Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

exiledscouser wrote:

Oh no - he's back - and madder than ever....
He's a raving loony. :snicker:
From his website:
All corporations – Including for sure The Police, HM Revenue and Customs, HM Courts and Tribunals Services, The Law Society and The Government and The Local Authorities are all culpable of the following offences:
1.“Personage” – This is the crime of knowingly or negligently misrepresenting a living man of woman as a legal fiction – some form of corporation, such as a public trust. Public utility or foundation. For example miss-characterising a living man named “peter smith” as PETER SMITH (inc) is a crime of personage.
2.“Barratry” – (Yes, named after the Bar Association for good reason). The crime of knowingly or negligently bringing false claims or charges based on personage in order to use foreign statutory law against living people. This is effect means ANY DEMANDS OR CHARGES against a natural man/woman “once they have declared themselves so!”
3.All these crime categories are derived from “shanghai-ing” “press-ganging” “inland piracy” privateering” and other acts of piracy condoned and welcomed under the guise of corporatizations and centuries old and all based upon slavery, servitude, slave trafficking and peonage
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

We discussed what Peter probably means when he says "barratry" here:
So once again he is talking out of his arse.

As for being "named after the Bar Association":
barratry (n.) "sale of ecclesiastical or state offices," from Old French baraterie "deceit, guile, trickery," from barat "malpractice, fraud, deceit, trickery," which is of unknown origin, perhaps from Celtic. In marine law, "wrongful conduct by a ship's crew or officer, resulting in loss to owners," from 1620s. Meaning "offense of habitually starting legal suits" is from 1640s. Sense somewhat confused with that of Middle English baratri "combat, fighting" (c. 1400), from Old Norse baratta "fight, contest strife." This was an active word in Middle English, with forms such as baraten "to disturb the peace" (mid-15c.); baratour "inciter to riot, bully" (late 14c., mid-13c. as a surname). Barataria Bay, Louisiana, U.S., is from Spanish baratear "to cheat, deceive," cognate of the French word; the bay so called in reference to the difficulty of its entry passages.
Peter makes everything up as he goes along.
He also writes:
You were convinced to accept worthless money, the CENTRAL BANKERS PROMISSORY NOTE for the promise/lie of further wealth somewhere, somehow and at some time in the future in return for going without in the moment of now.
Isn't it strange that the only money Peter the Conman accepts is that "worthless money"? He won't accept his own currency which he claims has value, he will only accept currency that he claims has no value.
Last edited by rumpelstilzchen on Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Chaos »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
You were convinced to accept worthless money, the CENTRAL BANKERS PROMISSORY NOTE for the promise/lie of further wealth somewhere, somehow and at some time in the future in return for going without in the moment of now.
Isn't it strange that the only money Peter the Conman accepts is that "worthless money"
and for the exact same reason.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NYGman »

exiledscouser wrote:

Oh no - he's back - and madder than ever....
Loving it, thanks...

And here is a taster...
ReMember – If you pay with Re – you must accept payment in the Re!

Re has been declared a ReServe Currency Unit of Choice for all freedom seeking men, women in and associated movements worldwide. The nature of fear, control, superstition, ignorance and lack must now be brought to an end.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - As sung by Janis Joplin (and others) Written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

The address is still Ducie Street, notwithstanding the new palatial HQ on the industrial estate in Stoke.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Splendid. I've been missing Peter's potty ideas.

Peter wants:
Peter wrote:1. Register and join WeRe Bank on line today –

2. Register an up to date copy of your private net worth – uploading proof via a jpg./ pdf /scanned image.
Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.

It has been argued that only poor people fall for such scams. But Peter doesn't need a high hit rate. If only 1% of his suckers have stuff worth stealing, but he get details from 10,000 suckers, he's on to some rich pickings.

Stealing? Sorry, I'm being harsh. In step 5, he promises to convert "your hard earned energy/money" into Re units. So that's all right then.

In PlanetRePayment©Card, Peter deplores the approaching cashless world.
Peter wrote:You will no longer be able to pay for so much as an ice cream without your transactions and whereabouts being known to the 1p and the second.
Peter's solution? He takes cash from suckers, and will give them:
Peter wrote:The “Planet-Re-Payment”™ Card is a normal looking plastic card which is charged with currency. It is very much like an electronic wallet. It is possible to have various currencies denominated upon it at the same time. It has a magnetic stripe and also a chip.
Cards are charged at "your Local WeRe Bank Bridge Zone Station". In other words, Peter's Excel spreadsheet.

This is rank hypocrisy. Peter is fighting the cashless future and people's dependence on banks approving payments by introducing a cashless card and creating dependence on WeRe Bank. Or, in his words:
Peter wrote:This gives total SECRECY AND PRIVACY to the 2 parties to the transaction up and until the DATA ON THE CARD TERMINAL IS UPLOADED TO WeRe Bank – where it stays!
Yeah, it's not as if his employees can have ever walked off with all his data ... oh, wait a minute.

But Peter has a humanitarian side:
Peter wrote:To all homeless, destitute, hungry or other unfortunates WeRe Bank now offers an alternative

To anyone joining with us from March 21st 2016 WeRe Bank will credit their account with 250Re per month in order for them to pay for food and shelter and transport
These homeless people need to be members, but membership is free for them. Ah, shucks. Oh, they also need a "Society Domicile Non-Fixe", whatever that is.

For suckers who can pay, the initial sum required is now £25 for the LLTs plus three months at £10/month, so £55.

Peter has cut back on assertions that anyone is obliged to accept his currency. These have been replaced by woolly statements:
Peter wrote:Soon you can present your PlanetRePayment™ to any trader or service provider or anyone else with a WeRe Bank account and they will be paid within 24 hours – GUARANTEED!
Peter wrote:Soon you can present your PlanetRePayment™ to any trader or service provider or anyone else with a WeRe Bank account and they will be paid within 24 hours – GUARANTEED!
Translation: No-one accepts Res. But Peter has developed the software needed to transfer Res from one account at WeRe Bank to another at WeRe Bank. That's what he means by "paid".

The front page contains the same old junk:
Peter wrote:The WeRe Bank “lawful and legal tender” account provides you with ASSURED DEBT ERADICATION on all your “falsely attached” “PUBLIC SIDE LEDGER LIABILITIES” including but not limited to:




blah blah
... but I can't see any assertions about whether the DVLA is obliged to accept Res for car tax, or what happens when they don't.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Adding to the above: It's worth pointing out the obvious missing feature of the new site: it has no forum. Peter has realised that forums publicise grievances. They are not good news for scammers.

And Peter has heavily cut back on the promises. I think this is significant. He knew his statements left him open to prosecution for fraud. So now he promises nothing. "Send me your cash, and I'll send you some paper and a plastic card." If the suckers make false assumptions about what those papers and plastic card can do, well, that's their tough luck. Peter's defence is that he no longer makes false statements.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

rumpelstilzchen wrote: Peter makes everything up as he goes along.
Quite. This is the same guy who boldly asserted that the word 'parrot' was a derivative of 'pirate' and that 'ruination' came from the word 'rune'.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by LurkerRob »

According to Peter is going to be talking at their next meeting on the 19th of March at 1pm.

Venue the Navigation Pub ,Nottingham. ... ue2-kA3lMg

The star studded lineup

*Guy Taylor ‘Latest News’

*Rob B, ‘Identity and Capacity and Law of Mistakes’

* White headed Elder Liens and how to in force them.

* Peter of England Where we are with WeRe Bank (Confirmed)

Guy seems to have other engagements at the moment.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by SteveUK »

Might have to pop along, it's just around the corner.

Didn't realise they did comedy nights
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones »

LurkerRob wrote: * Peter of England Where we are with WeRe Bank (Confirmed)
a.k.a as can only collect payments in person
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by FN75 »

Ugh, I feel like it's all gone back to square one...
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

For those of a mathematical bent is there such a thing as a negative square one? That I think is closer.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

notorial dissent wrote:For those of a mathematical bent is there such a thing as a negative square one? That I think is closer.
I don't think there is, but screw it, with Peter anything is possible. He's already distorted basic economics, the law, web design and common sense, so why stop at maths?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by jcolvin2 »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:For those of a mathematical bent is there such a thing as a negative square one? That I think is closer.
I don't think there is, but screw it, with Peter anything is possible. He's already distorted basic economics, the law, web design and common sense, so why stop at maths?
I think the concept of a negative square one is necessary to understand Peter of England and RE. After all, RE is an imaginary currency, and the imaginary numbers are defined by reference to the square root of negative one. Perhaps the symbol for the RE currency should be i. "But Mr. Banker, I already paid my mortgage by sending you 4,000i."
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Chaos »

notorial dissent wrote:For those of a mathematical bent is there such a thing as a negative square one? That I think is closer.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

Quoted on the main German-speaking skype group ...
[21:27:25] Peter of england: Thanks to you all for supporting me in the past 6 weeks. The reason it took so long is that we could not get the right "feel!" The feel is now there and it is my touch which is here incarnated now (if you can incarnate something digitally?) So please let all the people know that 12,000 emails will be going out within the next few days informing The WeRe that something is in the air! Something very profound and UNSTOPPABLE! Time is coming HomE Ohm!!
It's all about the feel ...
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by SteveUK »

12,000 emails asking for the sign up fee again, no doubt
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Philistine »

jcolvin2 wrote:
Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:For those of a mathematical bent is there such a thing as a negative square one? That I think is closer.
I don't think there is, but screw it, with Peter anything is possible. He's already distorted basic economics, the law, web design and common sense, so why stop at maths?
I think the concept of a negative square one is necessary to understand Peter of England and RE. After all, RE is an imaginary currency, and the imaginary numbers are defined by reference to the square root of negative one. Perhaps the symbol for the RE currency should be i. "But Mr. Banker, I already paid my mortgage by sending you 4,000i."
That's the Jamaican WeRe unit - iRe
/I'll get me coat
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by noblepa »

jcolvin2 wrote:
Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:For those of a mathematical bent is there such a thing as a negative square one? That I think is closer.
I don't think there is, but screw it, with Peter anything is possible. He's already distorted basic economics, the law, web design and common sense, so why stop at maths?
I think the concept of a negative square one is necessary to understand Peter of England and RE. After all, RE is an imaginary currency, and the imaginary numbers are defined by reference to the square root of negative one. Perhaps the symbol for the RE currency should be i. "But Mr. Banker, I already paid my mortgage by sending you 4,000i."
Actually, it should probably be a complex number, which has the form a * bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1. In Peter's case, the Re is the imaginary component, while the real component is the actual pound notes that suckers must send to him.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by SoLongCeylon »

Peter of England will be in Nottingham this Saturday................

Posted on Guy Taylors facebook page ( linked from EFOTB)

Doing anything this coming Saturday 19th March 2016 ? Why not come along and enjoy a nice afternoon with like minded people, the meeting is at the Navigation Inn, Wilford Street, Nottingham, NG2 1AA at 1pm ,there will be a great line up of speakers including Guy Taylor, Rob B and Peter of England amongst others, the venue offers great grub etc and is situated close too Nottingham City Centre, the event is free, donations will be gratefully accepted to help with travelling costs for the speakers we.look forward to seeing you all there