Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by longdog »

Jury nullification has long been a weapon in the arsenal of the UK footler crowd but they... A) Usually believe it actually annuls the law completely for all future cases and B) I'm not aware of any of them ever having convinced a jury that their case was worthy of the exercise of the power.

I've not to date seen any mention from the footlers that they could, in effect, ask a magistrate to do the same thing by handing down a absolute discharge after a guilty verdict but I'm sure they'll twig to that one eventually... With the same degree of success.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by noblepa »

IANAL, but it is my understanding that juries do not have the RIGHT to ignore the law. However, since juries do not have to explain their decisions, the way appellate courts do, juries have the ABILITY to ignore the law. The closest you will ever get to an explanation from a jury is if the court polls the jurors after they announce their verdict. But that is only a "do you agree with the verdict", not "why?".

Also, since juries issue a simple verdict, guilty/not guilty or for the plaintiff or defendent in a civil case, with no explanation, a jury decision has no precedential value. That is, future cases can not refer to the jury's decision as a defense. If there is a pattern of juries refusing to convict defendents of violating a particular statute, the prosecutor may elect not to go forward with the case. This is not the same as a legal precedent.

I believe that most legitimate legal scholars believe that juries violate the law and their oaths when they engage in nullification.

Nevertheless, jury nullification is a very real phenomenon. Prosecutors must be prepared for it and take steps to avoid it. We can argue forever about whether nullification is truly part of the law or not, and we will never settle the matter. It happens.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Hercule Parrot »

noblepa wrote:Nevertheless, jury nullification is a very real phenomenon. Prosecutors must be prepared for it and take steps to avoid it. We can argue forever about whether nullification is truly part of the law or not, and we will never settle the matter. It happens.
Very true. It's a difficult moral position. I was delighted when Clive Ponting was acquitted after whistleblowing the truth about the sinking of the Belgrano, but I can think of many other situations where a verdict based upon 'the sentiment of the mob' would be deeply troubling. For a long time it was said that no jury in the Deep South would convict a white man for beating or killing a black man, for example.

The classic English case is Dudley and Stephens, concerning the trial of shipwrecked mariners who decided to eat the cabin boy.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by letissier14 »

Craig Crawford finds it funny that his landlord is getting evicted

I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Pox »

letissier14 wrote:Craig Crawford finds it funny that his landlord is getting evicted

The irony of it all. :haha: . I share Craig's amusement.

Anyways, with the amount of money he says he earns, a grand a month in rent should be small change to him.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Why isn't Camp Crawford organising rent-a-mob to attend so they can prevent the landlord from having his property stolen? :shrug:
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It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by afateworsethandeath »

Which just goes to prove a point. Literally everything the Crawford family touches turns to shit. Why doesn't the family use their in depth knowledge of ancient legislation and common law to stop the repossession?
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by daveBeeston »

While i do see the irony,i don't share his amusement.

The question that should be asked is if this person is getting the property repossessed is it due to them not paying the mortgage or Craigy boy not paying the rent?

If its the former then would Craig have some sort of claim against the owner after all he has been paying his rent and is now loosing his home due to the owners incompetence/greed/dishonesty?
If its the later (and i suspect it is)then why bring it to the public's attention as the truth will eventually come out.

So Craig tell us why you are not rallying the troops to stop this repossession and your eviction is it because its A: Legal and above board or B: Because the truth will come out and you'll be the one at fault?

His responses on Facebook are interesting,he cannot buy his own place as Banks are asking for 3 years business records,i never had to provide these when i bought my house(plus his "business" has been running since 2013 apparently). And the replies do make me wonder if he is being evicted due to running his business from the property without informing the Council and the relevant Authorities rather that the owner having the property repossessed.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

daveBeeston wrote:
His responses on Facebook are interesting,he cannot buy his own place as Banks are asking for 3 years business records,
But...but...but....all mortgage is FRAUD!!!!1!!!! The banks are CORRUPT!!!!1!!!! They create money out of THIN AIR!!!!1!!!! Why would Craig even consider getting a mortgage? That would make him a hypocrite.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by #six »

I believe there's an empty house in Fern Chase. He could always see about renting that
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by FatGambit »

His responses on Facebook are interesting,he cannot buy his own place as Banks are asking for 3 years business records,i never had to provide these when i bought my house(plus his "business" has been running since 2013 apparently). And the replies do make me wonder if he is being evicted due to running his business from the property without informing the Council and the relevant Authorities rather that the owner having the property repossessed.
You don't need to inform the council for simply working from home, which is what most people running a business do, you only have to tell them if part of the building will be permanently used as the business outlet (using a bedroom as an office doesn't count), you employ people on site or sell to visitors on a regular basis, assuming you are renting privately and not in social housing that is, back when we rented from a friend the only people I had to tell was the landlord, but then I wasn't using the drive as a shop front.

Interestingly, we got evicted too, because the landlord and his wife got divorced and the property was sold to split the proceeds, there was no recourse for us, they gave the correct amount of notice and that was it, the house was in the end repossesed, as the divorce got nasty and both sides refused to pay the mortgage.....

The mortgage ability checks are also a lot more strict nowadays, I know people earning a good living who've failed them and been refused a mortgage, it's even more difficult for someone self employed to buy. But like you 12 years ago I was offered a mortgage without having to provide detailed accounts, times have changed as they say, he probably has a shit credit record too.

I also think it's being generous to describe what he does as running a business, he telesales an MLM scheme to other unsuspecting marks, that's a long way from 'running a business' :lol:
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by daveBeeston »

Interesting about not having to inform the council as i had to when i made one of the rooms in my house into an office so i could work from home occasionally,i was also informed i may be required to pay business rates on top of Council tax due to me making the office.
When it comes to the mortgage part i am self employed and have been for the last 7 years(with the occasional return to my previous employment aswell on short term contracts),when i bought the house i currently own my business had been up and running for just 6 months,the bank looked over the business plan and my previous history (no debt,all payments made on time)and offered me the mortgage without any issue.Now my business could have failed at any point in the first couple of years due to it being in a very competitive industry but that wasn't taken into account at all.
If Craig has a solid legitimate business and incident free financial past (which lets face it he doesn't on the first part the second part who knows)he should have no problems getting a mortgage,of course there is the other argument that banks may well have been made fully aware of the family Crawford and their antics and therefore are not willing to take the risk.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by AndyPandy »

Why doesn't he just move back in with his Mum & Dad, oh yes I forgot, they stupidly lost one house and are probably going to lose the one they inherited as well ..... :shock:
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by PeanutGallery »

daveBeeston wrote: Edit
His responses on Facebook are interesting,he cannot buy his own place as Banks are asking for 3 years business records,i never had to provide these when i bought my house(plus his "business" has been running since 2013 apparently). And the replies do make me wonder if he is being evicted due to running his business from the property without informing the Council and the relevant Authorities rather that the owner having the property repossessed.
I thought he was a millionaire from Internet marketing doodahs and what not, surely he could rustle up the money for a new house just by having a dig around in the back of the sofa? Or are his claims of success in the digital world ever so slightly inflated?
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by afateworsethandeath »

If Craig does buy his own place, I'd love to be a fly on the way when contracts were exchanged............
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by radcliffewreck »

PeanutGallery wrote:
daveBeeston wrote: Edit

I thought he was a millionaire from Internet marketing doodahs and what not, surely he could rustle up the money for a new house just by having a dig around in the back of the sofa? Or are his claims of success in the digital world ever so slightly inflated?

According to Craigs you tube vids he's raking it in, so what's a measly grand a month to him ?
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by exiledscouser »

radcliffewreck wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote:
daveBeeston wrote: Edit

I thought he was a millionaire from Internet marketing doodahs and what not, surely he could rustle up the money for a new house just by having a dig around in the back of the sofa? Or are his claims of success in the digital world ever so slightly inflated?

According to his you tube vids he's raking it in.
Aye; add to this Jimmy W has defeated bankruptcy, seen off all his creditors, Tom has been given his house back, Ceylon has joined the Notts Police and WeRe cheques are now universally accepted at all retail outlets, everywhere.

Craig strikes me as a Private Walker type character from Dad's Army and a bit of a Billy Liar.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Jeffrey »

I love the irony of Craig complaining about a £1,000 a month apartment while his dad threw away a house that they only had to pay £300 a month for.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Chaos »

letissier14 wrote:Craig Crawford finds it funny that his landlord is getting evicted

it is quite funny. they took your rent money and kept it for themselves. lol
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Bones »

radcliffewreck wrote:According to Craigs you tube vids he's raking it in, so what's a measly grand a month to him ?
According to Tom's you tube vids, he won his possession hearing :thinking: