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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

exiledscouser wrote:Rumple: of the family Stilzchen.

Something tells me you are not taking this very important matter seriously, failing to award this sacred touchstone of Freetard Orthodoxy the respect it deserves.

For shame.
No! No! I am taking this matter very seriously indeed. I am merely taking it to its logical conclusion.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:James Robert Wyld is the only name on the Title Deeds for 42 Harriet Street and if he does think moving to Thailand then all you can say is 'you can't take your house with you'.
You have to remember it is the name that owns the house, not the flesh and blood human being. :snicker:
Jimmy, if you read any of these comments please ignore and carry on!. Always remember you are doing this for my enjoyment, and I expect (just like Tom of the family Crawford :violin: :violin: ) the Maximum return for the time I spend watching.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Hercule Parrot »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Bungle wrote:Searching Jimmy's address, the house is a terrace property and was purchased in 1997 for £52,000. Recent sales of neighbouring properties are for around £115,000. With Jimmy failing to co-operate with the IP, I would expect their fees to swallow up a large percentage of any equity. Is this his only asset?
Pretty sure it will be his main, if not only, asset. Deduct mortgage, council tax, fees and more fees, and Jimmy gets what is left.
Another GOOFy victory, eh? He loses his house, maybe gets a little chump change for his bus fare to the homeless hostel. And in a final cruel twist, to collect any residue he would have to come forward and identify himself by reliable official documents. They must be celebrating this victory over in GOOFy, good old Jim has really stuck it to the man.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by grixit »

littleFred wrote:
We've seen this many times on forums and websites; FOTLers who pretend they don't understand anything, even simple words like "you" and "is".
Bill Clinton feels their pain.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by grixit »

AndyPandy wrote:It's eye watering madness on that thread of Jimmy's over on Goofy, now some clown's told him to quote Dueteronomy, just copy the 10 commandments from the St. James bible. Put the case number at the top of the page ( not your name, never your name) and file it with the Court and walk away, scott free, right !! :shock:

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... sTnxHrfWK1

Wait-- when did King James get canonized?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

grixit wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:It's eye watering madness on that thread of Jimmy's over on Goofy, now some clown's told him to quote Dueteronomy, just copy the 10 commandments from the St. James bible. Put the case number at the top of the page ( not your name, never your name) and file it with the Court and walk away, scott free, right !! :shock:

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... sTnxHrfWK1

Wait-- when did King James get canonized?
Round about the same time Jimmy lost his name !!
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

Jimmy says that as long as he has an internet connection in Thailand, he can earn £1,000 per month

Just what kind of freaky cam shows is he planning on putting on ?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Chaos »

Bones wrote:Jimmy says that as long as he has an internet connection in Thailand, he can earn £1,000 per month

Just what kind of freaky cam shows is he planning on putting on ?
considering he has to use fake checks to try and beat creditors, I would say you guys are being trolled yet again.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

See I KNEW it all along! A willowy soul singer and mega-diva DID go looking for Jimmy that night.
SalliNae wrote:
Police came looking for Jimmy at 1am at an address he was not at saying they had a warrant. Black Mariah the full shebang.
She has her own unique take on reality that one. And why did they go to that address in the first place Sal, the one he was not at? Because your hero told anyone who would listen that he lived there.

It was an address that was even reflected, briefly, on the Insolvency Service Bankruptcy web page entry. Amended sharpish too back to Harriet Street it would seem, no doubt because the man with the one year old baaaaaaaaby threatened to fill in Jim's cake hole if he got any more nocturnal visits from the 5-oh.

Back then to Dull-as-Ditchwater Salli;

SalliNae wrote:

They suggested that Jimmy turn up at. Police Station with ID....of course they did, they were trying to join a name with someone who did not want to be a name.

So Jimmy turns up at Police Station, refuses to be a party to any of their shenanigans and refuses to give a name. He spends 18 hours in their cells
Excuse me but if someone rocks up at the nick (It's Halifax by the way Sal) and says "Is there a warrant out for me" the first question is "Ooh are yer sonny?" If the answer is "Jane D'oh" or simply "I don't give out personal information of that type" then out on your arse you go, not detained speculatively for 18 hours just in case they can find out;

a. who you actually are; and
b. on the off chance there might actually BE a warrant out for you.

No, Jim played a straight bat with the Halifax police (who all seem to know who he is anyway - his photo is probably right there next to the Colorado Beetle mugshot in the parade room) and coughed up his own REAL name or his 'slave' name as he himself admits in his You Tube. The court he appears at is actually Court 1 at Halifax Magistrates.

Sorry Salli, I know it sounds better bigged up for your clueless audience but even Jim had to cough a bit of truth there.
SalliNae wrote:Judge cannot or will not answer and eventually runs away.
No, Sal, the judge told Jim in no uncertain terms what was likely to happen if his foolishness persisted and what he should do to avoid some serious shit. Because serious shit is coming his way, most certainly.

Because Jim continued to act the knob the judge got up and left him to it. Some Stipes of my acquaintance would have sent him down at that point for contempt so he is lucky he didn't actually visit Armley that day but there's time yet.

So Jim needs to clarify whether this has all now gone away or are there be further problems on the horizon. He's been to lodge some magic paperwork including the 10 commandments (that'll sort it Jim, nice one!) so he feels the need to do something further, at least. He's have had to tell the court who he was too otherwise how would they know to which case the paperwork belonged?

The fact of his thoughts on legging it to Thailand suggests he might not be sticking around long enough to see through his Freeman wet-dream.

Over on Jim's Goofy thread civil war continues;

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... sixx8coT8s
Society of the Specsavers wrote;

Still at the Trolling Game Fibble ?

Salli posted the PROOF of Jimmy asking a question and the Judge Running away.
Err, no she didn't, she just made a statement unsupported by any facts. Which was wrong even viewed against Jimbo's own story.

Meanwhile the battle of half-wits between Beneficiary1 and the odious WW2 revisionist Swifty continues apace.

At risk of offending Godwin's Law, Swifty the closet nazi is, as usual, left wondering what the heil is all going on and is clearly Führerious. Ben1's attacks are, he admits, well outside "Mein Kampfort" zone. Perhaps Swifty has a final solution but apparently there's no Reich or wrong answer to all this.

As for the legality of using a particular style of name, perhaps our sparring partners (or anyone else for that matter) can direct us to some legal precedent, perhaps a conviction or an appeal, somewhere, anywhere. Maybe an obscure Bill from 1602 or a finding by a tribunal of some standing, pull a Papal Bull out, even rely upon some Common Law jurisprudence in the Commonwealth. Even (shock horror) a statute rendering this theory into something a mite more substantive.

What's that you say?
It's all been dreamed up in the head of some Internet guru who likes to pay useless fiat currency for roadside billboards?

That's all the 'proof' it would seem some of our Freetards need.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

You just have to love this post from actionmanandy:
Re: Jimmyw - police come for me at 1am

Postby actionmanandy » Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:55 pm

Do you think the average magistrate or judge, solicitor, the average joe within the justice system knows this stuff about the name?
Of course not, andy. It is only those with super legal brains like K of G who manage to figure it out. :snicker:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by littleFred »

Jimmy's lie that his name is Crown copyright, hence it is illegal for him to use it, directly contradicts his declaration in 2014:
JAMES WYLD wrote:Declaration of Copyright Trademark. I am known by the name : ©Jimmy of the family: Wyld, Creditor, Trustee, Secure Party, Author of the Copyright Name Trademark Claim autograph (JAMES WYLD™) or any derivative thereof HEREBY ATTEST THAT, I am competent and capable of handling my private and commercial affairs in my full capacity as Agent for the NAME JAMES WYLD™ and will enforce with prejudice any Copyright Name Trademark Claim infringements. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Declaring copyright on one's own name is a popular GOOFY pastime. Seven people did this today. I suppose it is fairly harmless to the GOOFy concerned, unlike the alternative, "I don't own my own name so I can ignore bills, summonses, and so on." As Jimmy is discovering, this is a strategy for self-harm.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

littleFred wrote:Jimmy's lie that his name is Crown copyright, hence it is illegal for him to use it, directly contradicts his declaration in 2014:
JAMES WYLD wrote:Declaration of Copyright Trademark. I am known by the name : ©Jimmy of the family: Wyld, Creditor, Trustee, Secure Party, Author of the Copyright Name Trademark Claim autograph (JAMES WYLD™) or any derivative thereof HEREBY ATTEST THAT, I am competent and capable of handling my private and commercial affairs in my full capacity as Agent for the NAME JAMES WYLD™ and will enforce with prejudice any Copyright Name Trademark Claim infringements. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Declaring copyright on one's own name is a popular GOOFY pastime. Seven people did this today. I suppose it is fairly harmless to the GOOFy concerned, unlike the alternative, "I don't own my own name so I can ignore bills, summonses, and so on." As Jimmy is discovering, this is a strategy for self-harm.
Like all Freeman followers, Jimmy is merely grasping at straws, latching on to whatever GURU's theory he thinks will help him in the moment. In this moment, he has latched on to Kate of GARBAGE. viewtopic.php?f=48&t=10840
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

Agree that the thread on Goofy is just about as batshit crazy as it gets, it is tremendous entertainment watching them try to out do each other in the lose the name game, then trying to justify "having" to use it. To report crime is given as one example, I think it fairly apparent to most where they use their real names and reporting crime is not on that list.
Meanwhile Jimmy has posted a couple of new videos on his YT channel, in the first he openly accuses the Police of "kicking the shit out of a girl" while he was doing his 18 hour "stretch", a stretch he is now comparing with being locked up in solitary confinement in Israel, not knowing when you will get out, but he reminds viewers that he was not worried about being released as they had to release him, because he had done nothing wrong.
The second is pure comedy gold, Jimmy has recently discovered their were in fact 15 commandment's, being Jimmy though this recent discovery has not stopped him becoming an instant world authority on why some are no longer in "use" (as if Jimmy follows any of the commandment's) and unsurprisingly the removal of one is heavily linked to the lose the name game.
Last edited by Skeleton on Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Skeleton wrote:The second is pure comedy gold, Jimmy has recently discovered their were in fact 15 commandment's, being Jimmy though this recent discovery has not stopped him becoming an instant world authority on why some are no longer in "use" (as if Jimmy follows any of the commandment's) and unsurprisingly the removal of one is heavily linked to the lose the name game.
Didn't you know there were 15 Commandments? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZA2mBntrHk
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Skeleton wrote:Didn't you know there were 15 Commandments?
I had the misfortune to attend a Church School so indeed I did, Jimmy obviously wasn't awake during R.E. at his school so has only just found out.

That video is awesome :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Jimmy One Cell has EXPOSED Quatloos !!! :haha: :haha: :haha:

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by NYGman »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:Jimmy One Cell has EXPOSED Quatloos !!! :haha: :haha: :haha:

For those without YouTube at work, can anyone provide a Summary.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

NYGman wrote:
Wake Up! Productions wrote:Jimmy One Cell has EXPOSED Quatloos !!! :haha: :haha: :haha:

For those without YouTube at work, can anyone provide a Summary.
He got a takedown notice from Youtube regarding the recent courtroom video. Apparently someone filed a "privacy complaint". Then he goes on a 2 minute rant claiming that it was someone on Q that filed the complaint, yet he provides no proof !!!
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
NYGman wrote:
Wake Up! Productions wrote:Jimmy One Cell has EXPOSED Quatloos !!! :haha: :haha: :haha:

For those without YouTube at work, can anyone provide a Summary.
He got a takedown notice from Youtube regarding the recent courtroom video. Apparently someone filed a "privacy complaint". Then he goes on a 2 minute rant claiming that it was someone on Q that filed the complaint, yet he provides no proof !!!
So he's posts up an illegal recording of Court proceedings, then cries like a baby when it's taken down, classic ! :snooty:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:Jimmy One Cell has EXPOSED Quatloos !!! :haha: :haha: :haha:

That video is hilarious. jimmy claims that the purpose of this thread is to "piss him off" and then goes on to say that it doesn't bother him at all. Fair enough, but then he asks that if anyone has any personal information on any of us, such as a phone number or an ip address, he is willing to pay for that info.
Not bothered jimmy? Are you sure? You contradict yourself. You appear to be extremely bothered. jimmy offering money for something that doesn't bother him? You couldn't make that one up.
jimmy, you have admitted that you read this thread. I invite you to register here and come and discuss your beliefs with us.
You up for that, jimmy? We can't debate with you on GOOFs because we would get banned after making a few posts. You won't get banned on here, so get your arse over here and let us have a proper debate. What is stopping you?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.