Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by FatGambit »

I finally got around to watching Star Wars 7 last night and at the beginning thought I was watching a WeRe promotion with all the randomly capitalised wording.
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

I find I am of two minds on this. I have to think that at least some of these people know exactly what PoE is doing and are in effect participating in the scam of getting something for nothing, but I still have to agree with AP in that I am certain that some of them really truly are them nothing for something, and then they will ultimately get smacked again when the authorities or their creditors get back to them, and that won’t be pretty. So what PoE is doing is not cute or harmless or EXCUSABLE, it is just flat out nasty, truth be told, flat out vile. There is no more excuse for what he is doing that someone who sells counterfeit purchase cards or tickets or as someone who pointed out about the munged video boxes, stealing is still stealing no matter how you dress the pig up. Theft is still theft whether it is by deception(PoE) or with a loaded gun(average mugger).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

Morning all. This was on the "Peter of England is a Conman" Facebook page. There's no information about the High Court action, but it'll be interesting to see if it turns up on bailii in the near future. ( publishes judgements of reported cases, free of charge. Not all cases, just those the courts think should have the judgements released.)
Mark Gillard
11 hrs
Are you one of the many victims of the Peter of England WeRe Bank Scam?
Do you feel you were misled, tricked or conned?
Do you want to take action but don’t know where to start? or are you worried about how much this action might cost you? Do you feel you won’t be listened to?
Well, there is power in numbers…
In the next 10 days Bradley Knight will be assisting a victim of this scam in the High Court but before doing this we feel that there are many other victims out there.
There will be absolutely NO COST to you, this is totally Pro Bono…
If you have been affected, please contact Bradley Knight via this link in the first Instance....
This post is not to debate the rights or wrongs of PoE’s scam but to assist those who feel betrayed.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NYGman »

THe language at the beginning is good, victim, mislead, tricked, conned, but then at the end, "Feel Betrayed?" That to me doesn't jive with the first part. You feel betrayed by a fried who takes your girlfriend, or by a friend who backs out on a promise to do something.

I do not think PoE has Betrayed anyone, he has outright conned them all.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, in all honesty, he promised them something he couldn't deliver, so he did in effect betray them, particularly if they thought they were getting something for nothing.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by exiledscouser »

Deiter Hoflinger ploughs on. ... 179700768/
Dieter Hofinger
any news about clearing of LLT´s in Austria, Peter Of England? At the end of April the bank want to sell my house by auction! WeRe Bank is my last hope
A poster (Julie Stirk) tells him (in German) that the LLT won't clear, that WeRe Bank has no money and that his house will end up being repossessed which provokes another direct response from PoE;
Peter Of England
WeRe Bank has indeed "money!" What you should do is go and educate yourself on the nature off money creation Julie Stirk! What do you think the Promissory is? Who do you think is the SURETY on all debt owed? Stop looking for 3rd parties to help you . Swiss Indo is a pipe dream. It is NEVER going to happen.ENDEX
There is no doubt that WeRe Bank does have some money, the brown-envelopy-foldy stuff sent in by other suckers but unfortunately it's mostly in Pete's back pocket keeping him in bier and bratwurst.

Another poster pipes up, possibly an Austrian;
Mechtild Berwald
Dieter Hofinger, maybe it's good that you lose your house and that you have nothing more to do with your bank . It is a cleaning process ... and then you start just re ...
A bit like someone in the crowd watching the man on the bridge parapet, urging him to jump off. Does this deflect our Dieter? Not a bit of it!
Dieter Hofinger
Peter Of England, ignore that people!!!!! They are paid Trolls from the BANKING SISTEM!!!! I still trust YOU!

Tomorrow i will speak with my Bank Manager!!!! Maybe he fly with me to England to your office, so you clear the LLT personally!!!!!!!! Is this possible Peter Of England, are you in your office at the end of next week! I really need your Suport! Thank you my FRIEND!!!!
Either Dieter is entirely deluded or, I rather suspect, he's taking the piss, Petey hasn't sussed him and reached for the delete button. Yet. But I'd pay good money to see two bemused Austrians fresh off the plane wandering up and down Dulcie Street, one in a suit looking self-important, trying doors and realising they've wasted their journey. :shock:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Dieter is either really really stupid and clueless or else he is trolling PoE. If the former, he is a really sad case and doomed to disappointment.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by exiledscouser »

Seeing as I've nothing better to do this rainy Sunday I was giving some thought to Peter's promise to email the 12,000 (he says) Weary customers with news of his new enterprise, to get them back on side. Already from the FB postings the faithful are chomping at the bit in anticipation. So what will he say and how will he pitch it?

To me there are many parallels with some of the more troublesome emails we all occasionally receive from time to time from West Africa so I'm speculating as to what a WeRe/419 bastard love-child might look like......
WeRe Bank HQ wrote;
Greetings! And hello there.

I am, Sir or Madam, Mr. Peter of England and you will doubtlessly be ASTONISHED to be ReCeiving this email from a person mostly unknown to you except perhaps by RePutation, who is about to ask a favour from you. I seize this opportunity to extend my unalloyed compliments of the season to you and your family hoping you will find joy, happiness and prosperity.

First, I must solicit your strictest CONFIDENCE in this transaction. This is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and ‘TOP SECRET’. I am sure and have CONFIDENCE of your ability and ReLiability to prosecute a transaction of this great magnitude involving a pending transaction requiring maximum CONFIDENCE!

I am the chief executive of a bank here in the United Kingdom. I wish to inform you of an account that was opened many years ago by a Mr. Lionel de Rothchild. In it he deposited one hundred million dollars following the setting up of the Bretton Woods system as a hedge against the future.


He passed away some years ago and NO OTHER person knows about this account and my investigation further proved to me that his family and his country DOES NOT KNOW anything about this account.

I am therefore seeking a reliable person that will play the human role as his next of kin to this fund, which is in the amount of $100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Dollars US). I have discovered that that if I do not remit this money out urgently, it will be FORFEITED to the government treasury account as unclaimed fund.

In order to assist this venture you must firstly show that you are of UTMOST sincerity. A promissory note for £148,000 and thereafter a small and entirely modest monthly payment of £10 (in cash only please) to my PO Box in a plain brown envelope will immediately assist in setting up necessary banking protocols, birth certificates, proof of kinship and LTT’s. Finally I ask you to suspend your belief and move forward with me on this venture for which all your debts will be forgiven!

Yours truly

P of E.
Whilst I'm having bit of a jape at all this, PoE did state early on in his Weary adventure that he had 'secret access' to trillions of dollars playing upon thoroughly debunked conspiracies about long-lost Federal Reserve Bank deposits and that this money would supply (in part at least) the necessary liquidity to make his bank a go-er. Play around with the wording and WeRe Bank can without much effort assume the look and feel of a slightly more up-market 419 scam; at least the spelling and grammar would be spot on for once even if the annoying random capitalisation persists!

It is clear that he intends to send out something akin to the above spoof in a renewed effort to reel in the punters once more, start milking them of their money and selling pipe-dreams. Only a lack of IT skills seems to be preventing him at the moment as some mechanism would be necessary to bulk-handle the responses. He has been pretty much a one-man bank band for much of the time, turing down offers of assistance and sacking anyone not seeing things entirely his way. A proper IT solution therefore would alleviate the difficulties he's had over the last 12 months or so as it seems there are so many idiots out there willing to part with their cash and senses. :brickwall:

419'ers only need a 1% take up of the millions of emails, letters and faxes they pump out; Peter's margins may be a little higher but the intent and certainly the end results are much the same. Peter has certainly demonstrated in his latest video, the one made before the (mostly) adoring sycophant Goodf numpties, the same sort of callous contempt towards his marks as do the 419 scammers.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Peter has a video Easter Rising that explains the re-launch is taking a long time because (I paraphrase) he hasn't a clue. He also tells the German-speakers to stop whinging online, and instead to get together in small groups. I suppose private whinging is allowed.
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Private whinging won't disturb the other suckers clients.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

notorial dissent wrote:Dieter is either really really stupid and clueless or else he is trolling PoE. If the former, he is a really sad case and doomed to disappointment.
Flying a bank manager out to England to personally verify an obviously worthless cheque? No way you can fit that much stupid into one head, so he must be trolling...

... oh, nope. If you look at his fairly public Facebook profile, he's bathing in FOTL kool aid. Just when you think it can't get any more mental, someone like this comes along.

How on earth do these people even get on the property ladder in the first place?
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Really stupid gullible people, like Dieter???, will believe a lot or really silly things and make up even more. The only thing a German bank/banker is going to do is look in the gazetteer of British banks, find WeRe not listed and dismiss it, or they might if they were particularly thorough, call the regulating body or BoE for verification, or maybe go on line since this is the 21st C after all, I used to be able to look up any bank or savings institution in the US by either routing number or name by going on line, I would assume that the UK and Europe have gotten at least that far, and when those come up snake eyes consign the check to the fraud department.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

Biggest news in the German-speaking WeRe community this Easter - prominent WeRe guru Werner Peters, who's popular web seminars brought hundreds of new customers into the fold and who I mentioned several times in earlier posts, has announced he is finished with that chapter in his life.

In a post on his website on Saturday ( ... n-menschen) he addressed two issues. First, his financial and legal problems due to his "special" interpretation of law have finally caught up with him. Last notices about the payment of 3 open fines to a Baden-Württemberg court were running out on Sunday and he would face 216 days of substitute jail time plus 912 days left from an earlier conviction that was on probation (so around 3 years total). In the WeRe skype channels a picture of one of the notices was published - ... h_fullsize.

Now, what about WeRe? He states that the imprisonment is of course illegal, because he has paid the fines, twice even, once with a promissory note and the second times with WeRe LLT's. If a WeRe guru like Peter's doesn't get those LLT's to work, what chance has a normal customer? Well, he doesn't condemn the idea outright, he still seems caught up in those freeman/oppt schemes (and generally susceptible to scams, as he lately promotes two other, laughably obvious ones on his website). It looks like he is having a major personal beef with Peter and attacks his attitude, lack of action and unwillingness to help or fulfill agreements, seeing this as the reason why WeRe is failing.

So, not the idea is wrong but Peter is too slow in "clearing" those LLT's (as if that is the problem).
Last edited by Seelenblut on Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by longdog »

Seelenblut wrote:So, not the idea is wrong but Peter is too slow in "clearing" those LLT's (as if that is the problem).
I often have trouble with the "clearing" of legal tender... Sorry... Did I say often? I meant never :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

The goodbye of Were guru Werner Peters (posting.php?mode=reply&f=52&t=10846#pr225086) and his veiled condemnation of PoE has resulted in quite the stir on the German Were channels. While some are still defending PoE - and the German-speaking Were prominence is suspiciously quiet - there spilled out a lot of criticism against him. Sadly, like in Werner's post, there is still believe in the Were idea, just the way PoE is managing and executing it is under fire.

It also offered an insight into the Were "community" - even though Werner would only have to pay 1.800 Euro (that's one of the three fines, the others are supposedly even lower) and there was much talk about the fact that his LLT's didn't get the proper attention from PoE, only one of the many people discussing the subject suggested that if every one of the hundreds of German Were fans pays just a few Euros Werner could be spared from jail - but the suggestion was readily ignored. Internet warriors, one and all.

A few suggested that PoE should pay the fines from the "normal" money he got from all his customers, leading to the heated argument about him not providing enough value for his fee. Oh really ...

It took a while until the discussions died down, there is at least the hope that a few learned a lesson from this ... or from this ...

There was another Were event that should have receive a lot of publicity, but didn't, and for good reason.

One of the good Were soldiers, Ingo Heider, a believer and helper who comes across as more misguided then out to wiggle away from debt, had arranged a public event (with press) where he wanted to hand over two LLT's (1.000 Euro and 2.000 SFR) to a charitable organisation (RestEssBar - basically they collect food from shops and restaurants that would be thrown away at the end of the day and provide it to people in need). He wanted to help them while bringing Were some publicity. Ingo went quiet after the event and finally a friend (Andreas W) posted the following on the Were channels (translated from German) ...
The process of "Handing over a LLT in front of the press" did not work out as planned. The two LLT's (2000 SFR and 1000 Euro) where handed over in an event with "private press" to the charity. They were at first very happy, but on the next morning informed Ingo that they had researched intensively over night, had found a lot of negative information about WeRe and that they would lodge criminal complaints against anybody that would report a connection between them and the Were bank. The LLT's were returned and Ingo, who has acted in best faith and with a lot of hope, had to listen to massive accusations. That's not something after which you simply move on. Especially when you are right there and through this episode lose friends and a lot of trust.
Another day, another happy customer ...
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by longdog »

Attempting to get free publicity by passing fake cheques to a charity? That's about as low as it's possible to get. :shrug:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

longdog wrote:Attempting to get free publicity by passing fake cheques to a charity? That's about as low as it's possible to get. :shrug:
I would love to see a photo of PoE handing over one of those giant lottery-style cheques to Tom Crawford so he can buy back his bungalow, with handshakes and champagne all round, and a photographer from the Nottingham Post to record it all for posterity (and evidential purposes).
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, it's at least about as stupid as it gets, short of handing them to the Police Benevolent Association, now that I'd love to see. The stupid it is astounding.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Skeleton »

mufc1959 wrote:
longdog wrote:Attempting to get free publicity by passing fake cheques to a charity? That's about as low as it's possible to get. :shrug:
I would love to see a photo of PoE handing over one of those giant lottery-style cheques to Tom Crawford so he can buy back his bungalow, with handshakes and champagne all round, and a photographer from the Nottingham Post to record it all for posterity (and evidential purposes).
Tom, Guy, Ebert and anyone else who has lost property. Make it a group photo of them receiving their Cheques worthless bits of paper from Peter.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Many thanks to Seelenblut for the updates from German-speakers.
Seelenblut wrote:So, not the idea is wrong but Peter is too slow in "clearing" those LLT's (as if that is the problem).
This was a common theme in the private UK forum: that the idea was good, but Peter's administration was so poor that it didn't work.

True, Peter's administration was poor. But the idea wouldn't work even with perfect administration.

On the private forum, we only saw many people who believed the fundamental idea should work. But that was a biased sample. There may have been many more people who initially thought the idea was good, but quickly realised it was bad, and would never work. Those people would give up on WeRe, and not post on forums.