. His FB page sounds all happy and lovely with everyone on his side, but who knows how many furious ex-WeRe customers are silently watching the proceedings from the sidelines?
I would think they could certainly start their own group and complain all they wanted to, or is that in the too hard and complicated file?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by longdog »

Panic over... The WeRe bank is solvent again...

Sentient Man

Today at 03:45

go get the note i sent you from the postal outlet will have all the capital you need to restart
1 Comment


Sentient Man

Sentient Man they have already accepted one here at Queens Bench so you are good to go...sent you 10 mil
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:I bet PoE hasn't considered the fact that his policy of blocking everyone who isn't sycophantic to him may blow up in his face if he does show up in England again. His FB page sounds all happy and lovely with everyone on his side, but who knows how many furious ex-WeRe customers are silently watching the proceedings from the sidelines?
I think PoE is fully aware of how many unhappy customers he has in this country and just how unhappy they are. Hence his flight to Germany and now, I suspect, the Parrot Ploy.

Not so much a scapegoat as a scapeparrot. I mean, it's not Peter's fault if this bloke has messed everyone up in his heinous attempts to wrest the reins from that fine upright slayer of lizard queens and Rothschilds, the man with a galactic award for good banking practice, Peter of England.

The chances of PoE showing his face anywhere a mob of disgruntled WeRe bank customers might appear are slim and zero.

I become more and more convinced that insane or not, PoE is playing a very clever game here. He's picked a pond of victims to fish in where he can be confident none will be either able or willing to take action against him officially. He's kept his wrongdoings on a scale where the authorities are never going to bother to come after him because there are so many more bigger fish to fry and he's made his victims more culpable in any fraud than he is.

Not sure these tactics will work out so well for him in Germany but, again, will they have the resources to chase down such a small fish with no permanent abode? I doubt it. Even the Americans are unlikely to be bothered taking out extradition proceedings against him. His only real worry is if he happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets himself arrested and detained long enough for someone with an interest in him to find out and get him remanded until they can put together a case. Let's hope it's the Germans or the Americans because if it's the CPS he won't have a lot to worry about.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by AndyPandy »

Had a bit of a laugh at loud moment, looking online at a property in France, made an enquiry to the agent and guess what popped up:

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Burnaby49 »

longdog wrote:Panic over... The WeRe bank is solvent again...

Sentient Man

Today at 03:45

go get the note i sent you from the postal outlet will have all the capital you need to restart
1 Comment


Sentient Man

Sentient Man they have already accepted one here at Queens Bench so you are good to go...sent you 10 mil
I wouldn't get too excited about Peter's rescue. Sentient Man is Allen Boisjoli. This guy;


Who, as you can tell from the discussion, has more than enough problems of his own. Allen said in a video he was going to clear up all of Peter's problems by sending him a promissory note that the banks had to accept. It must be sitting in a postal box somewhere.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

longdog wrote:Panic over... The WeRe bank is solvent again...

Sentient Man
I think the use of the word Sentient is incredibly misguided.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Forsyth »

It seems that the problem with the SSL certificate on the Were Bank website may have been resolved by the cunning means of replacing all the https links with http links, or in other words by disabling most of the security. Can anyone who has a login to the secure parts of the site confirm this?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

Forsyth wrote:It seems that the problem with the SSL certificate on the Were Bank website may have been resolved by the cunning means of replacing all the https links with http links, or in other words by disabling most of the security. Can anyone who has a login to the secure parts of the site confirm this?
It certainly works for the forum.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Forsyth wrote:It seems that the problem with the SSL certificate on the Were Bank website may have been resolved by the cunning means of replacing all the https links with http links, or in other words by disabling most of the security. Can anyone who has a login to the secure parts of the site confirm this?
Yeah, works here in Canada. I just took out the s in https and the site came up no problem.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Forsyth »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:Yeah, works here in Canada. I just took out the s in https and the site came up no problem.
I think you no longer need to take the "s" out yourself - the front page has been updated to remove all of those awkward https links.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Sentient Man
they have already accepted one here at Queens Bench so you are good to go...sent you 10 mil
I wouldn't get too excited about Peter's rescue. Sentient Man is Allen Boisjoli. This guy;
Ah, so what he means by "accepted one here at Queens Bench" is only that he has delivered a magic pixie dust financial instrument to the fines office at the Court. Not that it has been officially processed and acknowledged as a legitimate payment. That's very much in PoE's style, I wonder if they have a bright future together?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
Sentient Man
they have already accepted one here at Queens Bench so you are good to go...sent you 10 mil
I wouldn't get too excited about Peter's rescue. Sentient Man is Allen Boisjoli. This guy;
Ah, so what he means by "accepted one here at Queens Bench" is only that he has delivered a magic pixie dust financial instrument to the fines office at the Court. Not that it has been officially processed and acknowledged as a legitimate payment. That's very much in PoE's style, I wonder if they have a bright future together?
Not at all. It had nothing to do with court fines. Boisjoli had a scheme that he pulled out of his ass that if he filed documents at Queen's Bench registry in Alberta he could enforce his own default judgement from his pretend court on a police officer. I said;
Before we go further my interpretation of what happened is this. Boisjoli gets a speeding ticket and attempts to pay it off with OPCA crap. Doesn't work. So he got a notary, a real notary (more on him later, a LOT more), to notarize a bunch of documents which Boisjoli considered constitute a default judgment against the police officer. Problem is that he needed a court to issue the judgment. Obviously the Alberta court isn't going to do it and, even though Boisjoli claims the notary has the power to issue the default judgement, he knows that nobody is going to enforce it on his behalf without the involvement of a real court. So he sent a blizzard of documents to the Court Clerk to prove that he'd won the case because the Court Clerk is empowered, in some cases, to file a default judgment instead of a judge. So Boisjoli acts like it is just an everyday routine administrative move, issue a case number to him in respect to his default judgment so that he can file a writ of enforcement and seizure at the court and get a sheriff to enforce it. What's more reasonable than that? Instead the Clerk scurries up to Rooke with the documents and unintended consequences result.
Rooke is the notorious Judge Rooke, scourge of Alberta Freemen, the infamous author of Meads v Meads;

Not a man you want to have eyeing you with his steely gaze. And that is exactly what Rooke did with Boisjoli. It ended very badly for Allen with this court decision;
I. Vexatious Litigant Order

[104] I have identified eight independent bases on which I have declared or found that Boisjoli is a vexatious litigant. He has also exhibited additional aggravating litigation conduct. To some degree these do overlap, but the net result is obvious. This is an individual who is a clear target for a court order that restricts his future activities.

[105] This order should be strict and broad. Boisjoli’s litigation misconduct is not restricted to a single matter or court. I therefore conclude he should be limited in his access to all three Alberta Courts. I previously observed that Boisjoli’s documents appear to be adapted from a template, and that his failures to replace target names suggests he has at least two more parallel Three/Five Letters actions in the works. Boisjoli admits as much in his email communications to the Clerk/Manager - this is the first of a number of illegal projects Boisjoli has underway.

[106] Another reason for very strict controls on Boisjoli’s court activities is that he does not merely create and transmit spurious and ineffective documents. He acts on them. Boisjoli’s criminal misconduct is far from trivial. It exhibits many aggravating factors, including the targets, and the means and forms of intimidation. I conclude the fact that Boisjoli claims that his OPCA materials and strategies made his criminal conduct legal it is highly relevant and aggravating. He claimed he was not subject to Canadian law and repeatedly acted on that basis. Worse, he was undeterred by incarceration.

[107] Boisjoli lies when he says he will mend his ways. On his first sentencing for criminal intimidation Boisjoli said this:

I -- I do, Your Honour. And if I may just say a word. It’s been a very humbling experience, Sir. The time that I spent in gaol has not been wasted. And I agree that, you know, I’ve -- my emotions took -- took -- got the better of me, and you know, I’ve -- I’ve broken my own cardinal rule to treat everybody with respect, and I realize that. And, you know, the -- this time I spent in gaol, I spent a lot of time reading my Bible, and Jesus taught us to forgive, and that’s what I’m asking for is to be forgiven.

Boisjoli then promptly resumed his criminal activities.

[108] This is a reason why I conclude Boisjoli should have no right to file material in any Alberta court. He may only interact with the courts via a lawyer. While unusual, this restriction is not unprecedented. In Boe v Boe, 2014 BCCA 208 (CanLII) at para 36, 356 BCAC 217, the Court took this step in response to a vexatious litigant who engaged in persistent, meritless filings:

[109] I think here there is an even stronger basis than in Boe v Boe to restrict Boisjoli’s future correspondence and filings with Alberta courts in an analogous manner. His September 25, 2015 materials are not merely a waste of court resources; they are a key and integral step in his criminal scheme. A requirement that Boisjoli use a lawyer to communicate with the court is not an absolute obstruction to Boisjoli accessing Alberta courts. Boisjoli’s litigation history shows he is willing to retain legal counsel to meet his objectives.

[110] I therefore order:

1. Allen Nelson Boisjoli is prohibited from commencing, or attempting to commence, or continuing any appeal, action, application, or proceeding in the Court of Appeal, the Court of Queen’s Bench, or the Provincial Court of Alberta, on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person or estate without an order of the Chief Justice or Judge of the court in which the proceeding is conducted, or his or her designate.

2. The Chief Justice or Judge, or his or her designate, may at any time direct that notice of an application to commence or continue an appeal, action, application, or proceeding be given to any other person.

3. Allen Nelson Boisjoli must describe himself, in the application or document to which this Order applies, by his exact full name (“Allen Nelson Boisjoli”), and not by using initials, an alternative name structure, or a pseudonym.

4. Any application to commence or continue any appeal, action, application, or proceeding will only be accepted if Allen Nelson Boisjoli is represented by a member in good standing of the Law Society of Alberta.

5. Any application to commence or continue any appeal, action, application, or proceeding must be accompanied by an affidavit:

(i) attaching a copy of the order issued herein declaring Allen Nelson Boisjoli to be a vexatious litigant,
(ii) attaching a copy of the appeal, pleading, application, or process that Allen Nelson Boisjoli proposes to issue or file or continue,
(iii) deposing fully and completely to the facts and circumstances surrounding the proposed claim or proceeding, so as to demonstrate that the proceeding is not an abuse of process, and that there are reasonable grounds for it,
(iv) indicating whether Allen Nelson Boisjoli has ever sued some or all of the defendants or respondents previously in any jurisdiction or court, and if so providing full particulars,
(v) undertaking that, if leave is granted, the authorized appeal, pleading, application or process, the order granting leave to proceed, and the affidavit in support of the order will promptly be served on the defendants or respondents, and
(vi) undertaking to diligently prosecute the proceeding.

6. Any application referenced herein shall be made in open court and shall be recorded. Leave to commence or continue proceedings may be given on conditions, including the posting of security for costs. An application that is dismissed may not be made again.

7. An application to vary or set aside this vexatious litigant Order must be made on notice to the Attorney General, and any other person as directed by the Court.

8. This Order, except for paragraph 5, does apply to an appeal of this judgment to the Alberta Court of Appeal.
You will note that both of the cases that I posted where a Canadian court stomped on a Peter of England and WeRe follower the court was Alberta Queen's Bench. Don't mess with them.

However, in happier days, Boisjoli was issuing three-five letter unilateral contracts out willy-nilly and one was a note to the benefit of WeRE bank for millions. Apparently, for some reason, Peter is ignoring it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".