Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

BMX, you are to be commended for your moderator efforts at WFS.

I suspect Menard well understands the political necessity of standing clear of the jack boot, swastika wearing version of anti-Semitism. So it stands to reason he didn't grouse when a fair minded person such as yourself stood up to the Hitler crowd. That's what Menard does. He uses people. He's fine when someone does the heavy lifting. But the fact is he has allowed Nazi apologist propaganda and Third Reich historical misinformation to be posted on the WFS site.

The latest pile of garbage not so subtlety charges the Jews with creating an international conspiracy to control politics, society and media. . .the same Jewish/Rothschild cabal some of Bobby's associates say control the banking system and create money out of thin air.

Worst of all the propaganda posted by Patrick infers that Hitler really wanted to expatirate the Jews rather than exterminate them! This is the same sort of loathsome historical revisionism Patrick posted back in 2013!
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Re: The Nazification of Freemmanism: Part II

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote:It appears that Robert Menard, the absentee land lord/Director of the World Freeman Society has yet again let go of the leash on his site administrator's neck.

On the morning of May 1. 2016 Patrick, Menard's Nazi apologist site administrator has posted another handful of anti-Semitic articles. See:

This isn't new territory for Menard and his minion, Patrick.

In 2013 Menard and Patrick were taken to task for their pathetic attempt to minimize Nazi anti-Semitism and mass murder. See: ... p?t=267530

Since their outing as Nazi apologists Bobby and Patty have partnered with the shamelessly xenophobic The Peoples United Community, whose TPUC Forum they have used to try to paper over their Nazi apologist philosophy.
On his Facebook page Menard's defense is that the "social feeds" to the WFS site are "automated" and that he has nothing to do with the WFS site anyway. Bobby pretends to be a big wheel by calling himself the Director of the World Freeman Society. But when things go wrong and his site posts Nazi apologist material Bobby says he's not responsible.

Then, once again, playing the victim and substituting cute for smart he tries to pretend the above post encourages others to be hate him. Bobby, is that the best you can do with your 147 I.Q.?

Well, Bobby, I'll tell you the same thing I told you in in 2013. I'm not outing your site's Nazi apologist propaganda so that people will hate you. Frankly, I consider you a fat, lazy joke. I am outing you in the hope you and your minion Patrick will stop posting Nazi apologist propaganda.
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Re: The Nazification of Freemmanism: Part II

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote:
arayder wrote:It appears that Robert Menard, the absentee land lord/Director of the World Freeman Society has yet again let go of the leash on his site administrator's neck.

On the morning of May 1. 2016 Patrick, Menard's Nazi apologist site administrator has posted another handful of anti-Semitic articles. See:

This isn't new territory for Menard and his minion, Patrick.

In 2013 Menard and Patrick were taken to task for their pathetic attempt to minimize Nazi anti-Semitism and mass murder. See: ... p?t=267530

Since their outing as Nazi apologists Bobby and Patty have partnered with the shamelessly xenophobic The Peoples United Community, whose TPUC Forum they have used to try to paper over their Nazi apologist philosophy.
On his Facebook page Menard's defense is that the "social feeds" to the WFS site are "automated" and that he has nothing to do with the WFS site anyway. Bobby pretends to be a big wheel by calling himself the Director of the World Freeman Society. But when things go wrong and his site posts Nazi apologist material Bobby says he's not responsible.

Then, once again, playing the victim and substituting cute for smart he tries to pretend the above post encourages others to be hate him. Bobby, is that the best you can do with your 147 I.Q.?

Well, Bobby, I'll tell you the same thing I told you in in 2013. I'm not outing your site's Nazi apologist propaganda so that people will hate you. Frankly, I consider you a fat, lazy joke. I am outing you in the hope you and your minion Patrick will stop posting Nazi apologist propaganda.
Let's be clear. Patrick's Nazi apologism isn't done by putting on a Nazi brown shirt, wearing a swastika or celebrating Hitler's birthday.

The apologism Patrick carries out, and Menard tolerates, is a calculated revision of history which infers that Hitler didn't really want to exterminate the Jews or that he is awarded a get out hell free card because there was a brief period during which he toyed with the idea of merely banishing all the Jews from Europe.

Patrick, the one trick pony, has pulled this same gambit a handful of times on the WFS site. . .and Menard has supported him every time!

It's no wonder Bobby thinks this Nazi apologist trick is fooling somebody. . .it's the same propaganda trick he pulls!

Over the years Bobby has palavered about non-violence so he has something to quote when he gets called out for threatening cops. He utters a few words about self reliance and honesty so he can reference something when he gets slammed for cheating restauranteurs out of meals.

It's like Patrick and Bobby have memorized Joseph Goebbels' playbook!
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

I bet they like playing with gerbils.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

I'll post this here to bait out bobby:

Original is here:

Only 309 views so it's possible Rob may not be aware that Jerry Kane was a fan of his.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by The Observer »

arayder wrote:..[T]here was a brief period during which he [Hitler] toyed with the idea of merely banishing all the Jews from Europe.
Two and half years is hardly brief. From 1939 to early 1942 Adolf Eichmann had been in overall charge of planning forced deportations of European Jews, either to Siberia or the Nazi fantasy of Madagascar. The latter plan was based on the assumption that the defeat of Britain would result in her merchant marine falling into the hands of Germany, thus allowing the deportation of the Jews. Once the Battle of Britain established that Germany was not going to get this windfall, it resulted in Eichmann giving up on the idea. None of this excuses Hitler in the least; he had already implemented the killing of Russian Jews in 1941 during Operation Barbarossa, although it was not organized on the level that the Holocaust was in Poland and Eastern Europe with the death camps. In fact, much of the Nazi plan for extermination of the Jews and Slavs in the East was based on starving the populace over time rather than any systemic expansion of the death camps. But with the reversals of the war on the Eastern front, Hitler accelerated the systematic murder of the Jews before the Soviets could overrun Eastern Europe.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Good point Observer.

Patrick and Bobby tell us they are just ". . .question[ing] the predominate opinion concerning the causes and effects of WWII". But the fact is Patrick and Menard tired to make the forced deportation plan into Hitler's Zionist strategy for the creation of a Jewish state.

Other posted articles say things like Jews are ". . .incompatible with Western thought and values of freedom." see: ... -oligarchs

Menard and Patrick have a history of pretending the anti-semtic material they post is just their brand of thinking outside the box.

Menard knows very well that his absurd and fanciful theories about how wealth and money are created are furthered if he and Patrick can make references to "the banks" into code speech for "Jewish bankers".

The truly ironic thing is that if allowed Bobby would use the ACCP to manipulate the money supply in a way that would make J.P. Morgan blush.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Here's what Menard's Holocaust minimizing, Nazi apologist associate, Warrantcard, over at the TPUC forum posts about Jews:

"The Jews love numbers". "Look at all the number six they love to fixate on". "Six million is a magic number to them". ". . .that's how these people justify lying." "[They are] paid liars." "I don't hate Jews at all". "All of them are going to burn in hell". "If you really love Jews . . .instead of talking about this myth [the Holocaust]. . .warn them about the Satanic religion they are wrapped up in. . .".

You're keeping good company, Bobby.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Amazingly on his Facebook page Bobby claims he had nothing to do with the Nazi apologist and holocaust revisionist history materials posted on the World Freeman Society site despite that fact that he is the director of the society and that the materials have been documented all the way back to 2013.

Is Bobby doing his usual throw-a-fellow-freeman under the bus by leaving site administrator Patrick holding the bag?

Better watch your back, Patrick.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Here is a 2 and half year old post from D'Rok, Bobby's oldest nemesis, which clearly shows how Menard, as WFS director, sat by while the WFS and its site administrator, Patrick, went all Nazi apologist on the site's forum. ... count=2246
Indeed. And Peter is busy passionately defending Hiter and Nazi Germany over on the WFS forums. Even some of the faithful are starting to question this madness.

Here are few choice quotes from freedom-loving Peter at WFS:


"Adolf Hitler fought for our future and freedom."

"Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Stalin were all Jews backed by the same Jewish Bank Gangsters that run the show today.
Hitler who was God fearing, as well as his Arm which consisted of ALL religions, were fighting Communism which was Godless.
Communism is what we globally see today as a Free and Democratic Society, where anyone can own your ASSets, buy into your country, lobby the **** away your rights because you have no say, and you walk around in the illusion that you are free.

In Germany and Europe, Hitler was fighting for your rights, freeing you from the Bank Gangsters and giving everyone equal rights."


Hitler love fest starts at page 3 of this thread:

And some more of the faithful questioning WFS' new direction here:

And who is responsible for Peter's conversion to Nazism?

"You see, what I ave realised, and I am no thicky thicky, is mainly from Rob and his films and teachings is thatit is OK to question things."

Menard must be so proud. So, Canada and other western democracies are fascist tyrannies, while the beacon for freedom and equality and the model for WFS to emulate is...Nazi Germany.

You couldn't make this **** up.
You got some 'splaining to do, Bobby!
Last edited by arayder on Thu May 05, 2016 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LaVidaRoja »

That which you cannot explain, you simply ignore. (and hope something else comes along to distract your critics)
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
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Re: The Nazification of Freemmanism: Part II

Post by arayder »

Still more Nazi apologist propaganda from Robert Menard and the World Freeman Society: ... 6715549356

The complete video:
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Re: The Nazification of Freemmanism: Part II

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote:It appears that Robert Menard, the absentee land lord/Director of the World Freeman Society has yet again let go of the leash on his cite administrator's neck.

On the morning of May 1. 2016 Patrick, Menard's Nazi apologist cite administrator has posted another handful of anti-Semitic articles. See:

This isn't new territory for Menard and his minion, Patrick.

In 2013 Menard and Patrick were taken to task for their pathetic attempt to minimize Nazi anti-Semitism and mass murder. See: ... p?t=267530

Since their outing as Nazi apologists Bobby and Patty have partnered with the shamelessly xenophobic The Peoples United Community, whose TPUC Forum they have used to try to paper over their Nazi apologist philosophy.
Congratulations to Robert Menard and his site administrator, Patrick, for finally removing anti-Semitic and Nazi apologist materials from the WFS website social stream.

It is interesting to note that after saying he was unable to recognize how any posted materials were anti-Semitic, or even which posts were being pointed out, Menard managed to remove every last one of his site's anti-Semitic rants.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

impossible. he claims he doesn't know what an anti-Semite is so how would he know which comments you're talking about?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Chaos wrote:impossible. he claims he doesn't know what an anti-Semite is so how would he know which comments you're talking about?
Years ago Bobby embraced the notion that any and all divergent thinking is acceptable. After having proclaimed that one can squat on federal land, cheat restauranteurs and merchants, pretend to be a cop and impregnate drugged out 15 year olds Bobby is hardly in a position to call a minion to task for a bad idea.

Indeed Patrick, the WFS site administrator, has justified his obnoxious anti-Semitic revisionist history as just the sort of out of the box thinking his mentor, Bobby Menard, has encouraged.

One wonders what the ever manipulative Menard said and did to get his lackey, Patrick, to take down his virulent Nazi apologist propaganda.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Now booze addled Bobby is using his Facebook page to help spread the idea that the Orlando mass shooting was a "false flag" carried off by actors.

The video he mindlessly shared doesn't say exactly why the supposed conspirators carried out the claimed deception. . .the commenters to Bobby's dumb arsed crap have already started filling in that blank.

I swear. . .Bobby Menard is the biggest bag of bloated, dumb sh*t I have ever seen.

I'm calling you out, fat boy Bobby! You make me sick!

I challenge you to come here to Quatloos and use your registered and open account to explain yourself.

The clock's tickin', you big dub of lying lard!
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote:Now booze addled Bobby is using his Facebook page to help spread the idea that the Orlando mass shooting was a "false flag" carried off by actors. . . .

. . . .I challenge you to come here to Quatloos and use your registered and open account to explain yourself.
Here's Bobby's response from the safety of his Facebook page:
Dear Facebook stalker, If you do not like what I post on MY Facebook page, feel free to simply stop stalking me, and get a life. Also, if you think that you have the authority to demand an explanation and that I have any sort of duty to an anonymous coward such as yourself, or that you can 'call me out' while hiding your own identity, you may want to get your serious narcissism addressed. But I do thank you for the laughs!r:
First of all Bobby, I haven't demanded anything of you. I have challenged you to explain your shameful embrace of "false flag" theories regarding the horrific Orlando massacre. It should be pointed out that you won't explain yourself on your own Facebook page when commenters call you to task for sharing this idiotic theory!

Secondly, Bobby, you know full well that I have shared my email address with you and have offered to electronically conference with you in the presence of my attorney. It was telling that instead of responding to my attempts to give you an avenue for legal for redress of your grievance you childishly filled up my email box with gay porn.

You seem to have a problem with gay people.

Coward Clock: It has been 1 day since Robert Menard was challenged to, on the Quatloos Forum, explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

arayder wrote:
arayder wrote:Now booze addled Bobby is using his Facebook page to help spread the idea that the Orlando mass shooting was a "false flag" carried off by actors. . . .

. . . .I challenge you to come here to Quatloos and use your registered and open account to explain yourself.
Here's Bobby's response from the safety of his Facebook page:
First of all Bobby, I haven't demanded anything of you. I have challenged you to explain your shameful embrace of "false flag" theories regarding the horrific Orlando massacre. It should be pointed out that you won't explain yourself on your own Facebook page when commenters call you to task for sharing this idiotic theory!

Secondly, Bobby, you know full well that I have shared my email address with you and have offered to electronically conference with you in the presence of my attorney. It was telling that instead of responding to my attempts to give you an avenue for legal for redress of your grievance you childishly filled up my email box with gay porn.

You seem to have a problem with gay people.

Coward Clock: It has been 1 day since Robert Menard was challenged to, on the Quatloos Forum, explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
fixed that for him
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Chaos wrote: fixed that for him
Freeman lurkers need to consider why they should have faith in a nitwit who can't see through a moronic "false flag" theory.

The sad reality is Menard didn't put anymore thought into his nobody-shot-the-homos share than he did the several failed, borrowed freeman law theories he's over the years passed on as if they were his own.

I could go over Bloated Bobby's decades long list of borrowed theories that went belly up. . .but why bother? He's been screwing up since he helped a neighbor kid blow a finger off with a pipe bomb. Bobby knows what I'm talking about. His you-ain't-the-boss-of-me bravado is the same face saving, ego suaving front he's been putting up since childhood.

The sad truth is Bobby's "false flag" share is nothing more than an attempt by a life long low self esteem loser to curry the favor of the gullible.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Jeffrey »

Rob's contempt for the principles of free speech knows no bounds.

The penalty for saying stupid sh*t in public in civilized countries like Canada and the United States is that you are mocked for it.