Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by exiledscouser »

He's still at it; ... 9179700768
Peter of Poundland wrote;
WeRe Bank and ReMovement is organising a "Peoples Boycott on ALL Utility Bills" beginning IMMEDIATELY.
WeRe going to Bury Them!
WeRe going to Bury Them In Bureaucracy!
If not now then when?
If not for this - then for what?
JOIN WITH ReMovement and you already have over 12,000 behind you and more joining daily.
WHAT'S A £10 per month for the chance to rip these companies in two and throw them over board to the sharks - where they throw you daily?
The aim is to bring foreign owned parasitic pirate companies as well as domestic thieves to financial ruin asap:
The others, are at 790 Finchley Road , but we'll come back to them at a later point.
If you don't pay your gas and electric then you'll get cut off or have a pre-payment meter installed. Don't pay your phone bill, you'll be using a stack of 10p coins in a drafty call box. Council Tax rebel? Join Out-On-A-Limb Jim and his pals in their adventures in insolvency land.

Especially as Peter will at all times be right behind you experiencing your hardships, that's right, sharing your struggle first hand, number one into the fray, battling the oppressors, taking on the Man, living the dream.


A challenge to Petey; withhold the business rates at your new Rope Street HQ!
Pay everything in Re!
Don't pay the rent as all Landlords are evil, he's probably a Freemason and mates with the Chief Constable and as all property is theft it's all fraud anyway etc. etc.

It's making sense now why despite endless promises that there is no bank of phone lines installed to take calls - he won't pay for them.

And if anyone should be passing the newly established Stoke nerve-centre and can see or establish that;

a. The lights are on and computers are all working; and/or
b. The central heating is on making the place nice and toasty; and/or
c. The loos flush and the taps for the tea and coffee area are fully functional; and/or
d. The phones on the desks ring

then there's proof positive (if it were needed) that the old fraud is as hypocritical as ever. Do as I say, not as I do.

Same goes for any domestic address at which old Peripatetic Pete might lay his head on a night.
WHAT'S A £10 per month for the chance to rip these companies in two and throw them over board to the sharks
The only shark-bait will be Petey's sheep who'll happily (he thinks) pay £10 a month for the privilege of fecking up their lives. Anyway, if someone is of a mind to stop paying for utils and everything else, why would they continue to line Petes grubby pockets for the privilege?

When they start complaining (shortly before their posts are deleted) he'll simply say, as he has in the past, "did you think that this would be easy? You've got to challenge (the utility/phone company/local authority) yourself" and under the bus they go. And let's not forget his catch phrase - "If it goes to court - ARGUE!". Yeah, argue by yourself as you'll face proceedings alone and without pro-se Pete who as ever will not be giving a shit.

So, no sympathy now whatsoever for anyone trying this as WeRe Bank is comprehensively debunked and shown for the scam that it is. A quick Google is all the due diligence needed to establish this.

Petey is also picking up on another popular interweb 'meme of the moment' concerning an address where 1000's of companies are registered and conflating this with his own position. Not sure why he thinks this matters to him and his flock but I'm sure he'll enlighten us.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

From the WeRe Bank website:

All your information is securely encrypted on a private server using only the best common practices and available, up to date, FOSS technologies.
FOSS = Free Or Open Source. In other words, anyone can edit it.

So, not secure then.

Has anyone let the owners of The Kingsyard know that PoE is using their premises for something illegal? Its rental terms say:
Safe, Legal and Quiet Use

You cannot keep or do anything in your space that is dangerous, illegal or a nuisance to your neighbours; all tenants have to pay particular attention to possible fire risks and noise. ... kingsyard/
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NYGman »

littleFred wrote:The WeRe address has changed to: 4 Kingsyard, Rope Street, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6DJ. The pages at have been changed, though the Promissory Note still has the Ducie Street address. ... MQpx8IZjAH

Looks like a great place for a Bank.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

"A peoples boycott" which I take to mean is simply not paying them, but in order to take part in this not paying of your bill, rather than just not pay it, you need to join Peter's scheme and then pay him £10 a month. Peter wants you to spend money for the privilege of not spending money. I can not spend money by myself, without Peter's 'help'. This also makes a mockery of his "don't fight it, just pay it" earlier philosophy, simply because now he's arguing "don't pay it, just fight it". Of course the sheep are lapping this up like a dog on vomit.

His belief that he will drown them in bureaucracy is also more than delusional. The utility companies service roughly ALL the UK population (who live in a home), that's roughly 64 million, now Peter claims to have 12,000 followers. That would be 0.01875 of the people serviced by the utility companies, who are already sent a bill every month. At the present time 4 million people across the UK are in arrears with their utility companies. Adding an extra 12,000 to this number would represent an additional 0.3%, and that is assuming that ALL of Peters customers are not already in arrears (or that Peter has inflated the number for reasons unknown to us all).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

NYGman wrote:
littleFred wrote:The WeRe address has changed to: 4 Kingsyard, Rope Street, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6DJ. The pages at have been changed, though the Promissory Note still has the Ducie Street address. ... MQpx8IZjAH

Looks like a great place for a Bank.
Since the Google street view picture was taken, the building has been refurbished and now actually looks quite nice, and probably nice premises for a start-up business. There's a picture on the Kingsyard website.

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

Why would people give him 10 a month not to pay their bills? His advice and customer service is absolutely shocking. For like minded individuals surely they do not need his help to get themselves into financial bother
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Peter usually has some kind of twisted logic behind his scams, but this one has none at all.
JOIN WITH ReMovement and you already have over 12,000 behind you and more joining daily.
If a sucker doesn't pay his bills, what difference would WeRe membership make? How would the utility company even know about the membership?
WHAT'S A £10 per month for the chance to rip these companies in two and throw them over board to the sharks - where they throw you daily?
The sucker loses £10 per month. WeRe members would be treated exactly like other non-payers.

In the good old days, Peter used to promise access to Freeman Legal Service for members. He would support people in court, and prove that ... umm, something. After a year of not fulfilling those promises, he no longer makes them. He merely encourages people to stop paying their bills. Except for that monthly payment to Peter, of course.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by longdog »

I would take the figure of 12,000 monthly paying subscribers with a 50,000 tonne deadweight bulk carrier full of salt. As a matter of fact I don't believe for one moment that he has more than a couple of hundred 'active' members that are still paying their monthly subs once their 'cheques' and 'LLTs' start being universally rejected.

This 'boycott' strikes me as Poe desperately looking for a idea that he can sell to the morons and without any actual 'product' it boils down to what others have said... Why pay Poe not to pay your debts when you can not pay them for nothing? He's quite good at coming up with new 'services' which never happen like insurance and gold-backed banknotes but the only actual 'product' he's ever produced is is NotCheques and LLTs. All he really has is a little club appealing to the sort of cretins who like that sort of thing. Everything else has quite publicly turned to shit and I think he's realising his options are rapidly disappearing.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by exiledscouser »

Peter's latest wheeze has failed to impress in other quarters. The PoE FB Sunday afternoon missive has been reposted and has attracted some interesting responses.

Why, the scales would appear to have fallen, even from the eyes of......drum roll.....certain Goofy types too, hardened ones at that. ... wqV8mOMH8u

That it should come to this......that Petey can't even sustain his nonsense in their eyes. :violin:

Well, some that is, not all thank goodness, there are still one or two entertaining fools.

First off Salli who never fails to demonstrate her credentials in the gullibility championships, winning another Bronze medal with this effort;
Silly Salli wrote;
Why not block the letterbox and allow the Postmaster to return all bills for you? Not deemed served unless delivered so remove delivery access
Others are not sure this'll work. The normally off-the-dial Tiggercat has had his calculator out;
The problem I have with PoE is the '12,000 members' and the £10 a month that each have to pay. £120,000 coming in a month????

The problem I have with the other suggestion is that eventually you have the gas/electric/phone cut off.
That's about the truth of it Tiggercat ......carry the took you a while but, finally, you've nailed it!

It's a feckin' scam !!!!11!!!! (who knew?) and you'll be left in debt, cold and in the dark with no credit on yer phone.

Mr. Fibble so usually prepared to suspend belief in supporting anti-establishment schemes, even he puts the boot in;
The "12000" figure is probably closer to 200, and the vast majority probably realised it's a scam a long time ago. Regardless, he clearly doesn't care about the harm this would do, he just need new suckers to fund his lifestyle.
I'm thinking sanity may have broken out over on Goofy, lets hope it's contagious.

Disappointingly the normally reliable shill-finder general Swifty is still at war with those who won't accept that the world is flat and that gravity is the devious invention of the Joos, calling out most of his fellow Goofy types as paid disinfo merchants yadda yadda :D :D :D :D :D :D you've seen his style.

So he hasn't yet got round to posting in this thread. Should be interesting if he does as initially he was Pete's cheerleader number one with a brown smudge on his nose; he later changed his tune deciding that Peter was nothing more than a scam artist and then in a complete volte-face rejoined the cult when he realised that he was aligning himself with his hated enemy, Deadbeatdad. Come on Swifty, give us your take on this.

Meanwhile on Pete's FB a poster from the US of A asks;
Joe Loisel
I have been trying to join since December but you have kept the promissory note and returned both checks I sent. I am unsure as to how to proceed. Please contact me directly or explain how to join in detail. I am in the USA so I am dealing with converting dollars to pounds and then getting the money across the Atlantic by snail mail but no one seems to want to give me explicit instructions so i can join! You won't take any checks from me, business or personal, and I don't want to have to send a money order or cashiers check overseas each month, so what gives?
Here is a no-doubt shortly to be purged response;
Jan Page
You have to send cash, Peter only accepts cash or payment in gold or silver, not cheques, money orders or even payment in Re (wonder why he won't accept Re if he expects everyone else to ...?). WeRe Bank doesn't even have a bank account so it can't accept payment by cheque or money order. Gold, silver or cash only, that awful, nasty fiat scrip money that you're told by Peter is worthless is the only form of payment he will accept.
Well said Jan, if only for a few hours before Pete turns your light out.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by guilty »

But let us suspend sanity for a moment, and imagine a la-la land where 12000 loons could bring all the utility companies to their knees. Wouldn't the other 60 million people in the UK be a little annoyed and march on 4 Kingsyard with pitchforks and burning torches? What of the millions of other people and investors around the world who own shares in these private companies and depend on them for pensions? Petey and his insane mates wouldn't get out alive.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

The sane and rational members of society cannot win where PoE is concerned. While ever he remains free from criminal investigation his supporters will claim that this is because he is not committing criminal fraud. The minute he gets arrested they will state that it is an attempt by TPTB to silence him as he is getting too near to the truth.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Peter admitted in one of the German meetings that there's a big drop off rate of people paying the £10, and that only around 4,000 members recieved chequebooks (based on my guesstimates of the numbers he provided in that vid, here's a rough ballpark of how much he's earning - second post down: viewtopic.php?f=52&t=10846&p=221914 )

Anyway, the last PoE post really is going down like a cheap Thai hooker. As Fate pointed out, even the hardcore buffoons are beginning to get sick of his antagonism. Archiving some of the more interesting threads here as they stand right now:

Mark Lewis (name seems familiar, one of the usual lot?) is a bit pissed that his Merc got crushed thanks to Petey's advice. SUCCESS!!1!! He then descends back into gibberish:
Mark Lewis: You living back in England now?

Peter Of England: Have you just landed on this planet, or what?

Mark Lewis: I've not heard of it clement? Just want you to know that i messaged you several times on Google+ when i REALLY REALLY! needed your help about two years ago when my Mercedes was crushed...not a bloody nod or even a wink. !! all the best heart emoticon

Matt Indigo: Mark Lewis perhaps i misread that, do you have mental problems, why would you expect Peter to help when yr shit car got crushed?

Mark Lewis: yes you misread it. The time i messaged him he was listed as living in France no less. My car was a mint classic, and i followed all of Peters videos and/or advice. Losing everything. But then..thats none of YOUR business, is it really?

Mark Lewis: I see you follow the Galactic Councils laws, yet you say 'shit car' with an attempt to what what exactly.??..except having your outburst recorded in the Akashik records. Furthermore, if you're on this page, i presume you also follow the codes of conduct and courtesy by any man of a Common Law country? You insult me, possibly causing me injury.
Peter shows contempt for someone desperately wanting to line his pockets, and introduces the new concept of 'ensoulment' to keep the mark baffled. (Jan Page's response, as archived by Fate above, has predictably been canned):
Joe Loisel: I have been trying to join since December but you have kept the promissory note and returned both checks I sent. I am unsure as to how to proceed. Please contact me directly or explain how to join in detail. I am in the USA so I am dealing with converting dollars to pounds and then getting the money across the Atlantic by snail mail but no one seems to want to give me explicit instructions so i can join! You won't take any checks from me, business or personal, and I don't want to have to send a money order or cashiers check overseas each month, so what gives?

Jan Page [since deleted]: You have to send cash, Peter only accepts cash or payment in gold or silver, not cheques, money orders or even payment in Re (wonder why he won't accept Re if he expects everyone else to ...?). WeRe Bank doesn't even have a bank account so it can't accept payment by cheque or money order. Gold, silver or cash only, that awful, nasty fiat scrip money that you're told by Peter is worthless is the only form of payment he will accept.

Peter Of England: We credit you account in Re for every $ £ € re receive. In addition to run the show we have to pay people and they accept £ so that's what we deal in too. All our employees are paid in BOTH currencies Re and £ so what a bonus! We have of course kept the PN but as you do NOT have an account set up yet then until that happens it is a worthless peice of paper as it is NOT ensouled.

Joe Loisel: Thank you Peter Of England for responding! I would like to ensoul the PN but it would seem that I chose a poor time to send in my PN. I was told by email in December to send a blank check but that was before the mutiny. I understand if things are run differently now, i just want to know step by step. I've never dealt in british pounds before. We have utility companies to liquidate and i want to do my part!
Yes, how DARE the utility companies give you electricity, gas and water and expect paying for that service! Dunno what that has to do with the banks, but... YEAH! VIVA LE REVOLUTION!
Enzo Mecca: Good to see that some of us are waking up to the abuse by banks, and actually doing something about it!
Still a few people who are desperate to f*** up their lives, will pay Peter for the privelege, and will even congratulate him on his 'work' even though he's not done anything yet:
Michael Peer: Well thats all very nice - but how are our LLT`s doing and how when they would arrive - how about clearing? Anwers please Peter! Thank you!

Peter Of England: They're on the way! Send in your account number please and we'll check it out !

Michael Peer: Thanks Peter for the quick replie - My (Michael Peer) account is: V821647898190767MP and my mothers (Monika Peer) account is M928298717300448MP Thank you for checking and thanks for your hard work. Kindest regards Michael Peer
'Accepted', you cretinous waste of human skin.
Marc Noko Nolan: I've just filled in the Form and been excepted :D I don't understand any of it but I'm totally willing to learn..
Given his propensity to pull complete and utter nonsense out of his arse, I think Peter should try his hand at being an on-stage psychic. I actually think he'd do better at it than running a bank scam where he accepts (excepts?) cash in an envelope and posts something back in return, which he still can't bloody manage.
Louis Romano: What is the significance of the black cube with red circle in the logo please?

Peter Of England: The Mind of God in Time and Space. The black cube RePresents the infinite cold and black expanse of space (in breath) and the sphere is the white compression of red hot suns (out breath) = +/-

Louis Romano: Very Good!
Apologies for the long post. Just wanted to preserve and archive, and present for the benefit of non-Facebookers.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
Louis Romano: What is the significance of the black cube with red circle in the logo please?

Peter Of England: The Mind of God in Time and Space. The black cube RePresents the infinite cold and black expanse of space (in breath) and the sphere is the white compression of red hot suns (out breath) = +/-

Louis Romano: Very Good!
That "very good" is the most depressing thing I have read on Quatloos for some time.

Ask a question about the least important aspect of this whole sorry enterprise, one that PoE could have answered with a perfectly reasonable and logical explanation but still chooses to imbue with his usual BS and still the mark lap it up without a single pause for thought.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by mufc1959 »

From the WeRe Bank Facebook page (this is the page that's now run by Djon, with no involvement from PoE. It's in fact an anti-WeRe Bank page now.)

I've highlighted the section about success of the cheques - and Djon should know, he was at the coal-face.

And if you're wondering who Zapp Brannigan is, he's a "military commander" in the cartoon series, Futurama. From the Futurama Wiki:

"Although Zapp Brannigan is considered a great military hero by many people, most who have met him are less impressed by his arrogant, incompetent, perverted, phallic, selfish, egotistic, chauvinistic, bossy, cocky, manipulative, supremely vain personality, as well as his incredible stupidity."

Sums PoE up perfectly!
Yep the self-appointed galactic star-ship caption - Zapp Brannigan is at it again. The BS from this guy is unbelievable, but that is not the point here. This idiot has been warned about his rantings, twisting of the truth as well as issuing out private information. As Winston Churchill once said "You know you are over the target when they start shooting at you". The true hurts Mr Brannigan doesn't it - rant on.
Anyone can hire a room and obtain a handful of loyal follows, lets face it the only people attending will be either too punch his lights out or support him in some delusional attempt to take on the system - the Brannigan way. Anyone turning up without doing any research has only themselves to blame.
But here are some facts to consider. Over 120,000 individually printed cheques were sent out and less then 0.001% have been successful and that is only down to internal administrative errors, which have been either over turned or written off. Anyone with a business model like wouldn't last long. What does his business slogan say again "don't fight, pay it". Yep that one really works. So what is the the great Zapp Brannigan master plan - jam up the system with his cheques, and it does not matter if YOU are a causality and find yourself in deeper water - if you are lucky and get one of his cheque through well done you - see it really works. We all know the system is corrupt but fear not Mr Brannigan has the solution to it all - YOU and don't come crying back to him when he has taken your money and delivered only more problems.
The sad thing in all this is GOODF have allowed themselves to be induced, thus seemingly giving him creditably, someone is losing direction here. We would serious advise people to do proper research and obtain the facts first about what has truly gone on.
Didn't he say "noone is coming"...
Once again "You know you are over the target when they start shooting at you". The true hurts Mr Brannigan doesn't it - rant on
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Gregg »

littleFred wrote:The WeRe address has changed to: 4 Kingsyard, Rope Street, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6DJ. The pages at have been changed, though the Promissory Note still has the Ducie Street address.
That address is just flat out fun to say out loud.... :haha:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Gregg wrote:
littleFred wrote:The WeRe address has changed to: 4 Kingsyard, Rope Street, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6DJ. The pages at have been changed, though the Promissory Note still has the Ducie Street address.
That address is just flat out fun to say out loud.... :haha:
Is it? :shrug:

Over on the German Were FB page:
Michael Peer: hi...any suggestion or info on how and where to clear our Were Bank LLT`s. I would be gratefull - Thank you!!

Michael Peer: That would be Germany and or Austria but willing to travel, people suggested Eastenr European Countries?!
The gullibility never fails to stagger me. So he's willing to travel to another country to 'clear' a cheque? What does that even mean? And regardless, even if the cheque wasn't obviously fake and there was a slim possibility of passing it off, is it worth the bloody effort at this point?

I've never been asked by Barclays to travel to Estonia to get a cheque processed. If they did, I'd tell them which country they could bugger off to while I switched banks.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by longdog »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
Over on the German Were FB page:
Michael Peer: hi...any suggestion or info on how and where to clear our Were Bank LLT`s. I would be gratefull - Thank you!!

Michael Peer: That would be Germany and or Austria but willing to travel, people suggested Eastenr European Countries?!
The gullibility never fails to stagger me. So he's willing to travel to another country to 'clear' a cheque? What does that even mean? And regardless, even if the cheque wasn't obviously fake and there was a slim possibility of passing it off, is it worth the bloody effort at this point?

I've never been asked by Barclays to travel to Estonia to get a cheque processed. If they did, I'd tell them which country they could bugger off to while I switched banks.
Without wish to cast nasturtiums on the character of our East European brothers and sisters I would think that qualifies as advice in the 'could very easily get you killed' category. I have a brother who is still looking over his shoulder 20 years after an East European <ahem>transaction</ahem> went bad :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

longdog wrote: Without wish to cast nasturtiums on the character of our East European brothers and sisters I would think that qualifies as advice in the 'could very easily get you killed' category. I have a brother who is still looking over his shoulder 20 years after an East European <ahem>transaction</ahem> went bad :snicker:
But he managed to get the black tar heroin back okay, yeah?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Jeffrey »

Michael Peer: That would be Germany and or Austria but willing to travel, people suggested Eastenr European Countries?!
I fully support Peter trying to pass off fake checks in Romania.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by FatGambit »

You would't even need to go there to put a mark on your back nowadays, there's so many of them here already painting the social housing refits (they were all Romanians who did our kitchen) that simply passing a cheque to the wrong person for some under the counter paint would be enough.