Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

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Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Hercule Parrot »

SteveUK wrote:Every little helps.... ... eID=109311
Mr C says that Tesco Personal Finance was obliged to accept his “cheque” as payment and to seek payment itself from WeRe Bank. And he’s cited legal authority saying that a cheque is as good as cash. The courts have said a creditor should accept a cheque unless there’s good reason not to.
Poor phrasing. I assume this is a reference to the infamously misquoted Lord Denning remark, but as written here it can be read as if the Ombudsman himself is stating "The courts have said a creditor should accept a cheque unless there’s good reason not to".
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Gregg »

The courts have said a creditor should accept a cheque unless there’s good reason not to.
Someone needs to once and for all beat it into these cretin's heads that "It isn't a check, it's just made to look enough like one to fool the incredibly stupid" is a good reason not to.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Standard insane rambling from Peter of England, with some random homophobia thrown in apropos of nothing. ... 9179700768

Reproducing with comments here. Quite a long post, emphasis mine:
Decadence in all its forms -
Do you have any idea how much a trillion is?

Well, here goes...

"If from the time of the birth of Jesus, you had spent 1 million of anything, then as of today you still would NOT have manged to spend 1 trillion." [Erm... what?]


Please will someone awaken to the insanity of what passes for "governance" in this Decade of Madness!

We see yesterday that the Judiciary has decided, in its infinite Masonic, Gay Lobby Vatican Pressure Cooker wisdom, that 2 gay guys can legally be recognised as the parents of 3 babies, that surrogate mothers were paid £15,000 a piece to cook - up.

Are you kidding me?? The judge speaks of the "gay couple's rights" [ even though in court they lied about payments] but what of the rights of the child to NATURAL SELF DETERMINATION?

What about the possibility of a life of counselling required by one or all of these "babies for a while" due to intimidation and bullying and LOSS OF IDENTITY for having to explain on the play-ground (or as your "very touchy dad" rocks you to sleep of a night) why both your parents are "man man and sorta man but woman!"

So let's not forget for one minute what is happening here. Decadence, debasing of morals, sodomy city is OK and everything you were ever taught as "right and moral" is thrown on the trash heap. This is truly a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

That stuff which comes out of politicians mouths is just about to hit the fan - and it is NOT going to be pretty or smell particularly good.

This is social manipulation and engineering at its most vile, its most evil and most satanic.

Germany has no money, the FED is going to begin pumping again (LOL) - the music will stop (eventually) and those running to grab a hold of the chairs will find that there are non!

You still think that the EU is the answer to your financial woes? Think again....
"The Plan" for now is "down and down hard" until May 13th 2017, being the 100 year anniversary of the The Dispensation of the 3rd Secret of Fatima.The Return of the Mahdi should be a concern to you - ISIS is Britannia et al.
ISIS - is the worshipped goddess of the Sumerians, the Egyptians as well as The Hermetic Orders of The Golden Dawn, the Romans too as well as Ecclesiastical Free Masonry ( under various names).

Get ready for the Biblical End of Times theatre play - John Revelations
And then the comments...
David Vincent Smith: Peter i am not quite sure where ypu are going with tge gay parents write up the ' touchy feely dad' stuff but to ne it sounds like you are anti gay parenting. Maybe you care to enlighten me and elaborate a touch.
Much appreciated

Ricardo Aybar: It would take 32,000 years to count to 1 trillion..

David Vincent Smith: I have been very interested in your ideas ever since i caught you on radio 4 and have followed you with a refreshed and invigorated appetite for politics and economics however i must say this revelation on your views is way too strong for my libera,l moral and social compass to gain any sort of bearings on and if you cannot explain yourself adequately i am sorry to say but i will be deleting your profile and will pay no further interest in your posts, furthermore i shall make sure all i have praised you to will know just what i think about you in light of this statement.

Peter Of England An opinion without knowledge is worthless. As my father used to say: "Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has got one!" Now, no pun intended, really, as we move onto the subject of The Gaying up of Society, anal sex on every porn channel and many presenters on the TV being "hmmm" Gay! Its become the "fashion of the era" - but who's promoting it - and why? I have no problem with gays per se - but the EXCEPTION is not the Rule. Think about that!
Being gay is an aberration – no world religion apart from Roman Catholicism supports it. Why? Hmmmm The RC Church considered it a MORTAL SIN and the sin of sins for millenia - Fallibility of the Church or what?

Male Gays are typically promiscuous – fact
Male Gays are typically predatory and also motivated by male aggressive traits unique to "males" – {see Aids promiscuity}
Male Gays, motivated by an overriding sexual appetite and an out-of kilter-Merkabah, a conquest directive and the desire to “f***k anything that moves (see Elton and his friends} tend to be more excessive and promiscuous than heterosexuals
Gays are by definition unable to procreate

Gays are adopting “heterosexual” children – social services are aiding them – this undermines the bedrock of a “normal society”. Allowed? Hmmm

Gays are paying to parent “surrogated babies” the judiciary is aiding them - This undermines the bedrock of a “normal society”. Allowed? Hmmm

Why are morals in general decline? Whom does this serve? Universal Masonic Church Domination and the Worship of Baphomet/Lucifer. The Popes all serve This god!!!

Gays are a major force in the Vatican as “The Gay Lobby”.

Pope Francis is asking for all people to forgive the “gays” for the wrongs done unto them. But is it not the RC Church which is the cause of all their suffering?[ See Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible – the tale of the Nephilim/Annunaki Warrior from Mars who was violated and hence the city was laid to waste

Gays are intrinsically involved in homosexuality – homosexuality is not age bound. Paedophilia is directly linked to the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, Satanism, demonology and every type of perversion mentionable and all about “body/ego/me/pretty boy” identification and the Pope loves it all – FACT

Paedophilia is the gateway to Satanism and Pope Ratzinger – Pope Emeritus now, is a known Paedophile, Satanist and supporter of child abduction, Jimmy Saville and the Government Gang Bangers, as is Pope Francis “the ratter out of his own priests” to Argentinian dictators like Menem.

I could go on!
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by JamesVincent »

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, what a Charlie Foxtrot of a "human being". Is there anything he doesn't subscribe to?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Jeffrey »

Masonic, Gay Lobby Vatican
U wot?
anal sex on every porn channel
Now we know what the subscription fees are going towards. He's subscribed to all the porn channels.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by PeanutGallery »

The whole Gay men are promiscuous thing is pretty much unsubstantiated baloney. Most of the older Gay people I know are in committed long term relationships with a partner. It's not Gay men who are promiscuous, it's young men who are, regardless of their sexual preference. Peter may not have been able to be so promiscuous when he was young, after all women are choosy.

Also Gay does not, and never has, equated to Paedophile. A Paedophile can have a preference for either boys or girls. It is a separate issue and Peter is really showing his homophobic ignorance.

Of course even through all his rantings, Peter manages sometimes to hit the nail on the head I don't think anyone can argue with the statement:
Gays are intrinsically involved in homosexuality
Well duh, Peter. It's kind of their thing.

However as for his "this undermines the bedrock of a normal society" no Peter, criminality undermines society, by which I mean scammers like you. What you are doing is expressly forbidden by the ten commandments (if you want to get all biblical), but oddly "Man shall not put himself into the arse of another Man or Woman" is not one of those ten laws. But "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not bear false witness are".

In fact the bible has a lot more to say about thieves and liars than it does about homosexual relationships, and what it does say is rather archaic and often along with a big load of other rules that most Christians can't remember and certainly won't follow.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by PeanutGallery »

Jeffrey wrote:
anal sex on every porn channel
Now we know what the subscription fees are going towards. He's subscribed to all the porn channels.
Is anyone going to tell him about the free porn sites? No need to spend money on those subs Peter, you can be outraged by all the Gay sex you want, just google it.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Gregg »

A nit picky detail of just one thing he (as are many conspiracy theorists) make a mess of is the widespread lumping of Freemasons and The Vatican.
The Masons accept anyone willing to profess belief in any God, but The Catholic Church has long forbidden practicing Catholics from being Freemasons. They have The Knights of Columbus instead.

jus' sayin'
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by longdog »

More drivel from the drivelmeister...

"Gays are by definition unable to procreate"

Errr.... No... Not even close.

Gay people have been successfully procreating since the dawn of time by one method or another. For a start off very few gay people are 100% gay for 100% of their lifetime. Most of us have, at some point before we reach middle age, shagged somebody of the opposite sex and then there's AIBD, surrogacy, IVF and the good old fashioned 'helpful friend and a turkey baster' method.

I know quite a few gay couples with children and a few children of at least one gay parent.

But don't let's worry about the truth or common sense when Peter 'Mr Morality' of England is holding forth.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

Gays have also been having children the old fashioned way as well, since the dawn of time, the old saw of "close your eyes and think of England", doesn't just apply to women.

The Pustulance is once again WRONG, big surprise there I know.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

PoE wrote:
anal sex on every porn channel
How would you know that, Petey Boy?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Bones »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:PoE wrote:
anal sex on every porn channel
How would you know that, Petey Boy?
I wonder if something happened to him in his early Army days to make him so anti gay ? It is 2016... I thought Re-movement was for everyone :brickwall:
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by JamesVincent »

I wonder who said anal was limited to homosexuals?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Bones »

JamesVincent wrote:I wonder who said anal was limited to homosexuals?
An ex girlfriend told me that once :cry:
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

When you're eating a sliced-shit sandwich and manage to convince yourself it's rib-eye steak:

(from the German FB page):
Hey there everybody. Today morning I visited my bailiffs. :D that was fun! :D :D first I have to give him a flnl the were-bank presented to pay my debt. (you don't owe) the he looked interested but then he told me that he may not accept. He can only take cash. My part of further statements because of commitments received etc have nothing. Then I asked him to confirm to me that he refused the adoption. And from there it is then become funny :D :D in short he refused to accept my payment, but has also refused to me to confirm the refusal. Fortunately, I've taken everything. He didn't quite work out that I have recorded the conversation. And finally, I gave him a goodwill message. Somehow I had the impression that he already knew that. :) man, he's pissed off. I was about to call the police. Get rid of him the goodwill message again, mail, etc, enrolled so he can't talk your way out. I'm excited to see how it goes on :)
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by NOACROSS »

Hi- I have never joined a forum and don't even have a Book Face account, but I felt I had to as I've been reading this thread and the last few, (trying to get my head around the insanity- and I must admit, a fair few giggles have arisen as it has been quite entertaining reading) after:

A 'customer' attempted to purchase a car from my dealership with a WeRe Stupid cheque, and I thought you might be interested in hearing the story:

Let's call him 'Tom Tiger' came in on a very rainy day and purchased a car without driving it or even looking for a discount (always a sign of insanity) and said to my salesman 'do you take cheques?'.
Salesman replied ' yes but we obviously have to clear them first'.
When Tom left we looked up the 'Bank' as it was new one on us, but we've always been taught to give people the benefit of the doubt etc.but I soon realised it was a scam, and/or the guy was of limited intelligence.

We rang him immediately to say that we weren't going to bank the 'worthless piece of paper' and suggested he pay by alternative means. He very quickly became all 'pseudo-legal' and rambling about Promissory Notes and all the stuff you've heard before by the sounds, and that we were breaking the law by not accepting it and therefore we had refused to agree settle the debt etc.

Cutting a long story boring and all that, he has been an absolute menace, phoning, being passive aggressive and issuing veiled threats of impending doom, and that HE was FROM WeRe Bank and they were cheques etc; as well as saying he was going to contact the police as I had not accepted payment and I had not replied to his high-pressure (templated) letter campaign that he'd obviously been supplied from PoE. He also has left (out of hours) a couple of 'un-addressed' 'WeRe Bank Sealed' thick with content A5 brown envelopes that I didn't open.

Interestingly, on the day of 'purchase' he left some papers by mistake from when (I guess) he joined 'WeRe Stupid' that are quite funny, including general ramblings that say things like 'I AM LEGAL TENDER, and THE GAME IS FINALLY UP AND THE LIE NOW FULLY EXPOSED. THE KNOWLEDGE IN THIS DOCUMENT IS ALL YOU WILL EVER NEED TO ENABLE YOU TO WALK FREE!...'
There's clearly the knowledge supplied to him from WeRe Stupid that they won't work and all the information and paperwork to fight it are given to the new member. As I'm fairly tecno-inept I can't seem to see how to ad them here for you to see, but I guess others have posted them previously?

Anyway, I reported him to Hampshire Constabulary and Action Fraud and they are both investigating and asked me to forward all his papers and ramblings to them. They seemed to take it very seriously and have been chasing me so they can deal with him, as in my view, this shows intent to defraud or at the very least to get goods by deception etc. a point of view the police seemed more than in agreement with.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by PeanutGallery »

Welcome NOACROSS, I'm not sure what the documents are, but I would wager it might be a print out of one of the many WeRe bank websites Peter has put up. I am pleased that the police are investigating, simply because it might lead to some more attention and pressure on them to go after Peter as well as the attempted purchaser.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

The idjit did attempt to commit fraud whether he acknowledges it or not, about time the authorities got involved.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by NOACROSS »

Here's a 'clipped to protect the not necessarily innocent' copy of the last correspondence from The police:

Hampshire Constabulary
Resolution Centre
xxxxx Central Police Station
xxxxx Road


Please refrain from engaging in any further communication with the male. If he makes contact regarding the envelopes again, you can tell him that they have been forwarded on to the Police should you wish.

If the male attends the garage, as discussed, make contact with us on 101 or 999 if you are at risk, quoting the Police Ref xxxxxxx and advise Police that the male has used an article for use in fraud and is on the premises.

Please ensure that all staff members are aware of this, and take necessary precautions ref staff working alone etc if you are concerned that he may attend and cause problems.

I also ask that you report this to Action Fraud which is the UK's national fraud reporting centre. This can be done on line at by following the links. This report will ensure that the relevant intelligence links can be made.

Please could you email me the reference number issued to you at the end of the report so that I can add it to the incident. If you have any problems doing this or are unable to do so, let me know and we can go through it together.

Once this has been done, and I have the paperwork, I can forward this on for further investigation. At this time we are looking to progress it as an attempt fraud by misrepresentation.

Can I confirm that you would be willing to support Police in any formal action, should the investigation reach this stage?

Kind regards,
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by littleFred »

Excellent, NOACROSS. The comment about "willing to support Police in any formal action" would include a possible trial, at which you could be a witness. I hope you would be willing to do this.

If suckers (I mean, "customers" of WeRe Bank) are successfully prosecuted in UK courts for fraud, there is then a better chance of Peter being charged under Fraud Act 2006 s7 Making or supplying articles for use in frauds.