Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

A link to this article in Wirtshafts Blatt, from the 15th Feb, was posted on PoE is a conman over at Facebook. Not sure what the publication is but it seems to be Austrian and to have be a serious news paper/web site. I can't say the authorities in Austria and Germany are taking kindly to WeaRy bank. I added the original below for those who are blessed with the ability to understand German and might be able to improve on Google's shot at translation.

I love that Weary bank is "blowing in Austria". Yep, Weary bank sure does blow. Sadly the translation is not the best so maybe one of our linguists out there could make a better fist of it. Especially the bit about the lawyer and the werewolf at the end. Things might be getting really interesting & we may need to stock up on silver bullets.
The business of the Were-Bank are considered opaque. Now determine police and prosecutor.
Two displays at the prosecution and (according to a display) investigation of the criminal police in Baden: The British Were-Bank, a self-proclaimed Robin Hood of the international financial system, blowing in Austria against a harsh wind. And not only in the judicial system, the Financial Market Authority (FMA) of bank recently prohibited all transactions in Austria.

According to Commercial Register, the bank does not have branches in Germany and was therefore unavailable. They spread their "business model", especially on the Internet. As far as is currently known, is the offer of the bank to a kind of parallel currency. To reflect this, prospects have ten years pay ten pound (€ 13) per month and get in return a "check" on 150,000 pounds (€ 194,200) issued.

Hazardous IOUs

At the same time they have to sign over 150,000 pounds a promissory note also. This "possess full legal validity," warns an FMA spokesman. Who ever takes these "checks", however, was open. The danger would be the fact that signatory thus can not do anything, but they are asked because of valid notes for cash.

The Were-bank in this country is palpable only through numerous posts on the website YouTube. An apparently dazzling figure called "Peter of England" swears in the spots his audience on a that the banking world was corrupt and only on the "little people" exploit.

financial ripoff

Farmers about would have to work hard while bankers drinking champagne, they say. The Were-Bank have with their system found a way to the masses, so to speak to free from the yoke of the financial industry, is accordingly suggests the viewers. But should the Bank suffer "hostile" and was also exposed to it even fraud allegations.

Whether these are perhaps not entirely unjustified, the justice will decide. According to ad a Canadian court had already referred to the alleged financial engineering benefits of Bank ripoff. The Irish and British Financial were critical of Were.
Strange but true: In the train of the affair, a lawyer has been displayed from a private individual for prosecution and the Bar Association. As the lawyer has nothing to do with Werewolf, this in turn reacted with advertisements against the Gazette
Die Geschäfte der Were-Bank gelten als undurchsichtig. Jetzt ermitteln Kriminalpolizei und Staatsanwaltschaft.
Zwei Anzeigen bei der Staatsanwaltschaft und (laut einer Anzeige) Ermittlungen bei der Kripo in Baden: Der britischen Were-Bank, einem selbst ernannten Robin Hood des internationalen Finanzsystems, weht in Österreich ein rauer Wind entgegen. Und nicht nur seitens der Justiz, auch die Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) hat der Bank kürzlich alle Geschäfte in Österreich untersagt.

Laut Firmenbuch besitzt die Bank keine Niederlassungen im Inland und war deshalb nicht erreichbar. Sie verbreitet ihr „Geschäftsmodell“ vor allem über das Internet. Soweit derzeit bekannt ist, handelt es sich beim Angebot der Bank um eine Art Parallelwährung. Um diese zu beziehen, müssen Interessenten zehn Jahre lang zehn britische Pfund (13 €) monatlich einzahlen und bekommen dafür einen „Scheck“ über 150.000 Pfund (194.200 €) ausgestellt.

Gefährliche Schuldscheine

Gleichzeitig müssen sie aber einen Schuldschein ebenfalls über 150.000 Pfund unterschreiben. Dieser „besitzt volle Rechtsgültigkeit“, warnt ein FMA-Sprecher. Wer diese „Schecks“ überhaupt annimmt, sei allerdings offen. Die Gefahr bestünde daher, dass Zeichner damit nichts anfangen können, sie aber wegen der gültigen Schuldscheine zur Kassa gebeten werden.

Die Were-Bank ist hierzulande lediglich durch zahlreiche Beiträge auf der Plattform YouTube greifbar. Eine offenbar schillernde Gestalt namens „Peter of England“ schwört in den Spots sein Auditorium darauf ein, dass das Bankwesen weltweit korrupt und nur darauf aus sei, die „kleinen Leute“ auszubeuten.

Finanzieller Nepp

Bauern etwa müssten hart arbeiten, während Banker Champagner trinken, heißt es. Die Were-Bank habe mit ihrem System einen Weg gefunden, die breite Masse sozusagen vom Joch der Finanzwirtschaft zu befreien, wird den Zusehern sinngemäß suggeriert. Dafür müsse die Bank „Anfeindungen“ erdulden und sei darüber hinaus auch Betrugsvorwürfen ausgesetzt.

Ob diese vielleicht doch nicht ganz unberechtigt sind, wird die Justiz entscheiden. Laut Anzeige habe bereits ein kanadisches Gericht die angeblichen finanztechnischen Wohltaten der Bank als Nepp bezeichnet. Auch die irische und britische Finanzaufsicht äußerten sich kritisch zu Were.
Kurios: Im Zug der Affäre wurde ein Anwalt von einem Privaten bei Staatsanwaltschaft und Rechtsanwaltskammer angezeigt. Da der Anwalt aber nichts mit Were zu tun hat, reagierte dieser wiederum mit Anzeigen gegen den Anzeiger.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Burnaby49 »

I use google translate frequently and find that it is poor to very poor on German to English. So it can give the outlines of an overall story but I wouldn't trust it on the translation of specific facts such as the issue of the promissory note.

Regarding Peter's ability to call for payment on the promissory notes. The notes are only as good as the financial capabilities of the creditors which appear to be nil. The typical WeRe bank sucker has joined up because of extreme financial stress, mostly dead broke, making legal action to collect pointless.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

YiamCross wrote:A link to this article in Wirtshafts Blatt, ...
Seelenblut provided a human translation on the previous page: viewtopic.php?f=52&t=10846&start=1140#p222806
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by longdog »

I don't think Peter would stand a hope in hell of ever collecting on any of the PNs and not just because the people who created them don't have a pot to piss in let alone 150 grand.

Poe collected the PNs on the basis that his non-bank provided certain services which he has completely failed to provide. I think any court would find there was an implied contract and Poe has not lived up to his end of it making the contact void at best and leaving him liable for the return of all 'fees' paid and significant compensation at worst.

It would of course take a team of heavy horses and a cattle-prod to get him to step inside a civil courtroom so it's entirely hypothetical.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Tml69 »

My modest blogs posts on we're bank are by far the most popular. It's interesting to see the breakdown by county as it seems to give a vague indication of who is searching for were bank info. Austria and Germany feature prominently.

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Chaos »

Burnaby49 wrote:I use google translate frequently and find that it is poor to very poor on German to English. So it can give the outlines of an overall story but I wouldn't trust it on the translation of specific facts such as the issue of the promissory note.

Regarding Peter's ability to call for payment on the promissory notes. The notes are only as good as the financial capabilities of the creditors which appear to be nil. The typical WeRe bank sucker has joined up because of extreme financial stress, mostly dead broke, making legal action to collect pointless.
the reason for poor translation is, auto translation doesn't deal in sentence structure and that's why German To English comes out wonky. Besides being able to count to ten, that's all I remember from German class.

And I agree with your second point. However, that doesn't mean he won't use it as a threat to try and keep unhappy marks quiet.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

It would be nice if it turns out that under German law the promissory note is considered valid. :whistle:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

littleFred wrote:
YiamCross wrote:A link to this article in Wirtshafts Blatt, ...
Seelenblut provided a human translation on the previous page: viewtopic.php?f=52&t=10846&start=1140#p222806
Oops. I thought I checked back but obviously not far enough. I must say I find the Google translation to be more entertaining, though. Especially the bit about the werewolf. Maybe PoE will pick up on that, I'm sure he can wangle in a bit more myth and fable with a bit of effort.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

There was some discussion about the validity of the promissory notes when this thing first surfaced and I can see no reason why they might not be enforceable. There's bound to be some idiots out there with assets worth going after and I can't believe that PoE won't have a crack when the moment is right. Let's be honest, PoE promised as many Re as they could eat and he's not reneged on his word so maybe the contract is enforceable after all.

Be hugely entertaining when that day comes and I'd lay odds it will.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

Well, well, well, The Parrot has landed in the Facebook group Peter of England is a con man.

I won't bore you with everything, anyone who's interested can go see for themselves at ... p_activity

Suffice to say his opening post suggests he's just as crazy as PoE, only a different flavour of nutjob. There is no way anyone of sound mental facilities could imagine the ideology behind Weary bank could work at all, let alone lawfully and legally. Nuff said.
Josh Parrotte Cheers, hope you are all well, just addressing a few issue to Peter on the WeRe Bank page, as my comments were deleted of his status instead of being addressed.

I would also like to inform the page whilst i do not agree with peter and what WeRe Bank has turned out to be I do support the ideology behind it which if applied consistently and appropriately by those of sound mental faculties, does work lawfully and legally.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

Seems to have rattled PoE's chain, latest newsflash from the man himself on his FB page:
The Father is Like the son
How could it be otherwise?
"Don't get into any more internecine (look it up) punch ups in Abattoirs again in a hurry - Josh !
"Blackassassin = Abattoirs = Killers"
The Parrot Gang are hoisted on their own Petard!! ... 5/?fref=ts
THIS IS THE MOST SIMPLE RETORT TO ANY ACCUSATION LEVELLED AS TO WHICH SIDE OF THE FENCE Peter of England STANDS UPON and then by extrapolation the side UPON WHICH HIS OPPONENTS STAND = The Parrots - Twatloosers - Peter of Conland ...Squawk!
What was it Peter of England - still free - still supported by factions within ALL GOVERNMENTS and Security Services et al is successfully doing? Exactly!!
NOW: -
Who is trying to derail it or stop it from happening?
On one side are those who advocate change - on the other side those who wish to trash the idea - there is no more really to be said. But I have to continue....for the benefit of the more dense in the audience!
Either a back-office employee is the founding VOICE of the virtue of ReMovement and WeRe Bank or Peter of England is.
NO IF OR MAYBE OR BUT but a simple yes or no...which the Parrot is trying to convince you is otherwise.
What is he? Who is he? Where did he come from?
Well, he was a postman when he applied for the job! And we took pity upon him - took him in - he shat on us.
Why is this paragon of virtue and his Parroting son, still using my intellectual and written copyrighted material, videos and names, to LURE , via "passing off" the WeRe Bank website as THE WERE BANK WEBSITE??
Does he claim ReMovement is his idea?
He doesn't even know what Re stands for.
So now we see the true intent of "The Parrot Pirate Gang!"
The father, ILLUMINATI MK ULTRA PLANT, [we have been reliably informed] was SENT to disrupt the project in its entirety from day one. The man has several "alters" and one of them Is "Djon". He was kept in waiting for the moment WeRe Bank would get into difficulty - and offered. The problem is "mea culpa".
Even the Twatloosers are lost for words.
The one thing no one likes ultimately, if truth be told, is a snitch!
The one thing that the Illuminati DESPISE, above all else, is DISLOYALTY. Their mantra is NOT "parroting" the information you have. Now this Parrot knows nothing and has mimicked his father into a cul-de-sac where they now Perch, but he still needs plucking first!
The son Parrot was taken onto the payroll of WeRe Bank as a "fait accompli" by his father. Never did he ask - he just enrolled him. Now is it not interesting TO ALL ReMembers and WeRe Bank members that this ideologue, professing to adore the works, intent and vision which Peter of England embraced and extolled all the virtues and direction WeRe Bank embraced, has now "mysteriously and at the drop of a hat" JOINED with the shills and trolls who have been campaigning TO TOTALLY ERADICATE WeRe BANK and everything it stands for....which in effect means YOU!
Ergo, they The Parrots of Painswick (Parrot being a derivation of the word Pirate, as they would return from voyages with these exotic birds upon their shoulders) support the status quo, they support the banks.
NOW anyone who can change their STATED BELIEFS and do a 180 degree turn based on their sad attempt to justify the theft of copyright work ++++ deserves the accolade they are going to get from the Gallery or should that be Galley!
They are what they are - snitches, stooges and worthless of being welcomed anywhere. Even the Twatloosers have claimed they are traitors. VINDICATION....
PS For ther Twatloosers and're being played..big time
Who are these Twatloosers? Surely he can't be talking about us, can he?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Burnaby49 »

At least we twatloosers had enough sense not to put any money on the table when Peter came up with his miracle finance scheme.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:As there was no mention of this in Peter's latest Facebook announcement, I'd say that it is starting to look like WeRe Bank has been hijacked !!!
I agree - the phrasing quoted by HardyW above seemed like a pastiche of PoE style, but didn't ring quite true :

"As our community strives towards natural rather than the artificial processes within the community, we ask that you donate what you can afford and when you can afford it. Our community will be developed from the essence of love, understanding and a pursuance of knowledge and sharing of that knowledge. Infused with the will and desire from many people around the world that seek change, our community will harness the collective energy and knowledge to cleanse the mind and release one from a belief system that has kept mankind in debt slavery and servitude to a system that entraps them via a legal fiction."

I reckon weirdbank has splintered into rival strands. The poor suckers won't know who to send their (real) money to.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
I reckon weirdbank has splintered into rival strands. The poor suckers won't know who to send their (real) money to.
No, but the result will be the same though.

Parrot, you're not related to the pirate Parrots who boarded Weary bank & hijacked it from poor old Petey, are you?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Ergo, they The Parrots of Painswick (Parrot being a derivation of the word Pirate, as they would return from voyages with these exotic birds upon their shoulders) support the status quo, they support the banks.
No, Peter. I know you're super excited that the guy screwing you over has a surname that lends itself to schoolyard insults, but this is a stretch even for you.

You genuinely remind me of that one kid in school everyone had in their friend circle who always talked bullshit to such a pathological and ridiculous level that people can't be bothered to call it. Let me guess, you genuinely swung so fast on the park swings that one day you went right around the bar, and Richard's cousin saw it. Don't look for Richard's cousin, he lives on the next estate over and goes to a different school.

Anyway, somewhat ironically, the REAL etymology of the English word 'parrot' is derived from the 16th century French word perrot, which in turn is a diminutive of the male name Pierre...

... which, Anglicised, is Peter.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

It's time to meet Austrian (Tyrolean to be exact) Dietmar Mühlböck - he is (as far as I can tell) the man that lodged the criminal complaints against several Austrian Were Bank gurus that were the reason for the Wirtschaftsblatt report mentioned here earlier.

He is a somewhat colorful activist and crusader, who - for years now - is a close observer of conspiracy theorists, right-wing and other extremists as well as, lately, the freeman and sovereign movement here in Austria (all of them overlapping to some degree). He has several blogs, seems to entertain contacts within law enforcement and other government agencies, has lodged criminal complaints before - and was the target of several parliamentary inquires.

In the German Were Skype channel an e-mail by him was posted (by a Patricia Vonbrül) ...
Good evening,

this E-mail is send as a mailing to those 59 people that were written to by Andreas Resch on the 10th of February.

I would like to warn you, as you have obviously become a victim of fraud. The so-called "WeRe Bank" only serves the personal gain of one Alan Peter Michael Smith, except for him and possible accomplices nobody will take away any profit.

I strongly suggest to read my article about this subject, which you will find here: ... were-bank/

I also want to tell you that on the 8th of February I lodged criminal complaints in this matter against, among others, Wolfgang Cejda (RPP-platform), Gernot Gauper and the Vorarlberg [Austrian state] lawyer that wants to carry through LLTs.

Should any of you already have used a LLT I advise you to get counsel by a lawyer because with the use you have turned from fraud victim to perpetrator.

With kind regards,
Dietmar Mühlböck
On his facebook account one of his posts states the following ...
dm+ ‏@deltamikeplus 10. Feb.

P.S.: Strafanzeige gg Franz Hörmann, Gernot Gauper, Robert Sziber, Wolfgang Cejda und einen Vorarlberger Anwalt ging gestern raus. @WeReBank

[Translation - P.S.: Criminal complaints against Franz Hörmann, Gernot Gauper, Robert Sziber, Wolfgang Cejda and a Vorarlberg lawyer went out yesterday.]
I want to end this post with something entertaining, the translation of another post on Dietmar Mühlböck's facebook page ... a snippet from an answer by the Regensburg [German city] tax authority to someone sending in a WeRe check:
... the colorful piece of paper you send in on the 18th of November, 2015, is, after careful examination of the facts, just that: a colorful printed piece of paper. To prevent further efforts to circulate invalid notes we have added this document to your file.

After consultation with the Federal Bank it is clear that your note is not a lawful, national form of payment and we have no obligation to accept it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

Thank you, Seelenblut, for keeping us in the loop on events in Germany and Austria. As I have realised, Google translation is unreliable from German to English, so your contribution to this forum is invaluable.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

mufc1959 wrote:Thank you, Seelenblut, for keeping us in the loop on events in Germany and Austria. As I have realised, Google translation is unreliable from German to English, so your contribution to this forum is invaluable.
Seconded. Your ability to find this stuff in the first place is really appreciated.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

The one webpage German-speaking WeRe gurus constantly point at is a report about a "success" with WeRe checks at the financial authority in Baden [Lower Austria] ( ... e-erfolge/).

The already mentioned Dietmar Mühlböck has some informations about that case, too (translated from a comment to a blog entry at "Die Gurufalle" ["The Guru-Trap"] - - which has several WeRe related entries).
The celebrated LLT was send in by Karl ZMECK, he tried to use LLTs with a total value of around 90.000€. As ZMECK has a business it falls under commercial, and therefore serious, fraud. There is at least one ongoing investigation against him in Baden, GZ (case number) B6/44423/2015-Ze.

At the Vienna UNBUNTU-Day he had a talk with KREISSL [Austrian freemen guru] (there is a recording of the whole event with that conversation [here]) where he assumes that I denounced him (which isn't true, it was probably done by the financial authority); subsequently there were death threats against me, and in that context I indeed reported ZMECK to the authorities myself.
Responsible for the webpage (which is missing the legally necessary Impressum*) where the "success" is reported are, to my best knowledge, two well known Austrian freeman gurus, Tassilo Alge (who posted the story) and Joe KREISSL (mentioned in DM's comment) - and so the circle is complete.

*The Latin word Impressum, used in German, has no exact translation in modern English. It is a legally required statement of the ownership and authorship of a document, which must be included in books, newspapers, magazines and websites published in Germany and other German-speaking countries. There is no equivalent legislation in the UK or US, and therefore no consistent legal term is used in English-speaking media.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

YiamCross wrote:Parrot, you're not related to the pirate Parrots who boarded Weary bank & hijacked it from poor old Petey, are you?
Yes, but we're not close. Third cousin, only really see them at weddings and temple rituals.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.