Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

It's nice to be remembered;

Over at Icke the poster otherguy asked this question in mid February;
mr. menard used to be a force in the freeman world but i haven't heard anything about him in months. any ideas?
And reverendjim replied;
I know I have said it before...nobody cares. He's a non issue...except to the canada revenue and quatloos...which seems to be populated by the same creatures...oh and a southerner of no consequence. Wouldn't want to leave Cletus out. That's right are not Cletus. But it was fun letting you think you were. A fine demonstration of reading comprehension Barnaby.

Although the good reverend has a bit of a spelling problem with my name (unless he's being sarcastic!) he's referring to this comment I made over a year ago;
Now on to COMER. Reverendjim is having a real hissy-fit about Quatloos, Arayder and, I assume, me for our comments about COMER and Rocco Galati. He's saying things like;
like i said, your kind are dirt.

it seems that your talk about me is lacking any substance. keep going. its fun. especially what comes out of the mouth of Cletus the slack jawed yokel. you do know that in society in general, you are in a minority, dont you? lol. its just a matter of time til the majority knows how crooked your kind are. then we will see a properly functioning democracy. that will be fun, dont you think?
How did he know that my real name is Cletus Beauregard Stonewall Yokel? Did he somehow find that Street View picture of me I was talking about earlier?


And we even got a visitor out of the exchange;
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thanks for the tip reverendjim. i will go over to quatloos
I think it very kind of the Rev to take the time to mock me over a minor exchange from a year ago. It shows that my efforts aren't totally wasted.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by eric »

Actually if they're looking for a stand-in for Cletus the slack jawed yokel I'm nominating myself. Let me see... I'm an honest to goodness pig farmer and I have roots in a part of Canada sometimes referred to as the Ozarks of Ontario. I'm currently researching a murder case from that neck of the woods dating from 1935 where a wife, who was also her husband's cousin, was romancing her husband's under-age brother and persuaded him to kill her husband. Too bad nothing has been digitized from what I can tell so I will have to get the paper files from Ottawa at great expense.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Philistine »

eric wrote:Actually if they're looking for a stand-in for Cletus the slack jawed yokel I'm nominating myself. Let me see... I'm an honest to goodness pig farmer and I have roots in a part of Canada sometimes referred to as the Ozarks of Ontario. I'm currently researching a murder case from that neck of the woods dating from 1935 where a wife, who was also her husband's cousin, was romancing her husband's under-age brother and persuaded him to kill her husband. Too bad nothing has been digitized from what I can tell so I will have to get the paper files from Ottawa at great expense.
Having never heard that term I'm curious of what area you speak (unless it's the Kawarthas or Haliburton).
Being a yokel residing in Ontario myself, feel free to PM me if I can help with your research.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

The folks over at Ickes should take notice that Menard is making a typically unfocused attempt at a comeback. Bobby's recent pseudo-legal youtubes and his unfulfilled promise of a radio program indicate freemanary's preeminent attention junky needs a fix.

Freeman lurkers should note that in spite of the recent public failures of the "security of the person" theory in the Wally Dove, Stu Pearce and Larry Friesen cases Bobby has no problem yet again giving freemen the false promise of easy riches through the scheme.

It's Bobby's favorite ploy. He has a long string of failed prosperity scams. . .the 96 fix, the A4V. . .and the ones he can't stop recycling, the ACCP and the "security of the person".

Freemen gulls, before you buy into Bobby's get rich scheme, you better ask him what happened to all the ACCP membership money scammed during his 2015 attempt to recycle the fraud.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

If they're over at Ickes sump hole, of course they don't know what is going on. They don't EVER know anything unless one of their anointed gurus get around to telling them what to believe.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

I went over to Ickes for a few minutes and to my surprise there are a few freeman types who have caught on to Menard.

Menard seems to be getting his ego cup filled on his Facebook page. The worst case scenario is that he is using the message function there, along with private emails to hoodwink gullibles who haven't caught on to the fact that his "security of the person" theory/method is a proven failure. Menard has let it slip that he's selling legal advice to gullible freemen wannabes away from prying eyes on the various forums. It's no stretch of the imagination to figure that he's working the "security of the person" scam, which he has a brand new stiffy over, in private.

Bobby's prosperity through the ACCP scam ran aground early in large part because he made the mistake of setting up an organization with so many members involved in shared work that the lies of his thin ruse were bound to leak out. All Menard has to do with the "security of the person" scam is sell magic freemen paperwork to individuals, not mentioning that the same sort of notices failed Dove, Pearce and Friesen.

If a potential mark points out that the method has already failed Menard won't pass the information on to other gullibles and if the failures of the method become too well known he can claim he's added a few winning bells and whistles onto Dove's, Pearce's and Friesen's freeman paperwork.

Before everyone catches on Bobby pulls in a few bucks and then it's on to the next scam.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby's latest Facebook idiocy is to repeat the freeman/suvcit lie that Canada creates and pays its national debt solely by monetizing it (i.e. printing money). The irony is that Menard ignores the creation of Canadian national debt, in large part, through the sale of government bonds and securities. . .the same securities he fantasies are held in the name of each Canadian via their birth certificates!

It seems Bobby can't recall which tale he's telling!

As if that isn't bad enough Bobby's source, Dean Hettig, throws a bit of anti-semetism on the steaming pile by blaming the imagined mess on Jewish bankers. Considering the World Freeman Society's embrace of Nazism apologism that's not surprising.

This what freemen get for learning economic theory from a guy who can't afford the couches he crashes on.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

New Youtube video:

A Matter of Justice
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:New Youtube video:

A Matter of Justice
Back in the day Bobby used to syphon funds off folks like this by pretending he was a lawyer. Now he's just a hanger on.

The Hums ought to "do the homework" to find out that the freeman BS Jessica spouted in front of the judge is what got Menard banned from playing lawyer in BC almost a decade ago!

Gene Hum needs to look into Bobby's zero for life batting average and his history of chasing underaged tail.

Gene, don't let Bobby sleep on your couch, drink your beer, take your money or spent any time alone with Jessica.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by ComfySlippers »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:New Youtube video:

A Matter of Justice

From the video, at 14:22:
We are setup up a GoFundMe page...
"In Defense of A Daughter" :

At time of writing; two donations in 9 days, total raised $80 out of $25,000

From the GoFundMe page:
The ticket was issued at a construction site on a quiet back road and it was late in the evening when there was absolutely nothing going on there. It had been 'under construction' for a long time and I had heard that this spot was referred to as a 'fishing hole' by the cops and a few other people who have been caught speeding there.
...which sounds remarkably like "I was knowingly speeding, in an area known for the Police catching speeders, and was caught for speeding".

News report of the Courtroom incident is at: ... courtroom/
One comment left by Jessica Hum on that page.
I was establishing common law jurisdiction in the court as opposed to statutory jurisdiction.The judge proceeded to say I was absent and began proceeding the trial. At this time I had not assumed liability of the violation and i did not cross the bar. They refused to recognize me even though I was standing right in front of them.
There was no respect in the court room. While I was establishing myself the judge and crown blurted out I was a freeman and said I was doing a poor job at it. How fair is that?
Bobby has found another gullible victim on which to prey.
I hope that Jessica and her Father realise that Bobby is a conman sooner rather than later.
Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,
Comfy: of the Family Slippers

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

It's the freeman recipe:
- One part false victimhood.
- One part hyped up story with different details depending on which Hum tells it when.
- An ounce of bad judgement in which a simple speeding ticket is amped up to a lost job and an assault charge.
- Add a pinch of guru conman.
- A teaspoon of nobody cares and cook for as long as you want. . .'cause it's gonna be inedible anyway ya' do it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well she's doing better than Menard's Ninjagoat begging but not as good as the beer money he got from the C3PO GoFundMe.

What bad luck that all of those police and sheriffs were in the courtroom, just by chance, when dad decided to act up to save his helpless little snowflake. It's not as if they were expecting trouble.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:Well she's doing better than Menard's Ninjagoat begging but not as good as the beer money he got from the C3PO GoFundMe.

What bad luck that all of those police and sheriffs were in the courtroom, just by chance, when dad decided to act up to save his helpless little snowflake. It's not as if they were expecting trouble.
Menard accepts Hum's claim that the sheriff assaulted him and his daughter in court even though he wasn't there and doesn't seem to have any evidence to support the belief.

Early in the video Bobby and Hum try to make it seem that Hum and his daughter aren't schooled freemen and hardly know what freemanisn is and that his daughter, Jessica, only asked one question of the judge before he blew his stack. The problem with that explanation is that in the comments section of news reports of the incident Jessica gives a detailed account of the several freeman ploys she tried in court.

It's text book freemanism. I suspect Jessica and her father were coached prior to the court date.

The story regarding Mr. Hum's arrest and detention is also told differently at different times. In the same comments offered by Jessica at the news sites she says her father was hurt during his arrest, that she had to take him to the hospital, and that he wasn't able to go back to work for some time.

We are expected to believe that Hum was badly injured in the incident and denied treatment by the authorities.

Then in the Menard video Hum says he lost the unspecified job because he lost his "security clearance" due to the arrest.

Considering Menard's record of phony stories, including his Irish lawyer lie and his misrepresentation of his 2014 arrest for impersonating a peace officer, one has to question the voracity of this tale.

It is characteristic of these lies that in each case Menard tires to control the story line in the hopes he'll dole out a believable lie.

In this case Bobby seems not to realize that the Hum's have already told a tale that doesn't match his.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

Considering that Bobby "the really poor serial liar" Menard is involved, I would be disinclined to believe how shall we say most if not all of the story.

It sounds to me very much like "precious snowflake" got a speeding ticket, went to court, acted out à la freemanidjit style, the judge wasn’t having any and ordered her removed from the courtroom, daddy dumbest got in to the act and got arrested by the attendant constabulary, Mounties and sheriffs for crying out loud, dumbern’ rocks, for assaulting a peace officer, disturbing the peace, and obstruction, which sounds about right for what was going on, and now “snowflake” most likely at the least has a failure to appear on her record which will bump up the speeding ticket, and I don’t know if daddy’s charges are misdemeanors or felonies in CA, but stupid was rampant in that family that day. If they continue letting Bobby “help” them, they will both end up with felony records. The freeman stupid just astounds.

I like the Le Duc sigil by the way.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

I'm unclear as to the purpose of the gofundme campaign. What's the 25k for? I saw no mention of hiring a lawyer anywhere (something gene should do) so is this money to pay for his bills or what?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

The Hums seem to the the family of bad choices. They get their freeman courtroom routine ready for the court never checking to see if it has worked for anyone and what the court is likely to to when their freeman circus rolls into the courtroom.

It's possible that the sheriff and court room security staff were far to aggressive with Jessica and her dad (it's happen before). If so why aren't the Hum's trying to get criminal charges started? Why don't they have a civil case in the works against the court and the sheriff?

Why have they hooked up with the most ineffectual booze adled lay-about guru in the freeman world?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

The local courts it would seem have seen their share of freeman foolishness and aren't having any, and I rather suspect the news report of the incident is far more likely than theirs or Bobby's versions. My guess would be another chance for grift on his part. Since his help will otherwise be worth exactly nothing. I think all they are preparing to do is make matters worse. They'll get to those felony charges yet the way they are going.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

I have often commented here and on other forums that the liberty sought and gained by our forefathers included the freedom to fully participate in society. . .to engage in politics. . .have access to the courts. . .travel freely. . .participate in commerce and business. . .worship as one pleases and associate with others as one pleases.

I am again struck be the comic mis-steps of self proclaimed freedom seekers which managed to parley a simple speeding ticket into assault charges and job loss. Way to go, Hums!

Of course these twits are supported by on-the-run Bobby Menard, who although "free in his mind", has managed to make himself one of the least free Canadians we know.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

It always bemuses me that the touchy feeley / new agey / freedomy groups that are so big in to the yin yan thing NEVER EVER seem to carry it over in to the rest of their beliefs, that with freedom / rights comes responsibilities / obligations. They are forever out of balance as one of my new agey friends would put it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:It always bemuses me that the touchy feeley / new agey / freedomy groups that are so big in to the yin yan thing NEVER EVER seem to carry it over in to the rest of their beliefs, that with freedom / rights comes responsibilities / obligations. They are forever out of balance as one of my new agey friends would put it.
It seems that the leader of the crew is again playing three card monte with his remaining followers. Projects and efforts get hyped, giving Menard the attention he so desperately needs. Freeman lurkers should note that with each promised project or effort nothing gets done.

The Hums are the latest bright shinny object attracting Bobby's attention. But before that he had tried to keep his self promotion going by promising a top quality web radio show to be unveiled in March. It never happened. Prior to the radio show promise Menard said he was attempting to set the RCMP and the courts on one of his Quatloos debunkers. Nothing happen. Before that Bobby was seeking donations for the outdated Ninja Goat. Again, nothing happen.

The Hums should realize that they are just another vehicle for Bobby's self promotion.