Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by YiamCross »

Not close enough to get a phone call asking to stump up bail money then? Probably best to keep the relationship distant.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by grixit »

Seelenblut wrote:

The Latin word Impressum, used in German, has no exact translation in modern English. It is a legally required statement of the ownership and authorship of a document, which must be included in books, newspapers, magazines and websites published in Germany and other German-speaking countries. There is no equivalent legislation in the UK or US, and therefore no consistent legal term is used in English-speaking media.
No consistent term, but there is a very common one: "boilerplate".
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by HardyW »

In my experience "boilerplate" isn't very common, and where I've seen that word it means almost the same as "template" i.e. a bit of text or computer code that is dropped into place without adapting it to the circumstances. Not really what we are looking at here. "Impressum" is mostly found in German, the English equivalent is "imprint" but you don't see that word used as a link. I often find the only way to discover who is the publisher of a website (unless it's given on an "About" page) is to study the Terms and Conditions.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones »

What ever happened to:

WeRe Car Insurance
WeRe Gold Backed Currency
The infamous WeRe Bank Christmas present of the Keshe Foundation
The Financial Crash predicted by Peter

Every single claim made by Peter Fraud of England has turned out to be a lie. Yet the Re member's (or mushrooms as I like to call them as Peter keeps them in the dark and feeds them on sh*t) lap up his every word, as if he is the second coming.

You would think they would get the hint, not even Colon promotes WeRe bank anymore, I guess Peter stopped paying him to help advertise it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Bones wrote:What ever happened to:

WeRe Car Insurance
WeRe Gold Backed Currency
The infamous WeRe Bank Christmas present of the Keshe Foundation
The Financial Crash predicted by Peter
Don't forget that "class action" he promised. He was begging for donations to fund that one. Also he claimed he was going to blow Quatloos to the four corners of the earth.
I don't know about you, but I think I can see a pattern emerging here. I am beginning to think that Peter is full of shit.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
Bones wrote:What ever happened to:

WeRe Car Insurance
WeRe Gold Backed Currency
The infamous WeRe Bank Christmas present of the Keshe Foundation
The Financial Crash predicted by Peter
Don't forget that "class action" he promised. He was begging for donations to fund that one. Also he claimed he was going to blow Quatloos to the four corners of the earth.
I don't know about you, but I think I can see a pattern emerging here. I am beginning to think that Peter is full of shit.
How could I have forgotten about the class action.. Didn't Peter Fraud of England start up a crowd funding page for that.

As for being blown to the four corners, having seen the WeRe Bank Massage Parlour, I will give that one a miss - When it comes to WeRe Bank there is never a happy ending (did you see what I did there, another Thailand reference)
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Bones wrote:Didn't Peter Fraud of England start up a crowd funding page for that.
More likely a clown funding page.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones »
Peter Fraud of England wrote:CROWD FUNDING TARGET 1 – GOING TO THE COUNTRY –



FURTHER WE WILL SHOW THAT “YOU ARE LEGAL TENDER ABSOLUTE” (see YALTA 1 and YALTA 2 Agreements) IN FACT THE – Ultimate Legal Tender CX the Bank’s [Bank of England’s] promissory notes which are backed only by the agreement of the bank to pay, but to pay what with what? Well, just to pay again with the same piece of paper that was the original promise, made only the minute before, was made with! Makes the head spin does it not?


Banks pay for governments and NOT the other way around as governments “ab initio” require money to get them started. In return the government has to ReWard the facilitator with energy for what they have been facilitated to do. It’s all to do with POWER and CONTROL, DOMINANCE, COERCION AND WAR.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones » ... 9179700768
Peter Fraud of England wrote:SET UP A CROWD FUNDING APPEAL TO SEND Peter of England to Iceland in some style with a mission!

Iceland maybe radical but it's NOT radical enough!

I have already contacted Frosti Sigurjohnnson as well as the PM's office back in April before the first cheque books went out.
Together we can do this....any takers?

Maybe now's the time for me to Visit and work with them...?
We could have a Re-ciprocal arrangement and do to the UK Cabal what the Icelanders did to the bankers over their, almost! SEND THEM PACKING
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones »

oh the joy and laughter Peter has given us
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Bones wrote:oh the joy and laughter Peter has given us
Deep joy....deep joy.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

Something a little lengthy ... I call it 3 WeRe checks, 2 morons and a pizza place ... I mean bank.

It's a youtube video where two Austrian WeRe fans are interviewed about their experience with WeRe checks and the police. I thought it warranted translation and sharing as it let's the "victims" talk about their experience. They sell it as a win, but we'll see if that is true ...

The video (the events described therein happened on January 27th) features Joe "Freeman" Kreissl (JK), an Austrian freeman of the first hour who makes a good living with WeRe lectures, to the left, interviewing Mario Neurauter (MN), on the right, and Friedrun "Wuki" Hanreich (FH). If you understand a bit of German you will realize quickly that all involved talk in a - not too thick - dialect and that Mario and Friedrun rarely ever form complete sentences.
(0:01-0:40) - Just the Greeting
JK greets the audience after a title insert ("public documentation of the non-acceptance of bonds by the Sparkasse OÖ [Savings Bank Upper Austria] by using a police protocol"), and then introduces the couple and the basic premise that they had planned to tender some WeRe checks for clearance and that the situation had escalated and so they now make a video with the experience still fresh.
(0:41-2:22) - Almost according to plan
FH: We went to the bank and wanted to go to the mail room and asked the doorman where that is ... we were sent to the counter ... and then they phoned a lot ... a lot ... "you can't do that, what are we going to do, how do we do that, for god’s sake" ... and then a man came ... and we had a letter of acceptance in an envelope with the checks ...

MN: And a letter of non-acceptance ...

FH: A letter of acceptance and a letter of non-acceptance ... and we just wanted a ...

JK: Signature.

FH: Yes. No other way to put it. And, well ... he said he won't do it. We asked why. He just said he wouldn't do it. I asked why and told him he couldn't just do that ... and he said "of course I can" ... and just turned and left. So ... we said we will stay, we are here with 15.000 Euro and ... that’s the credit installment ... they have demanded payment ... we want to know why, how, what ... what is happening right now.

JK: It's money ... why don't you want my money.
So it's pretty obvious they went to the bank with a "script" in their head full of common law nonsense, either getting the bank to accept the checks - or getting them to sign a letter of non-acceptance (I don't know what was in that letter, but I am almost sure that in their little world it would have meant the cancellation of their debt). I respect the guy at the bank simply turning them away and ruining their little plan.

Something else becomes clear as the interview goes on ... the two are not the brightest candles in the window and they obviously don't quite understand what they are talking about, even in reference to their own fantasy world. The script for this venture probably came from someone else, and they find it difficult to keep their facts, ideas and terminologies straight and need JK to help them out a few times.
(2:23-4:16) - At least one side knows what they are doing
FH: And ... he came back again with a note ... with the warning by the financial authority ... and Mario has started to read some parts aloud. We didn't want to do that ... i mean withdraw money ... we wanted to deposit something ... and ...

MN: It was about ... he quoted the warning that you [towards JK] told us about a few days ago.

JK: The FMA [Financial Market Authority] warning.

MN: The FMA warning where it says that WeRe bank has no license in Austria and is not allowed to do business in Austria ... not allowed to issue anything, no checks, no accounts, and so on ... so I told him that's not what this is about. And they don't offer anything in Austria ... it's an English bank.

JK: It's like having a check from a friend in America ... that's it ... the bank doesn't operate [air quotes] "in" Austria.

MN: Exactly, that's why we were ready ... with a Chinese check we would also have a bit of a discussion ... we were ready for some argument. Well, it continued on like that ... it was interesting because they just refused to ... the letter of acceptance ... to sign the letter. We would have been fine if they had signed the non-acceptance ... and it wasn't even about the checks ... but about the envelope ... we just wanted to deliver a letter. Like a mailman coming in ... having a note where you have to cross ... accepted ... or send back ... not accepted ... same thing ... or left.

JK: Moved.

MN: Moved, something.

JK: Moved ... cheeky.

MN: I don't know if a mailman would have been treated like that if he entered a bank.

JK: Surely not.
The FMA is our national financial regulatory authority - an authority that is obviously so incompetent that within the European Union's newly defined Single Supervisory Mechanism it has become responsible for helping define common procedures used by all EU member countries specifically, of all things, in the area of bank licensing - and can't possible know what it is talking about when it warns banks and customers of fraudulent institutions.

Also, comparing the WeRe checks with a check from an American friend ... when they themselves filled out the check in Austria? I am confused.
(4:17-6:05) - Almost arrested ... by the morons
MN: While talking to the first clerk I was also on the telephone and I got the idea that we could call the police and the police can document the non-acceptance of our letter. We needed some confirmation. We went to the bank in Linz [state capital] with 15.000 Euro in the pocket ... when normally ... when normally, in the past, we would have done so with cash. We are now doing it with checks ... and we came to the head office because we wanted to get it done quickly ... and ... well, we had the idea with the police. We demanded that they call the police ... the next time I call myself, I have learned that. And while we were waiting for the doorman to get the permission to call the police we noticed some people leaving the ship ... amongst them the guy that had earlier said ... had explained to us ... he is the man in charge and nobody is going to sign our letters, acceptance or non-acceptance.

FH: I addressed him right there, that I want him to stay, so the police documents what he is saying and talks with him about it ... that he didn’t accept it, just like the others ... and he said he doesn't care what we think or what I wish for ... and then he left. He left despite of it.

MN: I should have arrested him ... I didn't remember the paragraph. I will read up on that later today.
I am glad for their sake that they "forgot" how to arrest someone, because that could have turned ugly ... well, actually, it might have turned hilarious (yes, we are that harmless in Austria) and now I am disappointed that they didn’t try.

So they compare their WeRe checks with cash, but they didn't try this at their local branch ... they prepared some freeman hogwash letters, went to the head office of the bank, single-mindedly focused on getting some kind of confirmation for their efforts in some confused mixture of WeRe bank delusion and common law bullshit. It shows the general confused state of the Austrian freeman/sovereign movement, which is in many cases based on bad translations and changing theories.
(6:06-7:42) - Actually arrested ... kind of
MN: Well, we waited a little until the police arrived. I tried to be the first to greet them, standing right at the entrance. I tried to shake their hands and explain why they were called, especially tell them that we have asked for them, that it was our wish. But they walked right past us to the doorman and a clerk who was handling the case. After they told us to be quiet because he is talking with them now, they had a short conversation ... that it was about WeRe checks ... and they totally missed the subject. It was an argument about the content of the envelope ... but that would only have been the second step.

JK: You were still owners of the documents ... you hadn't handed over the envelope yet.

MN: No ... and so ... well, it’s interesting. Well, we talked with the police right there a bit but we didn't ... we weren't really able to say a lot. Explain the situation ... that wasn't possible. And we then agreed to go with them to calmly clarify the issue ... because ... we still needed the confirmation that we were at the bank with 15.000 Euro ... because ... we wanted to lend ... what we have to lend ... because that's important.
The Austrian police might not know that much about the freeman issue, but when they arrive at a bank where two confused hippies argue about common law and a bank teller talks about check fraud, I am pretty sure who they take more serious.

I am also a bit confused because - why is he talking about lending? And later she talks about donation? Obviously I don't know enough about Freeman and OPPT yet ... or they don't.
(7:43-8:15) - A human being, a person and a strawman enter the police station ...
JK: And so you went along to the police station?

MN: Exactly, and ... we explained in between that we are human beings and that we are not the person. It was a little funny when they brought us water and asked if the water was for the human being or the person. We chatted a bit out of order ... and after a while they separated us, so we could have proper conversations. And we then let them record what happened, from our point of view.
I am glad the Austrian police took it with humour. And "separation for a proper conversation" is just a polite term for interrogation, isn't it?
(8:16-10:01) - Serious Fraud? We're not serious ...
JK: Now I have to intersect so we don't lose the thread ... why the protocol?

MN: Because we needed a confirmation.

JK: And that lead to a protocol?

MN: Well, it's ... oh, yes, sorry ... there was ... there was the suspicion of serious fraud in the air.

JK: That's what I wanted to hear.

MN: So we were charged today.

JK: Exactly ... you went to the police station and suddenly you were faced with an accusation of serious fraud.

MN: Exactly. Exactly.

FH: And that was a little later ... first we have ... well, recorded information ... and then we were like "hey, we are human beings" ... as a human being ...

MN: Then they said "what do you have to do with the freemen"

FH: And then, when we were separated ... well, there came a federal police officer in ... and I asked him "I am a human being" and if he knows about that subject ... and he said yes ... he confirmed that ... and we came back to that subject repeatedly ... it was quite interesting. But then he confronted me with the fact ... "you are accused of serious suspicion of fraud, I can put you into jail for 48 hours investigative custody, right away" ... and I only stood there and thought ... for god’s sake. I went to the bank with my checks ... which is money ... a donation ... wanting to pay credit instalments ... what just happened?

JK: You walk to the bank with 15.000 Euro and the bank shuts itself off and doesn't let you in. It’s unbelievable ...

FH: That was the moment where I sat there and thought ... wow ... what just happened?
The sad thing is that the "what just happened" priceless babbling moment will likely not lead her to rethinking the whole scheme ... or her involvement in the freeman idea.

So we come to the centre of the whole event and something that the headline casually ignored. The police didn't come to "protocol the non-acceptance of the bank" ... it came to investigate fraud accusations, and nothing they say or show later in the video gives any other impression.
(10:02-11:16) - How time flies.
JK: And you had to record everything that happened?

MN: We have talked for a total of about 4 hours until we left the first office. We have used up a lot of time to inform the men and women ... girls ... that ran around there ... let's put it that way ... to inform them how things are working and what is happening. We did want to leave before 5 PM because we wanted to go to the court because of a notarization ... we still had plans. After it was 5:30 PM that chance was gone. The good thing is, we have our confirmation.

JK: Right, that’s documented now ... officially documented that the acceptance was denied ... by the police.

MN: Exactly, we have a protocol that states this was about 3 checks, each valued 5.000 Euro ... I can show that ... so we show that what we are talking about happened today.
I want to point to the fact that they use 3 checks with 5.000 Euro each instead of one 15.000 Euro check, which I find a little weird. I seems that checks over 5.000 Euro have to be "approved" by registering additional information with WeRe, about the payment they are used for. I haven't noticed that in the English WeRe stuff so far, but might just have overlooked it. In any case, they try to avoid that by using several checks, it seems ... sneaky.

So they were slightly inconvenienced by a 4 hour interrogation at the police station. But all is good, because they got some documents for their effort. And in those documents the police supports their story, right? Well, let's see ...
(11:17:12:24) - Proof? You can't handle the proof ...
MN: Here we have a Seizure-Protocol ...

(Document front held up into camera - title reads: SEARCH - SEIZURE PROTOCOL)

MN: Mario Neurauter and Friedrun Hanreich were the persons we had in our pockets. And on the backside on the top there are the 3 checks, 5.000 Euro each, and WeRe bank listed below as ... agent.

(Document backside held up - lists several items as confiscated)

3 checks (5.000 Euro each, WeRe Bank)
1 letter (letter of acceptance, letter of non-acceptance, copy of checks)
1 envelope (addressed at Sparkasse OÖ)

Date given - "January 27th, 2016"

Additional information - "Seizure according to § 110 StPO" (Code of Criminal Procedure, Seizure by Federal Police)

MN: And so everything was recorded ... what we needed today. It took 5 hours ... and we had breakfast and now some grapes and we are looking forward, with our dogs, to have dinner and then fall into bed. We do have our confirmation now, after we just checked what we needed ... the confirmation that the bank didn't accept our payment ... our payment of the credit instalments denied ... denied accepting our checks and our letter. We have expected a lot today ... but had almost given up hope that would happen.
Yes, that's their big success - their WeRe checks were confiscated as evidence and they got a "receipt". In their world that means they have the police on their side and they documented the dishonour by the bank. In my world I would be worried about the police confiscating documents as evidence to support some serious charges.

By the way, good for them that they had a "person in their pocket", which I assume means ID ... without that they would probably have spent the night at the police station - we do have pretty strict identity laws, even for "human beings". But it's a bit of a cop-out from the freeman idea to acknowledge that, isn't it?

Anyway, serious Fraud (§ 147 StGB - Criminal Law) defines, amongst different variations of fraud, the "use of falsified, manipulated or alienated non-cash means-of-payment" as a violation worth 3 years (any fraud with a value exceeding 3.000 Euro would get the same - over 50.000 Euro you can face up to 10 years).

In a legal remark (RS 0120982, July 11th, 2006) the Austrian Supreme Court clarifies that, for § 147 to be eligible in case of fake checks presented to a bank, it is irrelevant that the bank would normally be able to realize the fraud due to their internal control and clearing mechanisms, because a valuta transfer could potentially happen, for example if safety mechanisms fail.

After looking through a few cases I found that, even if they can escape that charge, they might face § 241b StGB ("acceptance, transfer or possession of falsified or manipulated non-cash means-of-payment"). It only gets you a year, but even the possession of unused WeRe checks becomes a problem that way.
(12:25-14:50) - Some final words ...
JK: I think a lot of people out there are interested in that ... we have a lot of people that go to a bank with checks like that, that are probably confronted with the bank pulling back like a frightened snail, closing all doors, getting the police ... and that's frightening ... very frightening.

MN: Yes, that happened the last time several decades ago.

JK: I think it is necessary that we talk about this publicly and so I thank you for your willingness to ...

MN: Thank you for the idea and the opportunity.

JK: And I would tell the people out there who use WeRe bank already to not get fazed by the Financial Market Administration throwing smoke grenades, with arguments that have no relevance to the case ... that WeRe bank is a regular ... under quotes ... participant of the international money system and doesn't need an Austrian license for that ... it's about bigger law than Austrian law. So, bearing that in mind, to the people at the FMA and all other interested bankers watching this ... it's all very interesting and we should stay in an open dialog and not - because we don't have the right arguments - close the door from one side.

And then JK's says goodbye to the audience.
We know we have reached the end because of the Nazi reference ("... several decades ago." is clearly understood in this context - yes, a 4 hour interrogation at a comfortable Austrian police station, being accused of fraud, is almost like being send to a concentration camp - it's not like Austria has a delicate history that should make these people think twice before comparisons like that).

So in the end it's the usual WeRe story ... no hint of a success, more problems for the ignorant victims and more bullshit by the "helpful" WeRe gurus. Supposedly "it's about bigger law than Austrian law" ... but, right now, for those two, it's exactly about Austrian law - Austrian criminal law, to be exact.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

Bones wrote: How could I have forgotten about the class action.. Didn't Peter Fraud of England start up a crowd funding page for that.
The fatal flaw with PoE's crowdfunding rally cry was that, because neither he nor WeRe Bank has a bank account, there was no way he could set up a crowdfunding account. This is because - on all the crowdfunding platforms - the funds raised by supporters are sent to the recipient by cheque or bank transfer (an actual bank transfer using Swift, not Spit and Swallow) .

I'm sure Peter thought that if he said he needed to raise £250,000 by crowdfunding, the punters would just send more cash to Ducie Street.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Chaos »

mufc1959 wrote: The fatal flaw with PoE's crowdfunding rally cry was that,
he doesn't accept his own fake currency.
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Bones wrote:
Peter Fraud of England wrote:CROWD FUNDING TARGET 1 – GOING TO THE COUNTRY –



FURTHER WE WILL SHOW THAT “YOU ARE LEGAL TENDER ABSOLUTE” (see YALTA 1 and YALTA 2 Agreements) IN FACT THE – Ultimate Legal Tender CX the Bank’s [Bank of England’s] promissory notes which are backed only by the agreement of the bank to pay, but to pay what with what? Well, just to pay again with the same piece of paper that was the original promise, made only the minute before, was made with! Makes the head spin does it not?


Banks pay for governments and NOT the other way around as governments “ab initio” require money to get them started. In return the government has to ReWard the facilitator with energy for what they have been facilitated to do. It’s all to do with POWER and CONTROL, DOMINANCE, COERCION AND WAR.
And yet more unintended comedy, and an even bigger chance for grift that will go no where but PoE's pocket. I think who ever the funding provider is needs to be advised of what they are being used for.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

notorial dissent wrote: And yet more unintended comedy, and an even bigger chance for grift that will go no where but PoE's pocket. I think who ever the funding provider is needs to be advised of what they are being used for.
There is no funding provider. Like saying he's giving everyone car insurance or discounts off Keshe Magraf Generators, PoE thinks that just because he says something it'll magically happen. All he did was put up a page on the WeRe Bank website saying that he wanted to crowdfund £250K, but the reality is that he can't set up an account with a funding provider because neither he nor WeRe Bank has a bank account for the funds raised to be transferred to.

I helped a friend set up a crowdfunding page a while ago and you have to give bank account details when you register. 75-01-18 and 88888888 ain't gonna do it.
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

mufc1959 wrote:
notorial dissent wrote: And yet more unintended comedy, and an even bigger chance for grift that will go no where but PoE's pocket. I think who ever the funding provider is needs to be advised of what they are being used for.
There is no funding provider. Like saying he's giving everyone car insurance or discounts off Keshe Magraf Generators, PoE thinks that just because he says something it'll magically happen. All he did was put up a page on the WeRe Bank website saying that he wanted to crowdfund £250K, but the reality is that he can't set up an account with a funding provider because neither he nor WeRe Bank has a bank account for the funds raised to be transferred to.

I helped a friend set up a crowdfunding page a while ago and you have to give bank account details when you register. 75-01-18 and 88888888 ain't gonna do it.
I hadn't realized it was DYI effort, rather like WeReNotABank, in which case I don't expect much to come of it, and at this point he has no banking access, and I can pretty well guarantee that any he gets will be quickly shut down once it is reported. Banks really don't like being used for fraudulent transfers, gets them in trouble.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Chaos wrote:
mufc1959 wrote: The fatal flaw with PoE's crowdfunding rally cry was that,
he doesn't accept his own fake currency.
I'd have thought the fatal flaw was that his crowd is in desperate need of funding.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Chaos »

PeanutGallery wrote:
Chaos wrote:
mufc1959 wrote: The fatal flaw with PoE's crowdfunding rally cry was that,
he doesn't accept his own fake currency.
I'd have thought the fatal flaw was that his crowd is in desperate need of funding.
there certainly is that too.
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Wake Up! Productions
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Chaos wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote:
Chaos wrote: he doesn't accept his own fake currency.
I'd have thought the fatal flaw was that his crowd is in desperate need of funding.
there certainly is that too.
Couldn't he have just used "universal energy" to create the money out of THIN AIR, the way the REal banks do ??? :haha: