Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by #six »

Thanks for the heads up. Added to my podcasts :)
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

I will soon provide a translation for the report zeke posted 2 days ago, I hope to finish that and my next big write-up (Austrian Freeman Joe Kreissl) today.

Meanwhile someone posted a text by PoE on the German WeRe skype channel that he received attached to a "clearing" e-mail (despite the shiny new website those fancy clearing codes are still mostly coming through a make-shift e-mail method). I didn't have to translate this, the english original was posted:
As you can see we have confirmed your requested clearing code but we have to tell that the chances of the bank crediting with cash to your LLT is very low.

A better solution would be to have it credited on your WereBank account.

We have asked you to provide a "proof of debt" and as you have provided a proof of debt - we thank you.

Two courses of action are now available for you. One easy and one hard.

You can either persist in attempting to have the "globalist banking cartel" credit your account with €, £, $ etc or you can allow the funds to be made instantly available in the WeRe Bank Trading Account to the payee!

WeRe Bank has initiated this action, due to the fact that many members in German speaking countries are passing funds to each other and NOT using the LLT's to pay genuine debt. The following action and protocol is now possible for your adoption:

You will not need now to attempt to have a 3rd party clearing bank intervene in this transaction.

As it is a genuine DEBT then we will arrange for the funds to be CLEARED IMMEDIATELY into the payees account with WeRe Bank!

Two types of payee will therefore be obvious: (1) Those who already have a WeRe Bank account and (2) those who do not.


If the payee has an account with WeRe Bank then we will credit that account immediately with the amount shown on the LLT.


If the payee does NOT have an account with us, then the funds will be parked into a COLLECTION ACCOUNT with WeRe Bank awaiting claim.In order to CLAIM said funds they must register with WeRe Bank and open an account. They DO NOT HAVE TO SUBMIT A PROMISSORY NOTE. They can ONLY receive funds which are paid into this COLLECTION ACCOUNT by another WeRe Bank member.They can only then transfer what is in their account to the extent they have received funds from elsewhere.

What this means is that you will no longer have to protest, to go into conflict and argument with the High Street bank or the teller. You will now simply pay directly to each other .

Thank you,
Peter of England
German WeRe users are quite baffled by the text, as Mr. Smith seems to admit here that his LLT's can't pay shit and you can only shift around your Re monopoly money with other WeRe users. It is a bit unclear what the promissory note is for, then ... or his fees.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

It would appear that he has gone on to a new lie, but yes, he is in essence admitting that his paper is worthless and uncollectable. I don't think that is exactly what he meant to do, but that is my take on it. Maybe some of the German users will now catch a clue and realize they have been taken.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Peter wrote:As you can see we have confirmed your requested clearing code but we have to tell that the chances of the bank crediting with cash to your LLT is very low.
This is interesting. One year ago, Peter insisted that everyone was obliged to accept his bad cheques, and that suckers could follow a process to make them be accepted.

Now, he finally admits that this doesn't happen. By "very low" he means "zero". Normal banks don't accept WeRe cheques because they know WeRe Bank will never pay out on them.

So, Peter's solution is to remove the middle-man, the other banks. Payees can send cheques and LLTs directly to WeRe Bank, which will accept them. But will WeRe Bank pay out on them? Of course not. Peter will merely adjust numbers on his Excel spreadsheet. The payee will never get paid.

Perhaps Peter believes that utility companies and so on will rush to open WeRe accounts so they can be paid in WeRe cheques and LLTs. He has wanted this all along, to bring down all the other banks, so WeRe Bank is the only bank left standing.

I don't know if Peter is so deluded that he thinks this will happen. In real life, utility companies won't be suckered into opening WeRe accounts. But he may, for a while, convince his suckers that this will happen.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

And here we have the (manual) translation of the report by someone (German) who seems to have worked on Peter's shiny new website - originally posted by zeke here - tidied up as requested :).
Hello dear ReMover,
Please look at my words as a personal summary of my views of the events over the last days and weeks.
With great personal enthusiasm I, my wife and several friends have joined the ReMovement in October/November 2015. I still find the idea great and hope that it will spread out in his full glory - for everybody!
After I have held back since the beginning of March a lot has happened. As part of the IT team that was en-route in February to create, together with Peter, a safe and functional IT structure, I stepped down in the first days of March, together with the entire team.
My personal reasons: British diplomacy - one could say - Peter and Karin have played me and hidden their real approach. As it turned out later not for the first time, and not only in regard of a person. In addition to that I refused to deliver to the members just another covered-up member-recruitment tool.
What we see now is the unfinished, but beautified system which the team had handed over to Peter at the beginning of March, without any functioning back office - that wasn’t ready at the time of the step down. It was then supplemented by our successors with a little content and a simple contact form was camouflaged as a registration form.
The inadequacy of the current website in that context was already reported by the net, independently from us. Since then I stayed silent and hoped that Peter would turn the corner.
Middle of April 2016 - mail from England: 6 weeks after I resigned - look - my ReMovement fees, which I have send to Peter in January 2016 - exactly like I sent them, carefully wrapped in aluminium foil - including my letter from January, with the handwritten note “Ret” - which probably means “Return”
And it wasn’t just my fees, my wife's were also there, although she didn’t have anything to do with me stepping down or anything at all with the IT team. Result = accounts closed. Reasoning, quoting Karin: “We thought you don't have any interest in WeRe.”
I could have understood such a reaction by Peter & Karin at the beginning of March from an emotional point of view - but now, 6 weeks after the IT team resigned? In my view that’s a completely arbitrary action. Since the middle of April my wife tries to get Karin to agree to a clarifying conversation - but without avail.
My personal conclusion:
The fact that Peter thinks, I shouldn’t be allowed to shop in this shop after I stopped supporting the creation of its checkout system, isn’t really important. In my view the important issue is: Is this the arbitrary way members of the ReMovement will be treated by the trustees in the future?
Okay then - after I posted my thoughts in the Dina-Orga [to my knowledge he means the private Facebook group, administrated by Almedina Zilali, alias “Aldina Atlantika”, which seems reserved for the German WeRe “organizers”] there was no direct reaction - except from the hostess: “... it is as it is …” respect!
Despotism is officially tolerated - that’s what I thought at first. But I was taught better. Messages that I received privately show a very different picture of the matter. The whole thing was viewed as serious - but it was also pointed out that if someone is writing something like that openly in the Orga channel, then they can expect trouble with Dina - who likes to kick someone “arbitrarily” out then. Even as I myself beat them to it last night, I have witnessed very questionable kicks of others. Long life the dictatorship ; )
But beyond that I am happy that the members of the Orga - despite Dina’s coercion - are open to alternatives. That gives hope!
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Seelenblut wrote:And here we have the (manual) translation of the report by someone (German) who seems to have worked on Peter's shiny new website - originally posted by zeke
Thanks Seelenblut, excellent work as always. That's a lot easier to read now!

Very interesting that PoE voluntarily sent money back to her, especially since it sounds like he hadn't even touched it. Perhaps he's not very good at this scamming business after all...

But the successes still keep rolling in! From a new FOS ruling:
Tesco was within its rights to treat the “cheque” as little more than a worthless piece of paper and to ask Mr C to make payment through more conventional means. ... eID=109311

:haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Seelenblut »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:Very interesting that PoE voluntarily sent money back to her, especially since it sounds like he hadn't even touched it. Perhaps he's not very good at this scamming business after all...
I would assume he was hoping that the former member would quietly leave and not report that the shiny new "IT infrastructure" seems again based on a wonky contact form and a big Excel sheet (that would be my interpretation of the text, being an IT guy myself).
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by guilty »

As you can see we have confirmed your requested clearing code but we have to tell that the chances of the bank crediting with cash to your LLT is very low.

A better solution would be to have it credited on your WereBank account. (etc. etc.)
It would appear that the WeRe bank's 'prohibition' on using the LLTs to credit legal tender into your own personal and proper bank, has resulted in German members trying to pass legal tender to each other via the official bank system.

As Peter points out, the chances of this succeeding are nil.

What he appears to be suggesting is that if German members want to exchange funds with each other that they do it as a 'Re' transfer within the WeRe Bank accounts. There's actually nothing wrong with that. If member A wants to give 5000Re to member B, then go ahead. Of course, you can' do anything with your big pile of Re's, apart from pass them on to another WeRe bank member. That's why he suggests the 'Collection' account. If you want to pass your Re's to someone who isn't a WeRe member then they are going to have to sign up to Peter's scam.

They can all then have a good time passing Re's to each other. Perhaps a prize for the person who collects the most?
Maybe use their imaginary money to buy imaginary goats and tractors and land, produce imaginary goods to sell to other players?
Oh..... I think there are already games like that available on the internet....
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

Quite a good radio segment, I thought. I would have like a more direct question to Peter:
Interviewer: So, if Mr O's bank had presented the £68,000 cheque to WeRe Bank, would you have sent them £68,000?

Peter: Blah blah.

Interviewer: So the answer is no, then. Your cheques don't actually pay any debts, do they?

Peter: Blah blah.

Interviewer: Again, the answer is no.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Footloose52 »

Listened to the BBC broadcast.

Quite a bit of emphasis on the Canadian court decision and one or two heavyweight UK folk brought in for discussion including a former colleague of mine. I have to say I did think of a prominent personage from this very board when Canada was mentioned :thinking:

PoE was just as baffling as I expected although there was a momentary ray of light when he seemed to say that his intention was to advance funds against calling in the promissory note at a future date. Hmmmm - isn't that just the problem he has been suggesting WeRe Bank solves.

Kind of proves how dim his 'marks' really are.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Footloose52 wrote:there was a momentary ray of light when he seemed to say that his intention was to advance funds against calling in the promissory note at a future date.
We can only hope and pray that he does one day insist his suckers honour their promissory notes.
No doubt PoE would cite Lord Denning. And in this instance (for once) the cite would be correct. :snicker:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

BBC: So your made-up currency helps people pay their bills?

PoE: Yes.

BBC: Why is it you only accept stirling cash?

PoE: Because we've got bills to pay.

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by letissier14 »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:BBC: So your made-up currency helps people pay their bills?

PoE: Yes.

BBC: Why is it you only accept stirling cash?

PoE: Because we've got bills to pay. Because Re is worthless
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

Haven't listened to it yet but it sounds hilarious. The hypocrisy of the bloke is unrivalled
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

For those of you that haven't listened to the BBC programme yet, here is the link

PoE stumbled his way through it. He is intent in he idea that people should have to disprove that Were Bank works rather than him having to prove it. Even when confronted with the recent FOS statement he just ignores it and asks for them to put something on their website. The man is deluded but getting rich
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by notorial dissent »

I have no problem with these dimwits playing pretend bank with each other as long as they do it in the privacy of their own computers and don't actually involve the real world in it. At least that way they aren't hurting themselves or anyone else. I do object when they try and cheat some unsuspecting party with them.

So PoE finally got pushed in to a corner by a sane individual and admitted that his WeReNotABank paper was essentially worthless. Amazing. It won't faze any of the dim and bewildered, but at least it's a start.

The recording will make a nice statement of intent at his trial.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

afateworsethandeath wrote:
PoE stumbled his way through it.
Yeah I thought that too. He doesn't perform at all well when he is challenged. He wasn't as slick as he is when speaking to room full of believers.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by afateworsethandeath »

When asked if he was rich, he clearly could not think of anything to say. Although I thought he was let of lightly by the interviewer, he obviously starts to break down when confronted by rational argument
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by hucknallred »

Download link for PoE on the BBC is here

This may not work outside the UK, if not let me know & I can help with a Youtube upload.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by hanlons razor »

Not a bad piece, pleased to see they're keen to follow up with stories from were bank users.

Hopefully they can find some. Or failing that I'm sure some kind souls on here could volunteer some information....
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