Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I've given myself time to think about this and LiD has covered a lot of points. I personally feel that you could only get valid data by face to face interview and that still leaves you with the issues regarding size of data pool, self selecting, etc. Online, the only route to go is Facebook and maybe some twitter hashtag(s).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Hi, afateworsethandeath. Welcome to Quatloos.
I think I am right in saying that we have a member of this forum (Jay Brad) who claims to have used WeRe cheques and, from what I can make out, tends to mix with others who have done the same. Maybe you could start with him? It might then lead you elsewhere. I would recommend that you send him a PM rather than posting any questions on this forum because he avoids engaging in any form of public debate on Q.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

As far as a survey is concerned I seriously doubt you will ever get enough response to be statistically significant. As near as I can determine the WeRies(really need a good plural for this group) come in three flavors, the devout believers who will not help, the ones who got taken and will never speak of it because they still believe to a degree, and the hand full who actually wised up and are are vocally complaining, and they are I would suspect a VERY small group. I do believe that the social media pages are going to be your best, and probably only, point of contact. There will be a smattering of legal cases over the next year, but those are mostly of true believers and I doubt if they'll break ranks even when they get clobbered in court.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:There will be a smattering of legal cases over the next year, but those are mostly of true believers and I doubt if they'll break ranks even when they get clobbered in court.
Plus the odd case that does arise will be tainted by the other tactics that the defendant has tried. I tried the not the name tactic. I tried the three letters, the five letters, the WeRe cheque, etc. etc.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

Thanks all. Certainly going to be an interesting challenge. I think I shall try my luck with social media but as you have all rightly pointed out, I think that the response rate will be poor. I shall also send a couple of messages as recommended. Thanks again.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

Anyone know Jay Brad well enough to know whether he will give me the time of day?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Chaos »

i would say not a truthful time of day.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by SoLongCeylon »

afateworsethandeath wrote:Anyone know Jay Brad well enough to know whether he will give me the time of day?

Jay Brad is so full of shit his answers would either be lies or garbage. You would be better off interviewing Charles Manson ( someone nearly as mad as PoE. There are vidoes on YT of Charles Manson at Parole Hearings and the stuff he comes out with is so crazy it becomes interesting IMO. He is more than capable of inventing a new form of currency!
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

I wonder if people would readily jump to his defence as some do of PoE? For some, he can do no wrong. It could be worse I suppose. I could be having to interview David Icke and his lizard people
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

afateworsethandeath wrote:I wonder if people would readily jump to his defence as some do of PoE? For some, he can do no wrong. It could be worse I suppose. I could be having to interview David Icke and his lizard people
Really, the venn diagram between PoE's folk and David Icke's might as well be a perfect circle.

I notice nobody on the forum mentioned about Petey's FB blathering about how Sandy Hook and the recent Belgium bombings are all a conspiracy. And what's to say, really? It's all just par for the course ramblings of a psychopath.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by exiledscouser »

A lenghty and quite interesting post on PoE's FB, preserved here for posterity with 'old red' being my 2 penneth; apologies for banging on.
Simon Killarney wrote:

To Peter Benesch and Noel Kennedy - I did start out thinking to ask Peter of England not to waste his time with you two - you probably are shills (shill = anyone not blindly and unquestioningly following the cult) as he suspects but then I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and as the daily mail article in particular was so deliberately misleading I thought for the benefit of other readers a response was called for.

So 1) the clickable headline to the daily mail article says "Warning over fake cheques by home loan firm WeRe Bank." Well it seems we have a victory here (hurray - !!!!!11!!!!!). It has been difficult all along to get someone on the record to actually claim the cheques are fake. The banks and bank staff themselves are careful to avoid this because they know the cheques are not fake - and if they make that claim in any substantive way at all they know that that claim itself would be fraud and they would face prosecution for misrepresentation and malfeasance in office (By who? You? PoE? I don't think so but you could always hold a Common Law Court of Record, get in Session with a Grand Jury of fellow delusionals down the pub and initiate things from there but no, everyone knows you and your hero will do precisely SFA). Obviously Ruth Lythe the journalist for the mail hasn't got two brain cells to knock together and has blundered her way in like a bull in a china shop - all to our advantage - Peter can we now do the Mail for some kind of libel? Err - no. Peter bangs on about opportunities to get into court but sadly for what would otherwise be our splendid amusement he knows he'll come a cropper and so he stays away. Telling the truth about a scammer isn't libel either Simon.)

Secondly, We Re Bank is not nor has it ever claimed to be 'a home loan firm'. So factually incorrect and intentionally misleading. (2).

Within the body of the article it is said that We Re Bank is an "unauthorised' online bank. We Re Bank members will know I'm repeating here but for the benefit of Peter Benesch and Noel Kennedy let us once again remind ourselves that Tesco doesn't require the 'authorisation' of Sainsbury's in order to trade - does it? Nor does HSBC require the authorisation of Barclays. (and the point is....?)

What authorisation I wonder is it that is referred to? In any case, We Re Bank is probably 'the most authorised bank there could possibly be' - for we - it's members create it and give it whatever authorisation you could dream up. (Dream up being probably unintentionally apposite here. See here, as of right now I'm forming the Bank of Scouse, our official currency is the Hub Cap [100 Hub Caps = One "V" or Video"], I'm authorising it following a unanimous quorum with Molly my cat and Dangerous Dave from next door. In your face Rothschild Lizard men!)

(3) both the daily mail article and Peter Benesch's piece very much give the impression that it is 'because' of the involvement of We Re Bank that ordinary, helpless, innocent borrowers are getting into trouble and face threats of repossession and damage to credit rating etc. (True, some people are quite capable of bolloxing up things all by by themselves but use of PoE's products ensures total failure in every case and the express train to financial catastrophe. Choo choo!)

But this is despicable because we all know that it is 'not the result' of signing up to We Re Bank that many borrowers may face losing their homes. That is the result of the fraudulent loans they were first offered by the likes of Barclays et al which conspires to enslave the people on a treadmill of debt. And it is not We Re Bank that will take possession of the said homes if mortgage payments can't be met - is it? It will not be We Re Bank that evicts people and destroys their lives. (penultimate statement correct, last one entirely untrue, we are seeing empiric proof of that - Jimbo Wyld for instance and the excellent case law featuring the mad Canadian Freeman who's epic WeRe cheque fail Burnaby enlightened us about. Why the feck are bank loans fraudulent? If I borrow a tenner from my mate, I've got a tenner to spend on whatever I like, he'll punch my lights out if I don't pay him back, I know as an honourable chap that I will, even if he forgets and we are both perfectly happy with the arrangement. When I borrow £5k from...let's say....say Norwood Interiors and they in all good faith pop me in a fabulous new kitchen in my cosy West Yorkshire home in which to knock up fragrant vegan delights, they're going to be mightily and rightly upset if I keep the kitchen, call their loan fraudulent and refuse to repay it.)

No, it is precisely the institutions that We Re Bank was set up to provide an alternative against that will prosecute all of the above with their full legal might. Namely your beloved Lloyds, Santander, Northern Rock etc. (and so they should - if they lend you money in good faith, you've had the benefit of said loan to buy the house, the car or the fitted kitchen, you're no more than a fraudster yourself if you try and later WeRe weasel your way out using a something for nothing scheme you've read about on the internet.)

(4) "The Financial Ombudsman has received dozens of complaints from borrowers who are furious their lender won't accept cheques issued by a website called WeRe Bank." (**sigh**. It's because they are worthless Simon my boy.) - and

"The firm had promised to help customers clear their debts. In exchange for a £10 monthly fee, it said it would pay off their mortgage." (which is precisely why the Ombudsman had to adjudicate in the very real case of Mr. and Mrs. "O")

I'll deal with both of these suckers together. We Re Bank does not 'issue' cheques does it? Factually incorrect. It is the individual We Re Bank member who writes and issues a cheque. And that cheque is not written 'in exchange' for a £10 monthly fee, factually incorrect and deliberately misleading, but is the result of the member making out and depositing a Promissory Note into the bank. Now I encourage you Peter B and Noel K, you go and ask any bank or banker you like exactly what side of their balance sheet they would record the deposit of a Promissory Note on and 10 out of 10 of them would say on the asset side. (Proof please Simon, and this would also be assuming that the PN was actually backed with something of substance, not hidden Nazi Gold, units of ephemeral energy or imaginary "Off-Planet" riches. Also, notice that the PN's lodged by WeRe Bank customers are always in Euros or Sterling, I've often wondered why not in the Re? Funny that.)

So end of. Nor was any member compelled to do this as is also claimed - but it was a free choice. (Yes, despite the claim that we are all somehow slaves, we are all completely free to fuck up our financial circumstances however much you might be warned of the consequences.)

(5) It is also factually incorrect to state that the cheques are to be made out in the Re currency. Others are permitted (True but you could put down any currency you'd like - they would still be worthless.).

(6) Now the Bills of Exchange Act may be obscure to Ruth Lythe of the daily mail (and you Simon I suspect) , and I would remind readers that Ruth has already demonstrated her levels of competence and knowledge above - i.e. lacking - (she's a Daily Mail journo so I can wholeheartedly agree this point!) but We Re Bank members are already very familiar with this piece of legislation and becoming increasingly so. (no they're not and those that claim to know it have entirely misunderstood it and the Denning judgement in which it features)

And in any case, however 'obscure' you think it is Ruth, the law is the law (which WeRe adventurers would do well to ReMember) and yes - the so called 'creditors' are required to present the cheques for clearing (no they are not, A creditor can insist on being paid in legal tender or can refuse a cheque, rubber or real) . And they don't - they tend to hold on to them (with a big label marked "exhibit One") - which is theft (no it isn't) and no wonder the Ombudsman has received so many complaints and quite rightly so. The other disgrace being that the Ombudsman has not recognised theft for theft (she has because she lives in the real world and knows a bit more about things than you Simon) - but then we know who really pays their wages - don't we? (actually no - who does?)
Crack on Simon, haul the DM and the Ombudsman into court, have the courage of your convictions instead of impotently rattling that keyboard of yours. Get your WeRe cheque book out, let us know how you get on. Defend PoE's mad scheme all you want, the arse has fallen out of it, the scales are, albeit somewhat slowly, now falling from it's clients' eyes, the cheques (unlike the drugs you're clearly taking) don't work and finally there has been enough publicity to allow a casual "Googler" to get straight to the nub of this scam.

I'm tempted to sign in to FB to post this ReButtal on Pete's page but it'd be gone quicker than a pint down GT's neck.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

Ah of course. I don't know why we can't all see it? PoE has been right all along and this is clearly just a conspiracy by the terrified bankers and establishment to prevent the end of the world as we know it.

And now the FOS are simpletons and haven't got a clue either. I am just wondering that if PoE is such a financial genius why he hasn't been employed by one of the banking cartel to sort out all their issues. Surely they would literally be breaking the bank to get him on board. I'd say that he doesn't need any help breaking the bank as he had done that all on his own with his venture, before remembering that Were Bank isn't actually a bank. It's a scam
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by exiledscouser »

We handled 2,357,374 initial enquiries and complaints from consumers – 
almost 8,000 each working day. 

Around one in five of the initial consumer enquiries we received turned into a formal dispute – a record 512,167 new cases. 

78% of new cases were about the sale of payment protection insurance (PPI), with the number of PPI complaints rising 6% to 399,939. 

Complaints about “packaged” bank accounts increased by more than threefold, while complaints about credit cards went down by 47%.

Complaints about investments and insurance remained at broadly similar levels to the last two years.

63% of the total number of cases we dealt with related to four banking groups – while 4,504 financial businesses accounted for just 3% of our caseload. 

We resolved a record 518,778 cases – resulting in compensation for consumers in 58% of complaints. 

For cases other than PPI, we resolved 44% of complaints within three months. 
We operated on a cost base of £223 million with 3,526 employees at the end of the year.

We took part in over 250 seminars, roadshows, exhibitions and events.  

We answered over 600 enquiries from parliamentarians and 24,551 calls to our technical advice desk – our free, expert helpline for businesses and advice workers. 

We featured in 6,000 media stories – and 77% of adults in the UK said they were aware of the Financial Ombudsman Service.
ttp:// ... index.html

The above is an extract from the most recent FOS annual report; with 58% of cases resulting in compensation, hardly the stooges of any vested interest. A budget of £233m, 500k complaints processed. Most staff - 38% - are lawyers. Funding levvied from the regulated sector from compulsory contributions by force of statute (Financial Services and Marketing Act).

They appear fair and independent to me, no one's lap dog. If the FOS concludes that your complaint isn't upheld, even after appeals then its highly likely it was without merit from the outset.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

After Werner Peters turned his back to the Were Movement it received another hit yesterday when top Were Guru Joe "Freeman Austria" Kreissl (mentioned multiple times in my posts about the German Were sect) was arrested. He himself tweeted the news (Joe's Facebook Post) from the back of the police car transporting him to the district prison Wels. The picture clearly shows the amount of police brutality in Austria, letting him take selfies and post on facebook.

It is yet unclear why he was arrested or if it has anything to do with his Were activities, as he has his fingers in several shady schemes. The source of the warrant was the county court Vöcklabruck and he actually posted name and telephone number of the civil servant he claims responsible, asking his fans to call her - what a classy move.

He claims to be the victim of an "ambush" and that, of course, this will add to the amount of money the government is already owing him.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Seelenblut wrote:After Werner Peters turned his back to the Were Movement it received another hit yesterday when top Were Guru Joe "Freeman Austria" Kreissl (mentioned multiple times in my posts about the German Were sect) was arrested. He himself tweeted the news (Joe's Facebook Post) from the back of the police car transporting him to the district prison Wels. The picture clearly shows the amount of police brutality in Austria, letting him take selfies and post on facebook.

It is yet unclear why he was arrested or if it has anything to do with his Were activities, as he has his fingers in several shady schemes. The source of the warrant was the county court Vöcklabruck and he actually posted name and telephone number of the civil servant he claims responsible, asking his fans to call her - what a classy move.

He claims to be the victim of an "ambush" and that, of course, this will add to the amount of money the government is already owing him.
I don't know if you've noticed but I sent you a PM.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

exiledscouser wrote: They appear fair and independent to me, no one's lap dog. If the FOS concludes that your complaint isn't upheld, even after appeals then its highly likely it was without merit from the outset.
I've had one family member work for them for over ten years, and my wife used to work for them. If they were receiving schill money, they're keeping it very quiet :thinking:

For all its failings and flaws - and there are many - the last thing you can accuse the FOS of is being biased. The amount of processes and guidelines in place to make sure all decisions are entirely impartial is impressive, right down to the language they have to use to refer to parties (e.g. you're not allowed to refer to the claimant as a 'client' or 'customer' as that implies a bias on their side.)

But of course, they're against PoE's scam so they MUST be paid schills! Class action law suit on the way!
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Hello peter of England, I am a follower of your work and a great believer in freedom, your work is crucial in a time of unrestricted psychological warfare waged on the people for the purpose of engineering public opinion and consent. thank you for your efforts I have had some trouble with the royal bandits (police) concerning my deregistered private conveyance (car), and I am in need of some legal advice, as i am up court for driving a vehicle on the road without a licence or insurance in 7 Days, so time is critical. if you have any knowledge of the laws around this subject please friend me and get in touch. i am also perusing an assault/excessive force and unlawful detention charge on the constable that arrested me with the independent police complaints commission, so any info on that subject would be helpful. i will post a full statement of the whole 36 hour ordeal as soon as i have finished writing it. thank you. citizens of earth WE ARE MORE THAN A NAME, WE ARE A FORCE OF NATURE!

"Please let me know if there are any laws I can use in order to break the law."

Typical freeman insanity. Kiss goodbye to your 'deregistered private conveyance', bucko, and say hello to a lengthy ban from 'commandeering a magic metal road box.'
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by #six »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
Hello peter of England, I am a follower of your work and a great believer in freedom, your work is crucial in a time of unrestricted psychological warfare waged on the people for the purpose of engineering public opinion and consent. thank you for your efforts I have had some trouble with the royal bandits (police) concerning my deregistered private conveyance (car), and I am in need of some legal advice, as i am up court for driving a vehicle on the road without a licence or insurance in 7 Days, so time is critical. if you have any knowledge of the laws around this subject please friend me and get in touch. i am also perusing an assault/excessive force and unlawful detention charge on the constable that arrested me with the independent police complaints commission, so any info on that subject would be helpful. i will post a full statement of the whole 36 hour ordeal as soon as i have finished writing it. thank you. citizens of earth WE ARE MORE THAN A NAME, WE ARE A FORCE OF NATURE!

"Please let me know if there are any laws I can use in order to break the law."

Typical freeman insanity. Kiss goodbye to your 'deregistered private conveyance', bucko, and say hello to a lengthy ban from 'commandeering a magic metal road box.'
Looks like he won't be keeping his licence very long ;) ... =3&theater
Last edited by #six on Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

#six wrote: Looks like Hhe won't bee keeping his licence very long ;) ... =3&theater
HAH! That's priceless!

But it raises some interesting questions... how come he got done for not having a license? Did he pass the theory test then just decide that was enough? Did he fail his practical and gave up trying?

And if he was never going to bother with mind-imprisoning NWO instruments like driving licenses, why did he even do the theory test in the first place?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

The FOS decision on the WeRe Bank case strikes me as a deliberate act to get something into the public domain explaining why this is a scam. The FCA's response was pathetic - "it's not a bank, we don't care" - and there've been no reported UK court cases. So I think someone at the FOS thought that this needed to be said, following on from the Canadian court decision, knowing it'd be published on the FOS website.

BTW, I think this is also the same ombudsman who gave Simon (the Spaniard) Goldberg short shrift and who's also been mentioned on RationalWiki in relation to 'void mortgage' complaints brought to the FOS. I know from my work dealings with the FOS that they have specialists in particular products or issues, so they may well have a FOTL ombudsman!