"Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by midjit-gems »

Well she did accuse him of sleeping with someone else during the trial. I guess it's the ponytail that does it :whistle: he has spent some considerable time at her majesty's pleasure, maybe it wasn't just her pleasure :wink:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

midjit-gems wrote:Well she did accuse him of sleeping with someone else during the trial. I guess it's the ponytail that does it :whistle: he has spent some considerable time at her majesty's pleasure, maybe it wasn't just her pleasure :wink:
:naughty: :snicker:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Pox »

This is a video that Haining uploaded earlier this week - nothing of any particular interest as it is about a candidate for the new police commissioner post. He has been charged with historic child abuse charges and is claiming that the charges have been trumped.

There follows a small debate as to whether he is guilty or not and 'Teddy' comments -

'Looks right to me, his body language says hes been fitted up and has fire to sort it out , the age old slam them down with the child sex allegation used by the guilty ones. '

Isn't this exactly what Haining etc. do?

If in doubt, call them a paedophile.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by midjit-gems »

Anyone who offers an opinion that is different to theirs is automatically a shill/troll/paid agent of some kind or as you say a paedophile. They wonder why they don't get taken seriously by anyone anymore
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by vampireLOREN »

I think this must be from the "Bring a Friend" meeting ? if so it is a happy thought that they charged people to listen to this.
The first opinion I had listening to this lady was very sad and I found nothing to mock in her. When she gets into full flow I suddenly saw the big picture, She can bring much to the movement, her list of credentials is endless including Horticulture and Forensic Legal examination. At last the "Truth Movement" has a martyr/leader with a hair colour that cannot be duplicated.

ps it would appear she has a connection with Neelu? ummmm no great shock there.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by midjit-gems »

I've just watched a short amount, I'm guessing this video should be posted on a paranormal page as it's clearly proof ghosts exist?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by littleFred »

Ceylon shows his true colours.

On the "Latest News" GOODF subforum, he removes posts he doesn't like on the grounds that they are not news.

Today, he started a thread with a video that was made last November, at the latest. It is a compilation of extracts of Hitler speeches with stirring music and strongly anti-Jewish captions. The video and post are titled "Adolf Hitler's Warning".

Hitler was anti-Jewish. Everyone knows that. This isn't news.

So why has Ceylon posted the video? I can only assume that he whole-heartedly agrees with the video.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by exiledscouser »

Saw that too. Vile revisionist crap. For someone willing to rehabilitate the Fuhrer and excuse the carnage he's quick enough to resort to Godwins Law and brand his local authority and plods as nazis.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by littleFred »

Ceylon's Adolf post had a reply that was deleted. "joeyjoejoe" has responded to that reply, praising Hitler. I won't bother repeating it, because Ceylon won't delete it.

This is the reply that Ceylon deleted. No, I didn't write it. But I agree with it.
Re: Adolf Hitler's Warning

Postby A_Banker » Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:03 am

Seriously, we fought and won a war against this prick. Many died to rid this planet of his evil. There is nothing good from this man. I am very surprised that you would allow this type of post, and then to see it from you, is disgusting.

This is the last straw. This site promotes very bad advice, and for the handful it may have helped, it has messed up many other people's lives. I have seen people go to jail, lose their home, and become more indebt thanks to this site, but to glorify Hitler, a man who indiscriminately bombed the UK, invaded much of Europe, and saw anyone not German, as sub human, is it.

You have shown your true colors, and hope others realize you are not here to help, you use people to promote your ideology.

I sure hope more people listen to Tight, at least she tries to help, and doesn't seem to have any agenda. However she seems to overlooked in favour of some vocal idiots, who obviously have no clue. I do wish Tiggy luck as hopes she sticks said to be the voice of reason here, because Lord knows, anyone else not following the party line gets called a shill or troll, and banned. I have tried to limit my positing because of this, but this post was a bridge to far. This Hitler stuff had no placed here, and neither does all the anti-semitism. Xenophobia and racism. It isn't necessary, it isn't helpful, and had nothing to do with the mission of this site.

If you truly want to help people get out of debt free, allow real advice, stop pandering to crazy theories like loose the name, direct debit claebacks, or courts don't have jurisdiction. And start playing by the realbrules. You would be amazed at what being nice and working with your lender can do

However I fear this is all wasted, as I will get banned note and my post removed, because Ceylon doesn't have the balls to keep up posts with legitime positions that do not agree with his.

You had a great idea for a site here. You just screwd it up with so much bad advice based on bad theories it now does more harm than good.

Stop trying to change a system you don't understand, and try to actually understand the system, and participate within it it. You may actually prevail more often than you think
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by exiledscouser »

I think Joeyjoejoe and Kestrel22 are one and the same person, posting so as to give the false impression that there is actually more than just a few fuckwits out there with these repellent ideals.

I will quote Joeyjoejoe;
Hitler was evil? Because Germans were happy, free, wealthy, had a purpose, had health and vitality again, had homes, German children would go camping, hiking, learn skills.......
Yes Joey, this idyllic nation, starting almost immediately Hitler came to power in 1933 achieved this through;
  • forcibly euthanised the mentally ill, sick and infirm, it's own citizens ("Aktion T4").
  • outlawed religious freedoms,
  • persecuted minorities,
  • ended democracy and free elections
  • enacted and enforced racist laws
  • annexed territory by force of arms
  • dismembered and destroyed sovereign states
  • embarked on genocidal wars against it's neighbours
  • enslaved and murdered 2 to 3 million Russian prisoners of war, executing 'political commissars' out of hand
  • imprisoned and executed Polish "intelligentsia"
  • ruthlessly suppressed and outlawed any and all internal dissent, trade unions and a free press
  • routinely and without law monitored telecommunications and mail
  • arrested and imprisoned without trial/summarily executed those deemed 'enemies of the state'
  • enslaved and imported into Germany millions of labourers, many of whom were worked to death as deliberate policy
  • deported and murdered six million jews, starting with German jews and spreading to all of occupied Europe and Russia
  • launched a war that left, at best estimate, up to 6.9m of it's own "happy, free, wealthy and purposeful" citizens dead
  • displaced anything up to 40 million people by the war's end
  • ushered in the Cold War and 40 years of nuclear brinkmanship.
I read a book a few years ago "Alone in Berlin" which is about one man's struggle to exist in the wartime German capital;

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alone-Berlin-P ... 014118938X

Well worth a read as it was written by a German in 1947 and captures the claustrophobic and oppressive and often harrowing day-to-day existence of an ordinary German, an 'everyman'. Although a novel, the author draws heavily on wartime experiences.

Compare and contrast all we know about both world wars and for me, their apologists, barely concealed anti-semite National Front dross and racists for the 2nd WW make my blood boil.

Haining actively promotes this affront to decency, suppresses any and all dissent or criticism, however mild; all this on a site supposedly about assisting debtors manage their affairs.

What a scumbag the man is.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by SteveUK »

its be great to transport from goodfers back in time to nazi germany. I wonder how the gestapo wouldve reacted when they 'did not consent' to the rules of the game.

As the handle was cranked, and the voltage to their ball sack increased, you can almost here them scream 'but theres no wet ink signature on the arrest warrant'.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Jeffrey »

Wasn't either Kak or Mak a homosexual?

You think Ceylon is aware of how they treated homosexuals in the third reich?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by noblepa »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:
Against the straw man surely, trouble is I'm never quite sure which is which :shrug:
The straw man is the all caps name. You know.....the corporation that is created when parents register a birth and hand ownership of the child over to the state. The one the birth bond is attached to.....the birth bond that is worth squillions. So it all hinges on one question. When Candice made those allegations.....when she uttered Jay's name.....did she say it in upper or lower case?
And, did she pay the appropriate royalty for using his copyrighted name?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by notorial dissent »

Jeffrey wrote:Wasn't either Kak or Mak a homosexual?

You think Ceylon is aware of how they treated homosexuals in the third reich?
Ceylon "AWARE" oh come on now, I'm prepared to believe a lot of things, but there are limits, besides that would mean he'd have to be concerned about someone besides himself or about something that went on that didn't include him, and we know that ain't happen'.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I bet no one can guess who posted this on GOOFs:

i put info out what you make of it is up to you and i do try not to just put one side out
:haha: :haha: :haha:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Pox »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I bet no one can guess who posted this on GOOFs:

i put info out what you make of it is up to you and i do try not to just put one side out
:haha: :haha: :haha:
So he tries?

They say God loves a 'tryer ' (and he can certainly be very trying).

No secret, I despise the man (never met him though, or had any dealings with him whatsoever so quite why I despise him so much is a bit irrational?).

Even hearing his voice on his self promoting, narcistic amateur videos makes my blood boil (maybe I need therapy?).

He says he tries - but he fails - sounds about right - if he were a stick of rock, it would have the word 'failure' written thought it.

From his puny pony tail to his stumpy legs, he is, as described by another, 'a boil on the arse of humanity'.

Rant over, off to have a stiff drink so as to take away the bad taste in my mouth. :evil:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by midjit-gems »

It's not irrational at all. He brings a similar emotion on for a lot of people, myself included. Sadly though I have had the misfortune to have been in his presence, and that of his hobbit wife. In fact in person he really does make you want to show a violence the likes of which most people would probably never have felt before.

When he is in the close proximity of his pals taylor and the crafraud clan he seems to think he really is something. Which we all know he is anything but. He really is one of the most obnoxious individuals I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. I don't feel hate for many people but he comes mighty close. I don't often bare I'll will on people either, but I genuinely do hope that the karma train pays a visit to his station very very soon
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Pox »

midjit-gems wrote:It's not irrational at all. He brings a similar emotion on for a lot of people, myself included. Sadly though I have had the misfortune to have been in his presence, and that of his hobbit wife. In fact in person he really does make you want to show a violence the likes of which most people would probably never have felt before.
I genuinely do hope that the karma train pays a visit to his station very very soon
Thank you - will cancel the appointment with the therapist now that I know that I am not alone.

Karma, one can only hope.

As you have met him and his wife, do either of them actually work? Where does he get his income from?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by midjit-gems »

Glad to of been of assistance :)

Not sure if either of the hobbits work. Last I heard Mr hobbit had a taxi firm, licensed by Nottingham council whom he had such a problem with. I'm told he had a few businesses in the past all no longer in operation, though there's mixed information on the minibus business last time anyone checked.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by hucknallred »

midjit-gems wrote: Not sure if either of the hobbits work. Last I heard Mr hobbit had a taxi firm, licensed by Nottingham council whom he had such a problem with. I'm told he had a few businesses in the past all no longer in operation, though there's mixed information on the minibus business last time anyone checked.
Would this be the pony tailed one?

https://companycheck.co.uk/director/906 ... /companies