Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Pox »

letissier14 wrote:WakeFest 2016 - 27th & 28th August

Free festival run by BTBAB



Admin complaining about the lack of interest


Anybody remember this from 2013?

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... t=Bodenham

I forget which bright spark muted this meetup at Bodenham Manor but it sounded like it would be a good gig - Indian head massages and organic food on tap.

Sort of Glastonbury, but not quite.

Seemed to be plenty of potential attendees who actually paid money up front!

Then it got pulled at the last minute -

I can't remember why :whistle:
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by NYGman »

I used to do sound work at a local theater. We had all these oldish 9v batteries without enough charge to reliably run the wireless mic's but by no means dead. One day, being board, I started to daisy chain them together, inserting the positive of one into the negative of another, and so on, and so on. Used over 20 9v batteries to create the chain. Then took a spare electrical wire, and hooked it up to one side of the chain, and attached it to the metal cage I worked in. Took the other wire, attached it to the other end of the chain, and then touched that to the metal cage, and created a heck of a large spark. Repeated this a few times, until someone noticed the sparks flying, and mentioned that with all the wood chips from the power saw being near by this probably wasn't a good idea, so the fun ended.

However, the sparks from those 9v batteries was amazing, and for me at least, unexpected. I am sure there was enough power to really hurt someone. Lucky no one got hurt that day :)
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by noblepa »

NYGman wrote:I used to do sound work at a local theater. We had all these oldish 9v batteries without enough charge to reliably run the wireless mic's but by no means dead. One day, being board, I started to daisy chain them together, inserting the positive of one into the negative of another, and so on, and so on. Used over 20 9v batteries to create the chain. Then took a spare electrical wire, and hooked it up to one side of the chain, and attached it to the metal cage I worked in. Took the other wire, attached it to the other end of the chain, and then touched that to the metal cage, and created a heck of a large spark. Repeated this a few times, until someone noticed the sparks flying, and mentioned that with all the wood chips from the power saw being near by this probably wasn't a good idea, so the fun ended.

However, the sparks from those 9v batteries was amazing, and for me at least, unexpected. I am sure there was enough power to really hurt someone. Lucky no one got hurt that day :)
From the way you described it, you wired the batteries in series. That means that the total voltage was 9v x number of batteries. However, the current (amps) was probably very low. It takes a high voltage to create a spark. The breakdown voltage of clean, dry air is 25,000v/cm. That means it takes 25kv to jump one cm of clean, dry air. Humidity and dust in the air will lower the necessary voltage somewhat, but its still pretty high.

Obviously, to arc across a shorter distance requires much less voltage.

High voltage and low current is relatively safe. That is why you can touch a Van de Graff generator that is creating thousands of volts and the most it will do is make you hair stand on end.

As others have said, it is not voltage that kills, it is current (amps).
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Chaos »

JamesVincent wrote:They're having a Wake'nBake?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by NYGman »

noblepa wrote:From the way you described it, you wired the batteries in series. That means that the total voltage was 9v x number of batteries. However, the current (amps) was probably very low. It takes a high voltage to create a spark. The breakdown voltage of clean, dry air is 25,000v/cm. That means it takes 25kv to jump one cm of clean, dry air. Humidity and dust in the air will lower the necessary voltage somewhat, but its still pretty high.

Obviously, to arc across a shorter distance requires much less voltage.

High voltage and low current is relatively safe. That is why you can touch a Van de Graff generator that is creating thousands of volts and the most it will do is make you hair stand on end.

As others have said, it is not voltage that kills, it is current (amps).
I can confirm, the volts were usually good, but the low amps is the reason I couldn't use them, as they would make it that long. So I am sure I had at least 180v but Amps, likely not that high at all. Although it did made lovely sparks.

Come to think of it, and with a few less batteries, we did have fun shocking people a bit. Same set up, one side of circuit wired to cage, other wire held in my hand, my other hand holding someone else. a person would walk up, put a foot inside my cage, and instinctively grab the pole with their hand. Before this touch, the person holding my hand would grab the free arm of the soon to be "toucher." When they touched the cage and competed the circuit, ZAP!

Fun times :) And the Zap fun came before the sparking.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by longdog »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:Back in the days of battery operated valve radios you had a LT battery to supply the valve filaments and a HT battery to supply the circuit. Those HT batteries were usually somewhere between 90-120v. No, the HT current couldn't kill you, but me and my friends found that putting your tongue across the terminals could produce some hilarious results. Kids these days don't know they're born. Putting your tongue across a PP3 is nothing.
Back in the days when I was a service engineer for a microfilm company I was the nearest the firm had to an electrician and, though I'm a natural (and very fucking talented though I as so myself) engineer, I was totally unqualified and didn't fully understand what I was doing all the time. I was once charged with running a line from the PABX telephoney exchangey thing ( :shrug:) to the far end of the building. As was standard operating procedure (for me) I stripped the wires with my teeth which went OK until I got to the one carrying the 60 volts or whatever it was. I've not stripped cable with my teeth since :haha:
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by eric »

Bunch of wimps... :shock: Back in the day I used to service XRF instrumentation where the tube HV, if working appropriately was at 80 to 200 KV. Knew all about corona discharge, 10KV per cm, and getter lines. How to diagnose a fault - turn the lights out and watch for the purple glow in the wrong spot. Similarly keep parts of your body the appropriate distance from the circuit. Oh, and by the way, some of the instruments also contained hot isotopes so observe the radiation safety rules. Enough of the war stories, let's get back to FMOTL groupies.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by #six »

Back on topic... A review of what Curious George was up to yesterday. 96 requests and counting.


1 - another 9 requests to HMRC!
2 - throwing his toys or of the pram with a number of complaints to the ICO over previous requests where he has not been given the answers he demands. Ironically they have also given answers he is unhappy about.
3 - 4 requests to the General Registrars Office about birth certificates and money. These can be summed up as follows

Q: tell me every thing you know about this thing I have made up.
A: we have no knowledge of that thing you have made up.
Q: well I demand that you tell me who does know about this thing I have made up.

I await today's instalment with excitement :snicker:
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by SteveUK »

This guy is amazing/ it's ine of the most entertaining FOI tirades since neelu and co.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by AndyPandy »

SteveUK wrote:This guy is amazing/ it's ine of the most entertaining FOI tirades since neelu and co.
The word 'vexatious' springs to mind and this particular avenue of entertainment will soon be cut off for all concerned!
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by SteveUK »

Dammit. There should be some exceptions to the vexatious rule - allowing for entertainment, loons etc.

Hmm, I feel an foi coming on.....
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by exiledscouser »

Georgie is well on his way to full Ebert status. What a load of old tosh. He asks Test Valley BC whether it accepts WeRe cheques.

"No we do not and never have" is fairly unequivocal.

Undeterred by reality, he ploughs on with a follow-up request, laying bare in the process his own narrow agenda;
Gorgeous George wrote:
There must be a reason why TVBC has not and will not accept WeRe Bank cheques. I will be grateful therefore be grateful if you would please confirm:

A. Why TVBC has not and will not accept WeRe Bank cheques.

B. Are TVBC stating that the weRe Bank cheques are fraudulent cheques.

C. Has TVBC refused to present WeRe Bank cheques for clearing.

D. Are TVBC acting "ultra vires".

I understand that WeRe Bank is a Private bank operating under common law - and that it cannot be nullified or ignored.

Finally, I will be grateful if you would kindly answer the following two (2) questions:

1. Does TVBC accept promissory notes "bank notes" as payment for a debt; and if not, why not.

2. Will TVBC accept legal tender - if TVBC prove that there exists an "outstanding debt; and if not, why not.

I could have a go at responding but the following demonstrates why I'm not cut out for a FOI career.

A. Because they are worthless

B. WeRe cheques are worthless. TVBC prefer being actually paid.

C. (I suspect this question is asked because Georgie kited a WeRe cheque in their direction and got knocked back) No.

D. See answer to C. above.

1. No. See B. above.

2. TVBC accepts legal tender.

Now fuck off you sad lonely tosser.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by SteveUK »

If all his were FOIs are based on knock backs, that probably makes him the most prolific writer of said doo-doo in freetard land.

Perhaps he could send an FOI to Petey boy asking why nobody accepts them.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by AndyPandy »

SteveUK wrote:If all his were FOIs are based on knock backs, that probably makes him the most prolific writer of said doo-doo in freetard land.

Perhaps he could send an FOI to Petey boy asking why nobody accepts them.
Or one to himself to ask why he keeps writing them ! :beatinghorse:
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by SteveUK »

He can be reached via that site, anyone up for making one to him from the sovereign nation of quatloos?
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by #six »

SteveUK wrote:Dammit. There should be some exceptions to the vexatious rule - allowing for entertainment, loons etc.

Hmm, I feel an foi coming on.....
Fortunately vexatious, for the purposes of FOI requests, is limited only to individual requests and not to the person making the requests. So this means individual requests can be refused it there is nothing to stop George, and therefore our entertainment, from making as many requests as he likes.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Gorgeous George wrote:
There must be a reason why TVBC has not and will not accept WeRe Bank cheques. I will be grateful therefore be grateful if you would please confirm:

A. Why TVBC has not and will not accept WeRe Bank cheques.
Because we don't want to.
Now jog on, sonny.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Angolvagyok »

If you do a little googling it seems George is a very disgruntled HMRC employee. Can't confirm former or current status, I'm afraid.

Edit: I think I have my answer:

https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/ ... ing-543645

2. How many HMRC employees had their contracts terminated by HMRC for Gross Misconduct for taking out a Season Ticket Loan and not using the Loan to purchase the Season Ticket.

3. How many HMRC employees had their contracts terminated by HMRC for Gross Misconduct for taking out a Season Ticket Loan and not using the Loan to purchase the Season Ticket (in spite of the employee having actually paid back the Loan in full).
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by #six »

I think you might be right there. He has made a lot of requests to HMRC and most seem to be about their disciplinary processes
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by SteveUK »

so he perhaps got caught abusing the season ticket loan scheme.

Next FOI - does transport for London accept were cheques? If not, why not?
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????