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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Jeffrey »

Key point of the video is about 8 minutes in. Jimbo states that he's managed to turn a £1,500 debt into £30,000.

I also like where he says 80% of your money goes to the government. In reality government spending is only 40% of GDP in the UK (comparable to the U.S.).
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

mufc1959 wrote:He's also going to sign on soon. How're you going to manage that, if you've lost the name, Jimbo? And how will that help your bankruptcy, if you're 'officially' on benefits? There'll be no possibility of paying off your creditors.
Sale of his house will pay his creditors. Jimmy is probably signing on because he can't do anything else. If he worked for someone or for himself, his bankruptcy will, by now, be common knowledge and no one will give him credit. I wouldn't be surprised if benefits are considered covering basic needs and the receiver won't take much of an interest. Whose couch he's sleeping on is going to be the question.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

Jeffrey wrote:Key point of the video is about 8 minutes in. Jimbo states that he's managed to turn a £1,500 debt into £30,000..
Ouch... unbelievable stupid, shades of Tom Crawford £43k debt, lost a home worth £150k add on £100k+ costs, lost £250k over £43k - frightening in their stupidity really.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
mufc1959 wrote:He's also going to sign on soon. How're you going to manage that, if you've lost the name, Jimbo? And how will that help your bankruptcy, if you're 'officially' on benefits? There'll be no possibility of paying off your creditors.
Sale of his house will pay his creditors. Jimmy is probably signing on because he can't do anything else. If he worked for someone or for himself, his bankruptcy will, by now, be common knowledge and no one will give him credit. I wouldn't be surprised if benefits are considered covering basic needs and the receiver won't take much of an interest. Whose couch he's sleeping on is going to be the question.
I know that Jimmy is in a hell all of his own making but I can't take pleasure in seeing a man turn a £1,500 debt into something nearer £30k.

There was a meeting of creditors on Thursday this week and first item on the agenda was remuneration levels for the Trustee, I guess that'll have been a big yes to a large wedge.

It's just beginning to dawn on Jim - finally - that his house is now very much at risk. All because he swallowed the red pill rather than the blue.

It's his own fault and he's responsible for his own decisions in life but I think it's tragic that he'll now most probably lose not only his name but his house.

He says he wants to be an example to "wake people up" but the only lesson anyone will take away from this nonsense is pay your CT or put your home at risk.

Despite all of this he still says he won't pay "them" a penny which is tilting at windmills. The more he digs in his heels the more fees the Trustee will take from equity in chez Jim.

Most of the time bankrupts are "skint members" with nothing for the creditors (or the Trustee) to chase and the OR just let things run for 12 months. BUT don't have a wedge of equity in your home and tweak the tiger's tail.

He is fatally wedded to the made-up freeman concept of "joinder" saying that he won't give it but concedes that they "make their own anyway" which is, Jim, proof positive that the concept is dead in the water.

I watched Jim bluster and swear at the elderly process server and there are aspects to his character that are quite unattractive but I am uncomfortable at the Trustee cashing in on Jim's idiocy. What will they be charging? Perhaps anything between £50 & £100 an hour? He's "feeding the beast" with his obstinacy, the very beast he decries. It is very sad.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by littleFred »

I take no joy in a person's downfall, even when it was his own fault. In a long GOOFy thread started in October 2014, Jimmy boasted "i haven't payed for years now". The usual suspects encouraged him, but a few people warned him:
deca321 wrote:The problem with council tax is that if you are the owner of the property, and you don't pay anything for years, the council will or might come after the property in the end.
Jimmy's predictable reaction:
jimmyw wrote:what is this bollox you knob? thats shill talk delete it please
Far-sighted Jimmy had a couple of fall-back plans:
jimmyw wrote:the trick is to SAVE the money you would normaly spend on CT. see how long you can take it before you have to capitulate and set up a payment plan.

you have nothing to lose any everything to gain, with the funds in reserve you always have a get out of jail card. if you do things right you wont need it. and if you can not pay indefinatly, you get to keep your wad of savings. :D

if you need to bug out for whatever reason.... you have optionss. even a were bank cheque perhaps... they are working a treat for CT.
In August 2015:
jimmyw wrote:they were trying to say they would bankrupt me this time last year.
So recent events can't have surprised him.

October 2015:
jimmyw wrote:i'm here to tell you that if you that i don't give a fuck what these evil scum ***** try to do to me.... its just adds to my resolve. they are trying to make me bankrupt now... hahaaha fucking losers. i sent it back ANRRTS.
jimmyw wrote:even IF anything were to happen i've got a nice healthy war chest saved up, and can easily buy my way out of trouble.
Well, it has turned out not to be so easy.

Yet, Silly SalliNae can still churn out optimism:
SalliNae wrote:What I cannot fathom is why one particular path is so wrong. For when all is said and done, no namers are physically doing something and finding happiness in doing so.
Salli, have you listened to Jimmy? Do you really think he is "finding happiness"? She still asks her eternal question:
SalliNae wrote:Moreover, asking a Judge or Barrister whether is illegal to use a legal name seems a perfectly sensible question to ask. Why not ask it?
Because it's not "perfectly sensible". For one thing, here in England and Wales we don't have legal names. We just have names, full stop. And, as Jimmy correctly says, we can change them if we want. And the question is just as sensible as asking, say:
littleFred wrote:It is illegal to use a bannana?
The answer is of course, "It depends." Some uses are legal. Others are not. Using a multitude of names to evade tax isn't legal.

Sorry, Sally, but Jimmy's path to evade his taxes, and thereby steal from the rest of us, isn't working. It is harming himself and he now, rightly, discourages anyone from following him.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by longdog »

I'm afraid I have precisely zero sympathy for the idiot. This utter pig's breakfast situation is entirely of his own making and he's all but admitted that he has turned the minor drama of not paying his council tax into a monumental crisis which is going to completely ruin him. Rather than admit he's made a disaster of the whole thing and try to save what he can he's still more interested in playing Billy-Big-Bollocks on the internet to a handful of fellow cretins and lunatics who will happily encourage him in his madness until he has nothing left at all.

F*** him quite frankly. He bought it all on himself through his stupidity, arrogance and desire to be a hero to bunch of morons.

I feel more sorry for the dog than him.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by mufc1959 »

I hope people answer his rallying cry in his latest YouTube monologue to turn up mob-handed at court to prevent him from being taken away to the cells. I'm sure when the day of eviction comes there'll be a similar call-to-arms. But, unlike the 'poor cancer-sufferer, Tom Crawford', a dope-smoking gobshite isn't likely to garner the support of the Daily Mail.

It seems One-Cell's BFF Robswift has abandoned him too. He seems to have gone AWOL from Goofyland.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't feel the least bit of sympathy for no brains, if he is getting a screwing, it is of his own design and orchestration. He has brought everything that has happened to him on by dint of his own efforts, and rather than man up and be honest, he just digs in further and comes up with more stupid. His cohorts are equally guilty for egging him on. I am simply dazzled at the amount and level of stupidity collected there. I keep wondering how these people feed and dress themselves each day, let alone attend to complicated actions.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

Sorry, I find it impossible to have any sympathy for one cell.

He is still deluded and like Tom Crawfraud, only has himself and GOODF to blame.

As with the Crawfrauds, plenty of people have tried to help one cell but he has just called them names and verbally abused them.

If you listen to one cell's video he says what he has done has worked upto now. No one cell, it has not worked at all, that is why you have been made bankrupt, your girlfriend has left you, your former friends home was raided by the Police and you are now on the verge of losing your home. They are not coming after you hard because of your youtube channel or the information you put out as it is all complete nonsense. They are coming after you because you because you did not pay your council tax (wonder why he didn't pay with a WeRe Cheque as he claimed they work) and followed the idiotic claims of Colon and co.

One cell has actively encouraged people to commit fraud, with the DD clawbacks - something GOODF, did nothing to stop.

Thanks to GOODF and the rubbish it promotes we know that Tom Crawfraud has lost £10,000's in equity and one cell has seen a relatively small debt grow to the point where he has been made bankrupt and going to lose his home.

I would love to know how much extra debt people have got into following the ideas and claims made on GOODF.

Sympathy ? No when it comes to these idiots they are with the help of GOODF their own worst enemy.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

Bones wrote:They are not coming after you hard because of your youtube channel or the information you put out as it is all complete nonsense.
It's baffling that he thinks himself so important to these mysterious powers that be, such that they would expend the energy to try and take him down, when he only has barely over a thousand YouTube subscribers. He's not a Julian Assange type character, he's a deadbeat who decided not to pay his council tax and thought he could con his way around the system and skirt responsibility.

He's finding out that what he tried doesn't work. If it worked, it would have worked. It's not that it worked but they won't let it work, so they've made it look like it didn't work or are pretending that it didn't actually work, it's that it didn't work in the first place.

Jimmy like Tom Crawford and Ebert and Guy Taylor and all the others we've seen fall down this rabbit hole into oblivion are so convinced that they ignore the evidence showing it not working and instead blame everything BUT their ideas for their downfall. Jimmy you are losing your house because of a tiny insignificant debt, that could easily have been paid off, and it's not to make an example of you. If it was everyone would be being evicted. You talk as though we are in a dictatorship, try reading about Park Yeon-Mi's life, or any memoir of North Korea. That is what a dictatorship is like. What you are is idiotically deluded. We are free here. Last week I was free to choose to go to Mayrhofen and strap wood to myself to slide down a mountain. It was fun (and then hurty).

Frankly I think it's a shame that you've gone and ruined your life because of a tiny debt, but being honest. We told you it was going to happen, you told us to f*** off, called us names and insulted us. Now you are losing your house, because it's due to bankruptcy you might get labelled intentionally homeless (and lets face it it wouldn't be far wrong) that will mean that you won't be a priority for rehousing. In all honesty I'd start hoping that we have a few warm winters (I'll be hoping for cold ones - it's better for snow to slide down mountains on and not because it will make your life more miserable, I don't really care what happens to you, I don't actually think many people do).
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »

Quite frankly this man is one of a list of people who are a menace and a danger to the desperate.
I first contacted him to inform that he had made errors preparing his cheque for his gas/electric bill, I also pointed out that it did not matter as he had wasted £35 on an Un-Re al banking system. Jimmy took Re Al exception to this , so he got my attention and with delight I have helped him along his path :snicker: .
He is a pathetic creature, he deserves all that comes his way.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

IMO there is only one available option where idiots like jimmy are concerned and that is to point at them and laugh. I find it funny that Mr Know-it-all has shown that he knows fuck all.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

It is actually heartening to see that no one appears to have any sympathy for him. I nearly posted a couple of days ago along the lines of Peanut and Vampire but I decided not to, other than to point out the first thing he did after his last court appearance, was to get straight back on to to GOODF and advise others to follow his 'return to sender. lose the name route."
That is why Jimmy deserves no sympathy, like Taylor, like Crawford, he is quite happy to drag others down into the same hole he is in. Taylor and Crawford though at least make some attempt to be part of society, Jimmy want's no part of society but now wants to claim Benefits, no doubt because he thinks it will help pay his CT off.
At the start I just thought he was the local village idiot who did stupid things that were amusing, but he has moved on from that, egged on by his loyal fan base of at least 5 on GOODF, who to be fair are matched with just as many who see Jimmy for what he actually is.

A disagreeable free loading c**k.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

exiledscouser wrote:There was a meeting of creditors on Thursday this week and first item on the agenda was remuneration levels for the Trustee, I guess that'll have been a big yes to a large wedge.
I had some thoughts about that. I think as the trustee is at or near the front of the queue for the money, they have to give an estimate of their costs, because what's left is what everyone else gets a cut of. If Jimmy didn't have the house everything would probably stop and Jimmy would stay bankrupt until he decided to co-operate. Because he has the house they have to go through the process of estimating how much comes off the top before it gets shared out. So, let's say Jimmy's place is worth £90k forced sale. Trustee/court estimates £20k costs. Council Tax want £5k. Couple of k for estate agent / auction / selling solicitor. That leaves £60+k. Mortgage is £30k say, loan £14k so everyone can get paid. Court says go ahead. If Jimmy's house does a Crawford and sells for £45k, then some things get paid in full by law, other debts get a cut of what is left. It's all to do with who gets what cut and keeping the court up to date with the figures.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by littleFred »

Over on GOOFy, Jimmy has claimed to own a number of properties under different names, paying no CT on any of them. Given his tendency to lying, we might or might not believe this.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

Given stringent Money Laundering regulations I very much doubt this !

Also, why would he give 'a mates' address to put the Trustees off the scent, why not one of his other alleged properties!?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by littleFred »

Perhaps he did. Perhaps Jimmy owns the property but his mate lives in it, paying rent to Jimmy under the table. Does anyone know how Jimmy earns his daily crust?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

littleFred wrote:Perhaps he did. Perhaps Jimmy owns the property but his mate lives in it, paying rent to Jimmy under the table. Does anyone know how Jimmy earns his daily crust?
Doubt it. You might have managed to do this in the 70s or 80s but, as has been said, money laundering rules and other changes would have put a stop to it. Besides, unless both Jimmy and all his tenants and creditors have never needed to resort to the law, the system would fall down sooner or later.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by vampireLOREN »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
exiledscouser wrote:There was a meeting of creditors on Thursday this week and first item on the agenda was remuneration levels for the Trustee, I guess that'll have been a big yes to a large wedge.
I had some thoughts about that. I think as the trustee is at or near the front of the queue for the money, they have to give an estimate of their costs, because what's left is what everyone else gets a cut of. If Jimmy didn't have the house everything would probably stop and Jimmy would stay bankrupt until he decided to co-operate. Because he has the house they have to go through the process of estimating how much comes off the top before it gets shared out. So, let's say Jimmy's place is worth £90k forced sale. Trustee/court estimates £20k costs. Council Tax want £5k. Couple of k for estate agent / auction / selling solicitor. That leaves £60+k. Mortgage is £30k say, loan £14k so everyone can get paid. Court says go ahead. If Jimmy's house does a Crawford and sells for £45k, then some things get paid in full by law, other debts get a cut of what is left. It's all to do with who gets what cut and keeping the court up to date with the figures.
One has to wonder if PoE attended the meeting, after all it might just be possible that pete is holding a PN to an alleged value of £150,000. These people are all wonderful ....they :snicker: have brightened my year.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

Actually VL in raising the PN something is immediately obvious. The Trustee stands in Jim's shoes; in all matters financial the Turstee IS Jim. If Peter of Poundland's scheme had any merit whatsoever then Jim's PN would have a value of some sort and you can bet your life the Trustee would been all over it, calling it in. After all, the Trustee won't be buying any vintage Bordeaux unless he secures something of value to realise.

Trustees are ALWAYS first in line when it comes to pay day from the bankrupts estate. They rarely accept anything less than £1 for £1. It must be the case or none of them would accept the job and they'd soon be as bankrupt as their charges. It's the creditors who get the table scraps once the Trustee is paid - in full. In this case they might actually all see their claims settled in full. Jim claims to have paid no CT for years so it might be more than the £1,300 we all think they are chasing.

I'd just be guessing at what equity there is in Jim's gaff but it is entirely possible that the lot will go, devoured in fees. After all, Jim has carried out some nice home improvements, albeit by deliberately defrauding the finance company with worthless repayments. So it might command top dollar even at a forced sale.

Unless he invites Jay Brad and co to come sit on the roof for a while, turn the attic into a sewer, piss off all the neighbours etc.

I've said already it's a tragedy - it is and it is playing out before our eyes - and that Jim is responsible for his own financial meltdown. He has been offered advice - sensible advice too which he scorns and/or deletes. He stubbornly refuses to resile from failed dogma and his own warped world-view. It's been demonstrated to him the certainty of how it'll all turn out

Still, It depresses me that he has chosen this "path", one seldom trod I suspect. He needs a friend who can speak truth to him.

And as for the PN it is as worthless as the advice Jim receives from SalliNae and the rest of them. Take note WeRe Bank customers.