AndyPandy wrote:arayder wrote:In this case Sue went along with the woo which only encouraged Tom. One has to figure there's somebody in the extended family who is wondering what is wrong with Tom and Sue.
I think the answer to that is that Sue was the one who cancelled the original endowment policy, for what reason.... I doubt we'll ever know, my guess is money was tight, she thought it was some type of insurance that wasn't important and cancelled the standing order.
If she doesn't support Tom in his 'the banks stole our home' she'd have to admit it was the blundering mistake she made that eventually lost them their home !
Neither one of them are strong enough personalities to admit their past mistakes and thereby, move on with their lives.
That's a good point. I had forgotten that she was in on the original mistake.
Sometimes couples are stronger together than they are as individuals. Sometimes it takes a supportive spouse to help one of the partners admit a mistake, like screwing up the mortgage payments.
It may be difficult in the dark 3 am of the soul to admit that you have put your family at risk of homelessness. But we see what kidding yourself can get you. . . a lost home and all the insanity that goes with the getoutofdebt lifestyle.
Tommy should have been a man and worked a few extra hours, or a few more years. With the kids gone he could have sold the equity in the house and moved to an apartment. He could have done without vacations, maybe driven to Cornwall for long weekends.
If Tommy had been a real man he'd be in a better place right now.