Concord Monitor Article on Brown Supporter's trial.

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Concord Monitor Article on Brown Supporter's trial.

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

From today's Concord Monitor. The print edition had a great picture of Reno when he was arrested, but it is not online.

So far, nothing about rescheduling the trial.

2 judges out of Brown cases
Supporters' trials to be heard by Maine jurist

By Margot Sanger-Katz
Monitor staff
October 18. 2007 12:25AM

Ed and Elaine Brown (foreground) entertained many supporters at their Plainfield home during their standoff with federal marshals, including Ruby Ridge survivor Randy Weaver (center).

The cases of four men accused of helping prolong the standoff of Plainfield tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown have been transferred to a federal judge from another state after two of the New Hampshire court's judges recused themselves.

The cases of Jason Gerhard, Cirino Gonzalez, Daniel Riley and Robert Wolffe were assigned to Judge George Singal, the chief judge of the Maine District Court in Portland. The two New Hampshire-based judges opted out of their cases because of death threats made against Chief Judge Steven McAuliffe by the Browns and members of their entourage who were angered by his management of their January tax evasion trial. None of the men facing charges was accused of threatening the judge, but McAuliffe recused himself to remove any "appearance of partiality." A second judge, Paul Barbadoro, also recused himself, citing a long friendship with McAuliffe. The court's third judge, Joseph DiClerico Jr., was not accepting criminal cases; DiClerico is a senior judge and carries a limited case load.

The four men are accused of helping the Browns escape capture. Three of the men, Gerhard, Gonzalez and Riley, have been charged with conspiring to undermine federal marshals and with bringing weapons to the Browns' fortified home. Court documents allege that each of the men brought the Browns a high-powered .50-caliber rifle, a weapon capable of shooting targets with great accuracy at long distances, and with delivering other guns and supplies. Wolffe is accused of giving the couple a car and using his house as a transfer point for supplies after marshals cut mail service to the couple's home.

The men were arrested in September, and three weeks later, marshals were able to arrest the Browns themselves when a small team came to the house disguised as supporters. The Browns' arrest ended a months-long standoff in which the couple vowed to die - and kill federal marshals - rather than surrender. They are currently serving 63-month sentences in federal prisons.

During the course of the standoff, marshals cut mail, phone and electric service to the house, but the Browns endured thanks, in part, to a rotating cast of supporters who delivered supplies including food, weapons and disposable cell phones. The four men were among the most prominent of those supporters, and each lived at the house for periods of time.

The Browns and many of their allies in the militia and tax protest movements were angered by McAuliffe's management of the couple's case and believe that he robbed the couple of a fair trial. Following their convictions, numerous Brown supporters spoke on radio shows or posted messages on websites accusing McAulliffe of treason and suggesting that he be hanged for his offenses. Ed Brown himself has made several explicit threats against McAuliffe.

In one instance, Brown indicated that McAuliffe's family should pay for his misconduct. In a radio interview in February, he identified McAuliffe as a member of the "Zionist Illuminati," a group that Brown believes is trying to rule the world.

"Once this thing starts, we're going to seek them out and hunt them down," he said. "And we're going to bring them to justice. So anybody who wishes to join them, you go right ahead and join them. But I promise you, long after I'm gone, they're going to seek out you and your bloodline."

This summer, Brown described a hit list with more than 50 names on it, to be targeted if he was harmed or captured. On the day of his arrest, Brown applauded the idea of developing secret assassination squads to target key government officials on his daily radio show, Ed Brown Under Siege. He did not mention names that day, but did agree with the host's admiring appraisal of Bart Ross, who shot family members of an Illinois judge in 2005 after she entered a medical malpractice ruling against him.

According to James Starr, the clerk for the New Hampshire District Court, the defendants' trials will still take place at the New Hampshire courthouse, though pretrial hearings may be held here or in Maine, at the discretion of the judge. Defendants have a constitutional right to be tried in the jurisdiction where alleged crimes occurred.

The cases had been scheduled for trial beginning Nov. 6, and none of the defendants had asked for a delay so far. Starr said that the dates might shift a little, depending on Singal's schedule, but not by much unless the parties request a delay.

------ End of article

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Post by jkeeb »

In a radio interview in February, he identified McAuliffe as a member of the "Zionist Illuminati,
Wrong. There are 19 of us and McAuliffe is not one.
Remember that CtC is about the rule of law.

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Re: Concord Monitor Article on Brown Supporter's trial.

Post by LPC »

In a radio interview in February, he identified McAuliffe as a member of the "Zionist Illuminati," a group that Brown believes is trying to rule the world.
And doing a piss-poor job of it.
Dan Evans
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Post by Demosthenes »

When time came, Ed Brown folded
In recorded call, he also complains of cold

By Margot Sanger-Katz
Monitor staff

October 19. 2007 12:50AM

During the nearly nine months that Ed Brown was holed up in his fortified Plainfield home, he promised an apocalyptic showdown if marshals came to arrest him.

But when the time came, Brown said, he "didn't even resist one second" when a marshal he knew as "Dutch" tackled him. Brown described his arrest in a recorded phone conversation from prison that was posted online Wednesday night.

"He swarmed us. I had the opportunity to stop Dutch, real quick and real brief. You know I'm really fast," Brown says in the recording. "I'm not going to hurt anybody, and I don't want to hurt anybody. On the same token, I let it go down and let it happen. But I did not expect this."

The call was recorded by Shaun Kranish, an Illinois supporter who started a Brown-devoted website and, according to Brown, was the one who introduced Dutch to the Browns. In the recording, Kranish says that he told prison officials he was part of Brown's legal team to place the call. (Ed Brown does not have a lawyer, because he believes all bar members are part of an international conspiracy to rob Americans of their freedoms.)

Now, settled in a low-security federal prison in Ohio, Brown says that he's been mistreated by prison officials and marshals, who Tasered him, "gassed" him, subjected him to sensory deprivation and needlessly isolated him from other inmates. The damage, he said, may be permanent.

"I was told they were professional," Brown said. "They've been professional - but professional in their cruelty."

U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier, who orchestrated the couple's arrest, said he had heard the recording and did not wish to comment on Brown's accusations. In previous interviews, he has described allegations of torture as "ludicrous."

Brown said that the mistreatment began at a holding facility in Rhode Island, where he was "gassed through the ventilation system" three times with a chemical that smelled like cleaning fluid.

"I was breathing on the floor, underneath, the space underneath the bottom of the door, just so I could survive and keep breathing. I think I passed out slightly a couple of times," he said. "I was crying against the door and stuff and banging. The guards walked away and did nothing."

When he was transferred to the Elkton, Ohio, prison where he now lives, Brown was subjected to repeated strip searches then placed in an isolation room with a glass door while wearing nothing but a large blanket for 15 hours, he said. Brown said prison officials told him that he was on suicide watch.

"If they're going to put me in a suicide watch, you should put me in a warm room and comfort me and keep me relaxed," Brown said.

Brown also said that he has only gone outside once since arriving in Ohio, on account of the weather.

"It's too cold. I'm too cold. I can't take this cold out there," Brown said. "This is the Great Lakes area."

Brown said he had not been subjected to "diesel therapy," a form of torture in which a prisoner is shackled, fitted in too-tight boots and driven around for long periods of time, according to Brown supporters. Speculation that marshals were "dieseling" Brown were rife on internet message boards and radio broadcasts in the days following his arrest.

In an interview, Kranish said that he was dismayed by Brown's account of prison life.

"The big thing is that Ed is not really a guy to exaggerate," Kranish said. "So if Ed says he was gassed, then he was gassed, and I totally believe it."

In the interview, Kranish said the recording posted online was authentic. A spokesman for the Elkton facility said the warden was not able to comment on the phone call yesterday. Monier did not dispute that the voice on the recording was Brown's.

Ed and Elaine Brown are serving 63-month prison sentences for a series of tax-related crimes. They were convicted in January but evaded capture for months by holing up in their self-sufficient hilltop home, entertaining guests and threatening violence if marshals came to arrest them. On numerous occasions, the Browns said they were prepared to die before surrendering and were planning to kill federal agents on the way out.

"You attack my property, it's going to get really violent," Brown told the Monitor in January, in a characteristic statement. "I don't care who it is."

Their actual arrest went differently. Rather than storming the castle, marshals used a small undercover team disguised as supporters, Monier said. According to Kranish, he and "Dutch" had been chatting online since March or April and had met in person at least once. Kranish introduced "Dutch" to the Browns.

Brown said he had his doubts about "Dutch" and called two friends before the scheduled visit to warn them about a "suspected sting." Bernie Bastian, one of those friends, said after the arrest that Brown had promised to call him back once the encounter ended, but never did.

On the recording, Kranish asks Brown if "Dutch" was the one who arrested him. Brown says yes.

"I had no idea. He tricked me. He got me completely fooled," Kranish says.

On the online forum of Kranish's website,, Kranish reposted a long posting made by "Dutch" in June. In the posting, "Dutch" warns supporters to look out for the forces of "fear, uncertainty and doubt." He also cautions them to beware of spies.

"Beware of the inside man (or woman). Every peaceful political movement knows that they are already infiltrated. In a room of 10 supporters there is bound to be at least one snitch or undercover operator.," Dutch wrote.

Some Brown supporters criticized Kranish yesterday for trusting a man who turned out to be a federal agent.

"I don't know if you would say that I am more disappointed or mad at Shaun for his serious lack of judgment," wrote one poster, named "NeoRayden."

But other Brown supporters indicated yesterday that they too knew "Dutch" before the arrests. Fred Smart, an Illinois radio host and blogger, said that Kranish and "Dutch" had had a "secret meeting" together in South Bend, Ind.

"This was some back, behind the scenes intrigue," Smart said, on Ed Brown's daily radio show, Ed Brown Under Siege, which has continued broadcasting despite the Browns' arrests. "Shaun feels entirely bad."

"MaidMarion," another poster on Kranish's website, said that several supporters had been duped.

"It was not only Shaun who was fooled by this guy Dutch," she wrote. "It was quite a few. Dutch had been checked out time and time again. It was not an overnight thing. He was known for months. He had 'special' skills that he offered Ed and Elaine. He was believed to be genuine."

According to supporters, no one has been able to speak with Elaine Brown, who is serving her time in a minimum security prison in Danbury, Conn. Several supporters received letters from her yesterday.

"Ed and I have done our job as we have been directed by Yahweh," the letter said, according to a re-typing posted online. "We know in our hearts that we have done what is right. we must now pass the baton on to others to continue the fight."

Monier said the Browns may face new charges for their behavior since their convictions. He has also said marshals will continue to investigate supporters. Four prominent supporters were arrested in September and are scheduled for trial next month.
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Post by . »

You know I'm really fast
I see a promising career for this nut-ball as a stand-up prison comic. Perhaps after some of his supporters are also incarcerated they can write gags for him.
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Post by webhick »

"You know I'm really fast,"
Only Randy and Elaine know that first hand, and it's not something Ed should be bragging about.
"I was breathing on the floor, underneath, the space underneath the bottom of the door, just so I could survive and keep breathing. I think I passed out slightly a couple of times," he said. "I was crying against the door and stuff and banging. The guards walked away and did nothing."
So they have a 65-year-old man crying and banging against the door suffering a paranoid delusion that the prisoners assigned to the cleaning crew are trying to kill him. I'm sorry....but this guy should be in the mental ward.
"If they're going to put me in a suicide watch, you should put me in a warm room and comfort me and keep me relaxed," Brown said.
Yeah, because prison is a resort. Especially suicide watch. I'm sure they're supposed to have Mrs. Claus hold him until he stops crying and then gently tell him that real prison cells aren't cold, that inmates won't beat you up and steal your clothes, and that everyone is super nice and totally helpful. Yeah, that's the only way to find out if being imprisoned is such a shock that you're going to off yourself the second you hit general population.
Brown also said that he has only gone outside once since arriving in Ohio, on account of the weather.

"It's too cold. I'm too cold. I can't take this cold out there," Brown said. "This is the Great Lakes area."
Yeah, that must be quite a shock to come from the rural beaches of Florida to Ohio...oh wait. Dude, you lived in New England. It's frelling cold here, too. My office at the office has no heat and barely any insulation. I'm wearing my winter jacket, a heating pad, and I can't feel the fingers on my right hand. Shut up.
Brown said he had not been subjected to "diesel therapy,"
Take that paranoid whack-jobs!
"The big thing is that Ed is not really a guy to exaggerate," Kranish said.
::cough:: ::cough:: ::cough:: ::hack::
Monier did not dispute that the voice on the recording was Brown's.
Even though Ed's voice was different? Must have been all that crying like a baby.
According to supporters, no one has been able to speak with Elaine Brown, who is serving her time in a minimum security prison in Danbury, Conn. Several supporters received letters from her yesterday.
I doubt they even tried. Is it wrong to feel really bad for Elaine right now?
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Post by Red Cedar PM »

webhick wrote:
Brown also said that he has only gone outside once since arriving in Ohio, on account of the weather.

"It's too cold. I'm too cold. I can't take this cold out there," Brown said. "This is the Great Lakes area."
I live in the great lakes area, it has been mid 60s - low 70s for highs this past week, which is balmy compared to what it usually is in Mid-October, and it has been cooler here than in Ohio. What a whackjob.
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Post by Famspear »

webhick wrote:
Yeah, that must be quite a shock to come from the rural beaches of Florida to Ohio...oh wait. Dude, you lived in New England
Yeah, I'm glad somebody else picked up on that. Ed's from New Hampshire, and he's complaining about the cold in Ohio? Good grief, I live a sheltered existence somewhere in south Texas. Sometimes the temperature will be in the 70s on Christmas Day. I consider anything north of Waco to be, uh, frozen tundra or something.

Ed needs to get a grip.
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Post by Duke2Earl »

Famspear wrote: Ed needs to get a grip.
If Ed had anything even close to a "grip" he wouldn't he in this fix at all. The whole reason he got there was because he couldn't recognize reality. Perhaps now that reality is hitting him in the face like the hard kiss of a wet fish..... who knows?... but I wouldn't bet on it.
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Post by Nikki »

Duke2Earl wrote:
Famspear wrote: Ed needs to get a grip.
If Ed had anything even close to a "grip" he wouldn't he in this fix at all. The whole reason he got there was because he couldn't recognize reality. Perhaps now that reality is hitting him in the face like the hard kiss of a wet fish..... who knows?... but I wouldn't bet on it.
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Post by LPC »

webhick wrote:
Brown also said that he has only gone outside once since arriving in Ohio, on account of the weather.

"It's too cold. I'm too cold. I can't take this cold out there," Brown said. "This is the Great Lakes area."
Yeah, that must be quite a shock to come from the rural beaches of Florida to Ohio...oh wait. Dude, you lived in New England. It's frelling cold here, too.
Yeah, but it's a *dry* cold.
Dan Evans
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Post by Imalawman »

LPC wrote:
webhick wrote:
Brown also said that he has only gone outside once since arriving in Ohio, on account of the weather.

"It's too cold. I'm too cold. I can't take this cold out there," Brown said. "This is the Great Lakes area."
Yeah, that must be quite a shock to come from the rural beaches of Florida to Ohio...oh wait. Dude, you lived in New England. It's frelling cold here, too.
Yeah, but it's a *dry* cold.
All I know is where I live, we've hit -35 (wind chill) every winter I've lived here. So, 50 above is too cold? huh? this guy is a freak. I hope that prison is very unkind to him. (well, he's over 60, of course its going to be unkind)
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Post by grixit »

Time for a new caged heat movie.

He's fast. He's in prison. Don't mess with him!

Jean CLaude Van Damm stars as Ed "Fists of Lightning" Brown in:

Sovereignty Behind Bars!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4

Post by gezco »

grixit wrote:Time for a new caged heat movie.

He's fast. He's in prison. Don't mess with him!
and, he’s always the smartest guy in the room.
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Post by webhick »

gezco wrote:
grixit wrote:Time for a new caged heat movie.

He's fast. He's in prison. Don't mess with him!
and, he’s always the smartest guy in the room.
Only if in isolation.
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Post by Nikki »

webhick wrote:
gezco wrote:
grixit wrote:Time for a new caged heat movie.

He's fast. He's in prison. Don't mess with him!
and, he’s always the smartest guy in the room.
Only if in isolation.
Not even then